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it is not obvious, but the actual mod files, are there any that are more recently patched than the Feb 18th 2012 versions mentioned on the first page?

People are mentioning an update, and I'm trying to figure out where it is mentioning actual updates...


All your files will need updating. Sorry i forgot to update the first post yesterday.

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it is not obvious, but the actual mod files, are there any that are more recently patched than the Feb 18th 2012 versions mentioned on the first page?

People are mentioning an update, and I'm trying to figure out where it is mentioning actual updates...


Just in case it's not clear already...

NEW versions of Project RACS and Takistani Extension have been released!

Get them both here!

Also, we've got a server running PRACS and TK extension if anyone wants to play. Filter for Project RACS in the Arma 2 server browser. We also have a public channel in our Teamspeak (adress: ) if anyone wants to chat or let us know they're on the server.

Hope you all enjoy! :cool:

Edited by Ballistic09

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@Ballistic09 teamspeak ip is still asking for password :(

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@Ballistic09 teamspeak ip is still asking for password :(

Yeah, confirmed... Our Teamspeak guru is currently afk, but he should be online soon.

In the mean time, we're currently playing on the Arma 2 server if you'd like to join. ;)

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Great pack, but I downloaded the Taki Ext pack and I didn't see the Su-22 in there. Also will a change log be forth coming to see what was added etc? Thanks guys for the great work!

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wld427 flies an MH6 Angry Bird with Tankbuster as observer. We fly south to assist Ballistic09 who is attacking ground targets at Moglevka in his OV-1 Mohawk. Edited by Tankbuster

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FYI, in your pracs_wheeled pbo, you are doing some serious overwriting of the BIS LAV25

class LAV25_Base: Wheeled_APC
 class ViewPilot
  visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
 class Turrets: Turrets
  class MainTurret: MainTurret
   class Turrets
    class CommanderOptics: NewTurret
     turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeFinder";
     stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesBoth";
     class ViewOptics
      maxFov = 0.3;
      visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"};
      thermalMode[] = {4,5};
class LAV25: LAV25_Base
 class Turrets: Turrets
  class MainTurret: MainTurret
   turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing";
   discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800,2000};
   discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5;
   stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxisX";
   weapons[] = {"M242BC","M240_veh"};
   magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240","210Rnd_25mm_M242_APDS","210Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI","210Rnd_25mm_M242_APDS","210Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI"};
   class OpticsIn
    class Wide
     initAngleX = 0;
     minAngleX = -30;
     maxAngleX = 30;
     initAngleY = 0;
     minAngleY = -100;
     maxAngleY = 100;
     initFov = 0.117;
     minFov = 0.117;
     maxFov = 0.117;
     visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"};
     thermalMode[] = {0,1};
     gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\tracked_e\gunnerOptics_M2A2";
     gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};
    class Narrow: Wide
     gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\tracked_e\gunnerOptics_M2A2_2";
     initFov = 0.039;
     minFov = 0.039;
     maxFov = 0.039;
 class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
  class recoil_source
   source = "reload";
   weapon = "M242BC";
class PRACS_LAV25: LAV25
 scope = 2;
 side = 2;
 faction = "PRACS";
 vehicleClass = "PRACSW1";
 crew = "PRACS_GunCrew";
 accuracy = 0.25;
 hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody_co.paa","\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody2_co.paa"};
 radarType = 4;
 LockDetectionSystem = 4;
 IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;
class PRACS_LAV25_M: LAV25
 scope = 2;
 side = 2;
 faction = "PRACS";
 vehicleClass = "PRACSW3";
 crew = "PRACS_GunCrew_M";
 accuracy = 0.25;
 hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbodyM_co.paa","\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody2M_co.paa"};

lots of unnecessary overwriting of LAV25 base and LAV25 classes..

recommended fix:

class LAV25_Base: Wheeled_APC{};
class LAV25: LAV25_Base{};
class PRACS_LAV25: LAV25
 scope = 2;
 side = 2;
 faction = "PRACS";
 vehicleClass = "PRACSW1";
 crew = "PRACS_GunCrew";
 accuracy = 0.25;
 hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody_co.paa","\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody2_co.paa"};
 radarType = 4;
 LockDetectionSystem = 4;
 IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;
class PRACS_LAV25_M: LAV25
 scope = 2;
 side = 2;
 faction = "PRACS";
 vehicleClass = "PRACSW3";
 crew = "PRACS_GunCrew_M";
 accuracy = 0.25;
 hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbodyM_co.paa","\PRACS_wheeled\tex\lavbody2M_co.paa"};

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Great pack, but I downloaded the Taki Ext pack and I didn't see the Su-22 in there. Also will a change log be forth coming to see what was added etc? Thanks guys for the great work!

