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More Simulation vs Amount of vehicles?

Simulation vs More vehicles.  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. Simulation vs More vehicles.

    • More simulation, less vehicles.
    • More vehicles, less simulation.

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Would you personally like to see:

A) Less vehicle units at release,but with more simulation level on them.


B) More vehicle units at the same standard as OA.

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Depends honestly. 1 quality vehicle or 10 decent vehicles. I would probably go for the ten decent vehicles...

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The modding community can take care of itself if it wants more vehicles. Quality over quantity with vehicles. End of story.

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Less with alot of polish and awesome models.

Agreed. Same for the firearms.

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I'd like more vehicles and more simulation. I don't see how the two cancel each other out.

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I'd like more vehicles and more simulation. I don't see how the two cancel each other out.

If that was the case Arma 2 and OA would be perfect, fully modeling a cockpit of an Apache takes a long time and adding all the extra frills that we all expect from a war simulator is even more work.

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If that was the case Arma 2 and OA would be perfect, fully modeling a cockpit of an Apache takes a long time and adding all the extra frills that we all expect from a war simulator is even more work.

A3 is an improved engine on A2, so my understanding is all the basic stuff is in there, only refined, allowing more time to work on vehicle models. And since this is Arma and not DCS, a 100% perfectly modeled cockpit is not strictly necessary.

They also have a year to go and we really don't know how long they've been at work on it. There is still time to add a heap of things to the game.

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Radical engine improvements


Dx10 and Dx11 instead of Dx9 in A2.

God only knows what else those beasts over at Bohemia are doing.

BIS has grown alot since A2 launched so we will just have to wait and see.

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Radical engine improvements

BIS has grown alot since A2 launched so we will just have to wait and see.

I do indeed prefer this option to pretty much all speculation on everything for now.

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cant we have both ? but yeah simulation/quality any day..

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A3 is an improved engine on A2, so my understanding is all the basic stuff is in there, only refined, allowing more time to work on vehicle models.

Hold on, at least 2 new armies (Persia and/or China & IDF), new SOF for various countries, new 400 km^2 island, new physics (I won't put much emphasis on that at this time :D), underwater warfare.

More is less => quality > quantity.

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Unfortunately no, when it comes to simulation modelling is only a small part of it, the bigger is the simulating of how things work..since Flash Thunder mentioned the apache (Hmm). Truthfully modelling can be quick depending on your own goals and levels of satisfaction IE are you okay with having it look similar or are you completely mental and need to try and have everything 100%.

Adding to that, the more important part is the way it functions, you can have a less detailed model and the fact it could function so much would be far better than a prettier vehicle that was essentially for looks. But for that you need a greater understanding of the system, even more time to research and understand things, an understanidng of math, LUA, a mindset to bend the rules but most of all, time.

Regardless of all that I prefer quality over quantity mehself, even 'simple' things such as variations in traction and bullet penetration can make the game something else, I'm hoping physX brings some nice things to the table, even if not used by default.

Edited by NodUnit

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It's 'easy' to model an A10, which doesn't have to shed its wings in an event of a missile hitting them. New physics could be just that.

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Kind of, the modelling itself isn't the tricky part as much as determining how you will work the damage, for the best results you'd need to mix the model with diffuse and alpha textures but the big question is where does the damage model end and the texture start.

For the record though this is already possible in A2, not only that but you can also have the vehicles control effected by this loss. http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/NodUnit/misc/damage5.jpg http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/NodUnit/misc/damage6.jpg as the wing took damage the aircraft would lean in the direction of the damaged wing, the more damage the more pushing the stick in opposite is required, the vibration also got worse. Problem is while all that is there it's not perfect, for example when I lost my rudder I could still 'use it', same with the elevators

But if physics can work in that way then I wonder if it can also be used to emulate drag and equipment weight, if the physics could be manipulated into a sort of object then that would be even better, take helicopters for example, when descending you never had to worry about getting caught in your own downwash and you never have to be concerned about dead air or changing thinner air causing less lift.

Edited by NodUnit

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i think if Bis were to attempt and complete one model as a proof of concept, i'd be pretty impressed, I also think they should then sell them as DLC's. I'd buy em as extras for sure.


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yes a sort of tech demo would be great.

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Quality over quantity. Of course.

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Hold on, at least 2 new armies (Persia and/or China & IDF), new SOF for various countries, new 400 km^2 island, new physics (I won't put much emphasis on that at this time :D), underwater warfare.

More is less => quality > quantity.

You don't have to keep banting on about the quality > quantity mantra, i get it. I'm just saying since its still RV they already have basic knowledge on how to make stuff in the game. I sincerely doubt that as a side effect of creating vehicles they're gonna go to a CoD style shooting mechanic.

The core Arma realistic gameplay is not going away. Its just being improved upon.

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More simulation, less vehicles ofc :)

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You're all gonna hate me, but i kinda think that the tanks in COD 5 are more realisticly build than that in arma2.

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