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First "Community Patch"

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Perhaps it's a little immature to call it a "patch", but after doing alot of tweaking and testing, and with alot of help from community members like leftskidlow, heli_flying, dirtydeeds(ziggy) and others, I have been able to get the Light variant to be very "plausible". I would say there are still quite a few things I would like to improve on, but alot of people are asking me for my current tweaks. I figure, if I can get this out there then everyone can see for themselves what is possible by tweaking the FD. As things improve, more updates can be posted.

So with that said, this by no means is a "total fix" for some of the issues that us pilots are seeing, but I feel good enough about the flight model now that I could call it somewhat "authentic".

Here's a list of what is improved:

Control lag removed

pedal responsiveness improved

ground effect reduced

lower collective range increased for better descent rates/ quickstops.

Helicopter no longer feels "light on the skids" when on the ground with full down collective.

Here's what I would still like to see fixed:

Faster rate of roll/pitch/yaw (theres no lag now, but it does not respond as fast as I would like)

More realistic engine and torque performance (b101_uk has had a breakthrough in this area, though I have not seen the results yet)

Strange right roll tendencies that occur in a right bank with collective input changes (I still don't know what is causing this, but I know it's not realistic because it is keeping me from executing manuevers I have done in real helicopters).

Anyone with any improvements they would like to add to this, or have viable, constructive suggestions to make this better, please share.

Check the "spoiler" for the new .XML. For the newbies who don't know what to do with this, please read this thread for instructions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=126795



[1] Technical Description.pdf

[2] Wikipedia

[3] Field manual

[4] Technical manual

[5] Blueprints


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<GenHeli600 version="1.0">

<!-- Estimation

Calculated after the ration R_mass = (empty weight of dauphin) / (empty weight of MD500) ratio = (2271)/(722) = 3.1454293629.

Ixx = 11000/R_Mass = 3497

Iyy = 2704/R_Mass = 859

Ixx = 9900/R_Mass = 3147


<MomentsOfInertia Ixx="3497" Iyy="859" Izz="3147"/>


Empty Weight=722 kg

Max Takeoff Weight=1610 kg

Any value between empty weight and max takeoff weight is valid.


<Mass mass="722"/>

<Fuselage rotationalResistance="100" >

<MainRotorDownwash scale="0.5">

<Low_a1 a1 ="-6">

0 1.4958

10.0000 1.4955

20.0000 1.4939

30.0000 1.4881

40.0000 1.4694

50.0000 1.4149

60.0000 1.2801

70.0000 1.0072

80.0000 0.5652

90.0000 0.0000


<Medium_a1 a1 ="0" scale="0.5">

0 1.4958

10.0000 1.4955

20.0000 1.4939

30.0000 1.4881

40.0000 1.4694

50.0000 1.4149

60.0000 1.2801

70.0000 1.0072

80.0000 0.5652

90.0000 0.0000


<High_a1 a1 ="6" scale="0.5">

0 1.4958

10.0000 1.4955

20.0000 1.4939

30.0000 1.4881

40.0000 1.4694

50.0000 1.4149

60.0000 1.2801

70.0000 1.0072

80.0000 0.5652

90.0000 0.0000



<MainRotorInplanewash scale="0.5">

<Low_a1 a1 ="-6">

0 0.1124

10.0000 0.1125

20.0000 0.1127

30.0000 0.1138

40.0000 0.1176

50.0000 0.1333

60.0000 0.2000

70.0000 0.4472

80.0000 1.0415

90.0000 1.5000


<Medium_a1 a1 ="0" scale="0.5">

0 0.1124

10.0000 0.1125

20.0000 0.1127

30.0000 0.1138

40.0000 0.1176

50.0000 0.1333

60.0000 0.2000

70.0000 0.4472

80.0000 1.0415

90.0000 1.5000


<High_a1 a1 ="6" scale="0.5">

0 0.1124

10.0000 0.1125

20.0000 0.1127

30.0000 0.1138

40.0000 0.1176

50.0000 0.1333

60.0000 0.2000

70.0000 0.4472

80.0000 1.0415

90.0000 1.5000



<LiftDueToAoA scale="0.1">

-180.0000 -0.0001

-170.0000 0.4658

-160.0000 0.9087

-150.0000 2.7566

-140.0000 4.1489

-130.0000 4.9260

-120.0000 4.9619

-110.0000 3.3846

-100.0000 1.7154

-90.0000 -0.0005

-80.0000 -1.7144

-70.0000 -3.3820

-60.0000 -4.9578

-50.0000 -4.9208

-40.0000 -4.1432

-30.0000 -2.7511

-20.0000 -0.5829

-18.0000 -0.5107

-16.0000 -0.4336

-14.0000 -0.3544

-12.0000 -0.2757

-10.0000 -0.1996

-8.0000 -0.1278

-6.0000 -0.0620

-4.0000 -0.0034

-2.0000 0.0474

0 0.0898

2.0000 0.1237

4.0000 0.1492

6.0000 0.1671

8.0000 0.1781

10.0000 0.1835

12.0000 0.1848

14.0000 0.1839

16.0000 0.1829

18.0000 0.1843

20.0000 0.1907

30.0000 -0.0001

40.0000 0.4658

50.0000 0.9087

60.0000 2.7566

70.0000 4.1489

80.0000 4.9260

90.0000 4.9619

100.0000 3.3846

110.0000 1.7154

120.0000 -0.0005

130.0000 -1.7144

140.0000 -3.3820

150.0000 -4.9578

160.0000 -4.9208

170.0000 -4.1432

180.0000 -2.7511


<SideForceDueToSideslip scale="0.1">

-180.0000 0

-171.4977 0.3326

-154.4931 0.8516

-130.4378 1.4803

-100.5760 1.9598

-79.4240 2.0621

-63.6636 2.0724

-48.7327 2.0314

-30.4839 1.7361

-20.0000 1.3702

-18.0000 1.2471

-16.0000 1.1193

-14.0000 0.9873

-12.0000 0.8515

-10.0000 0.7125

-8.0000 0.5708

-6.0000 0.4269

-4.0000 0.2815

-2.0000 0.1349

0 -0.0121

2.0000 -0.1592

4.0000 -0.3057

6.0000 -0.4511

8.0000 -0.5949

10.0000 -0.7365

12.0000 -0.8755

14.0000 -1.0111

16.0000 -1.1431

18.0000 -1.2708

20.0000 -1.3937

30.4839 -1.7361

48.7327 -2.0314

63.6636 -2.0724

79.4240 -2.0621

100.5760 -1.9598

130.4378 -1.4803

154.4931 -0.8516

171.4977 -0.3326

180.0000 0


<DragDueToAoA scale="0.1">

-180.0000 0.8000

-170.0000 0.8133

-160.0000 1.0119

-150.0000 2.2253

-140.0000 4.0787

-130.0000 6.4404

-120.0000 9.1441

-110.0000 9.8355

-100.0000 10.2580

-90.0000 10.4000

-80.0000 10.2581

-70.0000 9.8365

-60.0000 9.1465

-50.0000 6.4448

-40.0000 4.0856

-30.0000 2.2349

-20.0000 1.3727

-18.0000 1.2424

-16.0000 1.1396

-14.0000 1.0621

-12.0000 1.0077

-10.0000 0.9740

-8.0000 0.9582

-6.0000 0.9578

-4.0000 0.9700

-2.0000 0.9918

0 1.0203

2.0000 1.0528

4.0000 1.0862

6.0000 1.1179

8.0000 1.1450

10.0000 1.1650

12.0000 1.1754

14.0000 1.1739

16.0000 1.1583

18.0000 1.1268

20.0000 1.0776

30.0000 0.8000

40.0000 0.8133

50.0000 1.0119

60.0000 2.2253

70.0000 4.0787

80.0000 6.4404

90.0000 9.1441

100.0000 9.8355

110.0000 10.2580

120.0000 10.4000

130.0000 10.2581

140.0000 9.8365

150.0000 9.1465

160.0000 6.4448

