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Bulldog Six

War with Facebook

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It's not a conspiracy and that's not even a secret, it's the Facebook business model.

Like many other companies (some ISP do that too), the Facebook company gather the data you gave by entering them in your Facebook page and sell them to 3rd party.

Now the question is if you disagree with this business model, why then giving Facebook private datas about you that you would not want to be sold to 3rd party ?

At least with Facebook, you can just NOT enter anything real or private about you, or even if you dislike that kind of practice, do like i do and simply do not use Facebook.

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Because I know that the following day it will be plastered over someone's on-line FB page shared with god knows who where I simple dont want it to be with tag line "we went out to X locations at X time and look who was here .. *add names*".

You should try it, and watch the reactions you get, mainly "your paranoid" and "what's the problem, your weird" ... its very funny.

The old chestnut comes out "nothing to hide nothing to worry about" crap arrives soon enough too, "what are you hiding then?" ... utter face palm moments. The mind game of, if your not transparent like everyone else (unwittingly steered that way in reality) with their information you must be hiding something or wierd, a classic...

Later it will be the majority that will think people are odd if they are not whoring their data to all four corners on-line like them, which is not a good thing at all.

A funny truth there mrcrash :)

You simply never know >>> http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/Facebook-troll-jailed-mocking-death-teenager/story-13327593-detail/story.html

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I cant speak for how bad that "troll" was, seriously below par mentality but it shows the levelling of playing field with online & charges (plus to push for no aliases).

Its a bit like the chaps who got a jail term IE criminal offence in the UK for "organising a riot" on facebook (london riot time) of which never actually started a riot in the physical world at all.

I also remember notices/writ served via facebook by/with a lawyer, must search that out.

Theres allot of things where facebook is aligning itself as the real world "within facebook world" law wise, some shady changes.

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Whey were they removed?

I was waiting for some link about facebook .... nothing .... ?:confused:

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Thanks, your reply just proves my point.

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

Because to have information about your browsing habbits may also prove useful to discredit you.

an example: let's say you're a good guy wanting to change things for the better and running for congressman or some kind of community spokesman. But you have or had the habit to watch the occassional porn online every now and then (and c'mon, don't tell me you never watched porn online). If some power that be (opposition, press, lobbyists, etc) wants to remove you because they don't like your good-intent-agenda and depict you as some perv who likes to jerk off on porn sites - they CAN.

Everybody has something to hide. You just won't admit it or haven't thought about your statement thorough enough. Be it watching porn, browsing on activists/political websites, researching about how to make your own silencers or looking for an alternative to fossil fuels to save money and taxes.. there is always something.

by the way: there is no such thing as 'Terrorists". the only real terrorists I've come across so far are called politicians. if you bought the disinformation on the mass media you are not as sceptical as you think.

Ha! You're just too naive.

You'll think otherwise when FEMA comes by your house and tells you to obey.

An example would be this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjum7kLuTGg

You're right, but that's not the only thing an employer can hold against you. If he sees your facebook profile has been automatically updated late at night and you show up late for work coming up with some other excuse your credibility is out the window.

It's not only about what you put in yourself. I posted earlier some articles on how facebook is keeping track of your habits without you even noticing it.

You're one of those persons who believe whatever they want to believe - even though reality is far from it.

Have a nice blue-pill day!

Seriously dude?

Cmon, aside from the example where if you are running for political office

or are working in the political field, there really isn't much to fear.

My buddy used to look up all sorts of crazy crap on the internet.

When he was 20 he looked up how to make explosives on the anarchists

cookbook. He even got a call from the FBI saying they were going to monitor

his internet activity for 6 months. Now he has a nice govt job with a top-secret clearance with alot of responsibily. They conducted a full

background check, calling all his school teachers, even talking to the parents of his friends to screen him for his job.

I know several people who work in the intelligence field for various

govt agencies, and they look up porn on their personal computers at home.

I personally don't do much of those things. I no longer watch porn.

I don't care about making home made silencers or anything like that.

Sometimes I do look up info on various activist groups or even look at

terrorist webpages such as militias or islam. But so do millions of 13, 19, even 21 year old college

students who are simply curious as to what they will find.

Noone even in the govt will care that I am looking those things up.

I'm not saying my computer isn't on some watch list because I looked

up those sites, but I highly doubt anyone would really care unless they

honestly believed that I had some insidious motive.

When I was in highschool, I even looked up and contacted members of

the KKK. Why you ask? Because I had a project where I had to interview

a person who has a unique way of looking at things. I chose something

rather extreme.

Seriously, you are WAAYYY tooo paranoid.

People look up all sorts of random crap on the net, and unless you have

already raised some legitimate red flags, noone will give it more than

a passing glance.

