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Bin Laden Is Dead

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Isn't that pure speculation? Noone can be even sure that the picture is from that location and that event. Media is known this days for spilling out pictures without asking the whereabouts.

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Isn't that pure speculation? Noone can be even sure that the picture is from that location and that event. .

If you're second-guessing AP pictures, you're really being too skeptical to ever form a worthwhile preliminary opinion about anything. You have to draw the line and take things for granted somewhere.

But generally speaking, the eagerness to believe that public and private institutions with considerable oversight are ready and willing to commit blatant fraud at every minute of every day really explains a lot of posts you have made on many topics.

Of course what I said was speculation. If anyone in here is an expert at identifying helicopters, it would be somewhat less so.

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I was 13 when the Blackhorses Cav. from Fulda invaded the private boarding shool I lived in at that time...during a manouver the commander in charge insistet on having his HQ at our castle.

well, a lot of my friends in Europe actually recall it was exciting to see NATO maneuver when they were young since they got to see a lot of weaponry and uniformed men.

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well, a lot of my friends in Europe actually recall it was exciting to see NATO maneuver when they were young since they got to see a lot of weaponry and uniformed men.
Not when they turn your home and playground into a military security zone.

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Again I dont think those were blackhawks, given the size and the shape that the tail have, also you guys have to look at the numbers of operatives that storm the compound, if that is a UH-60 type then the number won't add up as only 2 AC are ever landed on ground. So what we left is Ch-46, Ch-47 and MH-53 type.

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Not when they turn your home and playground into a military security zone.
Step 1.

Go out and get yourself a placard, some paint and a paint brush.

Step 2.

Paint legibly and preferably in English "Yankee Go Home" upon one side of the placard, and on the other side "Don't Taze Me Bro!", just in case.

Step 3.

Head on over to your nearest US-occupied Kaserne, and make your presence known at the main gate. Note: By no means should you attempt this along a tank-trail...these can be murder.

Alternatively, you could petition/lobby your government for the removal of those barbaric occuping forces who ruined the soccer pitch of your youth.

I am not sure how your politicians would react to such a request -and all that that would imply, but these days I'd have to say a good 75%> of us Americans would be pleased as punch to pack up shop and leave Central Europe to its own devices.

Afterall, its not as though you have to worry about the good old Warsaw Pact anymore, or that we are over there for the Lebensraum.

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Guys, we see history repeating itself over in different ways today but none the less it is repeating. You would think we would learn lessons from history... But it seems otherwise.

I leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin. “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.â€

This translates to those who wish to sacrifice their constitutional rights on the basis of "national security" really ought to re-examine what they are asking for. The fact of the matter is that people are like sheep and its not hard to herd them together with the right tools. How else do you have people begging to be having wire taping or assassination programs or "airport security" are our airports in the USA really all that secure since 9/11? If you answer yes, are you able to identify which freedoms you have sacrificed for that additional security?

We are being used as pawns in a sick game of imperialism, the US government is using the name of the american people and "their interests" without our consent or knowledge, and the backlash will come to us as a people and not to our government.

The USA is the biggest terrorist in the entire world, we are not only militarily terrorizing people but also economically. We are breeding hatred and disgust, you want to win the war on terrorism? Stop our terrorism on the entire world, stop the unilateral policies we invoke forcefully on others. We do not get the big picture in the USA, you need to educate yourselves not by the corporate run big media outlets here. But independent media and the internet, and foreign media outlets.

the killing of Osama Bin Laden is just a symbol to rally that good old american spirit we saw on 9/11, boost Mr. Obama's approval ratings, etc, etc. What? You think it was a coincidence that this announcement came on the anniversary of Bush claiming "Mission Accomplished?" You don't see something strange with that? Knowing that they had this intelligence that he was at this location since September?

Call it coincidence if your gullible, personally I feel it is engineered... And its not hard to fake DNA evidence if you have a "sample" to begin with ;)

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Can you handle the truth?


It doesn't matter what you think and do at this point regarding the subject at hand; I'm just entertaining myself. What is certain, though - at the very subtle hint, you can, and will be marched off to a world war, in exact manner that had been done in the two previous installments of the twentieth century.

The beauty of this concept is that, you won't even see a world war coming till the cargo planes' doors are shut.

P.S. If Islam is such a problem (along with Christianity), why not be humane and just nuke Mecca & Medina, provided you set-up a decent contagion contingent in the EU & North America to round up 'survivors'? I bet you it will be done at some point in the future, not all pawns are in place at the moment for that to happen, yet.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Has anyone in the USA just asked themselves just how "FREE" they are? Are we really free like we are told constantly in the media our politicians, etc... I mean we are constantly told that these Muslim extremists hate us for our "freedoms." If we are so free, why are people not engaging in debate. Why is 9/11 a "sore" issue to speak about much like the Nazi atrocities of WW2? Why is it we have so many "middle east studies" programs in colleges nation wide, but our foreign policy and policy makers never seek the advices from such places who understand the situation in the middle east very well. Why are there 1000 channels on TV and nothing of substance to watch? Everything is just of "entertainment value." Why can my cell phone company charge me for months of phone usage when they disconnected my phone and I couldn't use my phone for those months but are seeking payment. Why is it that I can be dragged into a civil court of law with no attorney to represent me if i can't afford one. I think you get the message of just how "FREE" we are as a nation. We are free to be under the foots of those who have money and power. You think someone making less than 50 thousand a year will ever be US president? No way, it will never happen!

