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Units cant find their formation - Walk in circles

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This is a recent bug that got introduced in one of the patches and its really stressing me out sometimes, especially when i want to make ai groups walk to a waypoint, sometimes theyll never complete the waypoint because they end up forgetting their formation and start walking in circles endlessly, never going to another waypoint.

I really hope this gets fixed soon, its very annoying when groups dont respond.

** also if this isnt the right section to post this, can someone please move it for me?

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They sometimes do this in enclosed positions as there are things in the way that prevent them from ever reaching their destination. I sometimes see it on level unobstructed ground as well but not often because I rarely command AI.

Maybe it could be fixed by introducing a standard completion radius to the waypoints: if the AI is anywhere within a certain radius of the set waypoint, he will stop attempting to get to the EXACT location. Maybe the radius could start off really small (so as to be the exact location you pointed at) but get bigger as time progresses so after a while of trying to get to a waypoint the AI sort of settles for the next best spot?

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Same here.

The problem occurs in many cases, it does not depend on formation.

I've occasionally seen this issue afflicting also units of player-led groups.

It happens also to units in "dismissed" mode.

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yea its been really stressing me out on a cutscene ive been trying to make, 4 guys are supposed walk out of a little archway in takistan, but sometimes they get stuck going out of it, and then start spinning around in circles before getting into the truck. really makes the cutscene random, sometimes you wonder why the camera was pointing in that direction to begin with.

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Yeah, I found tis problem still exist in the latest beta, AI can find their position and don't circling around until I adjust my position.

Btw, The bug that primary weapon will move out of player's hands when you're turning around in prone has been fixed except AA12.

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I've played Lingor Domination with couple of guys on "boards.ie" server. One of the most annoying things I've saw is the armor gets looped. APC goes 10 meters then it dissapears only to appear at the old starting point. That goes on forever, until you smash it with AT (if you're lucky to get it in between the warp).

I've noticed the same bug with T-55 and Shilka on different missions (small coop).

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Teah, I found that the armor in my team always got stuttered and stopped at someplace and never move whatever what commands you ordered I've tested just then.

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I've played Lingor Domination with couple of guys on "boards.ie" server. One of the most annoying things I've saw is the armor gets looped. APC goes 10 meters then it dissapears only to appear at the old starting point. That goes on forever, until you smash it with AT (if you're lucky to get it in between the warp).

I've noticed the same bug with T-55 and Shilka on different missions (small coop).

This is server lag, mate, not unit or mission related. We call it 'rubber banding' where a unit is seen to move a short distance, then teleports back to it's start position then starts to move again. Commonly seen on Domination servers and I did see you playing with my Irish mates last night. :)

We know that Domination is tough on servers and I've seen this before.

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