johncage 30 Posted January 5, 2011 Question for you guys. I was in a fight just now in BAF using my usual mods... ACE and ACEX, JTD, GL4, WarFX, and Zeus. It was that single mission where the Brits attack that mountain village. At one point something similar happened as what occurred in Drozhino... namely we were advancing through a patch of trees, everything was proceeding swimmingly, when all the sudden... hard to explain, was like a FLASH and a big boom that sent my playing character to the ground and once again I thought I'd been killed. Also was deaf. Trees around me were knocked down, both the paratroopers that I'd been fighting next to were dead. Wish I'd caught it on video, crazy moment. The squad leader AI apparently panicked and ordered a withdrawal right away after that happened. What the heck weapon did they fire that caused that? I have no idea what it is but it's no fun. I didn't see ANYTHING, was suppressing the Takistanis one moment and damn near blown to bits the next. With all the scripts and stuff they have gunking up servers now adays, it could be anything, from artillery, to mortars to rpgs or mlrs rockets. To be honest, with all those ace, acre, slx, blah bla stuff, it might even be a bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djczing 10 Posted January 5, 2011 Yeah its in your arma main dir/userconfig/gl4/gl4_global. All of the config files there are useful to look at, as you can adjust GL4 in a very granular fasion. I call the default reinforcment config the 'infantry cloud' effect. I tested it once by sending a small probing force into one side of a town, then sending my main strike force into the other side of a town, and finding that all the enemy had left their posts to engage the initial contact. I would suggest turning GL4 completely off and running the mission, then on and run the mission -- and then adjust the reinforce parameters (and gobs of others) to achieve the balance you are looking for. Of course sometimes things like GL4 break missions -- but I find iwth the right balance of tweaking gl4 and the precision/skill settings in your user profile settings you can achieve just what you want most times. Keep in mind I normally run warfare, so once I found my balance, I dont have to mess iwht it much. If you are an AI (and effects) tinkerer though, you could spend alot of time tweaking and checking the effects. For everyone running gl4 and/or zeus without ace, I would suggest tweaking your user profile skill/precision settings down some. I believe ACE adds some weapons dispersion, but I dont run stock precision/skill settings when I run it with gl4/zeus either. I like alotta bullets flying - and with GL4 (and ace) bullet effects and sounds, you can make it so the AI suppress yoiu, and keep alot of lead in the air without doing the one-shot kill thing that arma was known for in the past. To me its much more immersive that way -- and you still do get the experts who will take you out with one shot if you do something stupid. Good luck - and have fun ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pappi_man 0 Posted January 5, 2011 I remember playing OFP CrCRTI coop with my bro, and it took us 11 hours to destroy the enemy base. Good times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted January 5, 2011 Question for you guys. I was in a fight just now in BAF using my usual mods... ACE and ACEX, JTD, GL4, WarFX, and Zeus. It was that single mission where the Brits attack that mountain village. At one point something similar happened as what occurred in Drozhino... namely we were advancing through a patch of trees, everything was proceeding swimmingly, when all the sudden... hard to explain, was like a FLASH and a big boom that sent my playing character to the ground and once again I thought I'd been killed. Also was deaf. Trees around me were knocked down, both the paratroopers that I'd been fighting next to were dead. Wish I'd caught it on video, crazy moment. The squad leader AI apparently panicked and ordered a withdrawal right away after that happened. What the heck weapon did they fire that caused that? I have no idea what it is but it's no fun. I didn't see ANYTHING, was suppressing the Takistanis one moment and damn near blown to bits the next. Nothing but artillery can knock down multiple trees, and you probably would have heard an aircraft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
