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I suppose the front of the hull, the side skirts and tracks could do with a few more smudges of mud like in the first picture. The turret looks good the way it is in the second one.

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I love the dirty look, I prefer it over the cleaner one :)

Very good work, STGN

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Last dirt work for now, mixed the two but leaned more to the dirty side. Heres a top view from looking at pictures the flat top of the abrams is the first to accumulate the most dirt so those are dirtiere than the sides, turret less dirty than hull. I chose the dirt color from the one on the BIS M113 as I thougt it might fit in better. I added the carateristic side scratches from fauna etc. to the skirts:



But I "hosed" it down again to focus on other details:)



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You should up the dirt at the bottom half of the hull - while the turret should be relatively clean.

And you gotta make a desert and winter (winter Kolgujev!) skins after this :>

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Pics of what you want or GTFO;) No seriously you want more dirt on the hull and less on the turret? its gonna look like its just driven through a mud hole after it drove of base?


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Well I don't want that much of a dirt

What I mean is in a woodland area turret shouldn't get dirty with dust/sand, however the bottom certainly will

Here's a screenshot from Steel Beasts Pro


And here's reality


(it's hard to find a good photo with M1A1 getting dirty after operating in a woodland area)

As you can see there's some dirt over the tracks but the top of a tank is relatively clean since it's no desert where the tank can kick up a lot of dust.

Edited by metalcraze

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Heres the tank with half dirt turret and a full dirt hull.


Its not bad but its a little off I think.


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Yeah.I think it's looking very good.If you throw in a plane with an alpha channel,for the center guides,

you could call that a done deal. :)

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Thanks for all the nice comments guys!


Center guides? not sure what your are referring too?


Edited by STGN

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Oh right, Yeah I am still not sure how I want to do the side textures for the track so I am holding back with finishing it.


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Nothing to show yet.


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Currently in blender:


Same texture tested on old in game model:


Mostly working on texture details and trying to figure out the dimensions of the interior at the moment.


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Looking good! Not too much dirt, not too little :)

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A little update:)


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Don't worry, there will be progress. STGN got some detailed interior pics from me, so he is probably now working on the interior details.

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So a little update here is the outside:


Here is the start of the inside:


Making the interior accurately is a slow process most of the time.


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I bet the interior will also be astonishing... :)

What is that green strip around the turret for?


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What is that green strip around the turret for?

This is the most common place where some of the MILES training equipment is installed, there is attached a stripe with laser detectors. So sometimes when MILES equipment is removed after advanced training sessions, there is left a mark where the stripe with laser detectors was installed.

BTW STGN, can we expect more variants than M1A1? I mean mostly the more modern ones like M1A1SA or M1A2SEP?

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