I mean look at some prominent politicians. Some have histories

of being drunken womanizers in their youths. Many are still in political office. Example: John McCain.

Edited by Frostburg

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This thread is a bout 1 website on the net, not a generalisation of using the net and beyond, point taken though.

Frostburg do you use Facebook? What's the URL? Do you use script blocking and delete cookies in your browser / cookie removal tools?

In fact anyone reading this, who uses peer blocking/firewall and cookie removal on a session bases? Who uses proxy software tools?

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I have no problem with that troll being jailed. Don't get involved in other people's bereavement unless you have something nice to say, simple lesson for life there. I do have a problem with those bastards ripping up people's basketball poles. Hope that video goes viral or something.


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I have no problem with that troll being jailed. Don't get involved in other people's bereavement unless you have something nice to say, simple lesson for life there. I do have a problem with those bastards ripping up people's basketball poles. Hope that video goes viral or something.


Freedom of speech is far more important than some family's bereavement. That arrest would have never happened in the USA.

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You sure? In this video it seemed as if this woman gave nothing on the freedom of speech

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You know on Facebook that you get a "people you may know" list, recommending people who are not already your friends? Well the other day I noticed that Facebook was showing a guy who a few years ago I bought some 3D plugin software from (for Lightwave). He's a Polish guy who now works in New Zealand/Australia doing CGI work.

I haven't contacted this guy for years, and I have no Facebook reason why he would be associated with me. I only have personal friends on Facebook, no work, no casual acquaintances, and none of my friends could possibly know this guy, so the "friend of a friend" idea doesn't fit. I never mention CGI on my page (hardly ever use FB really) and my email is done through a browser not a client. So I don't have any stored email contacts on my PC.

So how did Facebook know that I knew this guy?

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During my brief period with Facebook, it recommended that I friend up with some people that I know from another forum but with whom I should have no common friends or Facebook activity in any way. That was one of the things that made me delete my profile quite fast.

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You know on Facebook that you get a "people you may know" list
I know the most obvious is email, so maybe its that he is linked someway to a friend you have in your friends list of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend where the email of a friend shows your email that was used when you were in touch and so the chain of email links through the friends of friends = a link. Or at least some field of information.

Not necessarily that you wanted the link or did anything in your control in FB to make that link, worryingly it shows how out of your hands it can be.

For example if I had a friends email and added some more details to it as a bookmark but they know that (DOB,Address .. all sorts that you can shove into adress lists these days), one field would be enough to match up to what the chaps at the other hands bookmark would have has in a field stored, all the while the actual person in question has no control of what I did or the other person ... low and behold, your linked.

Worse would be some link to the purchase exchange you made, now that would be telling.

Just one mass cross referencing database of fields.

Either way, it shows what you dont want actually getting caught up in it, and also showing that the link you got wasn't what you wanted, and that it didn't mean you have anything to hide in not wanting it either. You can then exchange this "data field" with map coords, face recognition, photos, tags, keywords (in conversations and comments etc).

BTW I was using hotmail for a while, then someone on facebook added my email (they knew my stance on FB and I already communicated with them via standard email & .. well you know, real life .. call me old fashioned ... ) ... low and behold just after I got linked through/piped into my hotmail email "people you may know" via facebook and then 4 or 5 people showed up who weren't close friends who I never really knew were on facebook but know them through people, I was pissed off to say the least, and this was about 3 years ago.

I know from another forum but with whom I should have no common friends or Facebook activity in any way.
For hitting home the point (and I dont mean this direct to you Celery) ... "why not, do you have something to hide?" .... = my point about that way of thinking. Also I asked about cookies/script blockers and such in browsers on previous page becuase my point was ... "why delete any of it or not share it, if you have done nothing wrong ... why not?" it works the same as what you get asked the same about not wanting to be facebook, its all the same.

I was trying to work back and ask, when can you last think a time where not giving private information out on-line was questioned as odd? I think it was pre 2004/2001.

The problem you get with this blanket style info "social networking" is you manage to get dragged into a social circle without ever attending, and thats just wrong. Its like us being on Arma forums here and then this site emailing our lists saying "want to join the chat with arma, chat with (add list)" when you never asked for it to be sent or they wanted it.

Or putting it bluntly:


Edited by mrcash2009

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This thread is a bout 1 website on the net, not a generalisation of using the net and beyond, point taken though.

Frostburg do you use Facebook? What's the URL? Do you use script blocking and delete cookies in your browser / cookie removal tools?

In fact anyone reading this, who uses peer blocking/firewall and cookie removal on a session bases? Who uses proxy software tools?

I don't know what a URL, or script blocking, or cookies, or browser,

or firewall, or proxy means.