It's there for me. Should be under Side: OPFOR, Faction: Takistani Army, Class: Air, Unit: Su-22M2 Fitter-K

Be sure you grabbed the version from the Project RACS website. I don't think any other mirrors have been updated yet. ;)

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It's there for me. Should be under Side: OPFOR, Faction: Takistani Army, Class: Air, Unit: Su-22M2 Fitter-K

Be sure you grabbed the version from the Project RACS website. I don't think any other mirrors have been updated yet. ;)

Figured it out, stupid me had the old Taki Ext Pack in the PRACS mod folder and I put the new Taki Pack in the Taki Folder....

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I don't see the update on six?

Then why not just download from the website?

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FYI, in your pracs_wheeled pbo, you are doing some serious overwriting of the BIS LAV25

Doesnt matter. Ive got a line on something so much better to repalce them. Just think of them as a temporary place holder for a wheeled APC

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Doesnt matter. Ive got a line on something so much better to repalce them. Just think of them as a temporary place holder for a wheeled APC

Sounds interesting..:confused:;)

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Truly a brilliant update! Love the new stuff. =) Fitter is gorgeous.

The Su-24 still fires its gun at the oddest conceivable angle.

It's a bit strange to access the Refleks missile in the T-80, since it has two 'entries' as it were. Is it intentional for one to show 6 rounds, and the other to show 6 rounds x 3 magazines? Love the commander's gunsight if that's how it really looks like, also the noise on the camera is something that's used far too frugally in the community. Not sure which of these things you did any work on as I've not yet read anything, just testing and having fun.

Edit: For others, this is the new stuff in tk_ext as far as I could tell:


Su-22 Fitter

Mig-21 (may have been there already, can't remember)

Miss anything?

Edited by SCAJolly

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Wow! This project was COMPLETELY off of my radar till I saw the Armaholic posting.

From the screenshots, I'm already greatly impressed!

It's about time that I found a different faction to throw into the grist mill. I really like the mix of equipment - this keeps the player on his toes, and I appreciate the thought that went behind it.

In fact, I appreciate everything. THANK YOU for all of your hard labor and sacrifice on our behalf. This was no small endeavor, and everyone involved deserves a ton of praise for their generosity.

Now, back to raking leaves (*sniff-sniff*).

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Truly a brilliant update! Love the new stuff. =) Fitter is gorgeous.

The Su-24 still fires its gun at the oddest conceivable angle.

It's a bit strange to access the Refleks missile in the T-80, since it has two 'entries' as it were. Is it intentional for one to show 6 rounds, and the other to show 6 rounds x 3 magazines? Love the commander's gunsight if that's how it really looks like, also the noise on the camera is something that's used far too frugally in the community. Not sure which of these things you did any work on as I've not yet read anything, just testing and having fun.

Edit: For others, this is the new stuff in tk_ext as far as I could tell:


Su-22 Fitter

Mig-21 (may have been there already, can't remember)

Miss anything?

Are you using ace or any other enhancements?

also there is no change log. ive done so much work over such a long period of time its impossible to keep track of.

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also there is no change log. ive done so much work over such a long period of time its impossible to keep track of.

Hence the reason for using a changelog :P

Is there a change log?

Post right above yours...

also there is no change log.

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Doesnt matter. Ive got a line on something so much better to repalce them. Just think of them as a temporary place holder for a wheeled APC

I'm not talking about YOUR lav25s, i'm saying that the base BIS Lav25 is being overwritten by your config. that means anyone using the lav25 from the USMC is being altered just because they may have PRACs loaded, even if they arent using PRACS equipment. Surely that couldnt have been your intent, right?

