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ACE for OA 1.12

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Is the beta availible on six updater?..I'll download that and give it a shot..didnt mean to complain (bitch)..I'm thankful for what others mostly those who designed ACE have given to the community..and had no intention of starting a flame war here simply posted my own opinion about what I have seen in the game...Thanks for the info on the beta


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Well, if you happen to be taken ideas :): *Note it will look very very similar to what I put in the Arma III wishlist :):

-Abseiling from any sort of a substantial drop(multistory buildings, cliffs, etc) with an ACE type interface(you need to ensure you are carrying a coil of rope, a "figure 8," a pair of gloves, etc.

-Vehicles in which you can walk around.

-Authentic Paradrops: passengers in back of C-130, stand up walk to back of plane then jump, not eject. Static Line requires Stand up, hook up, jump; Interaction required so if you don't hook up, you need to be scraped up with a spatula.

-Proper Ejection Seats

-Parachute malfunctions

-Landing in the water with a parachute should be very bad: Thus require players to quickly cut away the chute, or cut away just before hitting the water

-Proper Aircraft crashes: No magical explosion, but rather a wreck.

-Proper Aircraft Controls and Physics

-Aircraft Flight Surfaces move: Rotor blades tilt forward , elevators move, Ailerons move, Rudder Move. Prop Planes can have their blades feathered, Mixture adjusted for Lean vs Rich.

-Flight Surfaces make a difference: Major Difference between Take-off flaps and landing flaps...

-Individual vehicle systems: Hydraulic, Air, O2(in case of high altitude aircraft,) Control Cables, Tracks

-Damagable Components: Rotor blades can be destroyed if you hit a tree, Stabilizers shot off, Ailerons shot off, rudder shot out, Hydraulic System Failure, Tank tracks KOed, Turret Rings Destroyed, Sights shot out, etc. Engine Fires as well.

-Ability for things to burn: Chuck an incendiary into a woodshed, and the result be a fire

-Det Cord: Everyone remembers that scene from We Were Soldiers where the Engineer raps the Det Cord around the trees and touches it off inorder to create an LZ: We should be able to do that too.

-Certain Vehicles be able to drive under water for shot distances: T-90 can realistically drive for short distances under water, that is with water over the top of the turret. Granted it cannot drive across the Pacific Ocean, however it can ford a river this way possibly.

-Bridge Destruction: Animated Bridge destruction

-3D damage to vehicles: Drive off Tracks, Tail Physically blown off, Ammunition Blow outs.

-Blood Effects, Wounds pop up where you were actually hit, Gore: Face it, a direct hit with a 120mm round will result in not much more than red mist; A shot to the leg with a M109 however should remove the leg.

-Diving Apparatus: Perhaps enable missions where navy seals infiltrate or destroy an Oil Platform.

-Weapon Malfunctions: Jams, Runaways, Barrel Overheating

-Walking into a Rotor should decapitate you, or remove the offending limb

-All Vehicle doors that can be opened in real life should be able to be opened. It always irritated me that you could not lower the Osprey's Loading ramp same with the Merlin

-Vehicle Buoyancy: If a helicopter crash lands into the water it does not instantly sink, granted it does rather quickly. Furthermore it does not explode in this process! However if a Chinook or similar aircraft lands in water it can generally float for a short period of time; As a matter of fact Chinooks occasionally land in water to enable Spec Ops to drive a Zodiac directly into the cargo hold.

-Co-Pilot is not a passenger, he should be able to take over the controls should the pilot take a bullet.

-Different Aircraft Loadouts: Similar to Mando Missiles; An A10 doesn't come in only the variant with 4 bombs 2 anti air rockets and 10 hydras, but rather might have 6 bombs one sortie, and none the next.

-Ability to climb cranes all the way to the top: No reason that a sniper cannot make his way all the way out to the end of the boom. Even better if we can also get abseiling, since then the sniper can hook up and abseil all the way to the bottom, assuming he has enough rope, lest he be in for a surprise!

-Tactical Ladders

-Rope Ladders on choppers(granted you have to take em separate) to allow for extraction from tricky places and such.

-Weapon Anti-Material Properties, extremely destructible environments": No reason a 12.7mm round cannot penetrate a wall. No reason some det cord cannot be used to blow a small hole in the wall for a sniper, yet not take down half of the building.

-Unexploded Ordnance: Nothing like a bomb sitting there sticking out of the ground right next to you unexploded to wake you up in the morning.

-Carrier Operations: Be launched off carriers by catapults, and land on the carrier. More so have accurate aircraft carrier models, featuring things like the 4 Arrestor Cables, LSO platform and safety room, Magazine where you can select ordinance, working Optical Landing Systems, so you can actually "Call the Ball," Furthermore the tailhook should extend visibly, and you should aim to catch the 2nd wire.

-Subtle Roles, such as requiring somebody to act as "Catapult Man" in order to launch aircraft off the carrier

-C130 Cargo Drop System: Ability to skid heavy vehicles like tanks, or airdrop lightweight things like ammo crates.

-Ability to interact with Vehicle interiors such as in TOH.

-Customization of weapons: Instead of having 100x M4A1s, why not have one? And then from there you can take attachments such as an M203, a Vertical Grip, a bipod, or a Masterkey, a Suppressor, a Red Dot, an ACOG, a Thermal Scope, or a Shortdot.

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Thanks for the beta info..I'll look into that...really wish i could get my server to work with six-updater..it takes forever to get mods/etc loaded..constant errors so stuck loading everything manually..wich reminds me..with the ace/acre updates are their new keys i need for the server?


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@Sickboy: thanks for the info on 1.60 beta, I will try it.

@maturin: As for me I am not complaining about AI because it is good AI which makes every game enjoyable. I simply hate stupid AI.

The only thing that I don't understand is why the mission I had made changed so significantly because of using the latest official patch and the latest ACE. There really was a great change.

The other thing is that your hardware also has an affect on your skill. We use four computers in our office to play Arma and one of them is, unfortunately, a laptop with a 540M. Obviously this computer is the "bottleneck", and when I design mission I have to take that into consideration. Bad hardware may also give you the impression that AI is too tough.

And although I know this is a discussion about ACE can anyone help me with this?: I can change AI skill in the mission editor for individual units. I can also change AI skill in game options or by editing the profile. Does either override the other? Or in what way are they connected? I have searched forum posts and bwiki but couldn't find an exact answer.

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And although I know this is a discussion about ACE can anyone help me with this?: I can change AI skill in the mission editor for individual units. I can also change AI skill in game options or by editing the profile. Does either override the other? Or in what way are they connected? I have searched forum posts and bwiki but couldn't find an exact answer.

It's probably the accuracy that's killing you. You have to go into your OA user profile text file in My Documents>Arma 2 and edit the Precision settings there. Giving the enemy of a Precision of 0.5 will make them novice marksmen and lead to long, drawn out firefights where you can maneuver a lot without dying too soon. Try looking up the ZEUS AI thread, as the OP posts his thoughts proper precision settings.

-Ability for things to burn: Chuck an incendiary into a woodshed, and the result be a fire
There's a mod called JTD Fire and Smoke.
-Weapon Malfunctions: Jams, Runaways, Barrel Overheating
The former and the latter are already in the mod. :p
-Different Aircraft Loadouts: Similar to Mando Missiles; An A10 doesn't come in only the variant with 4 bombs 2 anti air rockets and 10 hydras, but rather might have 6 bombs one sortie, and none the next.
Look up the EASA module.
No reason a 12.7mm round cannot penetrate a wall.

They already do, in my experience.

Nearly everything else is far beyond a modding team with limited access to the game files and engine.

Edited by maturin

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Thanks for the beta info..I'll look into that...really wish i could get my server to work with six-updater..it takes forever to get mods/etc loaded..constant errors so stuck loading everything manually

Come solve your issues sometime then; http://www.six-updater.net/p/support.html


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Does anyone else have this problem? In my copy of the CO, when the mod is applied, fixed-wing aeroplanes are barely flyable as I get over-G and subsequently a blackout whenever I tilt the bow in any direction. Is it intended so? I did some calculation and from the results it seems 3G is enough for the pilot to start panting and losing sight. By the way, shouldn't I get a redout instead when I'm accelerating downwards?

Mod compatibility is not the issue because when I ran ACE for OA and ACEX alone it was the same result.

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Does anyone else have this problem? In my copy of the CO, when the mod is applied, fixed-wing aeroplanes are barely flyable as I get over-G and subsequently a blackout whenever I tilt the bow in any direction. Is it intended so? I did some calculation and from the results it seems 3G is enough for the pilot to start panting and losing sight. By the way, shouldn't I get a redout instead when I'm accelerating downwards?

Mod compatibility is not the issue because when I ran ACE for OA and ACEX alone it was the same result.

You're not flying with a supported pilot unit, is my best guess. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/G_Forces

Either not pilot at all, in that case you can use: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Crew_Protection+notes

Or an addon pilot who doesn't inherit from any of the official pilot classes, can be fixed also per mission with the above, or in addon/override config; http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/G_Forces+notes

Edited by Sickboy

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Does anyone else have this problem? In my copy of the CO, when the mod is applied, fixed-wing aeroplanes are barely flyable as I get over-G and subsequently a blackout whenever I tilt the bow in any direction. Is it intended so? I did some calculation and from the results it seems 3G is enough for the pilot to start panting and losing sight. By the way, shouldn't I get a redout instead when I'm accelerating downwards?

Mod compatibility is not the issue because when I ran ACE for OA and ACEX alone it was the same result.

Are you in an F-35 or fast Sukhoi?

At high speeds, the G-force system gets wonky and you black out just from tiny movements. I black out more in ACE than in Lock On.

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Are you in an F-35 or fast Sukhoi?

At high speeds, the G-force system gets wonky and you black out just from tiny movements. I black out more in ACE than in Lock On.

Oh. Yes, it is an F-35 that I'm flying. Thanks for the information. BTW, I believe the ACE team is aware of this?

---------- Post added at 05:27 ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 ----------

You're not flying with a supported pilot unit, is my best guess. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/G_Forces

Either not pilot at all, in that case you can use

Well, Sir, I created a flying F-35 in the mission editor and the result is the same, so I'm guessing it's not the issue.

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Basically, those fast jets need to have their pitch controls trimmed, because at high speeds they climb instead of flying straight. This low angle climb can make you black out.

I'd say it's worth a ticket, but I never bother with ArmA jets, so I'm ambivalent.

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Also jet-related, I will often get "hurt" in the cockpit, not even being injured or damaged, but I get the white edges and vision blur like I need morphine. Makes no sense and it impedes my flying (obviously you can't apply morphine in-cockpit). I even passed out once in mid-air from this phantom pain and crashed. No real explanation as to why this occurs.

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Also jet-related, I will often get "hurt" in the cockpit, not even being injured or damaged, but I get the white edges and vision blur like I need morphine. Makes no sense and it impedes my flying (obviously you can't apply morphine in-cockpit). I even passed out once in mid-air from this phantom pain and crashed. No real explanation as to why this occurs.
When the plane gets hit, the damage translates to the pilot, however we've put measures in place to catch these hits and ignore them for wounds.

Are you running the latest ACE? If so please create a ticket with repro mission and details. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

---------- Post added at 08:56 ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 ----------

Are you in an F-35 or fast Sukhoi?

At high speeds, the G-force system gets wonky and you black out just from tiny movements. I black out more in ACE than in Lock On.

Well, Sir, I created a flying F-35 in the mission editor and the result is the same, so I'm guessing it's not the issue.
Please create a ticket with repro mission and details, thanks. Edited by Sickboy

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Yeah, this was with no plane damage at all so I will see if I can replicate it (it's happened to me at least twice).

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Yeah, this was with no plane damage at all so I will see if I can replicate it (it's happened to me at least twice).
Mostly could get it from even handgun bullets hitting the plane - regardless of amount of damage to the plane itself.

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Hi masters,

I have a big (weird) problem using ACE in my servers, see:


ACRE is not the issue here

The issue occurs when the player fills the secound slot of gear with a weapon.

The issue occurs using AT Launchers too or anothers objects (exceptions backpacks)....

The issue occurs only for some players (10%)

Removing ACE2 from server and Clients, the problem finish....

Help, please.....

Edited by D3lta
No sound, no damage, ghosting player....

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Please post details incl repro mission, rpt files etc to http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

First thought is; some ppl are probably running with the v1.60 betas (that includes the ones that didn't carry the 1.60 version number before) and some aren't.

Edited by Sickboy

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Please post details incl repro mission, rpt files etc to http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

First thought is; some ppl are probably running with the v1.60 betas (that includes the ones that didn't carry the 1.60 version number before) and some aren't.

Very thanks Sickboy, what is ppl?

Can I do something to help my friends here?

TIP: another example of problem

Best Regards

PS. ppl= people! :)

Edited by D3lta

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Very thanks Sickboy, what is ppl?

Can I do something to help my friends here?

ppl = people.

Ele acha que alguns podem estar usando os novos betas e outros não, o que poderia causar o problema.

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ppl = people.

Ele acha que alguns podem estar usando os novos betas e outros não, o que poderia causar o problema.

Sim, eu já tinha entendido o ppl, até atualizei lá o post antes. Achei que poderia ser um termo técnico:p

Minha pergunta não foi bem sobre o que ele explicou, que entendi, mas se eu poderia fazer algo a mais para ajudar o pessoal aqui. Acho que não, só o ticket vai resolver mesmo.

Ninguém estava usando betas.

Abraço smurf.

Edited by D3lta

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First of all good mod and thx that you create this monster.

But I have a problem that is so big that it is not able to play as infantrymen.

I can't use the Interaction Key, ace client config is right and the mod is installed by armarize, this tool use the six updater function for installation of mods and upgrade them same way how six this do. However I change the key layout because my keyboard don't have those old keys for the Interaction anymore. The self interaction is no problem I can use all keys. With the Interaction I can assign a new key but when I press it , it never run.

I use the latest ace version via auto updater and latest 1.59 with CO.

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You should change your key-bindings until you find one that works.

I play on a laptop with a condense keyboard, and I use Left Windows for Interact and that odd menu key for Self Interact.

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Left windows is for Selfinteraction , I want that left STRG will be the key for interaction. I erase all standard OA settings with the key STRG. When I change the Interaction to left windows, nothing happens , when I change the Selfinteraction to left STRG it works too but the interaction looks like broken to me. All keys tested no one works with interaction.

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