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About pappi_man

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    Private First Class
  1. Me and my bro would buy all the DLCs and future DLCs too if they would just bring working Save/Load feature in Multiplayer.
  2. pappi_man

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    - Simple Multiplayer Save/Load feature like in ArmA 2. I still can't play long missions with a friend because of it. - Women - Civilian Module or something.
  3. pappi_man

    What do you think of ArmA3's futuristic setting?

    While Future setting is fine, but too much is spent sitting front of monitor and clicking target to kill. I would love to see another Cold War Era.
  4. pappi_man

    time for a REAL independent side

    It would remove all the annoyances when wanting to have 4 factions fighting each others or mod factions.
  5. I will call it beta until they release a simple... SAVE/LOAD in Multiplayer like ArmA 2. We still can't make long missions.
  6. pappi_man

    Arma 2 VS Arma 3! You chose!

    I would stop playing ArmA 2 completely if they would just add Save/Load MP feature from ArmA 2 to ArmA 3.
  7. pappi_man

    Multiplayer Co-op Save Game / Load Game?

    Over a year has passed and not a single word. One the best feature in ArmA 2 is still not in A3 :/
  8. pappi_man

    ArmA 3 Menu User Interface Discussuion

    I really don't like it. It's just way way wayyy too big. As long as we can resize all the button/font size. Then I'm fine.
  9. ArmA Series curse. Game is not fun to play until few years later. ArmA 1 and ArmA 2 suffered this too.
  10. That helps. Although Load Game would be nice addition too. Especially in long co-op missions where there's no respawn.
  11. Me and friend wanted to play Zeus for hours and hours, but crashes occurred. I(Server Host) crashed and all our progress are gone. Can we get Save/Load feature from ArmA 2, please? Zeus is pure awesome but... it's unplayable for us.
  12. I haven't played ArmA 3 since it got released full. Is there any news with Multiplayer Save Game feature? Something that we had in ArmA 2 and worked almost perfectly. I really want to go back to playing good ol' long missions without having worrying about resetting entire mission.
  13. pappi_man

    What if...Altis had like weather seazons

    Maybe in ArmA 4.
  14. pappi_man

    PLease forget content for a moment

    Inventory system in Multiplayer. It's absolutely total random. Sometimes my friends can take items from a dead body or a crate without any problems, and sometimes they can't take anything.
  15. pappi_man

    Bad FPS in Full Release

    Just lower your graphics settings. I have same card as you and I have everything on standard except Texture quality.