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[Camp] Six days in Fallujah

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Assault: no problem, it doesn't prevent the mission from going on, that's the important thing. Do you know any ai driving mod? I tried Zeus, ASR and SLX but didn't see any driving changes...

Counter Sniping: you're right, it would be unrealistic...then you could leave it as it is. Or is there any chance to make him report distances, like in PMC mission in the Proving Grounds?

Hostel: ehm you know...I am terrible at aiming from a moving vehicle, especially if it's a chopper! :D

Just my thoughts? It's very good, I love this kind of campaigns where you are a subordinate infantryman, then a spec ops leader, then a chopper gunner...Personally I find campaigns where all missions have the same structure boring, this is varied and much more interesting.

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Its great campaign the only negative is that I get 30-35 fps so far and I played two missions. Do you guys get more in FPS?

Thank you Wiki for your great missions :)

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Hey, liking the campaign so far but mission 2....is it supposed to be so long?

I'm at the bit where we protect the damaged abrams until reinforcements arrive but ive been here for about an hour fighting wave after wave of enemys and it just seems to keep going and i wasnt sure if it was meant to be like this or if there is some kind of bug or im doing something myself wrong because to be honest its starting to get a bit tedious.

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the trigger should be activated when your team leader is near the abrams. if he ain't there, it won't active.

i've changed it in the new version (not posted yet).

however, if you wanna end this mission, juste use the endmission code. i think there is a little bug that I will correct

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I cant endmission as i dont have any numpad buttons on my laptop, ill just wait for new version no biggie.

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use the armaholic link in this case

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That countersniper mission was a great concept, as folgore rightly said, i dont think I have ever played anything like it in a mission ever before. Im still going through the rest of the campaign man.

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for the moment, the end trigger of mission 2 doesn't activate.

you gotta use the "endmission" cheat to finish it.

it will be fixed in the next release (version 1.0)

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Great to see version 1.0 is released, thanks Wiki! Will play it immediately!

Is this "definitive", I mean will there be more missions in the future?

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well, the campaign was supposed to have a JTAC mission, but I haven't done it yet - even not begun creating it.

i don't know if i will be motivated to make it or not, so maybe i'll add one or two more mission in the future, but not for tomorrow ;)

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Hey Wiki, I've reached the Counter Sniping mission and am really enjoying the campaign so far. Just wondering, I start the game in Counter Sniping with a regular silenced rifle and aim dot scope, looked around for a proper sniper rifle but didn't find one. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

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for the counter sniping mission, you can change your weapon during the briefing.

go to the "unit" menu, then click on your name and change your gear.

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you're welcome.

let me know if you encounter other problem.

hope you'll enjoy the rest of the campaign!

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Hi Wiki, is the campaign compatible with ACE ?

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dunno, I don't play with ACE.

you can try though, but you may encounter some problem/erros/bug due to ACE

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looks very interesting and i see some positive feedback. gonna try it out and see if it works with ace.

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I can't blow up the barricade across the road just as you come into Fallujah in one of the missions. I put down satchels at the waypoint at the barricade, trigger them and nothing happens. Get more satchels from the Bradley, put them down on the pile of rubble next to the waypoint, trigger them, still nothing. Played on without that clear barricade task completed. Didn't affect the rest of the mission.

Awesome campaign! I love the look and feel. Fallujah is by far the ultimate urban combat zone for Arma2. Great work. I can't wait for missions 6 and 7.

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thank you MissionCreep

as for your problem with the barricades, maybe it's just because you don't put them at the right place:

4 charges should be enough to blow up the barricades.

Left from right: you must destroy barricades 1 to 4.

however, glad you enjoyed it.

fot the moment, i'm not really into making missions 6 and 7 (but they will come to life sooner or later).

I'm currently updating all my work, and it takes time so...


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I'm playing this campaign and it's great. You went for authenticity rather than action, and I love this.

If you ever decide to pick up this campaing for further developement, could you add spotter script to mission 2, so my spotter would give distance to target when aiming at something?

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.................could you add spotter script to mission 2, so my spotter would give distance to target when aiming at something?

Could you give the link to that? It sounds interesting. Never knew there was one and also, it may help Wiki find it as well.

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It's vanilla game script included in One Shot One Kill single mission.

_sniper = _this select 0;
_spotter = _this select 1;

_spotter kbaddtopic ["BIS_distanceReport","kb\distanceReport.bikb",""];
_sniper kbaddtopic ["BIS_distanceReport","kb\distanceReport.bikb",""];

_numberToString = {
_number = _this;
_result = switch _number do {
	case 0: {"zero2"};
	case 1: {"one2"};
	case 2: {"two2"};
	case 3: {"three2"};
	case 4: {"four2"};
	case 5: {"five2"};
	case 6: {"six2"};
	case 7: {"seven2"};
	case 8: {"eight2"};
	case 9: {"nine2"};
	default {"zero2"};

_teamDistanceMax = 50;
_dis = 0;

while {alive _sniper && alive _spotter} do {
if (player == _sniper) then {
	if (cameraview == "GUNNER") then {
		if (_sniper distance _spotter < _teamDistanceMax) then {
			if !(isnull leader cursortarget) then {
				_disTemp = _sniper distance cursortarget;
				_disRel = abs (_dis - _disTemp);
				if (_disRel > 50) then {
					//_disText = (round (_disTemp / 100)) * 100;
					_disText = round _disTemp;
					_disText0001 = (_disText % 10);
					_disText0010 = (_disText % 100 - _disText0001);
					_disText0100 = (_disText % 1000 - _disText0001 - _disText0010);
					_disText1000 = (_disText - _disText0100 - _disText0001 - _disText0010);
					_disText0001 = _disText0001 / 0001;
					_disText0010 = _disText0010 / 0010;
					_disText0100 = _disText0100 / 0100;
					_disText1000 = _disText1000 / 1000;

					_speechArray = [];
					if (_disText >= 1000) then {_speechArray = _speechArray + [_disText1000 call _numberToString]};
					if (_disText >= 0100) then {_speechArray = _speechArray + [_disText0100 call _numberToString]};
					if (_disText >= 0010) then {_speechArray = _speechArray + [_disText0010 call _numberToString]};
					if (_disText >= 0001) then {_speechArray = _speechArray + [_disText0001 call _numberToString]};
					_speechArray = _speechArray + ["Meters"];

					_sentence = [_sniper,"BIS_distanceReport","distanceReport",["Dist",{},str _disText + " " + localize "str_ep1_wordmeters",_speechArray]];
					_spotter kbtell _sentence;
				_dis = _disTemp;
sleep 1;

Unfortunately my knowledge of scripting is close to none, or I would have convert it myself.

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