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Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

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Same exact problem for me too. And I dont run any mods besides the i44 mod.

Yeah pretty sure this problem with D+1 is from a SetAperture thats crept, I just dunno how, my local version works fine and never seen it bugged so not sure how it made it into 2.51 release, but its fixed for 2.6. I would put up the fixed version but haven't really got a good way to distribute it easily, most file hosts are full of ads and popups so I'd rather not use one of them. Bit too busy with 2.6 to worry about getting a patched version out right now though I'm afraid!

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Try setting the planes to careless behavior, and use a trigger that commands them to fire when they're detected in the trigger (Just sync the trigger to the plane, and then put the fire command in the On Activation field).

You'll need to set the trigger at the point where they release, so it'll require trial and error to get the bombs to land where you want them to.

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Again with ranks... I can't say anymore thans already been said, regardless of who and what we add ranks to its a shit ton of work that I personally do not have time for right now when factored against other things we're adding for 2.6. Theres not one single setup we can use for all soldier models as they're all designed in varying ways, some by texture, some by hidden selections and alternative models. Its a very big job for very little reward, and personally I'd rather spend my time right now on fixing important issues and adding missions, than a couple ranks you'd only see up close and have very little affect on the actual gameplay other than visuals.

Sounds sensible choice for the limited time on modding now. But is it possible to add some kits, just like binocular case, map case to a NCO or officer and make them more like a commander?

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Hi I44 team and everyone. An interesting discussion on those few last pages here. As someone who's also interested in implementing the rank system I had a good read. Anyway. Private or Captain, his a** freezes the same in the foxholes :P So my question here is about the trenchcoats you've shown.


We see how it looks - but how does it work ingame? As there's already some extensive clipping visible while the soldiers are standing, how does it behave when they move? We at W39 are thinking of modeling similar coats, longer jackets for all our factions (Polish,German,Soviet)and are simply wondering if the end result is worth the work...

Thanks in advance

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But is it possible to add some kits, just like binocular case, map case to a NCO or officer and make them more like a commander?

If you can provide the models and all the relevant LOD's, bump maps etc for them, or even a modeller, sure we can add a ton of stuff, but as we only really have about one or two active modellers right now they're a little busy building tanks and such to break away and spend time on binocular cases and the like. Again we have nothing against adding that kind of detail, but only when its cost-effective to do so. At this point there's bigger and better things of much more use to add than a few small visual addition that do not affect the game whatsoever and just change the visuals.

We see how it looks - but how does it work ingame? As there's already some extensive clipping visible while the soldiers are standing, how does it behave when they move?

Not too sure what you're looking at when you say there's extensive clipping, unless maybe you're mistaking the open slit in the jacket under the waistline as the leg poking through, or perhaps mistaking the jackets for the same one, the one on the right of the picture is a shorter jacket. The only model clipping issues I've noticed have been with gear like pouches on the front of the model against the arms while holding rifles which is a pretty common problem in ArmA2 anyway. The long jacket itself always sits outside the legs and moves with them really nicely in my opinion. Doesn't really act any differently than any other model in ArmA2, the only thing the long jacket can't do is billow and flap in the wind as a real jacket might.

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Hey Topas.

For future reference when making your units with long jackets, its really simple to ensure that the legs do not clip through.

Basically, for every loop you have on the models leg, you need to have on the coat. SO lets say you have three loops around the knee in order to make it bend properly, you would have to have three loops going around the legs of the jacket, at the same height with verticies in very similar positions etc. Then you rig them on the same bone, and lo and behold, they animate together without clipping through! :)

You only get clipping when one mesh has less loops than the other, so just make sure they are the same! :)

Edited by Guy123

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Thanks for reply. I feel silly, now that I see the pic on a 32" monitor I do see that's an open slit. Sorry again, when having viewed this on a laptop I thought it's a combination of a leg coming through and a shadow of the guy on th right.... :o

(about the billow and flap thing - fingers crossed for Arma 3 and



Thx, will remember this! :ok:

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Love the mod, although I'm a late arrival.

