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ArmA 2 site hacked

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I don't know. The quote down the bottom of the Miller pic, the GIBS3000 TimeBorer, the fact that all three shots of Miller are slightly out of whack, like watching a 3d movie without the glasses. Plus 3 shots of his head from 3 angles...

A mug shot, or shot for any image is done from front and profile (sideways). The only reason to take that extra angle is when you're using the image to make a 3d computer model. When I used to design 3d models based on actual models those were the 3 required shots to create a 3d model.

Perhaps it has to do with 3d, maybe it's photo-realistic graphics. Maybe there's a way to scan yourself into the game...

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Destructible environments and increased physics. I don't think I could wish for more, only it is a dangerous dream :)

Dynamic destructible buildings have been promised since Arma1... they better have something better than that if their going to change the world....

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Well I just said PhysX to make an example, they won't for got dedicated-GPU APIs but anyway.

I have a dream :)

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"the world will change" simply means that we're going to have some new terrain. Not that the upcoming title will be The 2012 gaming revolution. Why is everyone taking every word to its extreme and then end up with claims that BI didn't deliver their promises (btw they never promised destructible environment, that's again a community wish taken as granted by some)

the way you act, you are going to be mightily disapointed and will accuse BI of broken promises when they never promised anything

I can foresee rants in a few years how Outterra was promised and is still not integrated....

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"the world will change" simply means that we're going to have some new terrain. Not that the upcoming title will be The 2012 gaming revolution. Why is everyone taking every word to its extreme and then end up with claims that BI didn't deliver their promises (btw they never promised destructible environment, that's again a community wish taken as granted by some)

the way you act, you are going to be mightily disapointed and will accuse BI of broken promises when they never promised anything

I can foresee rants in a few years how Outterra was promised and is still not integrated....

"the world will change" could mean also that in a new campaign they make, something terrible will happen - like perhaps Iranian terrorist Leaders have taken control of Iran and are trying to create a threat between U.S.A. and the russian federation, North and South Korea, so that the 3rd WW arrises and escalates - and after all they want to invade europe, because all other forces are already busy with their opponents. So this is why PBHB tries to warn the world, and this would be the point we get in in the new campaign?

- this as example :)

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i have a dream ? that's sound familiar ;) yeah it's a good dream

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"the world will change" simply means that we're going to have some new terrain.

Erm what exactly are you basing this on? Nothing I suppose, just guessing. We barely know anything about this, but it's a safe bet that they wouldn't go to all this effort for as you put it 'some new terrain'. :rolleyes:

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Just had a thought, maybe it's a free addon from BIS like EW but with SAS/SBS because everyone said they we're missing from BAF...

Is your theory coming from the "arma2free.exe" within the Nvidia profiles?

ArmA 2 will support 3d? :confused:

hmm, makes since, Nvidia already does.

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Thinking about this. Adding some form of "basic" terrain destructibility shouldn't really be that hard. Surely it's just a case of programming an explosion along the lines of "when explosion hits ground, lower terrain by X centimeters and change terrain texture to dirt/exploded ground", then of course they already have falling trees.

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Thinking about this. Adding some form of "basic" terrain destructibility shouldn't really be that hard. Surely it's just a case of programming an explosion along the lines of "when explosion hits ground, lower terrain by X centimeters and change terrain texture to dirt/exploded ground", then of course they already have falling trees.

I think it's a little bit harder then this. What should happen if players join a match in Progress? They don't know about every shell hit the ground.

What happens with buildings? would they stay in the air when the ground height gets decreased? AI has still problems finding paths and following streets. What if there is now everything bombed? will they still drive so through every hole?

P.S: I was also able to play Operation Flashpoint 3D with my eDimensional Shuttergoggle and the GeForce 4 Ti 4200. As i understand it's not the developers Job to implement something like this, but from the Videocard-driver developers.

Edited by SnowSky

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I think it's a little bit harder then this. What should happen if players join a match in Progress? They don't know about every shell hit the ground.

If it's like other games, they get a world status update on joining. :)

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Erm what exactly are you basing this on? Nothing I suppose, just guessing. We barely know anything about this, but it's a safe bet that they wouldn't go to all this effort for as you put it 'some new terrain'. :rolleyes:

Yes they would.

They give us clues about the upcoming title. One of these clues is pointing at the potential future area of operations. Or a hint about the campaign situation in the upcoming title.

"The world will change" in this new title. I just read the sentence as is : the world will change in this new title

no more Chernarus

no more Takistan

This written on a map with several arrows pointing on western europe places. Guess where the ArmA world is going to be in A3?

I'm sorry, but this explanation (or the other one about some invasion plan by eastern country making the world change) sound faaaaar less far fetched than "the world will change? Yes, we are going to have Outerra", coming out of literally nowhere.

Again, all this is only going to forge new myth about "what BI said that will be in their engine", and is going only to make more people disgruntled. Expect huge disappointed when the news gets out.

And if I'm wrong, I'll be far happier than the Outerra theorist, tbh.

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Yes they would.

They give us clues about the upcoming title. One of these clues is pointing at the potential future area of operations. Or a hint about the campaign situation in the upcoming title.

"The world will change" in this new title. I just read the sentence as is : the world will change in this new title

no more Chernarus

no more Takistan

This written on a map with several arrows pointing on western europe places. Guess where the ArmA world is going to be in A3?

