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avibird 1

ARMA3 needs better ACCESSIBILITY for players to meet, chat and play out of the box!

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That's not ARMA 2. Why are so many people of the opinion that ACE + ACRE are vanilla ARMA 2 features? You are saying ARMA 2 is difficult to set up when in actual fact it's specific mods you are having trouble with, thus giving a false impression of the game which, sadly, seems to have caught on like wildfire.

The game takes around 3-5 hours on some computers to install and get running properly, that is WAY too much. Then the addons are what is ArmA and OFP, the MP would be dead in 2 weeks after launch if it wasn't for mods.

However the game is still in quite bad condition regarding the warping.

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And this I have been trying to ask for, interpolating the movements just like in Battlefield series. Though it will introduce another problem that is rubber banding if the game is server-centric. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

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JIP (Join in Progress) ruined everything, as far as people setting aside the time required for long coop matches, and being totally invested in it. Now'a days, people are in a huge hurry, if they aren't entertained pretty quick, they go somewhere else where shit is blowing up. But if they hadn't done that, maybe the game would be dead, who knows. I'm just adding this nugget of info as an old flashpoint player... when you played with people, they stuck around, because it took a long time to get in a match and there was a certain value to getting a slot on a good server like Karr's (RTS) or Radishville. You sat and waited, sometimes for more than an hour, for a new mission to start. There was no spectating, just a simple screen with the player list, mission timer, etc. It really weeded out the impatient people, griefers, things like that.

But it was a different time. So more to the point, I do not think you will ever get anything close to flashpoint/res MP coop gameplay or even the behavior of those players (patient gentlemen for the most part) ever again.

Besides that, without these gaming groups ('clans', swearword round here) that you disregard, those old flashpoint servers wouldn't have existed. What makes those servers exist in the first place is groups of guys getting together to shoot the shit, shoot guba's UAZ and each other, drink some beer, make new friends, etc. They donate to pay for the server. (unless one was an IT guy with a server under his desk at work.. :D)

That aside, even hosting your own coop brought in people that were more patient and respectful that you would get today. You may sit in the mission start screen for 15-30 minutes before someone showed up. (remember, no JIP) But when you started it, chances are they would stay with you till the end or you died. (sometimes no respawn on the better coops) They knew not to dick around and shoot needlessly, shoot out the tires of cars, spam the guns in choppers, those are all signs of impatience and boredom, typical today.

To play good coop in todays world, you need to find some guys to play with, simple as that. There is no successful public coop now, unless an admin is there constantly kicking dummies off and the mission can handle such setbacks as FF, satchels in the base, etc.

Without investment and sacrifice on the part of the player, there will not be quality gameplay... pretty simple. (in time, patience, etc)

Also, EVO/Domi is not the boogieman here.. Xeno made that map because people like it, it's what his fans wanted. It is more of a symbol of the modern times, or the new player base of the game. It is possible to play it old school, realistically.. it's very adaptable, quite fun that way. But most will use all the gimmicks to save time, get to the action, like I said, investment, sacrifice. (crawling 20km wounded on your belly, unheard of!? Just respawn stupid!) This disconnect (patient folks who take it a bit more serious so that it means a bit more vs the folks who like the action all the time) is what causes the problems. Nobody wants to flog themselves when other people are taking the easy, action packed route, it's frustrating. Everyone working together, playing in the same 'style' if you will, is what works.

I'm an old fart, when I want to play a good no-respawn coop for 4 hours straight, I do so on the LAN, because I have given up on trying to find those quality players with that discipline is futile these days. :o There are groups of course, but they are kind of intimidating to a person with little gaming time.


PS: Remember.. Operation Flashpoint and Resistance were pretty arcadey if you look at it from a sim prespective. What made it different was the AI, freedom of choice, MP with time investment, huge scale, community addons..

This is the second guy who really gets what I am saying!

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Yes, i explained him over teamspeak. Just some troubles in which we ran into (i dont know it accurate anymore, but something like this):

- Downloading the full Ace version from somewhere

- installing it

- checkking all the folders

- something whith extracting went wrong

- deleting all

- reeinstalling

- comparing folders - OK

- opening the game

- forgot to load ACE

- explained how to use the Parameters to start arma

- forgot CBA

- started all correctly

- tryed to join an ACE Server

- wrong version, we need to update.

