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Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

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One of the last units we're slipping into 2.6 here, Yac's just sent over the Republic P47D-20 / P47D-25, a few of your caught a glimpse in the pilot pics, but here's a few shots showing the two variants and the cockpit.


With that ingame we're very near to locking the content for 2.6's release and our main focus is fixing as many issues as we can. However there's a number of things we'll continue to improve and expand on post 2.6's release hopefully with a bit more regularity, with more frequent patches and smaller content additions, this will allow us to get 2.6 out to you all as soon as possible without sacrificing too much to the release gods.

We've still got a wealth of things that haven't made it into 2.6 that we really want to finish up and have in one day soon! I may do a post showing some of the stuff that didn't quite make it and perhaps a couple of the outtakes from testing if I find some extra time :)

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No problem mate :) I am glad that someone besides me is a aviation maniac in the world of ArmA :D

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No problem mate :) I am glad that someone besides me is a aviation maniac in the world of ArmA :D

- total understatement!

P47 hey?

Great another plane to pwn the axis with ! :mad:

gj guys


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Damn you Yac.. A great shame that there's not even a chance to interest you in the earlier WW2 periods (which you have 'w dupie' - to quote yourself :p)

Yours sincerely (swimming in a sea of jealousy)



On a serious note; Really nicely executed, looking forward to it all.

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Forgive Topas :* (oj tam oj tam :P )

Edited by Yac

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I may have found a bug(or not)?

The command "sidechat" does not seem to work with your mod.

Either CBA 1.54 or your mod(ver 2.51) is the cause. Has anyone else run into this issue?

Excellent mod, keep up the great work!


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I may have found a bug(or not)?

The command "sidechat" does not seem to work with your mod.

Either CBA 1.54 or your mod(ver 2.51) is the cause. Has anyone else run into this issue?

Excellent mod, keep up the great work!


Have you tested globalChat and commandChat? I remember seeing something similar to what you are saying.

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Have you tested globalChat and commandChat? I remember seeing something similar to what you are saying.

It just tested it in both single player and Multiplayer modes and...





Do not work, but "globalchat" does work. Very strange.

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Sidechat as in ingame chat between players in MP? Thats very odd. It's been a while since I used 2.51 so I can't really say what the cause is, possibly a lack of a radio item in your units inventory. But all those channels work fine in 2.6 and I can't recall any problem with them on past releases so really not sure what your issue stems from.

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Have you made better texture/model/whatnot for M1 garand and K98 for 2.6? The current ones look frankly a bit outdated when you are in ironsight mode. And those 2 are the most used weapons so they if anything should get overhaul.

How about the weird method for adjusting axis tank sight range, has that been "fixed" for 2.6?

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No problem mate :) I am glad that someone besides me is a aviation maniac in the world of ArmA :D

Talking of which, any chance of a Lysander?

It'd provide the perfect insertion for SOE agents (up to 3 could be carried in the rear cockpit).

Otherwise there's always the Halifax whch was used to parachute arms and men into enemy territory or 13,000 lbs of explosive ordonance...

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Talking of which, any chance of a Lysander?

I'll think about and do not promise. If you are not soon rise. ;)

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Have you made better texture/model/whatnot for M1 garand and K98 for 2.6? The current ones look frankly a bit outdated when you are in ironsight mode. And those 2 are the most used weapons so they if anything should get overhaul.

No we haven't, why have you? We've been busy adding enough new content that remaking existing things isn't very high on our to do list, while we do want to replace older models at some point, the guns in my own opinion stand up just fine, you largely don't see the model of the weapon you carry yourself apart from iron sights and as long as I can aim a gun I'm happy.

How about the weird method for adjusting axis tank sight range, has that been "fixed" for 2.6?

There's nothing "weird" about it, its a completely custom system. OA added the ability to range (digitally) tank type guns, whereas ours was coded in for 2.0 before OA was available and works by rotating a built 3d sight which is part of the gunners view LOD. That being said Macolik has found a way to be able to use the ranging keys with our range system currently its only been applied to the Tiger tank but we're hoping to have time to apply it across all of our vehicles that its applicable for.

Talking of which, any chance of a Lysander?

It'd provide the perfect insertion for SOE agents (up to 3 could be carried in the rear cockpit).

Otherwise there's always the Halifax whch was used to parachute arms and men into enemy territory or 13,000 lbs of explosive ordonance...

Neither for 2.6, maybe in the future but no plans for them right now.

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Talking of which, any chance of a Lysander?

I think it is apparant that the allied side doesn't need any more airpower atm.

They have superior fighters/fighter/bombers, and the axis doesn't even have a medium bomber yet! Sure, let's add the halifax, or better yet how about a B-24 Liberator!! Or a Lancaster to help the B-17 to wipe out the entire map, while the Germans sit back and use their tired old BF-109's to hold them off!

/end sarcasm

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

on another note,

was wondering if any of the I44 mod team could jump on this;

I've finished modelling the flak 37 on my stuka variant i've been working on. Just need to texture it pretty much, and i'm starting to work on the back of the plane and get rid of that MG15 in back....

for now, I just want to change the properties of the Gun - as it was assigned to use the 'DSKM' script and fire a slow .50 cal, when properly it should be shooting a fast 7.9mm.

I unpbo'd the i44_weapons_mg42.pbo and couldn' find a .cpp file there, or any other reference script which the mg42 properties were in.

Basically i'm looking for the appropriate scrip so I can see where it is, and change the properties of the gunner script in the Stuka and decrease the reloadtime, so essentially the mg15 in the back of the plane would fire as if it were a mg 42 instead of a .50cal.

anyone know where this file is located?

because correct me if i'm wrong, but I just need to change the script on the plane to use the '42 properties instead of the DSKM

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Well for starters the MG on the rear of the Stuka is a seperate static weapon attached to the rear of the plane vehicle by scripts, so if you don't want it there its a simple job to disable the script to remove it completely.

The settings for the MG42 aren't held in that file its just the model properties, the weapon configs are all held together in a single pbo I44_base_w (weapons).

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I think it is apparant that the allied side doesn't need any more airpower atm.

They have superior fighters/fighter/bombers, and the axis doesn't even have a medium bomber yet!/end sarcasm

You're right the Lysander would indeed tip the balance of air power very much in the allies favour /end sarcasm

You couldn't have a more ineffective aircraft if you tried.

It's the WW2 equivalent of a Cessna.


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Maybe something will help you, excerpt from my cfg Me110...

class CfgMagazines


class VehicleMagazine;

class PKW_500Rnd_MG : VehicleMagazine


scope = public;

displayName = "full auto";

count = 500;

ammo = "B_127x107_Ball";

tracersEvery = 1.2;

tracerScale = 4;

tracerStartTime = 0.075;

tracerEndTime = 1;

tracerColor[] = {0.2,0.8,0.1,0.04};

tracerColorR[] = {0,0,0,0};

airFriction = -0.001;

model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green";

soundFly[] = {"",1e-008,1};

soundDefault1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\hits\hit_concrete_01",0.316228,1,60};

soundWood1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\hits\hit_wood_01",0.316228,1,60};

hitWood[] = {"soundWood1",0.1};

hitDefault[] = {"soundDefault1",0.2};

initSpeed = 900;



class cfgWeapons


class MGun;

class PKW_Mg15_mounted : MGun


cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

cursor = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

scope = public;

displayName = "MG15";

autoFire = 1;

magazines[] = {"PKW_500Rnd_MG"};

begin1[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\MG15.wss",1.20828,1.05,900};

begin2[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\MG15.wss",1.20828,1,900};

soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.5,"begin2",0.5};

soundEnviron[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\noise", 0.1, 1.0};

soundServo[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\gun_elevate", db-40, 0.4};

reloadTime = 0.06;

burst = 2;

magazineReloadTime = 8;

dispersion = 0.005;

minRange = 0;

minRangeProbab = 0.9;

midRange = 400;

midRangeProbab = 0.58;

maxRange = 800;

maxRangeProbab = 0.04;

aiDispersionCoefY = 21;

aiDispersionCoefX = 21;

aiRateOfFire = 0.3;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;

maxLeadSpeed = 600;


class PKW_Mg17_mounted : MGun


cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

cursor = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

scope = public;

displayName = "MG17";

autoFire = 1;

magazines[] = {"750Rnd_M197_AH1"};

sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\cannon\242_single", db20, 1, 1200};

soundEnviron[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\noise", 0.1, 1.0};

soundServo[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\gun_elevate", db-40, 0.4};

reloadTime = 0.06;

model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";

tracerScale = 5;

tracerStartTime = 0.1;

tracerEndTime = 4;

airFriction = -0.00077;

muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber";

burst = 2;

magazineReloadTime = 8;

dispersion = 0.005;

minRange = 50;

minRangeProbab = 0.9;

midRange = 600;

midRangeProbab = 0.58;

maxRange = 1200;

maxRangeProbab = 0.04;

aiDispersionCoefY = 21;

aiDispersionCoefX = 21;

aiRateOfFire = 0.3;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;

maxLeadSpeed = 600;



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Sidechat as in ingame chat between players in MP? Thats very odd. It's been a while since I used 2.51 so I can't really say what the cause is, possibly a lack of a radio item in your units inventory. But all those channels work fine in 2.6 and I can't recall any problem with them on past releases so really not sure what your issue stems from.

Nevermind. My mistake, most units(by default) do not spawn with radios in your mod, which makes sense, hence the time period.

I just never realized sidechat and groupchat actually required your unit to have a radio item in their inventory. Duh! Ha.

Sorry for the false alarm. Thanks.

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I'll think about and do not promise. If you are not soon rise. ;)

Thanks and much as I love the idea of a Lysander flying across a moonlit landscape, searching for a few torches, landing in a remote forest clearing to drop off a Jedburgh team, I would prefer you focus on finishing 2.6.

I wouldn't want this request to delay the release of 2.6.

So maybe this suggestion should be pushed into 2.X

Feature creep is terribly easy trap.

I see it everyday at work...

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yak, those files like nice and clean...

I unwraped the config.bin under i44_base_w.pbo , and looked under cfgWeapons.hpp and saw all the weapon types.

What confused me was the relodTime on the different weapons.

For example on the MG42 it says reloadTime 1 (1200/60)

on the MG15 it says reloadtime 1 (740/60)

these value look to me like it's a formula pointing to 1200 rpm and 740 rpm,

however on other weapons like MG34 it just said reloadTime 0.1

and Yak, on your cfg file you have it says MG15 reloadTime 0.06.

so what's the deal with the reload time values? Why are they displayed in different formats? Obviously two reload times of 1 aren't the same if a mg42 fires twice as fast as a mg15!

Pac, how hard would it be to just assign the Stuka tail gunner to use MG42 static and just up the rof to 1600?

Sorry if i'm totally clueless when it comes to scripts.


rear gunner doesn't get booted out in BE 2.071 !!

super excited about that!

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I will probably murder:D - YAC NOT YAK. :D

It was such - so you work a little easier. I will not dwell on it now - it's just an example. Cheers

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This ones been a long time coming, Vex_Man's new Panzer IV Ausf. G, probably one of the most common tanks the Germans had by this stage of the war. Available with and without side-shields for extra protection.


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looks good Pac!

Yac, I apologize profusely, and unequivocally.

i've been really sick the past 48 hrs, my brain is on screen saver...


the rear gunner on stuka NEVER gets tossed out when a human is in that spot,

and SOMETIMES ejects when an ai is in the spot...

can't figure it out :-(

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