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Latest "Take On Helicopters" Press Coverage | NO discussion here!

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mutleyshangar.com Review, no score, but I like that guy's style!

Scoring ToH as a flight sim is not really any easier as you can't compare it with any of the routine virtual flight packages currently available. But, I'm going to stick my neck out and say that if you've the time to invest in getting to know ToH, you will be rewarded with a valuable and radically different flight sim experience.


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d22-zone Review

But if you really like flight sims, or just want to taste the art of virtual flying, ‘Take On’ is a title for you.

Gather up some friends for flying around, download some more challenges or just do some crazy things like aerobatics.



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podcast17 (podcast) review.

I thought he posed some quite interesting and valid points. Asking sensible questions about simulation and gameplay? A refreshing listen. :cool:

Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Nice thorough review from the guys over at SimHQ, based on our latest beta build.

Take On Helicopters, in its current state, is a whole heap of fun. Great graphics and engaging gameplay results in a very replayable game. The serious issues with the flight dynamics models shouldn't keep most players from enjoying the heck out of this game, and us purists should be happy to hear that BIS has committed to an updated physics model.

And another over at avsim.com:

If you like choppers, Seattle Washington, graphically intense games then TOH is for you
Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Take On Hinds DLC at Gamasutra.com

"The flight model in Take On Helicopters: Hinds, without any of the game's assists, feels incredibly authentic. I was impressed with how the development team has managed to capture the exhilarating experience of piloting such a heavy helicopter as the Hind. For most people, this'll probably be as close they'll get to flying this merciless gunship into combat."

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Really interesting interview with Jay and Joris at Ripten.com. Read it! :)

RipTen: You’ve hinted in the past at the future of the Take On name, will we see a Take On Jets or Take On Tanks anytime soon? Are we looking at ‘ArmA-lego’ here, like the integrated battlefields of the DCS and Flaming Cliffs series’? If you like, I’ll just give you my credit card details now and you can take what you need, when you need it?

Joris: The name was certainly designed for that purpose ;-)

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A substantial and in-depth (as always!) review posted across at Sim HQ. :cool:

Take On Helicopters - Hinds could really do with more varied modeling of the Mi-24's weapon systems, improved modeling of the aerodynamic effects of the Mi-24's stub wings, and above all, more mission variety.

However, this doesn't keep it from being a wonderful improvement that fills the gap between the Take On Helicopters and the Arma series.



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SIMHQ Best Simulations of 2012; Best Civil Aviation: Take On Helicopters

As a flight simmer who enjoys high-levels of realism but also appreciates a good game, I was thrilled to see BIS take on real physics in their flight sim, Take On Helicopters. Even though TOH arrived in 2011, with the v1.04 patch, which arrived in March 2012, BIS now has a winner. True, there are still a few key pieces missing (vortex ring state, hello?) but the final product is pretty good. The brawn of the physics package is dressed up in some very nice visuals (poor building and ground textures not withstanding) and delivered with some amazing gameplay and a fun campaign. Free DLC has added other aspects to add to TOH's depth. As one of the few high-fidelity helicopter simulations out there, BIS’s Take On Helicopters is a great way to get your rotor-head fix.

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