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Render to texture - what are the possibilities?

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Look at all that wasted space. With a simple 2D scope you have twice as much space to see what you're looking at.

Yes ,but that RTT way is more realistic

IRL you can look more into scope ,but then you can easy get a injury ;)

Edited by RobertHammer

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Yes ,but that RTT way is it more realistic

IRL you can look more into scope ,but then you can easy get a injury ;)

Well I'm not an expert, but all the scopes I've looked through have a certain distance they work at, any closer/further and you can't see shit. Also, your eyes can only focus on one thing at a time, so realistically you're not really going to see anything outside of that scope. I'd say RTT could make it more realistic, but only if you add proper post-processing effects (ex: unfocused outside of the scope, and that black ring you get when you're not porperly aligned, etc...). Without them, 2D scopes seem more accurate.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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I'd like render to texture scopes. If they over do it, it may not work, but executed correctly it would be a very big feature for me.

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Well I'm not an expert, but all the scopes I've looked through have a certain distance they work at, any closer/further and you can't see shit. Also, your eyes can only focus on one thing at a time, so realistically you're not really going to see anything outside of that scope.

Only if you have horrible peripheral vision. Realistically while not focusing outside of the scope, you can still see.

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RTT in Arma 2: rtth.th.jpg


What?!? Where? How?!?


Edit: Saw your explanation :(

Definitely brings much to the table.

Edited by froggyluv

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Only if you have horrible peripheral vision. Realistically while not focusing outside of the scope, you can still see.

Well I just tried it and I guess you're right. It's still not in perfect focus though. Still, if they do use RTT for scopes I hope they make it look realisitic when you move (sort of like in


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The sniper in that video of RO2 you linked looked almost perfect.

Scope part starts at 2:09

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Dont know if already posted. but some nice VBS2 render to texture:

at 3:18 ->

After the robotic arm thingy u can see nice rear mirrors from the truck, carrying the tank.

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Edit, the only thing I don't like is how you can still see perfectly through the scope as he does the bolt action. As the gun is clearly aiming in another direction, it just doesn't look right.

Also, in RO it almost seems as if the scope is a 2d image "glued" on to the edge of the scope, rather than as if you are actually looking through long scope.

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In as simple terms as I might dare to put it, the difference between rendering and texturing is this: rendering is a dynamic process that your computer undertakes to develop the 3D world (models) and the application of 2D textures to said 3D world (amongst other things). The textures are themselves essentially static paint.

When you look at a piece of art, it, of course, is stationary. This is the texture. No matter if you twist and turn the MODEL, the paint doesn't move (in relation to said model).

Render to texture actually changes that. Essentially what is happening is that the 'hard' part of 'rendering' (think as if you were to create a model car) is turned into these static pictures. Suddenly you get a moving picture.

This hardly describes the process, unfortunately, but perhaps illuminates some of the underlying aspects of how powerful such technology can be. It can be used almost like television within a game; you have one thing 'recording' and sending it as a texture to an output node.

In many games you can be placed into the role of a different 'camera' (such as when you launch a remote recon drone in ArmA2), but what you're really doing is essentially transferring the 'spirit' (if you will) of course character to this alternate 'character.' No one else could see what you're seeing except by also 'transferring' their spirit. Now, you could have a camera monitor showing exactly what that recon drone is seeing without ever having to switch to some new view.

Rendering in this sense is creating an image from 3d information.

Texture just refers to a surface projection. Whatever the texture is, you're projecting something onto a surface usually using UV space. For instance, an ambient occlusion render is not a texture, but an ambient occlusion bake *is*, or at least it is potentially. Shadows cast by geometry aren't a texture, but a light (or shadow) map *is*. Anything can be a texture, really, images, movies, or real time renders. There isn't anything really intrinsically artistic about a uv projection.

In this case we have a camera in a uv scene that is rendering to an object's texture space instead of the screen. In the case of mirrors, of course, the image has to be processed so that it's horizontally reversed.

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If they are anything like the rear-view mirrors in VBS2, however, I don't think they will be applicable to 3D scopes. Watch a VBS2 video where they are used to see what I mean.

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If they are anything like the rear-view mirrors in VBS2, however, I don't think they will be applicable to 3D scopes. Watch a VBS2 video where they are used to see what I mean.

yeah i am on the same page with cam here, doubt someone would use PIP/RTT for scopes really. I don't think other games doing it (RO and FC2 are the only ones i remember atm) are doing it using RTT method.

