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SR5 Tactical MOUT training script

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SR5 Tactical MOUT course script, by Reezo


v1.1 - Dec 18th, 2010

Visit us at: www.sr5tactical.net



This script allows the creator to give life to any user-created MOUT CQB training course.


- Improve reflexes and responsiveness

- Familiarize with various weapons, their handling, fire modes, precision etc.

- Pratice with the controls: aiming deadzone, mouse smoothing, sensibility etc.

- Familiarize with different optics

- Practice room clearing procedures

- Increase survivability in PvP environments

- Improve first-shot accuracy

- Practice two-man, three-man and four-man entry teams

- Experiment various backup weapons like shotguns etc.

- Increase mobility during combat operations, avoiding "sitting duck" camping panic


- Targets stay down when shot and get "reloaded" once the MOUT starts

- Globally synced server-side, no way you can start the MOUT once a session is in progress

- Save last score and recall it to see your last performance

- Hostage targets give score penalty

- No need to manually set up the script, very simple parameters to get started

- Automatically scans for targets (bad guys and hostages) within a specific radius

- Fully ACE compatible

- Works with virtually any MOUT course you can think of

- 100% free of charge

- Is not affected by global warming


- Any version of ArmA 2, Operation Arrowhead or Combined Operations

- Some kind of MOUT/CQB training course with targets (possibly bad guys and good guys, too)


- Vanilla

- ACE (tested with v1.6 and v1.7RC1)

How to set it up:

1) Copy the entire following folders into your mission folder:

> scripts\MOUT

> sounds\MOUT

2) Open the init.sqf and add that line to your init.sqf in your mission

3) Open the description.sqf and add that line to your description.ext (make sure it's into the cfgSounds section if you have one already)

4) Open your mission in the editor

5) Add an object named MOUT_start where you want to be able to start the MOUT course via the action

6) Add an object named MOUT_end where you want the MOUT to end (you need to run to the object to complete the course)

7) Add a marker named MOUT_center in the middle of your MOUT course

8) If you want to customize the initialization of this script, change the line in the init.sqf:

nul0 = [MOUT_start,MOUT_end,"MOUT_center",30,20] execVM "scripts\MOUT\MOUT_init.sqf";

MOUT_start > is the name of the object where you want the MOUT to get started and the last results to be recalled

MOUT_end > is the name of the object where you want the MOUT to end

MOUT_center > is the name of the marker definying the approximate center of the MOUT course

30 > is the radius from the center in which the script should scan for targets of any kind

20 > is the maximum amount of time in seconds to complete the course.

Known bugs:

- None, yet..

Future features:

- It depends on the suggestions and feedback I get from the community

Version history:

v1.1 - MP compatible, colored actions, small optimizations

v1.0 - Initial release


Nothing I can really "claim" or track you down with..so please don't just be an assh*le and if you do any change to this script or implement it in your missions or scenarios..please add some kind of credit line to this work. It would be kind :)

How to pay me back:

- Anything really expensive or

- a video of your clan mates doing some MOUT training

- a MOUT/CQB training template you want to share with me

Mirroring and downloads:

Please do not mirror this file. Use the following link to get the latest, better, shiny, original version:


For feedback, email me at info(at)sr5tactical.net or shout your thoughts here.

I hope you enjoy, this is something every clan dreams of, well maybe not, but anyway..have fun! If something else exists already, and it was done better..I am sorry for having bothered you :)

- Reezo

Edited by Reezo

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I seem to have found a little bug. I was testing the little example you provided (So I didn't have to waste time making something myself) and it seems each round you do. Each hit counds for 1 more point. After around 10 rounds of testing I've concluded that each round adds a point. So round one gives you 1 point for each 'Hostile' target as the 'Hostage' gives -5. But round 2 gives 2 points for each 'Hostile' and -10 for each enemy.

I have come to the idea that in multi-player it might effect the scores if it bugs like this. In what way, I don't know. But it still seems to be a bug none the less.

Edited by SigintArmA

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  SigintArmA said:
I seem to have found a little bug. I was testing the little example you provided (So I didn't have to waste time making something myself) and it seems each round you do. Each hit counds for 1 more point. After around 10 rounds of testing I've concluded that each round adds a point. So round one gives you 1 point for each 'Hostile' target as the 'Hostage' gives -5. But round 2 gives 2 points for each 'Hostile' and -10 for each enemy.

