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Lest We Forget - ANZAC Day

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Today is ANZAC Day in Australia/New Zealand where we remember our war dead and those who fought.

Here are some historic Australian battles...

Rats of Tobruk - Germans smashed Europe with their Blitzkrieg no one could halt it UNTIL they came across the aussies


Battle of Long Tan - only time the vietcong would attack the aussies in force! 108 aussies vs 2,500 vietcong


First time the Japanese would suffer a loss in WW2 at the hand of aussie militia


Edited by AussieTerry84

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It was easter, most people were likely out and/or out late hence the lack of posts.

It is always wonderful to see people paying respects to those fallen, regardless of nationality all soldiers deserve some kind of form of respect.

Some interesting reads there too, contaminating the food at Myola was a smart move.

Edited by NodUnit

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best I could come up with being non australian

Great video mate, my 2nd cousin is a vietnam vet, he still has nightmares in his sleep!

Here's a great video done by 60 Minutes on the Long Tan battle

Edited by AussieTerry84

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Surprised by the lack of posts from non-aussie BIS posters.

I'm equally surprised about the lack of any mention of New Zealand in a topic on ANZAC...

Regardless; I think I speak for most Brits when I say we hold the armed forces of our Commonwealth cousins in the highest regard, and honour the sacrifices they make along side us whenever we remember our own: From the Boer War, right up to today's war in Afghanistan; particularly the Australians lads currently attached to our Artillery units.

Long may our bond continue.

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Don't forget all the sacrifices suffered by ANZAC forces during WW1.

It's outrage how the british used the colonies as canon fodder.

Did anyone ever seen a british war memorial? Its like a shrine for death worship. Glorious death, glorious slaughter. Poor People are forced to leaving there homes and go to a forgein country to kill other poor people. Has nothing to do with glory.

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It's outrage how the british used the colonies as canon fodder.

Did anyone ever seen a british war memorial? Its like a shrine for death worship. Glorious death, glorious slaughter. Poor People are forced to leaving there homes and go to a forgein country to kill other poor people. Has nothing to do with glory.

Please don't derail this thread. ANZAC day is a day to celebrate the sacrifice of the fallen, not for political debate about conflicts long settled.

Also, if memory serves, Britain lost, what, 885,000 troops in WWI alone? I don't believe at any time the UK has used its colonies as "cannon fodder."

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I think I speak for most Brits when I say we hold the armed forces of our Commonwealth cousins in the highest regard, and honour the sacrifices they make along side us whenever we remember our own: From the Boer War, right up to today's war in Afghanistan; particularly the Australians lads currently attached to our Artillery units.

Long may our bond continue.

Well said, that soldier.

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I don't believe at any time the UK has used its colonies as "cannon fodder."

I was in london long time ago, and there was this war memorial for world war one. There was a spell on it: "a royal fellowship ... of death"

And there was a death soldier lieing under his cape, so that his faces was coverd that he can't see, and there was a figure of a roman or greek goddess above. It looked like a shrine, like a sacrificial altar. For king and country.

And if you listen realy close, you can hear there voices. And some of them are realy angry. "Hey, hey why is my name on this plaque? Why i'am dead?"

They use all of there subjects as canon fodder. Does not matter if its a poor british or poor ausi or whatever.

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Well said, that soldier.

I'm no soldier mate. In fact I'd say squaddies consider most people in my area of employment to be the anti-Christ.

Otherwise, tah.

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Yes, and they fought on the West front in the Somme and in Egypt/Palestine too. Brave among the brave in this apocalypse.

And by the way, every soldier of every nations involved was cannon fodder at that time. How can we imagine what happened then ? Thinking of more than 30 000 casualties in the first six minutes of the Somme Battle ?

Edited by ProfTournesol

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I'm no soldier mate. In fact I'd say squaddies consider most people in my area of employment to be the anti-Christ.

Otherwise, tah.

OMG. You're an NCO! :D

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hey, a good buddy of mine was in the New Zealand Army. was totally cool. used to play AAO all the time (on dial-up!). had to be one of the most patient fellas I've known.

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