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sooo.... its 1st of april

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Why didn't i see this thread earlier D:

April's fools shades ? :cool:

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I think this should last 1 week from today, it needs some serious overkill, loving the responses elsewhere ;)

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Just wait 'til Placebo starts swinging his Man-Hammer! ;)

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Im suprised no one has done:




"Bland" (pic a game company logo you dont like)

and so on and so forthe :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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"Bland" (pic a game company logo you dont like)

Funny, I had exactly that same idea earlier, but decided against it because the whole CM bashing thing has really been done to death here. ;)

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Just wait 'til Placebo starts swinging his Man-Hammer! ;)


you mean like this?:rolleyes:

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you mean like this?:rolleyes:

Just Hammered would fit better in the rest of them I think :D

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Unique developers creating an unique game for an unique community.

Had a lot of fun today, thanks guys :)

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You haven't got Maruk's "Tazzed" yet. :)

Holy guakamoley! (yes please do correct :P)


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Just Hammered would fit better in the rest of them I think :D



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mine is just awesome :rolleyes:

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Still not sure if this is an April Fools joke or not so here goes:


Hehe, nice! I'm hoping it's just the Zombie DLC that's the April Fool joke.

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