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If we are the terrorists as you claimed, then every single country in the world in both past and present is a terrorist.

Edited by Lugiahua

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I leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin. “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.â€
Seems to me that you sort of led with the ramblings of the Honorable Mr. Franklin -an old letch suffering the late-stage effects of syphilis at the time of the quotation.
Call it coincidence if your gullible, personally I feel it is engineered... And its not hard to fake DNA evidence if you have a "sample" to begin with ;)
Are you seriously floating that "Deather" balloon... surely this is a false-flag operation, and your just floating it for laughs.


Who knew that the UBL obit would turn out to be so entertaining.

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If we are the terrorists as you claimed, then every major countries in the world in both past and present is a terrorist.

By definition - yes. You see, there hasn't been an effective mechanism, apart from war to bring change to any society at a rapid pace. War also serves as an over-population safety mechanism, functions of war are the primary feats civilisation goes by, after trade, and what I'm doing here, on this forum particularly, is to try to wake up a few persons, even one, so in the case of a calamity, I would have more rational beings to go by.


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If we are so free, why are people not engaging in debate.


- people have "freedom" to choose to or not to debate on their will

- Politicians have "freedom" to seek whatever experts they see fit their agenda

You too have "freedom" to vote another politician if the current one seek an "expert" that you opposed

- TV program producers have "freedom" to choose whatever they want to make in their shows. And you have "freedom" choose not to watch these shows.

(Or you are suggesting that government should force some producers to make certain type programs by force? what...Nazi, Soviet...hmm?)

Basically your freedom arguments are invalid. :p

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how much money was being made before 9/11 by multinational corporations VIA government contracts and how much did that increase after 9/11? The fact of the matter is that they made a "killing" in record profits.

as to DNA evidence being the linchpin to guilt:



You too have "freedom" to vote another politician if the current one seek an "expert" that you opposed


Edited by Baz

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so? You also have "freedom" to start a revolution to overthrown current system if you really hate it,

the Declaration of Independence and 2nd Amendment of US Constitution implied it.

and we too have "freedom" to oppose your cause.

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so? You also have "freedom" to start a revolution to overthrown current system if you really hate it,

the Declaration of Independence and 2nd Amendment of US Constitution implied it.

and we too have "freedom" to oppose your cause.

That would be treason, you know. ;) Everyone knows that this would be practically impossible, besides, who would want to give up their cosy lives?

Lugiahua, it is intellectual masturbation we're doing here, that doesn't make the subject any less valid.

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and we too have "freedom" to oppose your cause.

that would not only be at your peril but at the peril of all of humanity. And this is not a cause, we are talking about the enslavement of all humans on earth. Which if you don't think debt is that, you are a blind fool.

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well, I just don't understand why

people choose not to engage in a debate is consider as "unfree"

If someone view this thread and choose not to join in is "unfree"?

Or government enforced every citizen to debate is a form of freedom?

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well, I just don't understand why

people choose not to engage in a debate is consider as "unfree"

If someone view this thread and choose not to join in is "unfree"?

Or government enforced every citizen to debate is a form of freedom?

You don't understand, in the United States such topics are never debated, not where it matters, anyway. The debate we're currently having is ignored most of the time/all of the time.

Free to be ignored, and then your son drafted & sent to some sock-hole, to be lated bagged & boxed and shipped back. Is it freedom really? ;)

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You don't understand, in the United States such topics are never debated, not where it matters, anyway. The debate we're currently having is ignored most of the time/all of the time.

Free to be ignored, and then your son drafted & sent to some sock-hole, to be lated bagged & boxed and shipped back. Is it freedom really? ;)

I don't know if we were living in same world, I have seen such topics on every military/political forum or TV for past nine years.

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I don't know if we were living in same world, I have seen such topics on every military/political forum or TV for past nine years.

The concept of an Internet forum is that of a Sovietski kitchen, where wife-husband interactions happened with no effect on the lives of ordinary people.

Enjoy I guess? ;)

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because this is not just going to effect the USA, this is becoming a massive plague on the entire world. Do you honestly believe that the types of operations the US is involved in, such as "bringing bin laden to justice" would never occur on American or other foreign soils?

Its time people get rid of the typical "good guy, bad guy outlook that the movies teach us" and start to realize that there is not good or bad guy per say, its based on perception.

And I can tell you that for the sake of humanity we need to choose to debate and come up with intelligent solutions to these problems rather than haphazardly shitting all over the world and creating enemies everywhere.

It is exactly that attitude of "i don't wish to discuss this" that lead to the atrocities of WW2, Vietnam, etc, etc... We need more talking and more people to become engaged. I think Obama would like to FIX some things, but he is not going to do it without the american public forcing him to. And they won't because since childhood they have been indoctrinated into never questioning authority. What do you think happens when your away from your parents for 5 days a week for a period of a school year for 12 years?

Why are so many young adults in credit card and / or college debt?

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How do you know that internet has no real political influence?

that sounds opposing the current sociology/political theories.

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 AM ----------

Americans being taught not to question authority?

I bet that you never lived in Asia ;)

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I think this thread just got out of control...

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...The debate we're currently having is ignored most of the time/all of the time.
May I kindly direct you to www.TinFoilHatsrUS.com
...and then your son drafted & sent to some sock-hole...
Time to update your bullet points my friend.
The beauty of this concept is that, you won't even see a world war coming till the cargo planes' doors are shut.
And probably won't even get a choice for window or aisle.

The horror.

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