Got a problem getting DAC to recognise the units though. I've edited the units config to replace the Russian troops (case 0 in the DAC units config file) with the German Heer. However on trying to initialise DAC in the mission, the DAC zone and waypoints are created but it stalls on creating the units.

I've copied and pasted the classnames from the 2.51 readme file, so it can't be typo's and I've double checked that all quotation marks and commas are in place.

I'm totally stumped. Could someone who has DAC working with this mod please send me a copy of their units config file (and any other files they needed to modify to get it working)?

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Pretty much all my MP missions used DAC without problem so you've probably made a mistake in your setup somewhere, your best bet is to unpack one of those missions and check out the DAC configs etc there.

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Try giving a nice, long(ish) delay to your DAC triggers. Something like "time > 5" in the condition. Not guaranteeing that will work but it often helps for me.

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Thanks for the quick responses guys. I'll try the delay first and see what happens. Never tried unpacking a PBO before.... Could be interesting!! :D

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Got my problem sorted. The cause was my copying and pasting without looking! The entries in the classlist (2.51) for the MG34 and MG 42 (Both Heer varieties) are typed in such a way that the "Machinegewehr" tag appears to be part of the classname. I realised where I'd gone wrong after examining the Fallschirmjager and SS class lists. :o

Just thought I'd let you know incase anyone else has a similar problem.

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Hey there.

So I had a chance to play more I44 stuff yesterday and I noticed something. Not sure if this is a relic from the A2 days (now that it's a CO mod), but zeroing for tanks is done via the action menu which is weird and clunky. Would it be possible for all zeroing to be moved to OA/CO's system of zeroing (page up/page down)?

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The ranging on our tanks is a little different to the zeroing OA/CO introduced as in I44 its used to manipulate the actual sight on the weapon, spinning the sight round to adjust for distance, this was a feature added by Iuka before they added the zeroing to the game at all.

The zeroing from page up/page down doesn't have the same affect at all with the modern tanks, the sight is unaffected as its static so whether it will be possible to do this isn't too clear especially to me as I'm not a coder. The rewrite it would take is a bit beyond my knowledge base and whether it would be possible to attach our functions to a standard control in A2 I just don't know.

I'll have a word with Macolik and see if he has any clue, and if I can get in touch with Iuka who coded the original system I'll see if he has any bright ideas but as he doesn't have access to A2 these days due to deployment I can't guarantee anything can be done about it. Its very doubtful we'd drop our own system and use the more basic system as without the rotating sights it would be unrealistic and historically innacurate, whereas though our system may not be quite as easy, it is how the actual sights worked for those that had them.

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For those suffering from the transparent helmet issue, archsceptic over on our public forums pointed me towards this new tool that fixes it and other problems with the ArmA2 engine:


Looks like it could be worth checking it out even for those without the issue as it fixes a few other A2 issues as well as improving performance. Let us know if you still have the transparent helmet bug when using it or if this is a sure-fire fix (none of our team members have ATI cards available to test the problem).

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I'm trying the Landing mission in version 2.51 and I keep getting interrupted by "Sound Ambiance_Sound6 not found". Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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You can unpack and hunt through the scripts for the line that calls the file and either remove it or rename it to a file that exists, or you can just click ok and the mission will continue, errors only popup once while the rest are just reported in the RPT file. There were just a couple files I missed during a mass-renaming that no one picked up during tests. Think I have them all fixed for 2.6 though.

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hey guys ive just dl this mod and this comes up wen i start the game sorry and it wont let me in the game

bin\config.bin/cfgweapons/I44_piat/I44_piat/opticsmodes/ironsights/: cannot find base class 'ironsights' can some one help me plz :(

Edited by ozonearmafrek

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Dunno exactly what your issue stems from, either using the wrong version of the mod for the version of ArmA2 you're running, or incorrectly installed it.

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I just tested the M2 (AA Tripod) and noticed that it doesn't actually engage aircraft. Is there a fix in the plans for 2.6?

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AFAIK the M2 AA Tripod is a standard ArmA2 unit not one of ours so no plans to fix it at this point.

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PacUK really nice job! A very well made and complete mod. I love it! Thanks! And keep the good work

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