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ArmA 3 System Requirements

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I presume the build is used quite lot for editing and video? Would be great PC for this kind of task but for arma, the GFX is holding it back quite a bit.

The editing and video works great for ArmA 2 combined ops. Soon as we get to see the arma 3 alpha I will report back here how it did. I am also aware about the video card hold back.

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English Windows® 7 Home Premium (64 BIT)

Intel® Core™ i7-3930K (Six Core, 12MB Cache Overclocked up to 3.9Ghz)

4GB GDDR5 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 690

16384MB (4x4GB) 1600MHz DDR3 Quad Channel

1TB SATA 6Gb/s (7200RPM) 32MB Cache

8X Blu-Ray ROM combo (Blu-ray read only, DVD, CD read & write) & DVD+/-RW

Integrated HDA 7.1 Dolby Digital capability:

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English Windows® 7 Home Premium (64 BIT)

Intel® Core™ i7-3930K (Six Core, 12MB Cache Overclocked up to 3.9Ghz)

4GB GDDR5 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 690

16384MB (4x4GB) 1600MHz DDR3 Quad Channel

1TB SATA 6Gb/s (7200RPM) 32MB Cache

8X Blu-Ray ROM combo (Blu-ray read only, DVD, CD read & write) & DVD+/-RW

Integrated HDA 7.1 Dolby Digital capability:

I think you will get 25-30fps on average with low/medium settings on 640x480.

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im new to pc gaming i just brought the alien ware aurora i brought the top graphics card and over clocked the processor and it cost me bloody loads is there anything i can do to improve the fps or is 25 to 30 fps good for this game thanks

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im new to pc gaming i just brought the alien ware aurora i brought the top graphics card and over clocked the processor and it cost me bloody loads is there anything i can do to improve the fps or is 25 to 30 fps good for this game thanks

With that setup you might get a bit more. Just don't crank the settings too high. You can try it out right now on Arma 2: Free if you're not sure. Also, I'm pretty sure that guy's just screwing around.

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I think you will get 25-30fps on average with low/medium settings on 640x480.

Ur funny.

@ bubblehash88, as A3 isn't out yet so this is just speculation, like OnlyRazor said try it out on A2.

You will have no trouble getting a fantastic experience out of that rig but beware if you go too crazy you could still bring it to its knees.

Check the spoiler in my sig.

Everything V.high, V,distance 4.2k, post process low. very happy.

Pm if you need advice.

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Any speculation on what rig needed for eyefinity / surround at 5760x1080 res.

I have not tested A2 in eyefinity, hopefully A3 will run at medium setting ( AA and extras off ).

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probably a 680 SLI with a 3770k or something stupid.... and an SSD if past ARMA is any hint, thats a lot of texture to load and arma loads it off the HDD so make SURE you have an SSD if you even think about triple monitor

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My PC dual core E8500 + GTX260 Windows 7 4gb ram.

work my system Arma 3?:confused:

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My PC dual core E8500 + GTX260 Windows 7 4gb ram.

work my system Arma 3?:confused:


Minimal PC Requirements

CPU: Dual Core Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz / Intel Core 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 3200+ or faster


Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon 1800 with Shader Model 3 and 256 MB VRAM or faster

OS: Windows XP

Recommended PC Requirements

CPU: Intel Core 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or faster


Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon 4850 with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM or faster

OS: Windows XP or Vista

Looks like you might be able to run it but noone can guarantee as of yet how well it will run on your PC. I suggest to wait for A3 community alpha release and plan from there on.

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What i have heard of BIS is trying to make ArmA 3 so stable as possible so you don't need to buy so much better computer than a computer that can run ArmA 2.

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BF3 is a console game and is built for 7 years old hardware first and foremost. So handling BF3 well means nothing when talking about ArmA3

There is no AI in BF3 and graphics side is quite outdated even when talking about PC version. Besides the game takes place in corridors - can't even compare.

Have you ever played bf3? I can say that i need my 580 gtx in sli to have it runnin smoothly. its top notch.

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Have you ever played bf3? I can say that i need my 580 gtx in sli to have it runnin smoothly. its top notch.

ran perfect maxed out with GTX 460 in SLI. its not that high-end of a game. it has a great engine in it because it has to run on consoles as well. it doesn't mean much when you compare it to the arma series. like i said, GTX460 in SLI had bf3 set to ultra with 60+fps average. now with my gtx 670 arma2 still struggles to keep above 30-40.

arma is a more demanding game for the PC than bf3 is, its just that simple, it's not designed to run on consoles and the scale just isn't even comparable to bf3.

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agree with most of what your saying, shouldnt compare the two at all. but i dont beleive that 460 sli runs bf3 in ultra at 60fps. i have 580s in sli (cpu i7 950 @4.2) and when set to ultra there is a little bit of micro stutter and in a fast pace game like that u need it to be locked on 60fps. i guess it boils down to each users standards.

bak on topic - as for arma i use track ir and that means i need it to be as smooth as possible because with the free look it increases stutter alot and makes it harder to spot enemies. but i couldnt play without it.

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Off ARMA3 topic, I think if your computer can handle BF3 very well, then ARMA3 is a piece of cake. :P

I didn't think bf3 was that demanding. I played on ultra, 64p maps with 70-90 fps. i5-2500k, gtx560, 8GB ram. While on packed Arma2 PR/vahalla servers I was getting substantially less fps.

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BF3...oh Nelly! Those maps are the size of a shoe box compared to any ArmA game......I always lol when I hear these comments :)

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Is my rig able to handle ARMA 3 :confused:

And if so, how many fps do you think that i would get?

- Mobo ASRock Z77 Extreme4

- i7 3770k 3.4GHz

- GeForce GTX670 2GB

- 16GB (2 x 8GB) CL10 RAM

- 500GB 7200RPM Memory

- Power supply "Super Flower Golden Green Pro 500W"

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Is my rig able to handle ARMA 3 :confused:

And if so, how many fps do you think that i would get?

- Mobo ASRock Z77 Extreme4

- i7 3770k 3.4GHz

- GeForce GTX670 2GB

- 16GB (2 x 8GB) CL10 RAM

- 500GB 7200RPM Memory

- Power supply "Super Flower Golden Green Pro 500W"

Yes, you have a good config. However nobody can give you an answer on the FPS since the game is not out yet :)

You can always add an SSD, ArmA runs way better on SSD's

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Yes, you have a good config. However nobody can give you an answer on the FPS since the game is not out yet :)

You can always add an SSD, ArmA runs way better on SSD's

Thanks for the answer :)

one more thing, is there any difference between SSD memory cards?

If so what do you prefer? (sorry i don't really know much about PC's :p)

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Can I ask what makes an SSD so much better than a HDD? Thanks in advance :)

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Can I ask what makes an SSD so much better than a HDD? Thanks in advance :)

Lower latency and faster data transfer, among other things. See here.

Very good for Arma because of its heavy use of data streaming.

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as far as ArmA is concerned SSD's are a lot better because a lot of the information is kept on the Storage drive and NOT moved to the RAM, things like textures have to load from storage and an SSD is just blazing fast compared to a HDD... if you have arma2 and are running on a HDD, then go into a forest and spin around quickly, it will lag like nobodies ever seen but if you have an SSD it is drastically better

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I got myself a new gaming rig, and I'm considering using the old system drive (10000 RPM Raptor) as a games disk, rather than spending my SSD (to prevent it being filled up too fast). Any experience using such drives for games, compared to regular 7200RPM drives? Can I expect that much of a difference? How much worse are they compared to SSD?

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