170.0000 4.0856

180.0000 2.2349


<PitchingMomentDueToAoA scale="0.1" >

-180.0000 -7.9390

-170.7661 -7.7714

-162.7016 -6.7996

-158.2661 -5.7272

-138.5081 6.8733

-130.4435 10.3251

-126.0081 11.0958

-118.7500 11.5315

-109.4758 11.7661

-99.7984 11.5315

-94.5565 10.8613

-65.5242 -6.6655

-60.0000 -7.7275

-51.8145 -8.2071

-39.7177 -8.3412

-30.8468 -8.1401

-20.0000 -7.7275

-18.0000 -7.3963

-16.0000 -7.0066

-14.0000 -6.5610

-12.0000 -6.0621

-10.0000 -5.5124

-8.0000 -4.9147

-6.0000 -4.2714

-4.0000 -3.5852

-2.0000 -2.8587

0 -2.0944

2.0000 -1.2951

4.0000 -0.4632

6.0000 0.3986

8.0000 1.2877

10.0000 2.2016

12.0000 3.1376

14.0000 4.0931

16.0000 5.0655

18.0000 6.0522

20.0000 7.0507

23.9919 8.5824

31.2500 9.8559

42.9435 11.0958

56.2500 11.4645

70.7661 11.6320

85.2823 11.5650

102.6210 11.0288

116.7339 9.8224

126.8145 7.9792

141.3306 4.4269

150.6048 1.3773

157.8629 -1.3036

163.1048 -3.6830

168.7500 -6.5650

172.3790 -7.6709

180.0000 -7.9390


<YawingMomentDueToSideslip scale="0.1" >

-180.0000 0

-170.0000 -4.0856

-159.9496 -6.8499

-145.2520 -9.5845

-133.8206 -9.8794

-123.1149 -9.6113

-111.8649 -7.9491

-100.2520 -4.8291

-88.9631 -1.1184

-78.5945 2.1930

-66.5668 5.0658

-53.8004 7.5302

-45.0907 8.9779

-38.7788 9.1447

-32.1429 8.7500

-25.5069 7.5029

-20.0000 6.1514

-18.0000 5.5362

-16.0000 4.9211

-14.0000 4.3060

-12.0000 3.6908

-10.0000 3.0757

-8.0000 2.4606

-6.0000 1.8454

-4.0000 1.2303

-2.0000 0.6151

0 0

2.0000 -0.6151

4.0000 -1.2303

6.0000 -1.8454

8.0000 -2.4606

10.0000 -3.0757

12.0000 -3.6908

14.0000 -4.3060

16.0000 -4.9211

18.0000 -5.5362

20.0000 -6.1514

25.5069 -7.5029

32.1429 -8.7500

38.7788 -9.1447

45.0907 -8.9779

53.8004 -7.5302

66.5668 -5.0658

78.5945 -2.1930

88.9631 1.1184

100.2520 4.8291

111.8649 7.9491

123.1149 9.6113

133.8206 9.8794

145.2520 9.5845

159.9496 6.8499

170.0000 4.0856

180.0000 0




<Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine">

<DebugInfo printDebugInfo="false" />

<General inertia="5" />

<Performance maxPower="270" maxTorque="1000" rotationResistance="0.000009"/>

<ControllerParams P="0.5" I="1.5" D="0.0" offset="150" targetRPM="5000" />




<DriveTrain type="GenericDriveTrain">

<GearBox gearRatios="1" reverseGearRatio="1" />

<Clutch maxClutchTorque="5000" />

<Engine index="0" />

<Load name="MainRotor" gearRatio="10.7" />

<Load name="TailRotor" gearRatio="1.739" />




<FCSComponent type="FCSAutoHoverTOH">

<YawController P="0.0" D="0"/>

<PitchController P="0.15" D="0.05"/>

<RollController P="0.15" D="0.05"/>


<FCSComponent type="FCSHelicopterAutoTrim100" >

<YawRateAndSideslipController printDebugInfo="false">

<YawRatePID P="0.18" I="0.02" D="0.0" offset="0.0" integralMin="-50" integralMax="50" />

<SideslipPID P="0.1" I="0.02" D="0.002" offset="0.0" integralMin="-50" integralMax="50" />

<Transition speedLow="10" speedHigh="20" />

<Maximums maxYawRate="30" maxSideslip="30" />

<InputMapping nonlinearity="1" />


<PitchRateController printDebugInfo="false">

<PID P="0.02" I="0.04" D="0.001" offset="0.0" integralMin="-25" integralMax="25" />

<MaxPitchRate maxPitchRate="35" />

<InputMapping nonlinearity="1.5" />


<RollRateController printDebugInfo="false">

<PID P="0.02" I="0.04" D="0.001" offset="0.0" integralMin="-25" integralMax="25" />

<MaxRollRate maxRollRate="70" />

<InputMapping nonlinearity="1.5" />



<FCSComponent type="FCSRotationDamper">

<YawController P="1" D="0"/>

<PitchController P="1.0" D="0"/>

<RollController P="0.2" D="0.00"/>




<Rotor type="FGRotorBladeElementTheory">

<ModelConfiguration updateSubstepCount="360" />

<InfoPrint printControlInputs="false" printFlappingInfo="false" printOmega="false" />


<Position x="0.0" y="0.260" z="0.8720" />

<Tilt lateralTilt="0.0" longitudinalTilt="0" />

<Blades radius="4.165" chord="0.171" count="5" hingeOffset="0.128" flappingHingeLowerLimit="-5" flappingHingeHigherLimit="10" />

<Rotation clockwise="false" />


<MechanicalFeatures Ir="355" Ib="71" maxBrakeTorque="500" />


<DesignRPM rpm="695"/>

<Blades twist="-9">


0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.0

-180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

-176 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133

-168 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725

-160 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665

-152 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875

-144 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525

-136 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225

-128 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925

-120 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625

-112 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325

-104 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025

-96 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725

-88 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575

-80 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875

-72 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175

-64 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475

-56 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775

-48 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075

-40 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375

-32 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675

-28 -0.996 -0.955 -0.946 -0.93 -0.918 -0.918

-24 -0.988 -0.962 -0.938 -0.89 -0.854 -0.854

-20 -0.98 -0.966 -0.93 -0.85 -0.79 -0.79

-16 -0.972 -0.970 -0.922 -0.81 -0.726 -0.726

-12 -0.724 -0.535 -0.66 -0.79 -0.662 -0.662

-8 -0.19 -0.3 -0.55 -0.75 -0.62 -0.62

-4 -0.45 -0.42 -0.47 -0.47 -0.425 -0.425

0 0.03 0.05 0.075 0.08 -0.05 -0.05

4 0.46 0.510 0.613 0.56 0.45 0.45

8 0.89 0.98 0.915 0.810 0.8 0.8

12 1.25 1.13 1.0 0.845 0.865 0.865

16 0.98 0.96 1.08 0.86 0.895 0.895

20 0.9856 0.9714 1.053 0.9 0.925 0.925

24 0.9912 0.9828 1.031 0.94 0.955 0.955

28 0.997 0.9942 1.01 0.98 0.985 0.985

32 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675

40 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375

48 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075

56 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775

64 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475

72 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175

80 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875

88 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575

96 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725

104 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025

112 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325

120 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625

128 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925

136 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225

144 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525

152 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875

160 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665

168 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725

176 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133

180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


<DragCoefficient >

0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.0

-180 0 0 0 0 0 0

-176 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733

-168 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995

-160 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84

-152 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68

-144 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825

-136 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762

-128 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712

-120 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662

-112 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561

-104 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76

-96 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952

-88 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079

-80 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086

-72 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005

-64 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826

-56 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554

-48 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262

-40 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725

-32 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975

-28 0.562 0.57 0.578 0.593 0.601 0.601

-24 0.417 0.448 0.469 0.52 0.543 0.543

-20 0.267 0.33 0.361 0.44 0.486 0.486

-16 0.12 0.208 0.285 0.364 0.428 0.428

-12 0.018 0.022 0.191 0.29 0.37 0.37

-8 0.008 0.009 0.07 0.16 0.248 0.248

-4 0.0075 0.008 0.0125 0.065 0.152 0.152

0 0.0075 0.008 0.008 0.017 0.09 0.09

4 0.0085 0.0085 0.011 0.09 0.1525 0.1525

8 0.011 0.014 0.073 0.17 0.249 0.249

12 0.026 0.098 0.179 0.285 0.37 0.37

16 0.23 0.23 0.283 0.361 0.428 0.428

20 0.345 0.345 0.358 0.435 0.486 0.486

24 0.455 0.455 0.467 0.508 0.543 0.543

28 0.56 0.56 0.576 0.583 0.601 0.601

32 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975

40 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725

48 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625

56 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554

64 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826

72 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005

80 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086

88 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079

96 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525

104 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76

112 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612

120 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366

128 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171

136 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976

144 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825

152 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68

160 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84

168 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996

176 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733

180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0



<Controls A1UL="6.5" A1LL="-6.5" B1UL="13" B1LL="-13.0" thetaLL="6" thetaUL="17.3" useExtendedCollectiveRange="false" />



<Rotor type="FGRotorMomentumTheory">


<Position x="-0.1" y="-4.9460" z="-0.0080"/>

<Tilt lateralTilt="-90.0" longitudinalTilt="0.0" />

<Blades radius="0.71" chord="0.050" count="2" hingeOffset="0.0" />

<Delta3 angle="0" />


<MechanicalFeatures Ir="0.35" Ib="0.027"/>


<GroundEffect magnitude="0.1" />

<DesignRPM rpm="2874"/>

<Blades liftCurveSlope="0.11" zeroLiftDragCoefficient="0.007" twist="-9.4" />

<Controls A1UL="0" A1LL="0" B1UL="0" B1LL="0" thetaLL="50" thetaUL="-50" useExtendedCollectiveRange="true"/>

<Power inducedPowerCorrectionFactor="1.05" />



-1000 0.91

-30 0.91

-25 0.80

-20 0.72

-15 0.65

-10 0.60

-5 0.58

0 0.56

5 0.58

10 0.60

15 0.65

20 0.72

25 0.80

30 0.91

1000 0.91




<Low_a1 a1 ="-6">

-1000 0

0 0

10 -0.17

20 0.043

30 0.26

40 0.464

50 0.69

60 0.89

70 1.12

80 1.33

90 0.69

100 0

1000 0.86


<Medium_a1 a1 ="0">

-1000 0

0 -0.34

10 -0.52

20 -0.17

30 0.10

40 0.31

50 0.52

60 0.71

70 0.91

80 1.12

90 0.57

100 0

1000 0


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0 -0.48

10 -0.69

20 -0.64

30 -0.27

40 0.03

50 0.27

60 0.52

70 0.74

80 0.96

90 0.46

100 0




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0 -0.12

10 0.71

20 1.60

30 1.62

40 1.66

50 1.67

60 1.67

70 1.73

80 1.50

90 1.26

100 1.01

1000 1.01


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0 0.36

10 0.84

20 1.64

30 1.70

40 1.76

50 1.82

60 1.85

70 1.90

80 1.68

90 1.44

100 1.20

1000 1.20


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0 0.69

10 1.21

20 1.70

30 1.76

40 1.83

50 1.90

60 1.97

70 2.03

80 1.92

90 1.74

100 1.39

1000 1.39









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-10 0.71

-5 0.71

0 0.71

5 0.71

10 0.71

15 0.76

20 0.85

25 0.93

30 0.93

1000 0.93




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0 0

10 -0.18

20 0.04

30 0.26

40 0.47

50 0.70

60 0.91

70 1.14

80 1.36

90 0.70

100 0

1000 0


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20 -0.18

30 0.11

40 0.32

50 0.53

60 0.73

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10 -0.70

20 -0.65

30 -0.28

40 0.03

50 0.28

60 0.53

70 0.76

80 0.99

90 0.47

100 0

1000 0




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0 -0.12

10 0.74

20 1.66

30 1.67

40 1.71

50 1.73

60 1.76

70 1.78

80 1.55

90 1.30

100 1.05

1000 1.05


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0 0.37

10 0.86

20 1.69

30 1.76

40 1.82

50 1.88

60 1.91

70 1.97

80 1.74

90 1.49

100 1.24

1000 1.24


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0 0.72

10 1.25

20 1.76

30 1.82

40 1.89

50 1.97

60 2.03

70 2.10

80 1.99

90 1.80

100 1.43

1000 1.43



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-120 0.61

-110 0.46

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-90 0

-80 -0.24

-70 -0.46

-60 -0.61

-50 -0.69

-40 -0.69

-30 -0.61

0 0

30 0.61

40 0.69

50 0.69

60 0.61

70 0.46

80 0.24

90 0

100 -0.24

110 -0.46

120 -0.61

130 -0.69

140 -0.69

150 -0.61

180 0

1000 0


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-140 0.42

-130 0.56

-120 0.71

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-100 0.93

-90 0.96

-80 0.93

-70 0.84

-60 0.71

-50 0.56

-40 0.42

0 0.008

40 0.42

50 0.56

60 0.71

70 0.84

80 0.93

90 0.96

100 0.93

110 0.84

120 0.71

130 0.56

140 0.42

180 0.0

1000 0.0




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-15 0.68

-10 0.63

-5 0.61

0 0.59

5 0.61

10 0.63

15 0.68

20 0.75

25 0.84

30 0.95

1000 0.95




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0 0

10 -0.18

20 0.04

30 0.27

40 0.49

50 0.73

60 0.95

70 1.18

80 1.41

90 0.73

100 0

1000 0


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0 -0.36

10 -0.55

20 -0.18

30 0.11

40 0.33

50 0.55

60 0.75

70 0.96

80 1.18

90 0.60

100 0


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0 -0.51

10 -0.73

20 -0.67

30 -0.29

40 0.04

50 0.29

60 0.55

70 0.78

80 1.02

90 0.49

100 0

1000 0




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-1000 -0.12

0 -0.12

10 0.74

20 1.67

30 1.69

40 1.73

50 1.75

60 1.78

70 1.80

80 1.57

90 1.32

100 1.06

1000 1.06


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0 0.37

10 0.87

20 1.71

30 1.78

