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Scripting commands you want in a future patch

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Made a ticket for this awhile back, would be nice to have.

Similar to defining a unit's eye-wear through the description.ext but without the need for CfgIdentities.

This would be like the current setFace command except that it would make a unit wear a certain type of glasses.


Unit1 setGlasses "BlackSun";

This would avoid the need to go through setting an entirely unique identity, for something so simple. Also, it would allow mission makers to override the cases where units are given random glasses that may not fit the scenario (eg soldier with aviator sunglasses during a night mission). Essentially an extension of the setFace ability.


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Point taken, I fail at scripting.

I didn't mean it like that, its just that syntax wise with SQF you do not need the goto command. If you come to a point where you go "I need the goto command" then you are not coding SQF the right way.

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Request for ability to get non-classed objects...

nearestObjects with an empty array does that :)

However that would include all objects, and not the non-classed ones specifically, perhaps that's what you meant.

You got it. While possible now, it takes two nearestObjects calls ( [] to get everything, ["All"] to get the classed objects ), and then a subtraction operation to find the difference. Very expensive in terms of CPU and memory allocatied. I'm just asking for a more efficient direct method to accomplish this task and lighten the burden on the players. Or assign items like fences and trees to a real class and get rid of non-classed items altogether....

Request to explictly kill a FSM.

While I agree, you may quite easily design your fsm quitable. Just have some variable in your fsm, say _quitFSM, and incorporate a simple check in the "main-loop" of the fsm. Once _quitFSM is true, the fsm quits.

Now you can simply setFSMVariable _quitFSM to true from anywhere and the fsm will quit the next loop. Sure, maybe you want to

waitUntil{(completedFSM _fsm)};

or something prior to starting a new fsm or whatever...

Works pretty nice, aslong as you do it the same way for all your fsm. Also this way you may incorporate something like a clean-up routine in your fsm before it really quits. I doubt you could do something like this, if you'd simply kill the fsm. But ok...

killFSM [i]handle[/i]

Again true, you can code them to catch a signal. But that adds a lot of overhead to your design if you wish to be able to trap that event everywhere and does nothing for FSMs you did not code up or have gone rogue on you. IMO you need a way to kill the FSM with certainty, something like your idea of killFSM handle.

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I didn't mean it like that, its just that syntax wise with SQF you do not need the goto command. If you come to a point where you go "I need the goto command" then you are not coding SQF the right way.

Well, even BIS themselves still use SQS sometimes. ;)

I've tried to move away from SQS myself, simply because SQF is sometimes more powerful and is definitely more used in Arma 2, but I often run into walls where if I was coding in SQS I'd be able to do things a hell of a lot easier and with less code. The gain with SQF is so minimal it's almost negligible in 90% of things, unless you want to do something that involves the instant a bullet leaves a rifle, and the like.

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for a novice like myself, bringing back the commands to findcover would be useful.

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Well, even BIS themselves still use SQS sometimes. ;)

I've tried to move away from SQS myself, simply because SQF is sometimes more powerful and is definitely more used in Arma 2, but I often run into walls where if I was coding in SQS I'd be able to do things a hell of a lot easier and with less code. The gain with SQF is so minimal it's almost negligible in 90% of things, unless you want to do something that involves the instant a bullet leaves a rifle, and the like.

Yes, SQS is SQS. My point was SQF is not SQS and it shouldn't try to be like it. This is a debate that goes all the way through many languages, as commands like goto are considered to be structurally confusing when code gets more and more complex (as in you have to jump around in files with no logical control structure to find things).

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Fix setMimic

We were able to show emotion on people's faces in OFP and Arma 1 with this command but it doesn't work in Arma 2. Everyone is srs bsns or unintentionally smiling.

YES!! :) For "ages" I check every patch since version 1.0 of Arma 2 and every time I have to see that there is no change... :( (see link in my sig)

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a class library of all things on the map (buildings/rocks/tress/vegetation/abstract) would make findcover alot easier to implement and get ai to be better in fighting.

A "Retreat To" waypoint, so that the ai will focus on actually running away and still doing little fire here & there. maybe making it usable through a switch in a trigger. also makes it easier to control ai when they retreat.

and this is more candy then serious: a surrender type behaviour so that the ai will walk with their hands above their heads and behave more like captives ^^

thats all i can think, but the hasLOS is a really good idea in my opinion, so many uses for that

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a class library of all things on the map (buildings/rocks/tress/vegetation/abstract) would make findcover alot easier to implement and get ai to be better in fighting.

yes, that'll be good. and maybe a proper takecoverbehind command that takes into account incoming fire/known enemy positions.

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I would like this to work..

vehicle lookAt nearestRoad

fix vehicle formations when driving?

I hate it when they start doing 360s

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I would like to see that setMimic working with proper expressions on faces - horror, angry, smiling, worried, sad, almost unconscious, unconscious, neutral....

That would allow us doing better cutscenes and give a nice extra detail while playing.

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ablity to read and save to external programs such as Mysql/Sql-light

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I would suggest something that is more of a feature.

If you have ie. this addWeapon "M4A1" in the init of the unit, unit should then respawn with this.

I guess init lines would be transfered into next spawn. Would that be possible? Maybe a toggle button or command to enable/disable this.

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You can read morale in a script, so why on Earth can you not assign to it in a script?

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You can read morale in a script, so why on Earth can you not assign to it in a script?

allowFleeing may be of use to you. Not exactly the same though.

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There are many times when you just want a unit to follow its explicit waypoints and other orders without doing anything extra. That includes but is not limited to fleeing from or pursuing enemies, changing stance and seeking cover.

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in response to celery's autonomy/tactical, I'd much rather finally see fully programmable and exchangable core fsm's, where these "autonomy" and "tactical" would simply be different fsm. If we then would be able to say which (core-)fsm runs for which unit... so much problems would finally be solved once and for all.

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allowFleeing may be of use to you.

Thanks, I have allowFleeing 0 set but once morale is depleted they just stand still and refuse to respond to move orders even if they're all Colonels with Skill 1.0 and UltraAI on. +1 to Celery/ruebe, wouldn't care which as long as it's not hidden 'under the hood'.

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Celery you can simulate goto's with scopename, breakto | breakout.

i would like to see a command opposite of sethit

_dam = _obj gethit "part";

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