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SR5 Tactical IED Detection and Remote Det Script

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Ref. Ambient Proxmity IEDs....after some testing for an hour have not managed to get it to work yet.

I had not considered a couple of factors plus with this as well.

1. The car only detonated proximity bomb, needs to be something a car can drive over really.

2. The players need to see something out of the ordinary, something that rouses suspicion, makes them move away.

I also see you have a civilian count dependency, can I suggest this is not required. This is emulating (in my mind at least) pressure plate ieds, which do not require a trigger man.

What I was actually thinking you were going to do with this script is physically spawn these items around the player when he is with in say 200m rather than count them. As I think I understand the script (I am no expert) it counts if these items are within the radius then randomly chooses if they are an IED ?

I actually now think that the best way to do a random spawn is to just use the PMC and BAF IEDs. That way players can see that its a threat. If they don`t pay attention then they could be victims. Sadly this reflects real life.

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I just checked. The Detector does not show up on screen with either ACE or normal ArmA 2. Also is there any way to defuse the pressure plate IED's that are set off by people?

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Hey ckolonko,

Have you checked that it works with the test mission first?

EDIT: Pah 2500 posts and still a Warrant Officer :(

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Ahhh ... therein lies the problem. I'm not sure if IEDs are an integral part of OA.

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I have the script working fine in ArmA 2 standalone. It just i cant see the display for the detector.

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Happy Birthday mate. Thx for cool scripts.

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I have the script working fine in ArmA 2 standalone. It just i cant see the display for the detector.

Whats your resolution?

And Reez, check out this idea for the ambient bombers:

You can have it operate within a trigger radius that's triggered when lets say a BLUFOR is PRESENT, the trigger executes your ambient bombers script for ONLY blufor present in the trigger (not elsewhere). When the blufor leaves the trigger, the deactivation field turns the ambient bomber script off.

So, would it be possible to have the ambient bomber only go after BLUFOR within a trigger radius? And when they leave, the script stops (and everything is removed)?

It would be great for IED training courses.

But, again, not to get lost in clutter, can you reposition the Detector Vehicle dialogue to he middle right of a persons screen?

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Thanks guys: testing and using this suite (with the included sh*tting in your pants sometimes lol) is the absolute backbone of improvement.

Immediate, critical upcoming updates:

1. Move Nomad dialog more to the left to allow 4:3 setup

2. Change ProxyIED to use BAF and PMC IEDs only and spawn them preferably near roads

Expect updated release soon.. ;)

For trigger-based behavior use Triggerman_Spawn.sqf - Ambient Bombers script is already coded to work on area-dependent behavior, for the moment I am very happy of it because it allows invisible implementation in any mission.

Ambient_ProxyIEDs.sqf will behave the same way, I want people that use these aspects of the script suite not to have to worry about anything.

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Any idea how to turn the triggerman_spawn.sqf off in the deactivation init of a trigger so the thing stops?

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My resolution is currently 1029-763 i think. I have tried other resolutions no avail.

Oh yeah... Happy Birthday Reezo.

Edited by ckolonko

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Any idea how to turn the triggerman_spawn.sqf off in the deactivation init of a trigger so the thing stops?

It should not be necessary as the trigger pauses once the triggerman is created (or not) depending on the chance result (the so-called "dice roll"). It will wait a specific interval time before retrying and only if a triggerman is NOT present).

What you ask is a trigger that works on BLUFOR presents and not CIV presents, if I got it right :)

Will look into it after the above..

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So to clarify, if I have a trigger that execVMs the triggerman script when BluFor is present, it will have only 1 triggerman at a time on the map.

If I have TWO triggers, in different areas, that execVMs the triggerman script when BluFor is present each trigger will have a triggerman inside of the area when the Blufor activates the trigger?

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So to clarify, if I have a trigger that execVMs the triggerman script when BluFor is present, it will have only 1 triggerman at a time on the map.

If I have TWO triggers, in different areas, that execVMs the triggerman script when BluFor is present each trigger will have a triggerman inside of the area when the Blufor activates the trigger?


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hmm...ambient bombers not working for me. I placed the init.sqf that came in the download in my mission folder (yes,its in the right spot i checked already) and placed down the module ambient civilians expansion,I see the ambient civilians, but no bombers. if it helps the mission takes place in zargabad.

Edited by I.S.U. Ben

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Tested again on a non-dedicated, the vehicle detector scripts causes lag and desync when it initializes.

Will try to get an RPT to see whats happening.

Edit: Desync was due to me setting it up as an interval of 01, I set it to 05, and its not as bad. Or it could've been because of the dialogue. It seemed to occur right when the dialogue occured.

Also, again, the an IED attached itself randomly to our vehicle while we were moving. It's a custom vehicle, under the Cars class.

Edit 2: Looks as if the ambient proximity one works great, but we had one person detect it, and it showed on the map for everyone. We get to it, just touches it, and it blows. However, for the person who detected it, the IED Approx Position marker was gone. But for others it was still on their map.

Edited by SpectreRSG

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Hopefully I'm the last person to say happy birthday on your actual birthday ( so it makes me extra special ;) ) so..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY REEZO!!

Cant believe how far this script has come, I remember it as a little baby, beeping away while walking it down busy zargabad :p

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Ok a new revision is up with the same file name. You can download the file from the main post, as usual.

1. I moved the interface on the bottom-center of the screen to allow 4:3 setups and other weird resolutions, too

2. I tweaked the "Ambient Proximity" IEDs, to make it work use:

4h) You can also use the "Ambient Proximity IEDs", which will randomly create Proximity-triggered IEDs on or next-to roads in the area surrounding the player. To do so, write this in your init.sqf file:

nul0 = [500,10,60,0,50,WEST] execVM "scripts\IEDdetect\IEDdetect_ambientProxyIEDs.sqf";


500 - is the ambient radius from the player

10 - is the % of presence of a triggerman among them

60 - is the scan interval time

0 - is the beeping (0=no beep, 1=beep, 2=random)

50 - is the chance of the IED being anti-personnel vs anti-vehicle

WEST - is the side to consider enemy of the IED

Ambient Proxymity IEDs are removed automatically if the player moves too far from the IED area (this saves resources and avoids the "seeding" of an ever-increasing number of IEDs).

3. I made sure the triggermen do not attach bombs to weird things, specifically:

a. it does not have to have a driver

b. engine must be off

c. must NOT be of the enemy side

this should cover most situations.

I am going to disregard previous bug reports because of the last changes, le me know if the marker thing appears again because it is going to be a nasty one :) Thanks!

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Also, something I've been noticing - when it says the IED is Locked for a Remote Detonation, most of the time we dont have the option popping up in the scroll menu. Is this because we're too far?

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Once again, some excellent tweaks Reezo! Ambient proximity is gonna scare the crap outta me.

One thing would be great as an improvement to that - ambient roadside IEDs. They would be vehicle only and off the road by about 0 - 3 metres. Using nearestRoads should help. Easy to code on your 30th birthday+1 ?

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Once again, some excellent tweaks Reezo! Ambient proximity is gonna scare the crap outta me.

One thing would be great as an improvement to that - ambient roadside IEDs. They would be vehicle only and off the road by about 0 - 3 metres. Using nearestRoads should help. Easy to code on your 30th birthday+1 ?

It is exactly how this works already :)

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

Also, something I've been noticing - when it says the IED is Locked for a Remote Detonation, most of the time we dont have the option popping up in the scroll menu. Is this because we're too far?

I am guessing the whole thing is messed up then..unit detector or vehicle detector? Only the one unit who detected the IED is going to have the action.

Current development is only going to be bug hunting for quite some time now. The sooner I solve this the faster I can move to others.

I really need some Dev-heaven space for it, this would be magical to bug track the script suite.

For the moment, to provide valuable feedback, use:

- dedicated server with only 1 unit detector

- only 1 IED using ADD.sqf

- no Ambient Bombers or Ambient ProxyIEDs

- other units in the same group with the detector but without detection capabilities

- No Fake IED detection (0 as value)

- Detector should have this line in the init field:

nul0 = [this,50,10,50,0] execVM "scripts\IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf

Things I would like to know:

1. Is the IED detected correctly?

2. Does an "approx. IED position" marker appear in the map for the detector unit?

3. Does the above marker appear in the map for other players?

4. Does the IED have a DEFUSE action on it once the IED is detected?

5. Does the detector unit have a REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action in case the Remote Det confirmation dialog appeared on the Nomad?

6. Do non-detector units see the DEFUSE action on the bomb? Can they defuse the bomb?

7. Do non-detector units see the REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action among their scroll-wheel menu actions?

8. If the detector defuses the bomb manually, does the marker disappear after some time?

9. IF the bomb is remotely detonated for close proximity from the bomb, does the Nomad halt the procedure for Danger Close?

10. If the bomb is remotely detonated successfully, does the marker disappear in the map?

11. Do non-detector units see ANY of the Nomad dialogs on screen?

Until now, this has been like strolling in the park, now the big guys come into play and this means YOU :) Constructive developer feedback is what makes the men from the boys.

With a very limited numbers of trial and test procedures we can nail this down. Development is halted until the above is confirmed working correctly. We ought it to the code lol

Thanks for the great support and for the - I hope - continuing bug tracking. I will check back in 4 hours from this post.

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testing ambient prox ieds

1. Is the IED detected correctly? YES

2. Does an "approx. IED position" marker appear in the map for the detector unit? YES

3. Does the above marker appear in the map for other players? NOT TESTED

4. Does the IED have a DEFUSE action on it once the IED is detected? YES, ONCE NOT VERY OFTEN

5. Does the detector unit have a REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action in case the Remote Det confirmation dialog appeared on the Nomad? YES ONCE NOT VERY OFTEN

6. Do non-detector units see the DEFUSE action on the bomb? Can they defuse the bomb? NOT TESTED

7. Do non-detector units see the REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action among their scroll-wheel menu actions? NOT TESTED

8. If the detector defuses the bomb manually, does the marker disappear after some time?

9. IF the bomb is remotely detonated for close proximity from the bomb, does the Nomad halt the procedure for Danger Close? YES

10. If the bomb is remotely detonated successfully, does the marker disappear in the map? NOT TESTED

11. Do non-detector units see ANY of the Nomad dialogs on screen? NOT TESTED

I see the Ambient Prox IEDs spawn and they appear on the road. If you pay attention then you will see them, this is good.

I have only had remote disarm on one so far, worked fine, including danger close warning.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - I then run over AMBIENT PROXY IEDS with vehicles and on foot nothing happens. :(

Edited by UGLY58

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I suppose putting the detection rate up to 100% would help within the testing :)

Unfortunately can't test at the moment because I'm at work but will see what I can do later.

Thanks for the feedback on ambient proximity ... looking forward to testing that bad boy :)

Good work with rapid responses as usual mate !

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Doah yeah detection to 100% would help, LOL.

I put spawn rate at 100% and 50m didn`t have to wait long, for an IED to appear :)


Maybe worth putting in a non-Ambient ied zone script. I had an IED "on base" as soon as I spawned in. With normal settings I guess that would be rarer.

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1. Is the IED detected correctly? Yes.

2. Does an "approx. IED position" marker appear in the map for the detector unit? Yes.

3. Does the above marker appear in the map for other players? Yes.

4. Does the IED have a DEFUSE action on it once the IED is detected? Yes.

5. Does the detector unit have a REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action in case the Remote Det confirmation dialog appeared on the Nomad? Yes.

6. Do non-detector units see the DEFUSE action on the bomb? Can they defuse the bomb? No.

7. Do non-detector units see the REMOTELY DETONATE BOMB action among their scroll-wheel menu actions? No.

8. If the detector defuses the bomb manually, does the marker disappear after some time? Yes.

9. IF the bomb is remotely detonated for close proximity from the bomb, does the Nomad halt the procedure for Danger Close? Yes.

10. If the bomb is remotely detonated successfully, does the marker disappear in the map? Yes.

11. Do non-detector units see ANY of the Nomad dialogs on screen? No. Unless the vehicle detector is the vehicle they're using and the driver does not have a detector on him.

Again, with the detector and the add script, I dont think there's a problem. The problem was the Vehicle Detector with a 01 scan interval rather than 10, caused Desync on a non-dedicated.

The second possible problem was my detector friend not getting a scroll option to remote detonate when it said it was Locked.

I have not had a Remote Detonation while in my vehicle yet, and all my testing is with Fake % of 0.

And lastly, a suggestion for the Ambient Proxmity IED, if it is placed randomly as an infantry proximity, you wont ever be able to safely defuse it. Is it possible to have it "roll" for your chances to have it detonate? So, if the Proximity IED is set to INF, you find it with the detector, walk to it and get within X meters of it's radius, the scripting rolls a chance to see if it will actually detonate when you get there. Giving you a chance to defuse it. Also, would suggest the same for the vehicle proximity.

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