40 1.84

50 1.90

60 1.93

70 1.99

80 1.76

90 1.51

100 1.26

1000 1.26


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0 0.72

10 1.26

20 1.78

30 1.84

40 1.92

50 1.99

60 2.05

70 2.12

80 2.01

90 1.82

100 1.45

1000 1.45



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-170 0.34

-160 0.74

-150 0.80

-140 0.72

-130 0.57

-120 0.43

-110 0.29

-100 0.15

-90 0

-80 -0.15

-70 -0.29

-60 -0.43

-50 -0.57

-40 -0.72

-30 -0.80

-25 -0.80

-20 -0.74

0 0

20 0.74

25 0.80

30 0.80

40 0.72

50 0.57

60 0.43

70 0.29

80 0.15

90 0

100 -0.15

110 -0.29

120 -0.43

130 -0.57

140 -0.72

150 -0.80

160 -0.74

170 -0.34

180 0



-1000 0.0

-180 0.0

-140 0.42

-130 0.56

-120 0.71

-110 0.84

-100 0.93

-90 0.96

-80 0.93

-70 0.84

-60 0.71

-50 0.56

-40 0.42

0 0.008

40 0.42

50 0.56

60 0.71

70 0.84

80 0.93

90 0.96

100 0.93

110 0.84

120 0.71

130 0.56

140 0.42

180 0.0

1000 0.0






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<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" />




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Thanks nightsta1ker, will try this later on today. Good effort. If I comment, unfortunately it can only be from the point of view of a non-pilot - I can't comment on realism. It is probably good to see how us flightless birds are coping with the changes though!

EDIT ---> Is this for the 400 or 600 or both?

Edited by Jedra

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well done! downloading to test now. pretty curious to see the diff.

thanks !

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I'm supposed to be remodeling the powder room not testing helicopters in ToH. You're gonna get me in big trouble :)


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I'm supposed to be remodeling the powder room not testing helicopters in ToH. You're gonna get me in big trouble :)


I have no idea what a powder room is, but I hope it involves explosives rather than something girlie ;-) Either way this is much more important!

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I have no idea what a powder room is, but I hope it involves explosives rather than something girlie ;-) Either way this is much more important!

Tiny little bathroom just off the kitchen with just toliet, sink, and mirror. Nickname is from the purpose, it where the ladies go to powder their nose.

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Hi nightsta1ker, leftskidlow, heli_flying, dirtydeeds(ziggy), b101_uk and others,

Appreciated, very much appreciated... I will try it today.

BIS rocks, BIS + Community rocks even further! :yay:

Thanks a lot! :)

PS: impatiently waiting for the second BIS patch for TOH... :deal:

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Tiny little bathroom just off the kitchen with just toliet, sink, and mirror. Nickname is from the purpose, it where the ladies go to powder their nose.

Ah yes, the reading room!

Anyway back on topic. Been trying this flight model this afternoon (no autotrim).

I have certainly noticed the increased descent rate with the collective changes, you now have to pull back a bit further if the descent rate is too fast.

I have also noticed an increase in sensitivity on the stick, and I am having to control the stick a lot more than I did previously.

The helicopter now seems a bit more tricky to trim. This is probably because the increased sensitivity is causing me to move while I am trying to trim. It still needs a lot of left rudder, left cyclic and a few forward cyclics to get it near to steady. It does trimk though, and although I couldn't go an make a cup of tea, I can look around for a few seconds without going into a fatal spin or dive.

Taking off seems much easier. It now seems to climb much more gently (or in a more controled manner) and I am now just about able to hover immediately after leaving the ground - something I could not achieve before.

Overall, I think that the model improves things, although I find it a bit 'twitchy' now - but this is probably due to the fact I need to get used to the seemingly more sensitive inputs. Obviously I cannot tell you if it is realistic - only that for a novice it suddenly has not become impossible to fly! The opposite in fact.

Using the new model I got all the cows to water and got home again with only one slight bump when I overdid the downward collective.

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Ah yes, the reading room!

Anyway back on topic. Been trying this flight model this afternoon (no autotrim).

I have certainly noticed the increased descent rate with the collective changes, you now have to pull back a bit further if the descent rate is too fast.

I have also noticed an increase in sensitivity on the stick, and I am having to control the stick a lot more than I did previously.

The helicopter now seems a bit more tricky to trim. This is probably because the increased sensitivity is causing me to move while I am trying to trim. It still needs a lot of left rudder, left cyclic and a few forward cyclics to get it near to steady. It does trimk though, and although I couldn't go an make a cup of tea, I can look around for a few seconds without going into a fatal spin or dive.

Taking off seems much easier. It now seems to climb much more gently (or in a more controled manner) and I am now just about able to hover immediately after leaving the ground - something I could not achieve before.

Overall, I think that the model improves things, although I find it a bit 'twitchy' now - but this is probably due to the fact I need to get used to the seemingly more sensitive inputs. Obviously I cannot tell you if it is realistic - only that for a novice it suddenly has not become impossible to fly! The opposite in fact.

Using the new model I got all the cows to water and got home again with only one slight bump when I overdid the downward collective.

You WILL need to adjust your sensitivity settings for your joystick. I did. Once you get it where you like it, it feels much better.

Keep in mind though, in a real helicopter, you cant really take your hand or feet off of anything but the collective, and you can only really get away with that in trimmed forward flight with the friction set so it wont move on you. They are unstable enough that just changing radios can be a challenge.

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------


I'm supposed to be remodeling the powder room not testing helicopters in ToH. You're gonna get me in big trouble :)


Just don't tell the Missus it was me. I already have one rolling pin I need to dodge!

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Nickname is from the purpose, it where the ladies go to powder their nose.

I thought the was illegal :yay:.

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Thanks nightsta1ker and others,

exactly what you said in list

ground effect reduced

lower collective range increased for better descent rates/ quickstops.

these items are easily recognizable for me, mainly descent rate.

Now I don't fight with heli like before, it is more calm, like in your real videos. I can look down and still can control heli and also cargo transporting is more easier, I don't need use autohover for attaching/detaching (mostly :p). So you make it more realistic, but also more easy ;), but I like it.

Great work :thumbsup:, I'm looking forward to further improvement.

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I tried the revised flight model today. I find it almost impossible to fly; it's as if I'm in gusty winds coming from constantly differing directions. I can see some of the improvements intended, such as less "ground fear" (ground effect) and a more realistic descent rate when the collective is lowered all the way, but straight and level flight is waaay more work than it should be.

I think I'm going to revert to the original FM. It's not that I don't appreciate all of the hard work 8^) but I can't even land the thing the way it's flying now. I wonder if it's something particular to my system/setup?

My flight controls are CH Combatstick/Pro Throttle/Pro Pedals.


Dave B.

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Hi All, nightsta1ker,

I have tested the patch and it Rocks! finally I'm no longer under the control of the helicopter, trimming is no longer a must and hovering after take off is piece of a cake.

Good job.

So far I have only found something that may be a glitch (and I'm unsure):

Apparently your modification has pushed the potential MH6 flight envelope outside the coordination physics - graphic engine.

when I'm flying a NOE pattern with the the MH6 on expert mode in Takistan with the collective at max, max speed and then I pull collective to climb a mountain the rotor goes in to what looks a severe low RPM and the 3D model slows down to the point that is possible to see each blade, the odd thing is that the RPM gauge seems to be green all the time and if I enable the virtual HUD no yellow/red light pops up.

If you want to know what I'm talking about just flight this quick mission I was making, although it is very far from being finished, if you follow the waypoints you will realise what I'm talking about: DOWNLOAD

Any idea?

Being said that, the MH6 handling is so much improved that I will stick with this addon. :notworthy:

(...) I find it almost impossible to fly; it's as if I'm in gusty winds coming from constantly differing directions. (...)

Dave, revise your joystick settings this patch basically nullifies many of the strange forces in the MH6, by your description sounds like the sensitivity of your joystick is too high. By the way nightsta1ker may correct me if I'm wrong but I would say that this was designed to be used with the expert flight model (I'm not saying it doesn't work in the others)...

