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pls improve collective response in helicopters to make them more reallistic

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since i am a helicopter pilot in real life - i can tell you guys that you have done excellent work making the controls quite close to real life . just the collective should be way more sensitive to inputs.

Because the helicopter should be able to make so called quick stop from almost any speed without gaining almost any altitude. And in life it is done by quickly rising nose up close to 45 degrees and at the same time collective max down.

This is very important when you are approching combat area with speed and need quickly stop to drop out solders and get away again....

also it is really needed in air to air or air to ground combats...

at the same time it is needed when even in straght and level flight you drop your collective down - helicopter should loose altitude quite fast ...

i hope it is possible to solve it by adding some kind of sensitivnes of the collective in control options menu.

PS i am using mouse as a cyclic , keyboard arrows right/left as a pedals and arrows up/down as a collective....

here you can see someone doing a quickstop i found in youtube with small helicopter.

txs Paul

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It's possible to do as you say, it just takes a little practise in ArmA, etc.

Not saying it's a perfect system, but it's possible to fly just like in that video, and sometimes even "better".

Your suggestion of a sensitivity setting for it sounds like one of the better ideas I've heard lately.

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The flight model tweeks were recommended by actual helicoter pilots while it was being created. :) I suggest using a full featured joystick, the helicopter responds much better then a keyboard and mouse.


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you are actually trying to say the physics model for the helo seems realistic...

i just facepalmed, i currently fly for Banksy air and tbh the flying in this game is not good.

Just for the devs, work on the stalling, the plane should behave differently when fighting the airflow and then loose its lift, at the moment it loses lift when it really shouldnt.

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SQB - sure the flying phisics are still not perfect...

you dont have any retrieting blade stalling, vortex or fuselage yawing when changing pich angle..etc

but common - this is the best first person shooter game in the market and not the flying simulator.

If you want to have perfect helicopter simulator - try the KA-50 black shark game. and there you will get everything - even any button in the cocpit is working, and you really can feel the wind efects on your controls...

so here i am just asking for changes wich will allow to get quckly in/out of combat area more safelly and a littlebit closer to reality than now...

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you are actually trying to say the physics model for the helo seems realistic...

i just facepalmed, i currently fly for Banksy air and tbh the flying in this game is not good.

Just for the devs, work on the stalling, the plane should behave differently when fighting the airflow and then loose its lift, at the moment it loses lift when it really shouldnt.

So it's completely unrealistic due to one missing feature?

I sir, am the one facepalming. FPDR

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PS i am using mouse as a cyclic , keyboard arrows right/left as a pedals and arrows up/down as a collective....

Sorry but I can't believe you are complaining about this if you don't even use a joystick especially if you are a pilot :eek:

You can adjust axis sensitivity in game options.

Edited by EDcase

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EDcase - using mouse as a cyclic with maximum sensitivity (offcourse the autohover is off ) - acts quite close to real cyclic... and probably i know what i am saying - or i should be already dead in real life ;)

so just the collective response is the problem...

but - thanx - I will try to find the way to use some kind of joystick and will let you know later is it ok or not..

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Yep, a joystick with throttle should help as you can go straight from 100% power to 0 in an instant unlike a key press which is progressive.

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You could easily land without raising much altitude with a keyboard and mouse, well.. I never use the mouse while flying a chopper in ArmA 2. (I only use it to control the Manual Fire in gunships.. Pretty much just left click) I use just use Q for raising throttle power and Z for lower. W and S keys for nose up/down and A/D for turning left and right. (Usually while holding Q and S along with A or D to turn)

To do a quick landing like that, I usually raise the nose up while holding down the Z key, it does not cause me to raise a lot of altitude and it lowers my chopper's speed fairly quickly to land. It also works well when doing emergency landings at high speeds.

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I have to agree with the OP. This feature should be extended to AI flying too as the pop up WAY to high when slowing down.

Don't be too hasty to rule improvements out when we all could benefit.

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So it's completely unrealistic due to one missing feature?

I sir, am the one facepalming. FPDR

He is right, that missing feature just happens to be crucial in ACM and a very basic part of flight..

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Any and all suggestions to improving the flight models in arma2 would be welcome. More and more I find that BIs lovely graphic immersion and combined arms makes pilots a real benefit and quite enjoyable - a game unlike most others.

the better the flight model, the better the game will be for a wider audience, opening up a lot of new players to the game. .

In fact that would be an awesome reason for more DLC - funding an improved flight model with another great campaign like EW, a map optimised for flight/combined ops and a few new aircraft.

Add for my low tech suggestions would be to have the ability to have the full range of joystick throttle for analogue throttle and a tickbox option to have aircraft throttle and heli throttle inverted from each other.

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