I'm sorry, but this explanation (or the other one about some invasion plan by eastern country making the world change) sound faaaaar less far fetched than "the world will change? Yes, we are going to have Outerra", coming out of literally nowhere.

Again, all this is only going to forge new myth about "what BI said that will be in their engine", and is going only to make more people disgruntled. Expect huge disappointed when the news gets out.

And if I'm wrong, I'll be far happier than the Outerra theorist, tbh.

I still don't believe that they would say 'The World will change' purely for new terrain. I mean Shapur and Proving Grounds meant new terrain, but they didn't make cryptic messages for them.

This is going to be pretty big whatever it is, but to believe they've gone to this much effort, made a thread this long, purely for a new map? Come on...

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I think, this arp is an annoucement for the next upcoming title of Bohemia Interactive

I feeling this since the annoucement of "take on " who use a next gen of vr (4?) to work for chopper sim.

BIS us vr engine since ten year why to change ?

BIS is more of on game studio (BIS, Blackelement software(Arma Queen's gambit) ....(Idea games)

If you read last interview the idea of new project exist ...

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I still don't believe that they would say 'The World will change' purely for new terrain. I mean Shapur and Proving Grounds meant new terrain, but they didn't make cryptic messages for them.

This is going to be pretty big whatever it is, but to believe they've gone to this much effort, made a thread this long, purely for a new map? Come on...

No, nonono :)

Not purely for a new map.

The new terrain is just 1 clue amongst others, like the ball on the wall, which could very well, yes, point to a new physics engine system.

I think they give us some details, one by one. New map is just 1 detail

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Oh no, please not this NVidia PhysiX Crap. Maybe its a nice gimmick for NVidia Users, but People with AMD Cards will really suffer.

If you have an AMD Card, all this PhysX Calculation is going through your CPU instead of your GPU (Yeah NVidia did that on purpose). Arma is a very CPU hubngry game, so I think it would definately be the wrong patch to go for something that will stress the CPU even more. Its best seen in Mafia 2. What you get from PhysX: A little bit of extra Smoke, some debris. What you get without an NVidia card: A completely unplayable Game if you don´t turn that Crap off.

(Yeah, I use AMD. More Power for less money)

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lets ban words: new engine, new game and ban discussions related to them from this topic ok?

lets use "NEW RELEASE" when we talk about the immenet future ok?

I finally said it... i gues this is my part of offtopic, but somehow it must be stopped.

~19hours till next hack :(

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Oh no, please not this NVidia PhysiX Crap. Maybe its a nice gimmick for NVidia Users, but People with AMD Cards will really suffer.

If you have an AMD Card, all this PhysX Calculation is going through your CPU instead of your GPU (Yeah NVidia did that on purpose). Arma is a very CPU hubngry game, so I think it would definately be the wrong patch to go for something that will stress the CPU even more. Its best seen in Mafia 2. What you get from PhysX: A little bit of extra Smoke, some debris. What you get without an NVidia card: A completely unplayable Game if you don´t turn that Crap off.

(Yeah, I use AMD. More Power for less money)

whoa Mr ATI, I said 3D not physics.

Which both cards can do.

Has any ATI users recieved any new ArmA profiles with new drivers?

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Oh no, please not this NVidia PhysiX Crap. Maybe its a nice gimmick for NVidia Users, but People with AMD Cards will really suffer.

If you have an AMD Card, all this PhysX Calculation is going through your CPU instead of your GPU (Yeah NVidia did that on purpose). Arma is a very CPU hubngry game, so I think it would definately be the wrong patch to go for something that will stress the CPU even more. Its best seen in Mafia 2. What you get from PhysX: A little bit of extra Smoke, some debris. What you get without an NVidia card: A completely unplayable Game if you don´t turn that Crap off.

(Yeah, I use AMD. More Power for less money)

"More Power for less money" hmmmm not really true :D less money yes, more power... naaaah :D

totally nonsens you wrote. its not crap. and you can use a pretty cheep nvidiacard as a second card to do the physix. look here:



so it works pretty good ;)

Edited by themaster303

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Oh no, please not this NVidia PhysiX Crap.
I see here your obviously not a fan but you must have expected a provocative response with this silly remark.
(Yeah, I use AMD. More Power for less money)

Great one.. now you have a fan boy war on your hands....

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PLEASE... no speculating about the future development of NEW RELEASEs ... PLEASE ... let us focus on the Hacks and Hints... :pray: :pray: :pray:

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PLEASE... no speculating about the future development of NEW RELEASEs ... PLEASE ... let us focus on the Hacks and Hints... :pray: :pray: :pray:

When there are no hacks to solve, the community tends to find something to debate... to kill time :D

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It's called leetspeak, or l33tsp34k. But yes, it is p8h8 subbing for pbhb (Persian Black Hats Boys), which I believe they got the name from the actual Iranian hacker group known as the Iranian Boys Black Hat.

Right... didn't think of 8=B, I wasn't 1337 enough... :confused:

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We've yet to solve GIBS3000 TimeBorer, although it could be we haven't yet been given enough info for that.

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"the world will change" simply means that we're going to have some new terrain.

Or maybe it's literal... the physics engine, world will change -> deformable terrain? Bombs that actually rip craters?

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