Edited by Isaac

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Hi All, nightsta1ker,

I have tested the patch and it Rocks! finally I'm no longer under the control of the helicopter, trimming is no longer a must and hovering after take off is piece of a cake.

Good job.

So far I have only found something that may be a glitch (and I'm unsure):

Apparently your modification has pushed the potential MH6 flight envelope outside the coordination physics - graphic engine.

when I'm flying a NOE pattern with the the MH6 on expert mode in Takistan with the collective at max, max speed and then I pull collective to climb a mountain the rotor goes in to what looks a severe low RPM and the 3D model slows down to the point that is possible to see each blade, the odd thing is that the RPM gauge seems to be green all the time and if I enable the virtual HUD no yellow/red light pops up.

If you want to know what I'm talking about just flight this quick mission I was making, although it is very far from being finished, if you follow the waypoints you will realise what I'm talking about: DOWNLOAD

Any idea?

Being said that, the MH6 handling is so much improved that I will stick with this addon. :notworthy:

Dave, revise your joystick settings this patch basically nullifies many of the strange forces in the MH6, by your description sounds like the sensitivity of your joystick is too high. By the way nightsta1ker may correct me if I'm wrong but I would say that this was designed to be used with the expert flight model (I'm not saying it doesn't work in the others)...

Yes, this was designed to be used ONLY with the expert flight model. And yes, you MUST revise your sensitivity settings in the joystick menu. I had everything set to my liking before and my edits made it too sensitive, so I had to reduce them. But once that was done it is responsive but not overly so. I can actually make the helicopter do what I want now, which means precision flying is easier. I was having a heck of a time doing things like slingloads with the default FM because of the "lag" issue, now it's not there. I think the roll rate needs to be slightly increased, but I can figure that out, I think I know which parameters to change, I just have not had time today yet to really dig into it.

About the rotor slowing down as you mentioned: Yes, I did notice this. I have no idea why it's happening, but I will look into it. I am really waiting to see what b101_UK has done with his tweaks, I am hoping that if we combine his edits with engine and rpm parameters with my tweaks, we can have a very realistic heli.

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So I'm curious, would Bohemia use user created content such as this improved flight model and include it in their own patch?

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BIS is currently working with RTD, the developer of the flight dynamics, to create their own patch, which may or may not be better than anything I could do.

I have been in an ongoing discussiong with one of the guys from RTD about the flight modeling, and they say all the peices are there and working correctly. After digging into the guts of the flight model, I am more and more inclined to beleive him. This program may in fact be more realistic than anything else out there right now, it just does not have the right values plugged in. So as we get the correct numbers dialed in, it feels more and more realistic. BIS and RTD may be able to get everything tuned in and get the FMs working really well without any outside help. If this turns out to be the case, good for them! If not, the core of pilots here will get it dialed in ourselves.

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wow, just tried your user 'patch'. i could almost hover on first attempt! managed to land in a sort of controlled way. things i have always struggled to do. thanks again!

question - how far should the x and y axes be on the controller settings? right now i have them exactly half way in sensitivity (under the straight line in a box shape). pedals are 3/4 across closer to being under the right hand curve in a box.

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wow, just tried your user 'patch'. i could almost hover on first attempt! managed to land in a sort of controlled way. things i have always struggled to do. thanks again!

question - how far should the x and y axes be on the controller settings? right now i have them exactly half way in sensitivity (under the straight line in a box shape). pedals are 3/4 across closer to being under the right hand curve in a box.

It depend about you and your controller. Try to hover. If you CAN'T, fix your sensitivity. When you can pratice a nice hover then it should be fine.

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wow, just tried your user 'patch'. i could almost hover on first attempt! managed to land in a sort of controlled way. things i have always struggled to do. thanks again!

question - how far should the x and y axes be on the controller settings? right now i have them exactly half way in sensitivity (under the straight line in a box shape). pedals are 3/4 across closer to being under the right hand curve in a box.

I have all of my sensitivity sliders about the halfway mark with all of my null zones at zero, but every controller is different. Bottom line is to get it where it feels good for you.

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Nicely done Scott. This might actual be more "sim" than originally thought.

Edited by Panther353

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Can servers run this fm? An will it be adapted by who ever connects or will they have to have it in they're config as well?

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C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\take on helicopters\@TESTFM\addons\HERE

Give your feedback to night !

So i installed it to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\@testfm\addons

do i need to run the game with certain parameters now?

this is nightstalkers fm file right?

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