avfc 10 Posted February 14, 2012 Another question but it seems i find something everyday i dont know how to use, i noticed the humvee uav gcs version when you upgrade light fac now im guessing you can use this as a uav ground control station as the name suggest but how? I know a lot of these things exist in the game such as unmanned littlebirds etc but i have no idea how to use or even if they can be used in the warfare be ace version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BL1P 35 Posted February 16, 2012 So it's only partially functioning? I've combined the CLU and tube and try targeting a vehicle. The lock-on reticule tightens around the target and then stops (but no sound). So what you're saying is: 1. You can't use the Javelin in standard view (must use thermal) 2. You must zoom in further with numpad to obtain lock and 3. You must shoot in top-down (Even though pressing tab changes it to direct-mode)? Well, so long as it works in this mode, I can compromise. Thanks. If your gettng direct mode you might have mando on ? I may well be wrong but I thought ACE didnt have other modes rather than TOP Anyway glad I could help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max3455 10 Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Hello all. I can not find ammo for sale in the "KORD" and other OPFOR stationary weapons. Where are they? Also noticed that "Ammo truck" (Kamaz and Ural) do not contain ammunition generally. In the mission, you can create ammobox after upgrading. maybe make them portable? Excellent mission, a great mod. Thank you for your port! I hope you understand me. Sorry for my bad english. Edited February 19, 2012 by max3455 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maccyjam 1 Posted February 26, 2012 Hey, Is it possible to buy or obtain a fast rope or parachute on ACE Benny Edition 2.071? I've looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCrusader 10 Posted March 11, 2012 Hi, first of all superb mission and big thx for the creators! Small nitpick: I cant seem to find the maptools or the ammo for the crew served weapons (for instance KORD mags) ? Is this a special option / upgrade or were the ammobelts missiles etc. forgotten? Cheers Crusader Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted March 11, 2012 Hey,Is it possible to buy or obtain a fast rope or parachute on ACE Benny Edition 2.071? I've looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance, Parachute is a level 2 purchase, as for the ropes I've just added 3 rope types to my edited version (Towing, Sling & 15m Rope). Haven't uploaded yet as i'm chilling out after this reply. :) ---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ---------- Hi,first of all superb mission and big thx for the creators! Small nitpick: I cant seem to find the maptools or the ammo for the crew served weapons (for instance KORD mags) ? Is this a special option / upgrade or were the ammobelts missiles etc. forgotten? Cheers Crusader Mando's stuff was removed, sorry! As for the Kord i'll look into it if i get the time. I get bored quickly and move on to do other things, then i get bored of that and back to tinkering ArmA2. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCrusader 10 Posted March 11, 2012 Ty! Its not about mando missiles, just the normal ace crew served weapons of both sides. Can find the base plates + weapons, but cant buy the matching ammo. Cheers Crusader Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted March 12, 2012 Right, here's a quick update, not tested. Added Towing, Sling & 15m Rope and ACE_100Rnd_127x108_KORD ammo. All the ropes show up but the i haven't tested the Kord, can't be *ssed to be honest! Any problems, not my problem. Anything you don't like......tough! :p http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28136044/WarfareBE_2.071_Wounds.7z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doublewohli 1 Posted March 13, 2012 (edited) Hello everyone. Thanks for the great work to this point to everyone who has participated at this piece of warfare. But there is one thing i would like to add to the version 1.8 from the Post #1: More Ace Gear. Like the Maptools, Mines, Minesdetector (eventually), c4, the improved GPS, ... I noticed in Law-Givers version are most of them implemented. But i think i like the original version more. Or did i just not get the improvements and changes? So simple question: How can i modify the mission to implement the extra gear? Just adding the gear from Law-Givers version would be fine. Where can i find the required files i have to change? I already unpacked the mission and found Core_Gear, but i think this is not the only file i have to modify. Sorry for my bad english and my questions.. Edited March 13, 2012 by doublewohli Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted March 13, 2012 (edited) Hello everyone. Thanks for the great work to this point to everyone who has participated at this piece of warfare. But there is one thing i would like to add to the version 1.8 from the Post #1: More Ace Gear. Like the Maptools, Mines, Minesdetector (eventually), c4, the improved GPS, ... I noticed in Law-Givers version are most of them implemented. But i think i like the original version more. Or did i just not get the improvements and changes? So simple question: How can i modify the mission to implement the extra gear? Just adding the gear from Law-Givers version would be fine. Where can i find the required files i have to change? I already unpacked the mission and found Core_Gear, but i think this is not the only file i have to modify. Sorry for my bad english and my questions.. First, your English is fine mate, and there's nothing wrong with asking questions. Right back on track, try Loadout_RU.sqf & Loadout_US.sqf in \Common\Config\Core_Loadout\CombinedOps. I removed Maptools because i never used it. My version was really just a personal edit, plus i was just tinkering around at first. Maptools is easy enough to implement. And version 1.8 is an updated version, similar to 2.071. Anyway i hope it points you in the right direction. Off for my tea. ;) Edited March 13, 2012 by Law-Giver Corrected an error. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doublewohli 1 Posted March 13, 2012 Hope Tea was fine. The Loadout is fine at start, i wanted to edit the gear purchase interface and add the Ace Gear to buy. I tried to copy your parts about your already implemented ace gear from core_arrowhead_G.sqf and add it to the core_ace_G.sqf in WarfareBE_071_ACE_18.Fallujah. But it doesnt show up in the gear menu. Where do i have to integrate the specific items to be able to buy them in the gear menu? And did you add other items like weapons or ammunition from ace? Just wondering, because all your files in Config\Core_Gear have different sizes. Most are smaller though, except for core_arrowhead_G.sqf. Thanks so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted March 13, 2012 Hope Tea was fine.The Loadout is fine at start, i wanted to edit the gear purchase interface and add the Ace Gear to buy. I tried to copy your parts about your already implemented ace gear from core_arrowhead_G.sqf and add it to the core_ace_G.sqf in WarfareBE_071_ACE_18.Fallujah. But it doesnt show up in the gear menu. Where do i have to integrate the specific items to be able to buy them in the gear menu? And did you add other items like weapons or ammunition from ace? Just wondering, because all your files in Config\Core_Gear have different sizes. Most are smaller though, except for core_arrowhead_G.sqf. Thanks so far. A quick example for you to point you in another direction. In Core_Arrowhead_G.sqf search for ACE_Rope_TOW_M_5, then do the same in Loadout_RU.sqf & Loadout_US.sqf in \Common\Config\Core_Loadout\CombinedOps. That is how you get the rope for example to show in the purchase gear menu. It should be the same for other items, but we aware of what are items, and what are magazines etc etc. I can't remember if my edit is similar to version 1.8. I didn't have a clue when i started but with patience and trial and error, you'll get it in the end. Hope that helps for now! I know how you feel, i've been there myself! Off to bed for me, i've had too many late nights this week. ;) Oh i forgot. Tea was great thanks. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doublewohli 1 Posted March 17, 2012 Hey, implementation of wanted items went well so far. But i got the same problem that has been described in this thread before: The WF Menu got buggy and it took seconds for even popping up. As if one second in game are 3-5 sec in real life, which makes the game kind of unplayable. This is really disappointing when your savegame of 9 hours intense playing is ruined. A question to law-giver: why did you choose to disable the usmc and british faction? just wondering, because i really love diversity ;) oh, and thanks so far! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solex 3 Posted March 25, 2012 (edited) Love your versions of the Warfare BE ACE, Law-Giver, been using them for months now and rarely have we ever had any game changing problems. My friends and I DID have a problem with medics and healing but it was the ISIS Injury System that wouldn't let us heal properly (both LAN and Internet). We originally assumed it was the update until we turned that off. Cheers, and hope you keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next update. Edited March 25, 2012 by Solex Problem solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted March 26, 2012 (edited) Love your versions of the Warfare BE ACE, Law-Giver, been using them for months now and rarely have we ever had any game changing problems.My friends and I DID have a problem with medics and healing but it was the ISIS Injury System that wouldn't let us heal properly (both LAN and Internet). We originally assumed it was the update until we turned that off. Cheers, and hope you keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next update. Thanks for the kind words mate, to be honest i was only editing them because i got bored. I guess i might have to become bored again then eh? But credit were credits due, Benny and the other ACE editors are the guys that should be thanked. I just created a hybrid from theirs and removed what i didn't like and added what was missing. Maybe i'll add some more ACE stuff, who knows. Anyway, enjoy playing it, because that's what it's all about! Right i'm off, the boys will be home from school soon and will probably drag me up the park to play football.......AGAIN! ;) Edited March 26, 2012 by Law-Giver Spelling......oops! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i wub pugs 15 Posted May 1, 2012 I am pretty new to Warfare, but I have a group of players that want to have fairly large private game this weekend. We've been doing TFOR and some smaller Warfare maps lately... so now we want to try something much larger. I tested out the latest version of this mission that downloads automatically with ACE, and I have one very puzzling question: How do I get rid of the OA units on Chernarus? I want to have USMC vs Russia with all the goodies that ACE provides. Is there an option for this with this mission? My one test run gave me tan OA Strykers and Takiban running around the woods.:eek: Thank you, -Pugs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted May 1, 2012 (edited) I am pretty new to Warfare, but I have a group of players that want to have fairly large private game this weekend.We've been doing TFOR and some smaller Warfare maps lately... so now we want to try something much larger. I tested out the latest version of this mission that downloads automatically with ACE, and I have one very puzzling question: How do I get rid of the OA units on Chernarus? I want to have USMC vs Russia with all the goodies that ACE provides. Is there an option for this with this mission? My one test run gave me tan OA Strykers and Takiban running around the woods.:eek: Thank you, -Pugs Change the parameters before starting the game! ;) Here try these edits of mine: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28136044/WarfareBE_2.071_Wounds.7z Edited May 1, 2012 by Law-Giver Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i wub pugs 15 Posted May 1, 2012 (edited) Everything looks good. Thanks, -Pugs Edited May 2, 2012 by I WUB PUGS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ke6jzs 1 Posted May 4, 2012 Hey Joe, I really wanted to use ACE, but every way I install it, it runs terrible. Without it running stock ARMA 2 v1.11 with OA 1.60 and any other mod it runs great and I got totally hooked. With ACE, it errors unable mipmap sys_reticles/data/ trilux, blah blah blah, but still loads and every 4-5 mins cycles "Receiving..." for about 15secs then goes back to the hard drive constant on and super low graphics, I mean "Cubes" where trees and bushes should be, low rez everywhere, then cycles the "Receiving..." 15 secs. It a real Kill Joy. Can you provide me with a specific, blow by blow instruction of how it is supposed to be installed before I abandon it? Thanks for now, but If this gets working you should consider yourself a real asset to the ARMA community. SGT WARNICK Gary Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evanevan297 10 Posted May 6, 2012 Not sure if it has been said but you can't buy any mags for the P8 pistol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JuggernautOfWar 1 Posted May 13, 2012 (edited) I'm having an issue with the missions WF Menu. I got incapacitated in a captured OPFOR tank to where I was blacking out phasing in and out of consciousness. I got tired of looking at a black screen so I pressed escape to respawn. As soon as the menu popped up it disappeared again, I guess because I was incapacitated. I had to double tap the escape button to access the menu and respawn. When I respawned at base I can no longer access the WF menu because it goes away the second it appears, similar to the menu before. Basically I cannot access the WF menu because it disappears the second it pops up. Obviously this makes the mission pretty much impossible. Edited May 14, 2012 by JuggernautOfWar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted May 14, 2012 Not sure if it has been said but you can't buy any mags for the P8 pistol. Unsure as to which version of Warfare you're using but i just finished playing a few minutes ago and the P8 + mags works fine on my Yapal Warfare edit. And they're all the same scripts in my edits. :) @JuggernautOfWar As i posted above, I've just finished playing a game and i never had any of the issues you mentioned. I was shot and injured, rolling around etc but i respawned after 30 seconds or so and menu's were fine for me. Also while i was injured i pressed escape only once to bring the respawn menu up. But this was on my edit, and on a dedicated server. It would help guys if you were more specific as to what version you're playing and as to whether you're playing on a dedicated server or not. There are quite a few Ace edits floating around and you won't get the right person helping you out if you're not specific enough. @ke6jzs You need a decent setup to get the best from ACE2, it can be very demanding at the best of times. It might help if you posted your system specs. I'm playing it on a ZX81. Jokes!!!! :D On that note, Merry Xmas! :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JuggernautOfWar 1 Posted May 14, 2012 I am playing on Isla Duala linked on the first post in this thread. Another issue is when I destroy an enemy vehicle I do not get money from the kill. Only from killing infantry or crew. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted May 15, 2012 I am playing on Isla Duala linked on the first post in this thread. Another issue is when I destroy an enemy vehicle I do not get money from the kill. Only from killing infantry or crew. Hi mate, go to the previous page and download mine. Give it a go and see if you get the same problems. Mine's pretty much the same as Joe's as it was based on his with a few minor edits. I don't have Isle Duala but it's an easy enough port. I was thinking of doing a few more Islands anyway. To be honest i can't remember off hand if i got money for the vehicles or not. I'm not bothered as it's just fun blowing them up and killing the enemy without being killed. I leave all that worry for the Ai commander. ;) Benny's working on a new version and possibly a little update for 2.071 with a few fixes. Anyway i'm outta here, gotta wrap these Xmas presents! :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coco146 10 Posted May 24, 2012 Does anyone know why it just hangs on the Loading(this may take a few minutes screen at the start I cant seem to get past that without suspending the match in which case the spawn point is of in some ridicuolus section of the map far away from my HQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites