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Script not working? Use the -showScriptErrors parameter!

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If you're encountering a mysterious malfunction in your scripts, the first thing you should do is put the -showScriptErrors parameter in your Arma 2 shortcut's target line. It will enable you to see script error output in the top part of your screen. An error message will a) help you solve the problem yourself, or b) help us solve it for you without needless guessing and elaborate proofreading.

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Yes, I'm no scripter but this parameter pretty much tells you where it's failing and maybe sometimes what's needed to fix it, I.e. Missing ; or ] catches me out a lot

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Celery speaks the truth!

Team -showscripterrors with SBSMACs Squint and you're well on the way to being a scripter. :) Sort of.

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Used to use this all the time, but so many people made missions with script errors that I couldn't play without being annoyed all the time. :) Now I just have it on my "editing" shortcut, but i'm too lazy to restart most of the time heh

It is however a wonderful tool and should always be used while editing.

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Yes. Please, everyone - start using this parameter. So many missions and scripts released every day aren't working properly because people aren't using it.

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Not everyone can be good enough to spot errors right away like I can. :p

But really, I do use it (I think; I can't really remember the last time I got any errors ;) ).

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I use it, though I hate it, possibly because it highlights my scripting inadequacies :(

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  Tankbuster said:
Celery speaks the truth!

Team -showscripterrors with SBSMACs Squint and you're well on the way to being a scripter. :) Sort of.

Thanks for info, Tankbuster. Long time I'm looking for a good script editor :)

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  chicago said:
Thanks for info, Tankbuster. Long time I'm looking for a good script editor :)

I don't use squint as an editor, though it does do that. What squint is really good at is counting brackets and checking variable names.

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  Celery said:
If you're encountering a mysterious malfunction in your scripts, the first thing you should do is put the -showScriptErrors parameter in your Arma 2 shortcut's target line. It will enable you to see script error output in the top part of your screen. An error message will a) help you solve the problem yourself, or b) help us solve it for you without needless guessing and elaborate proofreading.

excuse my ignorance, I put the -showScriptErrors parameter in my arma Arma 2 shortcut's target line after ...\arma2.exe", and i get a message saying the te text is not valid.

Help please!! ;)

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Maybe introduce a space between the path and parameter?

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I made myself in an accessible place a shortcut to "C: \ Users \ Rydygier \ AppData \ Local \ ArmA 2 \ arma2.RPT" (on Vista) and thanks to this I have access to all error reports written. Very useful thing indeed, both to eliminate errors and to use command "diag_log" for testing purposes.

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Year and a half scripting and now i hear about this!:j: PIN IT:p

Edit: oh it is, NVM, good info,

Edited by JonieTurnock

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I have the following shortcut's target line:

"C:\Archivos de programa\Bohemia Interactive\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@mios;@lingor;@SGMODbeta;@CBA;@mar_2MAW;@CHN_Predator;@cicada1.2;@PLR;@bracer;@Klurs_A1;@I44CO;@ASG;-showScriptErrors; -name=moddero

but no errors show up at the screen...

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Not sure if it happened during copy/paste but there is a space between @ and ASG but no space between asg; and the following - , Check it.

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paste error ,

this it's the real:

"C:\Archivos de programa\Bohemia Interactive\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@mios;@lingor;@SGMODbeta;@CBA;@mar_2MAW;@CHN_P redator;@cicada1.2;@PLR;@bracer;@Klurs_A1;@I44CO;@ASG; -showScriptErrors; -name=moddero

I also have tried this:

"C:\Archivos de programa\Bohemia Interactive\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@mios;@lingor;@SGMODbeta;@CBA;@mar_2MAW;@CHN_P redator;@cicada1.2;@PLR;@bracer;@Klurs_A1;@I44CO;@ASG;-showScriptErrors;-name=moddero

it keeps loading the addons and the profile but not showing any scripts mistakes...do i have to place anything more inside the script or it should work just with that?

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;@ASG -showScriptErrors -name=moddero

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ty...now works fine...is there any way to force it only to run on certain scripts??i am using lot of addons...and some of them have errors...so it's stuck showing the addon errors and never shows my script errors...

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For syntax erros better test your scripts on pure Arma, without any other addons.

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  kylania said:
Used to use this all the time, but so many people made missions with script errors that I couldn't play without being annoyed all the time. :) Now I just have it on my "editing" shortcut, but i'm too lazy to restart most of the time heh

It is however a wonderful tool and should always be used while editing.

lol! So true

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  Rydygier said:
I made myself in an accessible place a shortcut to "C: \ Users \ Rydygier \ AppData \ Local \ ArmA 2 \ arma2.RPT" (on Vista) and thanks to this I have access to all error reports written. Very useful thing indeed, both to eliminate errors and to use command "diag_log" for testing purposes.

Does arma2.RPT exist in Arma 2 Free ?

If so, I haven't been able to locate it / activate it.


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