- configuraring the ACE Updater WEb Browswer thingy

- Updating

- some .pbo's didnt extract automtaically which we found out by joining a server again.

- searching the pbos and extracting them correctly

- finding a ncie server with ace

- joining

- get a big notice, that we are using a NEWER version then the server is running

- searching another ACE server with over 10 players

- not found

- going to sleep.

The game's not for impatient players.

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A lot of people don't have time to join a clan or don't want to join a clan (talk about a console thing) I don't want to get into a console or clan thing here.

True, but if you don't have enough time to join a clan (which really doesn't take long at all, unless they have some sort of screening process.) then how do you have time to play ArmA?

It's really just laziness that's involved with most pubbers. You can have teamwork with pubbers, but that's very limited since most of them don't feel like joining a TS or communicating with anyone else.

I'd rather have it as it is right now. Making the game more accessible makes it more prone to pubbers joining a game where your team has been working together to fulfill an objective only to have a pubber join and start going off in their own little world thinking they are playing Mercenaries.

I wouldn't be against the idea of making the game more accessible though. Doesn't bother me much.

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It is so hard to find COOP missions that players are playing in open public rooms beacuse of some of the reasons i stated above. COOP missions is what made OFP what it is. Warfare,dom in my view is killing the feel of OFP.

Yes I agree 90% of public servers are running warfare or dom (it's easier to manage for the host I guess). it kills the ofp feelling since there's infinitive respawn/revive and players run/die run/die run/die and there's no more tactics/team play. Fear of dying is gone then people play on their own and run like headless chicken hoping they'll be able to score a bit before dying. All this because of easy accesibility, sad but true.

People have hard time finding good old school coop servers (no respawn) where the goal is teamplay and to do the job with minimum of losses. The team play to achieve this kind of mission is all the more important since in ArmA2 you die very quickly if you run and gun. There's a bunch of missions like this but the problem is nobody actually play them or don't play on public servers who run them, Why? because if you die that's finish and you spectacte the others. People don't really want to play in team on public server they want to have the best score nothing more.

So if you make the accessibility easier a la CoD or BF it will increase this problem.

I agree addon managment should be easier.



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In my view, BIS aren't in competition with Call of Duty nor Battlefield, nor should they be. ARMA 2 is the king of the infantry simulation genre, and we all saw how trying to make such a game more accessible went.

Perhaps it could be done right if done by the right people, and I certainly wouldn't choose anyone other than BIS for the job, but I am of the opinion that I don't want the core fans of the series to become alienated by the sudden "ease-of-use" and "everyone can play" requirements of every so-called "accessible" game. Besides, more people are interested in the ARMA series than ever, especially after E3.

I beg to differ. Codies -significantly- changed the gameplay formula of OFP, even in DR, partially based on their engine´s restrictions. Changing the gameplay formula is not what I (for one) mean by making the game "more accessible".

What I´d like to see is more comprehensive tutorials on how to approach conondrums the players might face on the battlefield, and a generally optimized control and command interface. Dumbing down the game (which is what OFP:DR and RR did.) won´t serve the series well. The gameplay formula itself is a winner. It just needs to be made easier to get behind it, for noobs, if they´re supposed to stick around.

It is true that more people are interested now, after E3. And many of those, if things will stay unchanged, will do as my friends: start up the game, work trough the tutorials (which teach you nothing but the bare basics of movement and shooting.), start a mission, get confused and die. Rinse and repeat. The controls are complex, the gameplay is unique and so much different from common shooters that people simply -do not- immediately comprehend how to play this game, much less use all of the options at their disposal. A lot of those people will, after a time, get fed up with trying, and ditch the game to play something that´s easier to get behind. A few will stay, obviously, but without easing the "normal" gamer in, it will most likely only be a few indeed.

If everyone who is hyped for this game now should be made to stick around, ease of entry must be guaranteed. And again, changing the gameplay formula would be equal to chickening out. Plus, DR and RR have proven how that doesn´t work, if you want to keep the die hard fans around. It´s a precarious thing, approaching the mainstream.

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Typical Console - console guys are too lazy to click on browser and pick the server :j:

I am an ex-console player with little PC experience till about a year or two ago and I agree.

If I find a good server I'd rather be able to connect to it instead of HOPE to get it in the game search.......

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True, but if you don't have enough time to join a clan (which really doesn't take long at all, unless they have some sort of screening process.) then how do you have time to play ArmA?

It's really just laziness that's involved with most pubbers. You can have teamwork with pubbers, but that's very limited since most of them don't feel like joining a TS or communicating with anyone else.

I'd rather have it as it is right now. Making the game more accessible makes it more prone to pubbers joining a game where your team has been working together to fulfill an objective only to have a pubber join and start going off in their own little world thinking they are playing Mercenaries.

I wouldn't be against the idea of making the game more accessible though. Doesn't bother me much.

Not everyone has time in their life to join a clan. Some clans have requirements to be met that some people cannot fulfill. And some people just don't want to join a clan, but enjoys doing missions with them when they can. Last night in a server, I saw a good mix of half clan members, half pubbers, all doing excellent teamwork.

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That's not ARMA 2. Why are so many people of the opinion that ACE + ACRE are vanilla ARMA 2 features? You are saying ARMA 2 is difficult to set up when in actual fact it's specific mods you are having trouble with, thus giving a false impression of the game which, sadly, seems to have caught on like wildfire.

Because addons are the heart of this series. If OFP did not have addons capability, I doubt there would have been such success with the series past 2005 or so. And BIS has pretty much made clear they are marketing a sim platform to their community, from outward appearances a normal game, but trying to keep both old and prospective camps happy. If addons were not important to BIS, I do not think they would fix compatibility issues when they break things such as islands, in the beta patches and such. (they fix these 3rd party issues they cause frequently)

There has always been a huge issue with addons, and lack of standardization. The answer is clear to me, who had previously been helping people set up addons for 8+ years.. if BIS wishes to bring the old players together with the new players (that a new release brings), they must take action by standardizing an addon delivery method, or at least improving the GUI so that new people are not totally confounded by this very complicated process. It's irrelevant if you can figure it out fine and quickly Zipper, the fact is, most people cannot. Maybe you play vanilla, half the community doesn't. And we should not abandon those new people who have trouble, because they help the MP pool grow. Old players want addons, new players don't know about them. So something has to be done, or history will repeat itself yet again.

And hopefully a large scale, MP community fragmenting clusterfuck like the A2/OA Standalone/CO MP debacle doesn't happen again.

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What it comes down to is a better server lobby with more filter options like show vanilla or moded servers.

A button to show more info about a server such as how long its been playing the current mission (currently not working) and what mods are required.

Ideally it needs an auto download option for mods used but this could be hard to implement in getting the latest version and having to wait a long time for some big mods or maps. (ARMA would probably need to be restarted as well)

Public servers get ALL the new players who don't know how to play etc. Some will get into it and try to play properly while others will get bored and run amok. Having Domi or one of those perpetual missions allows them to get familiar with the gameplay in a forgiving (respawns) and team based (if they try) scenario.

Having a normal mission with no respawn will definitely put them off as they will get killed quickly and have to go find another server.

Edited by EDcase

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Most people here are a bunch of retards, after I read the post is the only thing I can say I can't describe them in any other way. Whenever the talk come to PvP the talk goes to CoD, BF and mods. Because it seems they have never ever played any serious PvP in ArmA2 apart from the only vanilla DM map, and they think thats PvP.

ArmA is an FPS shooter, it playes like an FPS shooter it feels like an FPS shooter. And I say this, a very expirienced and good PvP player. Call it a milsim or whatever. The basic thing tis thread was about is offcial PvP maps

Highlights of stupidity

More accessibility is of course good. But the easy-peasy accessibility of CoD and BF is exactly what draws in the slackjawed moron brigade :D
(except if he is sarcrastic)
2. I would have thought most of the Arma population would be mature enough to NOT use hacks anyway...
cut this crap with maturity, this guy here wrote hunders of lines of code just to prove that he can?


No, it doesn't. This game does not need a quick-pass access card to the 'console crowd'. The community is way better off with it.
whats the problem with this "racism" against people who own consoles? what the hell is the problem? don't like PvP? go back to your friends and play Coop the "average console player" will not even try to play coop.
Definately agree with this. Everyone remember the console brigade coming onto the Arma2 servers when the game got released. They were all moaning about the game being shite because they were used to COD type games and the ease that they can play them.

Not to mention all the people with an IQ of 8 trying to ruin the game for other people.

we all know whos IQ is below 8 and thats you.

No, it doesn't. This game does not need a quick-pass access card to the 'console crowd'. The community is way better off with it.
I´d love to play with my friends, but for them, A2 is a frust-fest, and not a game. And no, I´m not interested in playing together with more common sim-type, realism savvy gamers, because I don´t swing that way.

No its a game and for average FPS player I'd say its a easy one (no aiming skills needed etc). The reason ppl didnt play ArmA2 is because they got it the first day and they only found that crappy berzerk and coop maps that they are not intrested in.
The latter points on "selling out" are a legitimate fear, seeing as many great games were ruined when their original concepts were ditched in favour of simplification of the gameplay itself. Examples are Deus Ex 2, or C&C4. I agree with that. [...]

Tutorials, BIS. Tell the noobs not only how to tell their squad how to walk from A to B, but also how to effectively make them spot, maneuver on and kill an enemy. How to use terrain. And how to employ special weapons. Thanks in advance.


Who said anything about changing the gameplay. The average FPS gamer will not be able to play any PvP map and thats why he ll ditch the game. Tutorial of these kinds are not needed.

Keep this accessibility Daemon to yourself. We have seen more than oncce what accessibility has done to good game series

Like having low sellings and after 1 year all the servers empty? Is that what you mean? The WHOLE PvP scene is the 30 players every Saturday night in that valhalla map? I don't think so. They just dropped the game because the were NO OFFCIAL-BALANACED PvP maps.

I'm turning 30 too and I understood then young people (not everybody but a lot) want something easy, fast and flashy. Some of my younger friends are like that when we play OFP or ARMA. First they want an assault rifle, 2 minutes later a sniper. Because they died, they ask for a tank a tank the next play because they think they will kill more and faster... Again, they die and are frustrated. They are always going alone and die fast... It's not only in the game, it's like that in life too...

Why do you always think that the game is complicated? Why do you think That people who buy ArmA want this game with changedgameplay OMG

I don't play this game for MP.

Why bother posting here? Did you even read the starters thread? Or you dont have a cd-key?


Yes I agree 90% of public servers are running warfare or dom (it's easier to manage for the host I guess). it kills the ofp feelling since there's infinitive respawn/revive and players run/die run/die [...]

So if you make the accessibility easier a la CoD or BF it will increase this problem.

I agree addon managment should be easier.



You really think that CoD and BF players are willing to play coop? :confused:

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Not everyone has time in their life to join a clan. Some clans have requirements to be met that some people cannot fulfill. And some people just don't want to join a clan, but enjoys doing missions with them when they can. Last night in a server, I saw a good mix of half clan members, half pubbers, all doing excellent teamwork.
Steakslim I think I remember playing with you on the ussocom server a couple of times. And what you said is very true. A lot of clans, including USSOCOM, have ridiculous requirements to join, especially considering most people just want to play the missions with them and don't intend on revolving their lives around it.

Back on topic, ArmA 3 is definitely in need of more accessibility. Unfortunately most of the people on this forum equate 'accessibility' with being 'dumbed down', which isn't the case at all. All the things that the OP mentioned are in CoD and battlefield, yes, but they are not the only differences between those games and arma. You're lying to yourself if you can say that you've never wished that some aspect of the arma UI was made simpler. It's annoying to try joining a server, only for it to have some mod that you have to look up, download, and figure out how to install. If you aren't already experienced with computers and making modfolders then I can see how downloading mods alone would be a turnoff to what could have been good players who are just as mature and tactically oriented as anyone else, but who doesn't have the time to figure it out or who doesn't know the benefits of mods and therefore sees no reason to spend so much effort.

This is one of the reasons why almost every server in vanilla arma 2 is empty, and only a handful of servers in operation arrowhead consistently have players. It would never hurt to have more players. Sure, there would probably be more hackers, griefers, and noobs. But that's every online multiplayer game.

If there were more training options, perhaps, or an entirely different set of servers for players who want to learn how to play from more experienced players (Metal Gear Online did it, and that game has one of the worst communities of all video games. I'm sure this community could pull it off). But the answer isn't to shut the doors or leave a gauntlet of user-unfriendly features for people to navigate only if they're dedicated enough to try and figure it out.

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Why bother posting here? Did you even read the starters thread? Or you dont have a cd-key?

Keep your smart comments for yourself, young padawan.

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No its a game and for average FPS player I'd say its a easy one (no aiming skills needed etc). The reason ppl didnt play ArmA2 is because they got it the first day and they only found that crappy berzerk and coop maps that they are not intrested in.

Who said anything about changing the gameplay. The average FPS gamer will not be able to play any PvP map and thats why he ll ditch the game. Tutorial of these kinds are not needed.


I don´t know why you need to resort to calling people "retards" and "stupid", but I guess that´s a given on the internet, so I´ll try to ignore this as best as I can.

Granted, in todays PC gaming environment, well designed PVP maps are important, and have been sorely lacking from Arma thus far by default. Mods can´t really alleviate this either, even if they have as much leverage as PR. That said, however...

Arma´s gameplay is, this may be outdated, still largely single-player focused. I don´t agree that it´s an "easy" game, just because you can take lots of time to aim. In a common coop or SP mission, there is lots of ways to fail, even if you´re an ace shooter and generally good at any other fps. And SP and Coop are completely different cakes from PVP.

PVP needs to be balanced (which Arma hasn´t been so far, face off a BTR-90 vs an LAV-25 and you´ll see what I mean.), on many levels, equipment, types of character classes, map design... lots of ground to cover. Arma´s maps aren´t suited for that by default, since they´re accurate reproductions of irl terrain. And that usually means that one side or the other has a definitive terrain advantage over the other in many cases. Balancing equipment is also a problem, as highlighted by the LAV vs BTR example. Or M1 vs T55.

If you want competetive, fast and fluid, and fair PVP, Arma probably isn´t the right game. And people looking for this will likely be disappointed in A3 again, unless BI takes special care of their needs and comes up with a dedicated pvp map and troop sets, or something.

Also, with heavy modeabillity, balancing pvp becomes even more difficult. Notwithstanding special game modes that are built around force imbalances.

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Steakslim I think I remember playing with you on the ussocom server a couple of times.

lol, i'm so terribly sorry you had to put up with me.

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You really think that CoD and BF players are willing to play coop? :confused:

Apparently you need to read the original post at the beginning of the thread or start your own rage thread about lack of PvP players. (which is an entirely different subject, yet has valid overlap into the coop one. There are shared problems for both.) Regardless, a mod will close it because there are already thousands of them.

But shitting on everyone who disagrees with you is a great way to work things out. Eagerly awaiting Sfigokolarios' PvP military sim, made entirely by Sfigokolarios himself since he can't get along with anyone else. Tighten up those graphics on level 3...

PS: I love PvP, and Coop.

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You really think that CoD and BF players are willing to play coop? :confused:

I was talking about a system a la CoD/BF (click and join) and not about the kind of MP mod CoD/BF players prefer. Please, next time read carefully.

You clearly understand nothing about what the ofp/ArmA community is. Needless to say that treating other posters like you did is imature, in case you forgot we are in a forum and people can voice their opinion and if they disagree they can debate with respect. Who are you to say them they are retards since they don't share your opinion?



Edited by Nikiller

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Lets take a look

1. Lack of official COOP or PLAYER VS PLAYER MISSION on dedicated servers that a player can join in play and go with a simple click of a button. This is what makes BF games so Popular not the run and gun gameplay but the ability to join a game play for a bit and then go back to real life.
+ there are official mp missions from BIS

+ server admins and players on servers are in charge of what is played (read: NOT BIS!)

2. Lack of open public servers that you can join due to the inability of the host to stop cheating in the room.
+ BIS is not responsible for any public/private servers or admins who aren't aware or too lazy to stop cheating/hacking/tools for whatever reasons...
3. Lack of players using the in game voice chat. Most players use teamspeak over your system. This kills open public servers. Find out why and change. This stops the open community to grow. If you don't want to join a clan or just want to play for a bit this limits you because you can't just meet players and play. You need o find what teamspeak and then switch over.
+ there is ingame chat and VON.

Solving communication problems between players on any server is not part of BIS games & services. BIS is not your mom or/and your personal executioner.

BIS will hopefully improve/rework the mp browser so people can get more + better informations about the mission and the required addons/mods + some download options aswell. :)

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ArmA is an FPS shooter, it playes like an FPS shooter it feels like an FPS shooter. And I say this, a very expirienced and good PvP player. Call it a milsim or whatever. The basic thing tis thread was about is offcial PvP maps

Nice post, but the term "FPS shooter" is a symptom of RAS syndrome.

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Most people here are a bunch of retards

It's really quite sad that there are a group of self described 'hardcore' PvPers that come here and basically insult and harangue anyone who doesn't agree with their opinions.

The community at large doesn't want that kind of attitude here.

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Yes I agree 90% of public servers are running warfare or dom (it's easier to manage for the host I guess). it kills the ofp feelling since there's infinitive respawn/revive and players run/die run/die run/die and there's no more tactics/team play. Fear of dying is gone then people play on their own and run like headless chicken hoping they'll be able to score a bit before dying. All this because of easy accesibility, sad but true.

People have hard time finding good old school coop servers (no respawn) where the goal is teamplay and to do the job with minimum of losses. The team play to achieve this kind of mission is all the more important since in ArmA2 you die very quickly if you run and gun. There's a bunch of missions like this but the problem is nobody actually play them or don't play on public servers who run them, Why? because if you die that's finish and you spectacte the others. People don't really want to play in team on public server they want to have the best score nothing more.

So if you make the accessibility easier a la CoD or BF it will increase this problem.

I agree addon managment should be easier.



DID NOT WANT THE GAME TO HAVE BETTER ACCESSIBILITY for console players. Shit if you can't Figure Out how to control your AI or read the map ect. then you should not play this game. YES addon managment would be nice.

Old school players like me who want to play user made mission and want to host missions have a very hard time finding players in this community. WARFARE/DOM on most public rooms. The play sucks balls that's not OFP PLAY.

I don't have time for clans because I am old and don't want all the bullshit that comes with clans just to play a game for a few hrs when I have the time.

Back in the old days just put a room up if players liked your missions then they would play and stay even if you were a bird for hr. lol.

People know how to play back then as a real team Not what I see now in WARFARE/DOM mission. No real teamwork! We can fight all night long but the facts are the facts.

I KNOW THE COMMUNITY HAS OLD SCHOOL PLAYERS OUT THERE BUT they stay in locked rooms no more public play for most of them so the community of players will never grow because all new players only know of WARFARE/DOM play and that my friends are not OFP PLAY!

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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It's really quite sad that there are a group of self described 'hardcore' PvPers that come here and basically insult and harangue anyone who doesn't agree with their opinions.

The community at large doesn't want that kind of attitude here.

You keep bash ProFPS, CoD and BF players the community doesnt want u here.

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DID NOT WANT THE GAME TO HAVE BETTER ACCESSIBILITY for console players. Shit if you can't Figure Out how to control your AI or read the map ect. then you should not play this game. YES addon managment would be nice.

Old school players like me who want to play user made mission and want to host missions have a very hard time finding players in this community. WARFARE/DOM on most public rooms. The play sucks balls that's not OFP PLAY.

I don't have time for clans because I am old and don't want all the bullshit that comes with clans just to play a game for a few hrs when I have the time.

Back in the old days just put a room up if players liked your missions then they would play and stay even if you were a bird for hr. lol.

People know how to play back then as a real team Not what I see now in WARFARE/DOM mission. No real teamwork! We can fight all night long but the facts are the facts.

I KNOW THE COMMUNITY HAS OLD SCHOOL PLAYERS OYT THERE BUT they stay in locked rooms no more public play formost of them so the community of players will never grow because all new players only know of WARFARE/DOM play and that my friends are not OFP PLAY!

He is right guys... This game is lacking the old OFP feel in regards to people getting together in a server for some good co-op missions. For example, I was hosting a public mission that I created with a friend, and 2 other guys joined. They seemed like cool guys and were interested in my mission. However, as soon as one of them died, he quit because he had no patience and had the option to just join another game in progress. People no longer want to wait as a bird for people to complete a mission and would rather go play warfare or domination crap instead which is on about 99.9% of the OPEN servers.

P.S. I been playing with Avibird since 2005 on OFP and know what he's talking about.

Edited by Jake34

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