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Balkan war mod w.i.p

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SuperRat: I would like to request adding the old republic of bosnia flag, the hercegov croation one, normal croatian one and serbian one. Also try adding rust/dirt to the tanks :)

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BLACK SWAN (crni labudiovi) these are my pride and joy i finished them last night i played well into late night with them in war they were elite of elites in bosnian army only used western weapons but i game them some of eastern block too in war they were attached to vrhovni stab of army of BIH and they were used what they called special purpose unit (diverzanti specijalne namjere) and ice i dont see Mc Donalds BIG MAC on that menu

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@ICE : hahahaha :)

RIZI-BIZI anyone??? :):):D

Just what I need!:bounce3:

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Will u make some Serbian special units like Panthers,JSO,Knidzas(if ther will be Krajisniks)?

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Hi is there any one or modders aware of the bad version 50 p3d error for addons/mods on Arma 2 operation arrowhead versions 1.50-1.59. In wich they did show up on the mission editor. But they just did not play and the game quit and on the desktop it said bad version 50 p3d file.

Thank You,

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Hi is there any one or modders aware of the bad version 50 p3d error for addons/mods on Arma 2 operation arrowhead versions 1.50-1.59. In wich they did show up on the mission editor. But they just did not play and the game quit and on the desktop it said bad version 50 p3d file.

Thank You,

You stop crossposting the same crap all over the forums now.

All of your 6 posts here are all about the same just in 6 different threads.

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505 brg. hamza unit done some new modeled parts

ICE_B no i havent worked on that model you probably thinking of my BOV AA version which wont be released in 1st release needs touch ups i am hoping somebody from scripting side which i dont know a damn thing about would help me or make a simple script i need for my ARTY. for shell ejection for my heavy guns and my heavy AA systems something like RHS did for thier BMD1

---------- Post added at 10:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

sorry for double posting also

VRS fact. pics i havent assig. weapons for this factions used BIS weapons also credit for VRS and HVO goes to aka "this is bosnia" senad which he done this ages ago

th_arma2OA2011-12-2820-11-41-610.jpgth_arma2OA2011-12-2820-16-21-412.jpg<a  href=th_arma2OA2011-12-2820-17-35-546.jpg' al

Edited by SuperRat

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Will ARBIH speak Chernorussian or English. It would seem better for them not to speak English. Hvala.

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Can we have some time schedule for this project?

If we have to wait a month or a year for the release? How far from a release date are you SuperRat?

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Imasli BETA za ovo buraz? : )

Please write in English on these forums!

§13) Write in English

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Great work SuperRat. :)

That green/gray lizard camo does look good but they seem to be a bit pale. (Or is it me??)

Edited by NYX87

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You got a BETA for this or a possible release date? Looks awesome.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! to everybody beta should be ready soon by soon a month i am finishing last unit for ARBIH , HVO and VRS are already done i just need to assign names for armored , arty. , antiaircraft brigades i got some new stuff but i wont add it in this release

ylli : they will speak cherrussian even though i am hoping if i have some time to check Lenguage.pbo i'll try to get a website i got a ton of stuff

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Will there be an airforce available to the sides which had the planes? Something like Soko Galeb, Super Galeb, Jastreb, Orao and/or MiG-21 and MiG-29?

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in initial release there be mi8 and gazzela choper for VRS i got mig21 almost finished and galeb4 , galeb2 half finished mig 29 not yet

heres my abih 255brig. and almost finished OGANJ MRLS

also i got a website donated to me from my old pal senad aka "this is bosnia" he got merried so he's still leaking that honey little joke on him its balkangamers.com i just need to get acculmated to how whole thing works so i can set up from downloads to info on a lot of things





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Superrat,there is a mig 29 in csla mod (czehoslovak army mod) try to ask for the permission of the author of the mod,if he gives you the permission i think that you will do it much faster :)

edit: oh and can you make s 125 neva and kub anti air system? actually there is a kub mod already,so you can try to ask for the permission to retexture it.

Edited by JakeRS

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SA-6 Kub is already made for BWM. You should read through the thread (from page 1) before asking.

S-125 SA-3 "Neva"? V600?? With 4 AA missiles???

I think it will be there ;) I hope SuperRat will relese it in a patch at least. (I made a basic model of Neva and sent it to SuperRat for some fine touches and paintjob.)

Well the thing brought down a F-117 (Oh sorry, we didn't see you!! :))

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SA-6 Kub is already made for BWM. You should read through the thread (from page 1) before asking.

S-125 SA-3 "Neva"? V600?? With 4 AA missiles???

I think it will be there ;) I hope SuperRat will relese it in a patch at least. (I made a basic model of Neva and sent it to SuperRat for some fine touches and paintjob.)

Well the thing brought down a F-117 (Oh sorry, we didn't see you!! :))

i like to say,we didn't know it was invisible :D

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Progress looks excellent gents, really looking forward to this one.

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@JakeRS: My mistake :), the graffiti went like you said.

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