Yes this shouldn't happen..so the person doing the MOUT the second round gets double-points..never tried the MOUT twice during debug..that explains it.

I will look into that today! :)

Nice work! One question though...does it also work without ACE?

It should because I've added the classic red popup target to the hostiles and the blue one to the hostages..if you find something is wrong with it just let me know :)

Thanks everybody for the nice words!

UPDATE: I think I've got it :) updates soon..

Edited by Reezo

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I noticed it was released on Armaholic! Nice, I made available a new, official v1.0 to get started the right way :)

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looks like a good idea.. waiting for non ACE version to try :)

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  Loki said:
looks like a good idea.. waiting for non ACE version to try :)

Try it out, I've added the vanilla targets as well so my guess is it should work with Vanilla, too!

If you get "weird" values (like a bad guy giving you -5 or a hostage giving you +1) just let me know and I'll fix it ;) because ACE classnames speak for themselves, while I know the red target is being counted as +1 so I guess I *should* have done it right ;)

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unless the 1st post download is not correct.. and i missed the new one..

so long as:


is in the mission.sqm.. i need ACE?

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My example mission features ACE targets and Vanilla targets, but if you follow the installation instructions and create your own range (or rather apply it to an existing MOUT course of yours) the scripts should work perfectly.

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  albertors said:
My example mission features ACE targets and Vanilla targets, but if you follow the installation instructions and create your own range (or rather apply it to an existing MOUT course of yours) the scripts should work perfectly.

it is late for me.. maybe i am just missing the obvious.. but...

if i don't have ACE and you have ACE && vanilla requirements.. this still happens every time i try to open the mission..



follow installation instructions....

ahh.. that would be the 'obvious part....':p

Edited by Loki
it is indeed late...

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exactly :) the mission itself requires ACE, that's true, because I put all kinds of vanilla and ACE targets.

BUT, if you install the script in your own MOUT following the directions, it should work with Vanilla alone (I am 99% sure).

It's late for everybody on the same time zone, let's go to sleep :)

EDIT: V1.1 is up. Small but significant tweaking. Enjoy!

Edited by Reezo

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Wow this is awesome. Thanks.

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You're welcome. With the right skin, the right sound pack and the usual ArmA-tmosphere, happy MOUTing :)

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Reezo I'm trying to create my own MOUT course using cargo containers but it just doesn't look too good. Any tips or links to existing MOUT courses?

Also any way I could have the target pop up or move when the player gets near it?

EDIT: Also I have a mout training course on my Practice Range, and now all of my other pop-up targerts on the firing range won't pop back up after shot. I tried limiting the radius of the MOUT course (which was already pretty far away) but it did nothing.

Way I could fix this?

Edited by zuff

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This is very cool! +1 if anyone has some existing courses to share it would be very helpful.

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I tried to do a MOUT room in Arma long ago... this happened:


I cried myself to sleep that night.

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  kylania said:
I tried to do a MOUT room in Arma long ago... this happened:


I cried myself to sleep that night.

The icons in the editor are so painfully off sometimes. I've tried to use RTE to see if I could do it in 3d and convert it to my sqf but I couldn't get it to work. I gave up and now I'm just using MCC

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o man i feel you on that one kylania, i remember having something built something in the 3d editor and it looked really good, then once i saved it, it turned into a pile of rubbish, with everything just scattered randomly.

but I know certain objects as walls (like H barriars) in 3d editor, with CAN_COLLIDE setting will work as walls.

I wouldnt even bother trying to do it in 2d editor.

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Its possible to have a random respawn,where for example for each time you begin a new MOUT course, the targets randomly switch between themselves using setPos? Because if a player play the MOUT Course for more than 1 time,he will memorize the course.

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  Thamu said:
Its possible to have a random respawn,where for example for each time you begin a new MOUT course, the targets randomly switch between themselves using setPos? Because if a player play the MOUT Course for more than 1 time,he will memorize the course.

one way of doing it is a bit tedious at first, but you only need to do it once.

example, radio trigger starting mout round, randomize every time, can ofc be executed from a script, action or whatever.

repeated radio trigger.

on act of the radio trigger:

_null = [] execVM "moutStart.sqf";

place down markers on map for all possible target positions.

name all your targets also.

here for example we have 5 possible positions of targets and 3 targets that will "rise" every time the mout course is started via radio trigger.


  Reveal hidden contents

Note that you need more markers than targets, or atleast minimum same number.

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