10 Posted April 12, 2011 1.16 is an old ACE clippi version, removed the link. Latest version is 1.23, available in the about to be released 1.10 RC2 Hotfix1, inside @ACE\clippi. I've since gotten the latest six updater and stopped using yoma for ACE updates, updated to lastest ACE version and got clippi 1.23, issue persists. I deleted all files inside ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE and had clippi make new ones, config file I got looks like; #define ACE_IDENTITY Trauma #define ACE_CUSTOMFACE Default #define ACE_NOVOICE #define ACE_NOCROSS //#define ACE_MINIMALHUD //#define ACE_DISABLE_RUCKLESS #define ACE_BALLTRACERS #define ACE_COMPASS ACE_CLIENTSIDE_CONFIG_VER = 11; Opening ACE settings ingame shows no profile name at the top of the frame (I defined the profile name I wanted via clippi, not manually entered) and gasmasks, earplugs etc. still don't show in scroll menu once I have them in my inventory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 12, 2011 (edited) Opening ACE settings ingame shows no profile name at the top of the frame (I defined the profile name I wanted via clippi, not manually entered) and gasmasks, earplugs etc. still don't show in scroll menu once I have them in my inventory. Name not showing in the ACE settings is just visual and no problem: Check your rpt file instead, if you find a warning about the player name there, then there's a real problem. There are no scroll menu entries for said items, only Interaction Menu. Edited April 12, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 10 Posted April 12, 2011 Name not showing in the ACE settings is just visual and no problem: are no scroll menu entries for said items, only Interaction Menu. Hahaha works now that I have disabled the 'gamer' key on my keyboard. Only noticed when I tried to rebind the interaction button to windows key thinking I may have app menu disabled in windows or something. Thx Sickboy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox '09 14 Posted April 12, 2011 I wish to contribute content in the future, is there a place where I can talk more directly to the devs than devheaven tickets? Is there a process? Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 12, 2011 (edited) I wish to contribute content in the future' date=' is there a place where I can talk more directly to the devs than devheaven tickets? Is there a process?Cheers[/quote']You can find us on wave: (includes private convo options) Edited April 12, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bertles 10 Posted April 12, 2011 I apologise if this has been discussed many times before (I used seach but to be honest I didn't really know what to search for) When using artillary, static AA, the tunguska etc etc I encounter a problem when I elevate the weapon past a certain point. I lose control of the weapon or I still have control but the sensitivity has dropped to such a low level as to be pointless. Sometimes I can drag the elevation down whereby I regain full control of the weapon. Only happens on turrets and static weapons, never to just infantry. Do I have a unique problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HA-badger 0 Posted April 12, 2011 is avalible any mirror with 477 for AddonSync? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 12, 2011 badger;1896666']is avalible any mirror with 477 for AddonSync?If not - tried the new Six Updater? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
craig.turner 10 Posted April 12, 2011 I wish to contribute content in the future' date=' is there a place where I can talk more directly to the devs than devheaven tickets? Is there a process?Cheers[/quote'] Good Luck fox, Please remember the Project Reality NDA you signed with us ;) . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HA-badger 0 Posted April 12, 2011 Sickboy im using it, but not all in the our army are using six-updater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 12, 2011 (edited) badger;1896677']Sickboy im using it' date=' but not all in the our army are using six-updater[/quote']Rgr, if you like you can setup links people can click on for easy access to your server and needed mods; (provides additional server configuration, teamspeak, possibility to host mods, missions, etc) Most basic e.g: sixupdater://server= Edited April 12, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninja2dan 1 Posted April 12, 2011 I just recently bought ArmA 2 CO a few days ago, and finally got ACE2 installed and configured last night. I've gotta say you guys have made some major advances since the OFP days, and I'm really looking forward to using the mod. I ran both of the ACE demo missions (one at an airfield, one in the middle of the desert) and started getting my controls set up, learning how to use the interaction menus, how to interact with objects, how to use various equipment, etc. The sheer number of items just in the "default" demo crate was mind-blowing, and I must have spent at least 6-7 hours playing around with just about everything in there. But I noticed that there were several items that I couldn't figure out how to use or what they were for. I've fully read the online features and how-to sections, but some items are still not mentioned anywhere (such as the bodybag). Is there a guide/manual out there that describes every useable item from ACE2? Knowing how everything works will allow people to fully understand what assets/equipment they have at their disposal. For example, I saw two different kinds of lightsticks; one that was "outside the wrapper" and went directly into the pistol slot, and those that are offered in various colors and are shown in wrappers and occupy pistol magazine slots. So what's the difference? Or what is the difference between the various types of eye protection (aviator, goggles, shooting)? Is it just the tint color or cosmetic appearance, or does each item have a specific purpose? And do the balaclava have a functional purpose, or simply cosmetic? If it's cosmetic only, why have them available if they interfere with using eye protection? I also noticed a couple "issues" that I didn't see mentioned throughout the rest of this topic discussion. First, when I placed the panel marker on the ground I got an odd error message on screen (will have to get a screenshot later). Second, when viewing my character from 3rd Person and wearing the gas mask, the mask is visible only as a "ghost" and not a solid object. It appears sort of like a grey untextured object but with transparency. Any ideas? Overall, you guys are simply amazing and bringing much more reality and enjoyment to the game. I look forward to seeing more updates, and hope a more detailed guide (either official or 3rd-party) can be found soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 12, 2011 Thanks! All features are documented @ the wagn: There's and the ( Will look into the mentioned issues, could you perhaps post the screenshot + rpt file to our issue tracker? Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrcash2009 0 Posted April 12, 2011 Posted to say thanks for hard work on recent updates and hotfixes, also thanks ref the compass options, nice touch now :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted April 12, 2011 (edited) AceClippi isn't running anymore, for some reason. When I click on the .exe, I get the clippi process in Task Manager, but a Windows Error Reporting process also shows up and then they both disappear. It's crashing and not telling me about it. And please don't tell me to use the alternate method to set up my userconfig. I could never get that one to work and was simply told to forget about it and use the clippi. Edit: Running as administrator and running from SixUpdater don't work. Edited April 12, 2011 by maturin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 12, 2011 AceClippi isn't running anymore, for some reason.When I click on the .exe, I get the clippi process in Task Manager, but a Windows Error Reporting process also shows up and then they both disappear. It's crashing and not telling me about it. And please don't tell me to use the alternate method to set up my userconfig. I could never get that one to work and was simply told to forget about it and use the clippi. Edit: Running as administrator and running from SixUpdater don't work. It happened to me too, just go to your ""arma2 folder"\userconfig\ and delete de ace folder. Then run ace clippi and it will not crash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninja2dan 1 Posted April 13, 2011 Thanks!All features are documented @ the wagn: There's and the ( Will look into the mentioned issues, could you perhaps post the screenshot + rpt file to our issue tracker? Cheers I read through every part of the wagn documentation, to include the overall features, how-to's, notes, etc. But unfortunately there are still many items without direct documentation, not only for function but also operation. Weapon systems and other obvious items are not necessary, but I still haven't been able to figure out the purpose of several items that might only be cosmetic in nature. Maybe someone can PM me with an offer to help me sort out some of it? As for the VS-17 Panel error message, it says "Picture iconthing not found" in a in-game pop-up, with the continue button. It doesn't appear to be having any problems, as the panel still places just fine and can be flipped over or picked up. I'm trying to take a screenshot, but it keeps coming out all black. I'll register an account and submit on the tracker later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 13, 2011 (edited) Thanks. If you put a list of the items up in a ticket we can take a look at brushing up the docu on them. (or if the list is complete in your previous post, we can copy that of course). @Clippi issue: Edited April 13, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted April 13, 2011 I've made a new Clippi version, it fixes the crash. Available here: Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted April 13, 2011 Sickboy - I checked out the link re ACE performance and scripts and tired without the 'eventhandler' improvment. Why is ACE 1.9 causing more slowdown than with ACE for ARMA2 ? I know I harp on about this but I would really like to play ACE enabled. The mission I am using has a good 60 AI in a firefight - maybe half of them engaged at any one time. I average mid 30s without ACE and high 20s with. I find this to be too much of a hit. Using the ACE units, forget it !, low 20s - the thing is, I used ACE units in similar firefights for ARMA2 ACE with only a few frames lost. Anyone else with this issue ? .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted April 13, 2011 I have a system that's technically below minimum requirements and I've never noticed any performance hit with ACE. So I think what you've got there is an aberration, which so many Arma problems tend to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 13, 2011 (edited) Sickboy - I checked out the link re ACE performance and scripts and tired without the 'eventhandler' improvment. Why is ACE 1.9 causing more slowdown than with ACE for ARMA2 ? I know I harp on about this but I would really like to play ACE enabled. The mission I am using has a good 60 AI in a firefight - maybe half of them engaged at any one time. I average mid 30s without ACE and high 20s with. I find this to be too much of a hit. Using the ACE units, forget it !, low 20s - the thing is, I used ACE units in similar firefights for ARMA2 ACE with only a few frames lost. Anyone else with this issue ? Well OA isn't A2, improved lods and atoc in latest OA patch is also said to be a performance hog for some people, it's also said that you get similair visual quality to 1.58 at lower settings.Of course our assets can also change/improve over time, and bugs can occur. To be able to properly analyze and perhaps solve it we'll need a ticket with repro mission, exact repro steps, details like your system spec, FPS without the objects in question, and your FPS with the objects in question (or ACE vs Vanilla FPS, with the same mission + repro steps). It would be most helpful if it's a mission that can run in both vanilla OA and with ACE. Please also include your rpt file (gives us possible errors, gamever, mods running etc). Key is specific details, a repro mission (as simple as possible) and steps, as they will give us a common point of reference. The fact that removing the XEH addon doesn't change your FPS is at least proof that the problem isn't in our scripts. The issue could be in the assets themselves or e.g in the changed AI values which allows them to spot and engage farther (most of these are contained in ace_c_ai_*.pbo - you could temporary remove them to see if it has effect). Hopefully with the requested details we'll figure it out and if possible solve it. But one must keep in mind that there will always be some price to be payed for additional / improved functionality in ref to performance. Lastly, in case you're running on a non SSD-drive, especially due to frequent updates, it might be useful to do a defrag too, if not done recently. Edited April 13, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted April 13, 2011 Sickboy - tbh, I believe the culprit is the insane amounts of lead in the air. Every AI unit is engaging ( as I suppose you would want them to be ) each other and just causing what I consider to be 'normal' slowdown in a vanilla game. When using all ACE units, I particularly get this as be fair, I could just be more conservative with the missions i make rather than stress test things, as nigh on 60 units in Feruz Abad facing each other is bound to cause problems.... As a side note and slighly off topic, I have a GTS250 card (slightly better than 9800) with a stock I7. Would a better card improve fps rates much or is this more CPU based ? thanks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 13, 2011 (edited) Could be - still it could be useful to analyze it further - but up to you. Slightly downtoned ROF is planned, which might reduce the issue somewhat. As a side note and slighly off topic, I have a GTS250 card (slightly better than 9800) with a stock I7. Would a better card improve fps rates much or is this more CPU based ? thanks...If it's the AI config tweaks etc then it should be CPU, if it is the assets themselves (models, textures, rvmats etc) then it could be GPU.You could try and lower your graphics settings incl resolution to something very low, and redo the tests. If your FPS doesn't drop, or not as much, it probably is GPU / settings in general or vs the assets in question. Edited April 13, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted April 13, 2011 It must be specific to me...just tried a mission (editor quickie) in Feruz with 1 desert AE US team (with me as machine gunner) against 2 squads of Russian AE desert units.. As soon as it starts 32/33 fps before any engagements. The same in Vanilla I get 45 fps. Oddly enough, with ACE that 32/33 only drops to maybe 28 (acceptable ), but not great when compared to vanilla performance. I am quite a newb with ARMA files and not sure what those are that you refer too , in order to raise a ticket etc...It doesnt seem to be related to volume of fire as it was reduced significantly before a round fired.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites