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PMC Campaign first mission (contains possible spoilers)

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I'm in the first misison, and I can't seem to get anywhere. After meeting with my teammate, I found the client and took the map, then they tell me to go to the rendezvous point. Problem is, after a while, my team leader doesn't move anymore, and an endless stream of bad guys and mortar fire eventually kill me. The random mortar fire makes it impossible to stay uninjured for very long, so I can't aim steady anymore, and nothing else happens.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but if so, it doesn't seem obvious for me what to do.

Right, no mods loaded, it's just plain 1.56 Arrowhead+BAF+PMC.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

~~ Alwarren

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Had a bit of a problem with this mission, too. After a few failed tries to stick to my leader, I just ran to the rendezvous point as quickly as possible, leaving him far behind.

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Mhh the only advise I can give you is to stay on the move, listen to incoming mortar fire and run. Once you're near the rendezvous point your troubles are over.

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Mhh the only advise I can give you is to stay on the move, listen to incoming mortar fire and run. Once you're near the rendezvous point your troubles are over.

The mortar fire makes this mission a pure exercise in frustration. It would be difficult enough already with trying to find the body under machine gun fire, because plainly, I don't think I have ever seen so many machine gunners in one mission since Operation Flashpoint.

*sighs* Quite a frustrating start. I hope the campaign gets better.

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The mortar fire is what made the mission fun for me. Otherwise it would be like any other mission. Once you listen and learn to predict the approximate location where they are hitting it starts getting fun.

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The mortar fire is what made the mission fun for me. Otherwise it would be like any other mission. Once you listen and learn to predict the approximate location where they are hitting it starts getting fun.

Yes, if the 3D location of sound in A2 would be done correctly, it could be. With what I get, I simply cannot estimate anything about mortar fire. It's only pure luck, making the mission kind of horrible

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The mortar fire is what made the mission fun for me. Otherwise it would be like any other mission. Once you listen and learn to predict the approximate location where they are hitting it starts getting fun.

Might be because I generally dislike it when I am being forced into a certain pace. I hated that about Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising's campaign (among other things) - the word I got to really hate was "expedite" because the HQ guy kept rushing you forward.

Only that DR did it because otherwise you would have time to walk around and find out about their unit limit :p

I guess I'll try again later, right now, I am just too p/o'ed.

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Yes, if the 3D location of sound in A2 would be done correctly, it could be. With what I get, I simply cannot estimate anything about mortar fire. It's only pure luck, making the mission kind of horrible

for me it sounds correct. After a few rounds I was able to tell the approximate direction where the shell will hit.

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for me it sounds correct. After a few rounds I was able to tell the approximate direction where the shell will hit.

You have 5.1? I don't, and it's simply impossible to know. I run INTO the shell round half the time.

Zargabad being the worst map FPS wise....

Very, very poor start of a campaign :(

EDIT : abandonning for tonight, no point

Edited by whisper

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EDIT : abandonning for tonight, no point

I finally got over the mission, by running like hell to the meeting point. It's not exactly stellar, but I don't want to stand around getting shelled to oblivion because my team leader doesn't think moving is a good idea.

I have issues hearing from where the sound is coming too, I hear where the explosion is but then it's already to late. The whistle is next to impossible to pinpoint. Too bad, because I liked the general atmosphere of the mission, with the destroyed city, paper scraps floating in the wind, and the sand storm. Very moody, and very frustrating.

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If yuo cant get through the mission you could try the campaign cheat, what you do is press shift + Numpad - at the mission selection menu for the campaign and then type campaign

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If your running around like a chicken with its head cut off while mortors are falling around you, then yes, your gonna die. Its like one tube firing a round every ten seconds. Whats so hard about running from cover to cover between rounds? Its everywhere around you. At the very least go prone.

Sure, this mission took a couple run thrus to get through. I assumed wrongly that the arty was just another silly script that drops arty "around" you.....imagine my surpirse when it went off on me. Ohhhh KKKKKKKKKKK, react to indirect fire...ya I remember that.

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If your running around like a chicken with its head cut off while mortors are falling around you, then yes, your gonna die. Its like one tube firing a round every ten seconds. Whats so hard about running from cover to cover between rounds? Its everywhere around you. At the very least go prone.

If cover would help, but it doesn't. Even in a building, you will get damaged from the mortar fire. And it is more than one tube, I had simultaneous detonations.

But as I said, the issue is not the mortars, they're just annoying. My issue was the team leader freezing in place, and the only thing I could do is abandon him and head towards the meeting point on my own.

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Whats so hard about running from cover to cover between rounds?

Maybe the fact that I get damage even when *inside* a building ? An intact building, not one of the burnt out ruins.

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Avoiding the mortars is manageable (cover + prone when they wizz, sprint between rounds), the most annoying thing is the fact you'll get hurt and thus unable to properly return fire due to the aim shake way before you see the first enemy, plus the leisure pace of Asano (which wouldn't be a problem if you could actually shoot) and the occasional opportunity to see him get stuck in ruins, which made me restart the mission a couple of times for fear of bad triggers.