Anyways, i would prefer having the entire screen zoom for acog type scopes rather than having a black border. That is possible now, it just needs proper High res textures on the scope.

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The sniper in that video of RO2 you linked looked almost perfect.

Scope part starts at 2:09

Funny, I just saw that video yesterday and wondered how that would look in Arma 3 :bounce3:

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Render to texture was shown in the ToH vid whatshisface (sorry, forgot name, i don't know everyone yet :( ), so that gives us some indication of its use in A3

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Render to texture was shown in the ToH vid whatshisface (sorry, forgot name, i don't know everyone yet :( ), so that gives us some indication of its use in A3

that doesn't mean it will be used for real 3d scopes (one of the long term community wishes)

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that doesn't mean it will be used for real 3d scopes (one of the long term community wishes)

I said some indication of what it'll be used for, not that it will be used for x y z, though i agree 3D scopes would be nice.

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The sniper in that video of RO2 you linked looked almost perfect.

Scope part starts at 2:09

that is a good 3D scope, also I see you can zoom In a little bit. BIS can implement this with the normal keys holding the RMB to zoom In, putting your eye close to the scope

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Maybe even rendering the map as small piece of paper like in Far Cry 2.

You can look at the GPS of your buddy and its actual a piece of equip that you have to hold in your hands to use insted floating in front of your face.

A small monitor with a camera to watch behind walls and corners or under doors.

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if this feature is easy to mod, the possibilities are... endless

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that is a good 3D scope, also I see you can zoom In a little bit. BIS can implement this with the normal keys holding the RMB to zoom In, putting your eye close to the scope

Thought the same thing. Pressing V puts the gun in center of your sight, pressing RMB puts your point of view closer to the scope and the +/- numpad keys regulate the zoom factor. :cool:

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Of course, then you have to animate a hand doing something for each different type of scope for each weapon, in the cases where the scope placement is different.

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This may not be directly related to RTT and instead multi-layered textures buuuuut......

This could be used for dynamic weather as well, for instance when it's raining then you could apply another 'shiny' and transparent texture on top of metal objects such as tanks, weapons, whatever. Or create artificial and realtime mirror surfaces, such as puddles forming on the ground

You could also use it to dynamically change textures, such as falling leaves for an autumn setting will make the ground texture go more brown/orange, winter would cause everything to go white. An additional texture layer on top of weapons/vehicles/soldiers would see their original uniform underneath but heavily covered by snow, or just simply change the texture altogether. This would massively reduce workload by having 1 soldier model instead of one for each (winter, desert, jungle). Which has it's obvious benefits, such as not REQUIRING to downloading several GB of addons just to play a winter mission

Actually I might just make a new thread about this....

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Maybe even rendering the map as small piece of paper like in Far Cry 2.

You can look at the GPS of your buddy and its actual a piece of equip that you have to hold in your hands to use insted floating in front of your face.

A small monitor with a camera to watch behind walls and corners or under doors.

Shit, it never crossed my mind folks (but was probably mentioned somewhere in this thread). A real Blue Force Tracker.

---------- Post added at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

This may not be directly related to RTT and instead multi-layered textures buuuuut......

This could be used for dynamic weather as well, for instance when it's raining then you could apply another 'shiny' and transparent texture on top of metal objects such as tanks, weapons, whatever. Or create artificial and realtime mirror surfaces, such as puddles forming on the ground

You could also use it to dynamically change textures, such as falling leaves for an autumn setting will make the ground texture go more brown/orange, winter would cause everything to go white. An additional texture layer on top of weapons/vehicles/soldiers would see their original uniform underneath but heavily covered by snow, or just simply change the texture altogether. This would massively reduce workload by having 1 soldier model instead of one for each (winter, desert, jungle). Which has it's obvious benefits, such as not REQUIRING to downloading several GB of addons just to play a winter mission

Actually I might just make a new thread about this....

I think that might refer to special shaders or shader properties activated during certain events. Example would be Crysis (shush it's just an example) when it rained, you had water run off on a lot of the surfaces. However this was never dynamic where it went from a dry look to the wet look. It was either raining or it wasn't when a level loaded up.

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