falcon988 0 Posted January 5, 2011 I suppose you're right. I should mention that my player character was almost deaf at that moment from firing the LMG so much, could only hear ringing and all the shooting around me was very dull and faded. So it's conceivable I could have missed some auditory cue of impending, explosive doom Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pipscouse 10 Posted January 5, 2011 Jumping in here without thinking so sry if daft suggestion but it wasn't an IED by any chance? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexen 10 Posted January 5, 2011 Two instances come to mind. 1. Was a MP mission (can't remember the name) where you evade capture and traverse a large part of chenarus for just about 3 hours. That was what got me hooked on Arma II. 2. The second was adding the house patrol script to enemies and then doing a small scale invasion on the north western island of Isla Duala. We were armed to the freaking teeth and had no other type of support, just what we carried. That firefight lasted at least 4 hours and was the most fun time i've had against AI ever. Those enemies had us pinned down several times in some NASTY spots. Thankfully, we got out of it but damn, for a while, we were getting our asses handed to us. Medic (me) was working overtime keeping guys patched up. It was just back and forth, street to street of gains and losses. We'd take one street only to get flanked and have to retreat or they'd push us back and we'd have 2 guys flanking them. Man it was awesome. I can't say enough about the AI in this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadgerDK 10 Posted January 13, 2011 My son and I made the mistake of starting up a BE session on Lingor 2 nights ago.We got about half way up the map and had an excellent firefight to take this town (the name escapes me now - its the one just north of piedros outpost. While we were taking it from the resistance we noticed a bit of a fight going on across the river, which surrounds the town we took on 3 sides. The whole thing was quite a spectacle, and we realized that the fight over there was against the russians. I rearmed my (12 man) AI squad, and he got his sniper rifle and we got ready to defend from the rooftops, and using the buildings as cover. Sure enough, the russians started coming at us on our front and right flank. The battle lasted a good 3 hours, and was quite epic. It had a couple of lulls in the action, where I could throw out some MG ammo for my 3 MG-ers, and heal everyone up while my son (and the rest of my squad) held vigil from a roof top and the buildings on the river front. It was the perfect defensive struggle. When things finally got quiet I wanted to build fixed defensive emplacements (TOW, M2, etc), cuz I knew this wasnt the last of it. BUT (and this is why I said we made the mistake of starting late), it was 5am, and we were both worn out from the activities of the night. We got some sleep - my squad laying defensively on the line, me in the central depot and he in a house. When we got up yesterday morning, sure enough my squad was gone (except for 1 ammoless MG), and the Russians were rolling us with Tunguskas and BMPs. I hid in buildings and lured some APCs into traps for my MAAWS (couldnt use the site at night, so had to get em close and whack em), while I was getting some Abrams and Bradleys up from the south. I did survive until then, and actually kept the town until my reinforcements arrived (also got a squad of infantry up) -- but alas, my armor (for some reason) was only targets for the enemy, and quickly got dispatched - I dont know why they wouldnt fire on the enemy. When I finally got my infantry into the AO, they streamed in, out of formation and not ready for a fight with armor. Through the (game-time) night, there were illumination flares going off across the river, and it was intense and immersive. Once my armor and infantry were down, my fate was sealed. I was killed trying to withdraw, as the enemy infantry had completely cut off the only escape south. We lost the town after hours of epic fight and more hours of tense struggle to survive. Truly epic. In BE warfare you tend to have times like that when you hit the sweet spot of the opfor advance - they will keep coming. All you can do is secure the area, set up fixed defensive positions (if you have time), reinforce by helicopter (this was very hard on lingor as AI chopper pilots have a hard time landing in the terrain, so I was reinforcing by truck), and keeping your guys rearmed and healed. Another squad of human-led AI flanking the OPFOR to cut off the attack lines would have saved us - or perhaps if I had been able to get fixed emplacements set up with another squad of infantry in the AO. I will go back there again. Other epic BE experiences happen in Montignac, Everon and many times in Gorka on Chernarus. Good times. Great AAR! Thanks for sharing, I thoroughly enjoyed the read. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Exodus 10 Posted January 19, 2011 Me and 4 squad-mates, around an area we call 'Hill 347', dug in in some mortar-pits, it's foggy, we're half way up the hill, just West of Stary Sobor. We can't actually see Stary, but we can see the muzzle flashes and hear the bullets whipping past our ears. I think it was the 5 of us trying to gain fire superiority over what must have been approaching 50+ Russian troops for over an hour until we got wiped out by an MG. Longest continual fire-fight I've ever played.. and I have to admit, one of the best, too. (A tip for re-producing fire-fights.. make lots of fog! Sounds strange but trust me it makes fire-fights so much better.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ray243 11 Posted January 19, 2011 Hmm, then anyone know any missions that are realistic and last long? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-)rStrangelove 0 Posted January 19, 2011 While playing Evo on Sahrani we landed in the middle of Paraiso at the church on the hill with a Littlebird. Held the position for 2 hours or so. We sniped 100+ INF and lots of light vehicles while some guys tried to blow up the com tower, but that was easier said than done. Epic. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lt.chris 0 Posted January 19, 2011 the sunday op with -{GOL}- had on duala last sunday lasted nearly 3 hours with non stop shooting from both sides before the OPFOR started to be pushed back. It was on the smaller part of the island in the bottom left corner. Very fun as is most of our games since alot of them have simular line of events. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeza 5418 Posted January 19, 2011 Me and few of clan members had a firefight lasting an hour, however, I only managed to pop off 5 mag's! kept my head down :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stupidwhitekid75 11 Posted January 20, 2011 Best was with a series of missions thrown together reflecting a user made version of the invasion of Takistan. It relied heavily on US/CZ SF led Guerrillas against Takistani regular army troops and republican militia. The fourth mission I believe was to clear any remaining resistance to the east of the southern airfield and secure a large weapons cache in Hazar Bagh. The mission was actually designed to be very quick, it took place at 4:20 in the morning (game time) and was expected to be over by 5 due to how outnumbered the OPFOR was. Turned out that with the defenses that were set up, they proved to be a lot more effective. Five infantry squads, supported by three technicals, two T-55 tanks and two Czech SF teams left Chardarakht and faced a well defended/fortified city of roughly two/three Taki infantry squads with a single T-72 blocking the main road and another technical up on a hill acting as a sort of overwatch. Two AA guns sat in courtyards between the houses to keep aircraft away. That's where the main battle took place. Fighting in the town ended close to 5:40 after my SF team destroyed both AA guns and a CH-47 dropped off two US infantry squads. The infantry squads killed off the remaining resistance and took up defensive positions and the guerrillas regrouped. They only had about two infantry squads worth of men afterwards and one T-55 tank. My SF team (originally having 9 men) ended up with 4 surviving. A lot of men had to rearm off of dead bodies from running out of ammo. The next assault started against Hazar Bagh, where the weapons cache was, and a lot of long range fighting took place. The both US infantry squads were not allowed to get involved and stayed in the town while the guerrillas and CZ SF teams inched there way up. Some type of machine gun sat up on a mountain guarding the pass from a distance, while a KORD and enemy technical defended the main entrance to the base. There fire was more accurate then hoped for, and they were making about 1 kill every three to four minutes. Eventually another CH-47 flew in three US SF teams to a flat area on top of the mountain, they moved slowly down the mountain towards the pass and eliminated the MG on the hill while a guerrilla sniper took out both MG and technical in the town. The remaining forces moved in and secured the cache and eliminated a BM-21 that decided not to fire on the CH-47 for some reason, ending the mission at 8:10. It's hard to describe the firefight itself other then there were lots and lots of shooting. Using an M4A3 on semi I went through something like 11 mags (had to pick up dead Taki M16 mags...) and had twenty something kills overall. Never in ArmA have I been in a battle that has lasted that long before, the most was something like 15 minutes of fighting probably. It was a great deal of fun other then the fact that at one point it became mentally exhausting simply because I turned so cautious about my player dying and the mission ending at that. The only gripe I had about the mission were the tanks. The T-72 was one of the big reasons why most of our forces got pinned down, and no one seemed to be able to blow it up. The first T-55 got destroyed as soon as the mission started basically, however the second one managed to flank completely around it. It aimed its gun at the T-72, but for some reason, IT WOULD NOT FIRE AT IT. It sat like that for maybe ten minutes. When I finally switched to one of the satchel equipped guerrilla units attached to our CZ SF team, I had several smoke thrown in front of the tank and I ran out and dove to the ground. Crawling under it, I found I had a perfect spot to place a satchel and blow it up. BUT, for one reason or another, as soon as I planted the satchel the T-55 opened up and blew both me and the tank up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites