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About Relevart

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Relevart

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Civilian airports, with planes helicopter, security officers etc. Also, big planes, like a 747 with full modeled interiors for hostage rescue situations. Maybe hostage rescue isn't for SP campaign, bur will be awesome for SP missions/MP :D
  2. Uh, ok, iI'll try it this evening! Thanks!
  3. Thanks, it works like a charm Just one thing, I can't call in CSAR etc because a popup hint says thath I don't have a radio (?) any solutions?
  4. Does it work if I launch it in Single Player?
  5. Relevart

    User mission requests!

    Uhm... I'm looking for a huge sandbox world mission where the player isn't the platoon commander, but just an infantry/pilot who must complete some tasks (including troops transport/evac) WICT Tool like? :pray:
  6. Relevart

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Lol, I never noticed that! As MadDogX says, I hope physX will fix it!
  7. Relevart

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Uhm, with the better AI (patrol inside houses etc) will be great if there is an implementation of various gasmasks, tear gas etc for close quarter combat inside buildings / IA spec ops assaults when player is trenched in a building. Also, as the IEDs works great in OA + ACE2, make a EOD division, both sides!
  8. Relevart

    Reinforcments Pack

    When you are gonna install it, the installer asks if you want install REINFORCEMENTS or BAF & PMC only If you have combined operations, click BAF & PMC only, it will install them in the arma 2 directory with Arma2/Arrowhead/Combined Operations. If you click Reinforcements, it will be installed in his own directory, like an other game.
  9. Uh, I'll try reinstall it. Thank you mate!
  10. I'm stuck in EW: ArmA 2: CO + BAF & PMC, last patch + EW Hotifx. I can't get off the Praga when we approach the city :(
  11. Relevart

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thanks for help! Just patched to be sure. :)
  12. Relevart

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hi! I'm little confused: I'm using Six Updater 2.6 RC Actually Jsrs-E/V/VW/W are installed, but the release version isn't displayed! Is this the 1.3 or what? Thanks :)