All I know is I type things into google, and things come up.

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Dmarwick: I know the most obvious is email, so maybe its that he is linked someway to a friend you have in your friends list of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend where the email of a friend shows your email that was used when you were in touch and so the chain of email links through the friends of friends = a link. Or at least some field of information.

Not necessarily that you wanted the link or did anything in your control in FB to make that link, worryingly it shows how out of your hands it can be.

For example if I had a friends email and added some more details to it as a bookmark but they know that (DOB,Address .. all sorts that you can shove into adress lists these days), one field would be enough to match up to what the chaps at the other hands bookmark would have has in a field stored, all the while the actual person in question has no control of what I did or the other person ... low and behold, your linked.

Worse would be some link to the purchase exchange you made, now that would be telling.

Just one mass cross referencing database of fields.

Either way, it shows what you dont want actually getting caught up in it, and also showing that the link you got wasn't what you wanted, and that it didn't mean you have anything to hide in not wanting it either. You can then exchange this "data field" with map coords, face recognition, photos, tags, keywords (in conversations and comments etc).

BTW I was using hotmail for a while, then someone on facebook added my email (they knew my stance on FB and I already communicated with them via standard email & .. well you know, real life .. call me old fashioned ... ) ... low and behold just after I got linked through/piped into my hotmail email "people you may know" via facebook and then 4 or 5 people showed up who weren't close friends who I never really knew were on facebook but know them through people, I was pissed off to say the least, and this was about 3 years ago.

For hitting home the point (and I dont mean this direct to you Celery) ... "why not, do you have something to hide?" .... = my point about that way of thinking. Also I asked about cookies/script blockers and such in browsers on previous page becuase my point was ... "why delete any of it or not share it, if you have done nothing wrong ... why not?" it works the same as what you get asked the same about not wanting to be facebook, its all the same.

I was trying to work back and ask, when can you last think a time where not giving private information out on-line was questioned as odd? I think it was pre 2004/2001.

The problem you get with this blanket style info "social networking" is you manage to get dragged into a social circle without ever attending, and thats just wrong. Its like us being on Arma forums here and then this site emailing our lists saying "want to join the chat with arma, chat with (add list)" when you never asked for it to be sent or they wanted it.

Or putting it bluntly:


Yeah, seriously. Screw that part of facebook.

I remember about six months ago I had a suggestion

by facebook to friend a girl who I dated a while ago.

I didn't like her and I definitely don't want her on my

facebook page. How facebook linked me to her, I don't know.

Seriously facebook? Do you want us to be friends with everyone?

It seems that way sometimes. And I'm not interested in any of your

crap ads or dating site ads that I see on my page. Give me a break.

There must be some gullible people out there for these ads to

continue running.

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The more friends you have the more traces and simpler it is to data mine one area, so yeh, they LOVE you befriending through their database :)

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I barely use FB but I can't deny that its somewhat handy at times and since some of my best buddies live all over places now and we don't have that much time to see each other.

Its quite good for viewing their party videos or holiday pics etc though.That said its the only reason why I actually have account on FB.

I propably would use it some more but the privacy stuff and infinite supply of some ~join online poker or get chips for that game shit ads or like button everywhere is just silly and rather pisses me off :rolleyes:

Either way, I always make sure im signed off, use addons like better privacy, https everywhere, flashcookie removal and so on... plus my browser is set to clear all history after every session.

Not like i feel the need to hide something :rolleyes: but i see no reason on keeping cookies and junk that i have no personal use for :)

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I would add that this isn't a "them & us" thread or anything to do with attacking users of face book, if you use it and benefit that's your choices. Its more about not wanting to be part of the "party" but getting dragged in even if you didn't turn up for it (and all that it entails as described in this thread).

So its just case of making your choices and being informed.

But I agree, that if you do use it, use it wisely and as you mention and the OFP of this thread highlighted, make sure your session ends where YOU want it to end.

After all its about the site and the site isn't a "person" (or to be very specific "sovereign entity").

Edited by mrcash2009

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I would add that this isn't a "them & us" thread or anything

I understand, although I feel like its ~them & us thingy...

Edited by Bee8190

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Hi all

Facebook is increasingly targeted by Survey Spam Scams like the one described here by Sophos Security in this article


The right hand menu seems to be nothing but spam and now they are inserting other stuff in links in the news. If it keeps up everyone will leave and join Google Plus instead.

Kind Regards walker

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If it keeps up everyone will leave and join Google Plus instead

Out of the frying pan into the furnace :) To jump from one privacy invader into the best of the best will be priceless.

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Out of the frying pan into the furnace :) To jump from one privacy invader into the best of the best will be priceless.


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