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X: Rebirth

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X Rebirth demo video

The guy in the video says the combat feels considerably better this time around.

Edit: There's also a video about trading and mining.

And a second trailer:

A fresh dev interview:

Edited by ziiip

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Waiting for new build footage! Surely it's almost gold by now if not gone gold already? Seems to be quite a lack of previews :(

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The preview on gamona.de actually mentions that the game has new physics.

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bit early to tell it's the boss. Anyway, for what I gather they have different concepts.

Yes of course it all boils down to preference but there is one thing that has me salivating for SC and that is fully modeled cockpits -mounds of em! Don't get me wrong, Rebirth looks to be an absolute feast for the eyes and the full fledged economy also looks interesting - those graphics are so mouth watering even if the game is a full bust I'd be content to leave it on as a screen saver to go nighty night alongside with some dreamy space techno operatics. The thing is, space game's graphics all the way back to Homeworld still blow my mind and after this current bnunch I'd say their safe to not having to improve fidelity for another 5-7 years.

What I'm looking forward to is that sense of ownership in that -"This is MY craft". The cockpit is your identity in these games as they were for Han Solo's MF, Vader's special Tie Fighter, or Lone Star & Barf's souped up Winnebago -it's where we'll be spending 99% of our time so a sense of individuality is key. I'm already stoked walking in my humble Aurora LN and knowing that at some point in the game I can change my future and identity with a brand new type of ship or maybe I'll grow so attached to her, I'll not want to. The point is that it's up to me :)

Recently bought the older X series to get a feel and while the game is interesting, the lack of any cockpit is not as is the lack of some interior sound, sense of propulsion and speed etc... Again, most likely am getting Rebirth regardless but SC looks to be where it's at for me.

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Considering that you can walk onboard the Skunk, you can definately have that sense of ownership in this game too.

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Considering that you can walk onboard the Skunk, you can definately have that sense of ownership in this game too.

Yes but whether your a merchant, a fighter, a pirate or military -you're always in the same ship and it won't reflect "who you are". This goes further than just visual, how about a clunky merchant vessel sounds with different sensor systems as compared to a streamlined engine noise, radar and control of a fighter -these things lend hugely to the immersion factor imo. A fighter you shouldn't be able to move around very well and a luxury ship should feel exactly like that -SC seems to be working impressively in this direction.

I'm actually shocked that this isn't a top priority of space sims considering that again, 99% of the time your traveling in your ship. It's not like your going to be able to actually walk around and explore planets in a free form way, the ship is you! People cry about not having fully modeled interiors in a game like Arma but to me it's not as important as you can get out and go wherever you want on foot. Could you imagine if helos' or planes had NO COCKPIT whatsoever in Arma? Just a free floating mouse cursor that you point aka X Terran Conflict?? I find that outrageous and again considering that the space graphics dept aka nebulas, space stations, suns etc are already at a very high level -why are cockpits neglected? Is it really THAT hard to model 10 or so? It seems Rebirth has decided to tradeoff massive ship choice for 1 fully modeled one while SC models them all. 3rd person looks extraordinarily corny imo, so yes, cockpits are needed.

Edited by froggyluv

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It seems Rebirth has decided to tradeoff massive ship choice for 1 fully modeled one while SC models them all. 3rd person looks extraordinarily corny imo, so yes, cockpits are needed.

Yes, it's sad but we always had some mods that give us cockpit. I will buy Rebirth if the review are good. They took so long time to develop it, I hope it will be a good X. A lot of people are scared about the one ship you can control. We'll what's going with that.

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Despite my reservations I'm having the damndest time not pre-ordering it RIGHT NAO!

While I agree with you about the cockpits, and like you am also very excited for SC, it is a long way off and the X series have always been good space based fare.

I really don't think you can go wrong.

Edited by BangTail

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While I agree with you about the cockpits, and like you am also very excited for SC, it is a long way off and the X series have always been good space based fare.

I really don't think you can go wrong.

Away you lil red devil on my shoulder!!!!!! :SpiningDemon:

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