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Coffeecat's Single Player Missions

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some people dont get that this is a warsimulator and there are other perspectives of wars then the US/NATO Side. Only for those peoples i will distance myself from any political opinion again.

Edited by Coffeecat

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I would keep the Bradley locked and unlock the Humvees. Removing the Apache's FFARs would make it less destructive to be the base while still letting it use its most terrifying weapon, and the player is more likely to survive a cannon attack.

Some too-late mortar fire blowing up the ridgeline where the player used to be would be entertaining as well.

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thanks for your suggustions. since your the secound one which demands open hmv´s i will change this in the next version. changing the apache will be some more work since its unit caputure scripted but guess il change that too since it seems to deadly for more people.

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Very good (and original) mission ! I'm going to try the updated version ASAP.

Thanks a lot for sharing it.

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How the hell do I shoot that Apache beast out of the sky? I've tried several times now, and it launches it flares each time I try to shoot it down with the Stinger. Then he locks on to med with the 30mm..good night.

Another thing, The Tali commander constantly make the empty humwees targets, so many of my team mates are out of ammo before we hit the bottom of the hill. Seems like they wont fire their RPGs within a certain distance?

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the new flare system really makes it hard sometimes to get down choppers, but i like it! im sorry i cant give you any advise for this at all. just make sure you got enough cover if the apache comes in striking again and dig in near the ammo crate. i remember 1 time i played the mission i shoot all 4 stingers[only 1 crate was there] and all missed cause of flares:rolleyes:you have to be lucky a bit sometimes. often the first stinger hits for me.

yea, i noticed the thing with the HMV´s. It was more annoying some while ago. Guys shoot even empty HMV´s which were direct in front of them. Now it seems sometimes they dont realize that they are emtpy in distance.

il will add a RPG for the player in the next version to fix this for the moment. Note that they only stopped and shoot the hmv´s very long for me as i used scoped weapons. Did never happen with the PKM as my primary long.

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There was a addon I used that made the Apache run in "godmode". When i tried without mods I took it down in two shots.

Fun mission! You should do more of these:)

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We need more missions like this, Really I want a full insurgent/taliban campaign. This is my dream. Btw I love this mission and had a lot of fun doing it. THanks

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Very enjoyable mission, thanks for sharing.

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Good mission, but I couldn't find the "AA" at the US base after blowing up the fuel depot. What is the "AA"? I was looking for an anti-aircraft weapon of some sort (but I'm obviously confused - the Takiban don't have aircraft - as far as I know). I found a US create full of launchers and tried to destroy it. Planted the IED up the road, but when I regrouped at the crossroads outside the overrun base, my brothers just stood around and ignored me, like a bunch of infidel dogs - the squad leader kept asking me "Where are you?" as I stood in front of him. We all stood around waiting and waiting, until I ended the game by shooting at the other members of my squad.

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Youre right, AA is Anti-Air Weapon;)

Why do you want to destroy the crate? There´s a Stinger in it with which you destroy the Apache. Your guys did nothing cause you didnt complete the task

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Youre right, AA is Anti-Air Weapon;)

Why do you want to destroy the crate? There´s a Stinger in it with which you destroy the Apache. Your guys did nothing cause you didnt complete the task

OK .. I'm confused. The Apache appeared and disappeared. I as far as I know it was never shot down. The base was completely overrun by the Takiban, and everything was quiet. I after destroying the fuel depot, I wandered out to the IED point, took over the Takistan army position and planted the IED. Then rejoined my unit and waited around but nothing happened. I should give it another try, maybe.

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Dude wtf, you go the mountain and invade the fob, the apache comes flying in. Theres is a weapons crate behind the medical humv, its a little back from it. Shoot the death sentence from the sky with a couple stingers (This took me a few try's, and I lost a good number of men). Go blow the fuel depot up, then process to the ambush point. Everytime you complete a task you will get a trigger that gives you a pop up that the objective was task was completed and this trigger will trigger the next task to happen

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Dude wtf, you go the mountain and invade the fob, the apache comes flying in. Theres is a weapons crate behind the medical humv, its a little back from it. Shoot the death sentence from the sky with a couple stingers (This took me a few try's, and I lost a good number of men).

Invaded the FOB. The in my instance, the Apache made one pass overhead and was never seen or heard from again blew up the fuel depot and I did find the crate full of launchers, but never got AA task listed as accomplished. All the Americans and allies in the area (including those around the IED site) were taken out. Sat around for quite listening to the birds sing.

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its not possible that the apache makes only one run over the base cause UnitCapture is used. means that the AH64 only decides when and where to fire his 30mm gun, the movement is captured. there are at least 8 runs if not more. reason for this was the location with very big hills where a S&D WP makes Helos crash way too often.

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Released new Mission "Operation Skybreaker", & updated Version of Mountain Warriors, V 1.3.

2 Versions are in the Downlaod, 1 ACE2 optimized, 1 with no addons required, have fun!

Edited by Coffeecat

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M8, i like MW, realy nice. Hopefuly you make some other takistani scenario. Im tyred of SF playing scenarios...

Ty, have a nice day

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I just finished Mountain Warriors 1.3. That was my very first non-BIS user mission ever played. One word describes this mission:


Unbelievably well-designed, fun, hard, interesting, varied, surprising.

One suggestion: add more autosaves, one after fuel depot destroyed, one after convoy is ambushed with IED and destroyed.

I LOVE the Takiban reinforcements driving up on motorbikes, and of course the intro. FANTASTIC!!!!

Congratulations on a great mission. You obviously have a talent for this.


P.S. Why isn't there a .rar extension on the level download file? I took me quite a while to figure out what to do with that file!

Edited by OMAC

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hey, thanks for your feedback, i appreciate it:)

oh, i didnt notice that, il reupload it, thanks for the info

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This is a great mission, I really enjoyed it!

I would definitely like to play more like this.

Keep up the good work!

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Just tried to download Skybreaker and the link takes you to a rapidshare upload instead.

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ive played the mission skybreakers.

after i destroyed all tunguskas and shilkas the task didnt green up. i fly back to the ship and land. but i cant find the officer to report him?

and one more thing: only the mk82 bombs are rearmed but not the other weapons.

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Just played skybreakers for a few mins. One thing that would deffinately make the mission much better is a tailhook script. Even coming in for a landing at 130 knots, I still couldn't get the plane slowed down enough to stay safely on the deck. Any slower and the av8 just falls out of the sky.

Overall, the mission seems well scripted and well built, but I'm not the biggest fan, simply due to the limitations of the engine. At 1000m, even at 10k view distance, I can't see anything aside from the green boxes when I tab lock. Which means that I have no idea if I had good effect on target. No wingman to confirm a hit, no sf FAC on the ground waiting, etc. It's just tab-lock, drop bomb, hope it hits and move on.

Edited by TheCapulet

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