Also, in the factory mission, the guy near the first civies got stuck after I dispatched them by throwing a smoke (pretty sure this wasn't the alternative method, but hey, I tried).

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Avoiding the mortars is manageable (cover + prone when they wizz, sprint between rounds), the most annoying thing is the fact you'll get hurt and thus unable to properly return fire due to the aim shake way before you see the first enemy, plus the leisure pace of Asano (which wouldn't be a problem if you could actually shoot) and the occasional opportunity to see him get stuck in ruins, which made me restart the mission a couple of times for fear of bad triggers.

Also, in the factory mission, the guy near the first civies got stuck after I dispatched them by throwing a smoke (pretty sure this wasn't the alternative method, but hey, I tried).

^ This.

You get randomly hurt without ability to control that. Ie : randomly.

If your running around like a chicken with its head cut off while mortors are falling around you, then yes, your gonna die. Its like one tube firing a round every ten seconds. Whats so hard about running from cover to cover between rounds? Its everywhere around you. At the very least go prone.

Sure, this mission took a couple run thrus to get through. I assumed wrongly that the arty was just another silly script that drops arty "around" you.....imagine my surpirse when it went off on me. Ohhhh KKKKKKKKKKK, react to indirect fire...ya I remember that.

thanks for the pointers, but guess what, after nearly 10 years playing the serie, I think I somehow managed the concept of cover, tyvm. Unfortunately for this nice little theory, mortar shells used in the mission damage you through cover, resulting in being hurt for no reason

If there's something I properly hate in mission design, it's when the outcome of the mission cannot be controlled by the player. It's simply silly to expect an enjoyable experience when the result is out of your reach. Play and pray?

If really, yes, I could have predicted mortar impact position and used cover to be protected once far enough, no problem. But on my system, this is not possible

Perhaps the mission has been designed on better systems than mine, and issues raising with lower-end systems have been overlooked.

But without 5.1, with low spec PC resulting in low FPS on Zargabad.... it's really a let down so far, when compared to what BI provided lately with EW and BAF...

Let's hope the later missions do not suffer from the same issues

Edited by whisper

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Let's hope the later missions do not suffer from the same issues

I'm in mission five (I think) and things did indeed brighten up. The second mission is okay but short, the third is boring but short, the fourth is my favorite so far, really liked that (but it is, you guessed it, short).

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For me although it's an atmospheric and tension filled mission, it just took me back to CoD, where you have to simply 'game the game' to get through.

Thats slightly dissapointing as I have stuck with this series since OFP and liked to think it was my efforts, abilities and decision making that allows me to get the desired results..

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Well, I have to say that the performance in this mission was a bit low (with stuttering, etc.) but nevertheless it was a great mission!

I discovered that if you stay on your feet or crouched, the arti will injure you more likely - so get your ass down when you hear it coming!

AI worked great for me too - I was surprised how well the pathfinding of Asano was (also in general in the campaign). Great job here!

And the credits showing at the beginning of the mission - wow!! That was a great idea! :) :bounce3:

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The first mission was the only one i actually liked so far... its all too COD'ed for me, why cant they make great campaigns like Resistance?

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And the credits showing at the beginning of the mission - wow!! That was a great idea! :) :bounce3:

Agreed, the credits were awesome :)

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The first mission was the only one i actually liked so far... its all too COD'ed for me, why cant they make great campaigns like Resistance?

Oh come on, guys! Why you don't stop complaining and see that since Arma 1 every campaign became better!

CODish? What is CODis in the mission where you have to

destroy the armor with the Anti Material Rifle?!

BI does better and better campaigns every time!

People wanted campaigns without anonym soldiers, BI gave them characters with stories, backgrounds, emotions.

So what now?!

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Oh come on, guys! Why you don't stop complaining and see that since Arma 1 every campaign became better!

CODish? What is CODis in the mission where you have to

destroy the armor with the Anti Material Rifle?!

BI does better and better campaigns every time!

People wanted campaigns without anonym soldiers, BI gave them characters with stories, backgrounds, emotions.

So what now?!

If you really have to ask..

Its bad that a tank wouldnt react to nearby vehicles blowing up, its also bad to make a T72 blow up with a few shots to the engine... its very bad that just because you are a PMC behind a minigun SUV you get to be shot 50 times.. and live, and that BIS made the 30mm cannon of the hind shoot PK ammo and removed its rockets so you could easily shoot it down..

Add the invulnerable teamates.. i never thought i would experience something like that in a BIS game, to me its just too scripted and "action" oriented.

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Its bad that a tank wouldnt react to nearby vehicles blowing up, its also bad to make a T72 blow up with a few shots to the engine... its very bad that just because you are a PMC behind a minigun SUV you get to be shot 50 times.. and live

All mentioned above is default game behavior. Yes, it could be scripted for the mission purposes, but that would be too scripted, right?

Add the invulnerable teamates.. i never thought i would experience something like that in a BIS game

It's not for the first time it's used in BIS campaign ;)

Alternative options are loading the game every time AI teammate dies or healing them when they're incapacitated. Neither brings much fun into gameplay.

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Gaia said exactly what I thought, only that I rather went to play instead of having to write it. :D

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