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I'm not talking about YOUR lav25s, i'm saying that the base BIS Lav25 is being overwritten by your config. that means anyone using the lav25 from the USMC is being altered just because they may have PRACs loaded, even if they arent using PRACS equipment. Surely that couldnt have been your intent, right?

Yes, hence the reason wld427 said he was going to replace the LAV-25 in the mod, and therefore remove the offending code.

Give wld427 some time. It, along with many other bugs we're already aware of will be ironed out with time.

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Hello wld427, its been awhile! Glad you are still around and making outstanding addons for us. Its inspirational for us all! Be sure to hit me up sometime so we can have a few games with this lovely mod of yours. I will try to get on MSN sometime, goodluck with everything and I am here if you need me.

P.S. ...PRACS is still my favorite Mod!


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I'm not talking about YOUR lav25s, i'm saying that the base BIS Lav25 is being overwritten by your config. that means anyone using the lav25 from the USMC is being altered just because they may have PRACs loaded, even if they arent using PRACS equipment. Surely that couldnt have been your intent, right?

No my intention is to cause you the absolute most inconvienince possible..... (sarcasm)

after almost 2 years since the original release of Arma2 PRACS...this has never been reported as an issue.

If i rememebber i had to write it that way for the turret to work since BIS wont release MLODs because of the absolute waste of human souls that a small contingent of this community are ( I hate thieves). So any upgrades to the turret are otherwise impossible.

PS..... why are you already tearing into my configs anyhow?

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No my intention is to cause you the absolute most inconvienince possible..... (sarcasm)

after almost 2 years since the original release of Arma2 PRACS...this has never been reported as an issue.

If i rememebber i had to write it that way for the turret to work since BIS wont release MLODs because of the absolute waste of human souls that a small contingent of this community are ( I hate thieves). So any upgrades to the turret are otherwise impossible.

PS..... why are you already tearing into my configs anyhow?

Its probably never been reported because it probably has no ill effect on the game, so no one would notice it. So I acknowledge that its not a big deal, and wouldnt have followed up on my original post, except for the fact that you responded with what seemed was indifference (its hard to gauge tone in text form). I didnt totally get what your response meant so I responded to clarify.

As for going through your configs, well, since i support literally a hundred different mods and addons, I usually play my mission with ALL the mods loaded, and doing so I've come across tons of un-intended conflicts between mods because of overwrites of base classes. So now, before i install a mod, I look through the configs for egregious errors so to streamline my game-play of errors. Your mod is very well done and quite friendly to other mods, and this was one of the very few curious thing i saw in them..

PS. in your armor pbo and i think the taki extension you also overwrite the HitPoints array for the Tank class. Again not a huge deal since in this case you overwrite it with the same values in the BIS class, but if BIS ever changes that, you'll lose the inheritance..

 class HitPoints
  class HitHull
   armor = 1;
   material = -1;
   name = "NEtelo";
   visual = "telo";
   passThrough = 1;
  class HitLTrack
   armor = 0.15;
   material = -1;
   name = "pas_L";
   visual = "pas_L";
   passThrough = 0.3;
  class HitRTrack
   armor = 0.15;
   material = -1;
   name = "pas_P";
   visual = "pas_P";
   passThrough = 0.3;
  class HitEngine
   armor = 0.35;
   material = -1;
   name = "motor";
   visual = "motor";
   passThrough = 0.2;

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It was surely in jest. I just want to know why people are looking into the configs.

1. If i did something wrong i want to know and correct it

2. I want to know what if any other edits of my mod are out there as it is purely forbidden.

3. If i am doing something simply awesome i want to know about it :)

Some of the vilas sourced model are rigged a little differently. He uses an old naming system from OFP and arma days so i have to re-define selections at times to get damamges and other animated bits workign propperly.

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You are doing awesome... I continually enjoy the depth of this mod, and am always exploring new ways and scenarios to use it in.

I understand, as with everything, that it is an unfinished product, and most likely will forever be. Certain items along with engineering are lacking, but that is easily worked around by incorporating other addons into the missions, e.g. D7H bulldozer.

The RAC Marines could use an AV8B, as mentioned in the past, but as with other minor items, this is easily worked around.

Keep up the excellent work.

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