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Multi-Session Operations v3.45 released

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Cool mate. I joined your server earlier but you must have been nursing your hand !

GET SOME REST or you'll never play the piano again :)

So have you set it up that all towns are WICT bases?

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yeah krem!

i will play the piano with 3 hands ;)

in latest version it uses all locations and...

i just facepalmed myself cuz i didnt have this idea, yet! It would be awsome to have the bases in (or around) towns, and i think its quite easy since i only need to limit the base-spawnings to locationtype flatareacity or citycenter with "findsafepos".

i still wanna have multiple center of conflicts for each player but i fear its limited to one single center... Also making it compatible for all msofactions is some ahrd work for me, so i will keep in touch with my keyboard ;)


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Tbh I kinda like the fact that the bases aren't all on towns. Makes it less predictable and ... well, less like other very successful missions that concentrate all the enemy on towns :P

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Would only be an option to be set up in params.

Base would be set in a random position in a 500+ radius around town and enemies would patrol out and much more than the static domi thing, since wict is very different - also not each town would have a base only some of them and regular countryside spawn could be just tuned down a bit

What do ya think

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Sounds like a plan .... full of good ideas me :)

Remember that WICT is turn based, and you can lower the percentage that ANYTHING will be built. You can have it very low indeed should you wish.

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Sounds excellent. In other news, Wolffy has been making some great inroads into diagnosing performance issues with MSO in general, so hopefully we'll see some more progress in that respect.

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Thanks for the option on the bases and with friznit2 on that, our players like the idea of searching for them which is half the fun.

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options added and working:

force base on towns, countryside, even

update soon, will have to check the mso_factions list before, so every faction can be spawned by wict via params

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I have a question.

When im running MSO on my dedi server i encounter an error.

First after restart i can use JIP markers, but when i reconnect after being offline a while i cannot add JIP markers anymore?

Is that an issue, or is it something ive missed setting up properly?

Several other have the same issue on the server, it seems that the JIP markers doenst work after reconnect?

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Was on our Dedi Server last night with 540 and once and a while when we respawned at base our recruits would appear/move there to.

Not sure if anyone else has seen this and it did not happen in previous versions.

Other than that game play was good.


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Yo! What do ya mean with "appear"? Have they respawned there? Or did they move to the base? Could you describe the behaviour some more so i can try to reproduce it? Thx

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So two TL's we each had recruits, it was the start of the mission and we got into immediate battle, we both were away from the airport near a enemy camp. At different times both Players (TL's) got killed and when we respawned at airport our AI were with us not back in the field where we were killed.

It was like they Teleported with us back to airport. One time I got killed and all my AI, just after I spawned back at airport my AI Teleported there too but dead, then they were announced as dead like normal and removed from group.

Now this seem to be random and not consistent, but this also never happened in previous versions so not sure.

Does that help?

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Hey veng!

I reproduced it, but its from regular MSO (also happening in vanilla Chernarus MSO)!

If you are killed your squad starts at base again.

Just try the following in vanilla MSO:

- startup a mission

- get some recruits

- open debug console and execute the following code (local):

onmapsingleclick "{_x setpos _pos} foreach units group player"

- close debug console, open map, click somewhere in the middle of the map

- wait a few seconds, then respawn

- wait a few seconds again, and all recruits will follow you by teleporting ;)

kind regards!

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Thanks HH,

So does that mean it is a feature or bug as I would like it to not do that?

Also I can't seem to load the Spare Tires in anything, I don't get a "Load-In" action yet it is in the list of objects to load?

Thanks for the help !


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It'd be a bug. Post it on Dev Heaven for the guys to have a look at.

Not sure about the spare tires though. I always run ACE so I've not played with the non-ACE version of tyres.

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Also working if you start it up as regular MP-Host. Recommended way is to start a dedicated server (on the same PC, if ya playing alone - just start it with CO and CBA).

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So far game play on Dedi is good, however every once and a while I get a enemy soldier who is dead but the image freezes? He is just there in the air or on ground but dead, have also seen enemy spawn in the ground?

Keep up the great work!

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It works OK if you start a local LAN server and run it that way.
Also working if you start it up as regular MP-Host. Recommended way is to start a dedicated server (on the same PC, if ya playing alone - just start it with CO and CBA).

Thanks, it works like a charm

Just one thing, I can't call in CSAR etc because a popup hint says thath I don't have a radio (?) any solutions?

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If you're using ACE or ACRE you'll need to grab yourself a manpack or vehicle radio. (You'll need at least an ACE backpack crate or ACRE all radios box in the mission to get them). The vanilla MSO releases are mod free and Support should work with the regular handheld itemRadio.

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If you're using ACE or ACRE you'll need to grab yourself a manpack or vehicle radio. (You'll need at least an ACE backpack crate or ACRE all radios box in the mission to get them). The vanilla MSO releases are mod free and Support should work with the regular handheld itemRadio.

Uh, ok, iI'll try it this evening!


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