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Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.56 BETA

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Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.56 BETA is available now.

Note that it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead to be updated to version 1.56 first in order to run properly.

Please provide us with feedback to this topic.

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.55 BETA


Copyrigt © 2010 Bohemia Interactive Studio. All rights reserved.

For more information please visit


Installation instructions:


1. Following programs must have been installed on your Linux-box:

tar, gcc. Optional: md5sum (for setup integrity check)

1a. On some verions of Linux (this was reported for RedHat 9

and Gentoo linux 2.4.20) the NSCD deamon must be installed to

run ArmA 2 server successfully. Caching of DNS would be sufficient.

2. Copy the whole "ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead" directory from Windows

to some Linux-directory (arma2arrowhead). DON'T DO ANY DATA CONVERSIONS

(even "dos2unix" translation of text files is not necessary).

Example: you can use PKZIP (WinZip, PowerArchiver, etc.) on

Windows and "unzip" on Linux.

Don't use upper case letters in the ArmA2 directory name

(/home/bob/arma2arrowhead will be good, /home/bob/ArmA2ArrowHead

may cause some troubles).

ArmA2 directory should contain subdirectories "Addons", "Bin",

"Campaigns", etc.

3. Copy the "server-x.xx.tar.gz" (x.xx is version number) file into

the arma2arrowhead directory. Unpack and install it with commands:

arma2arrowhead$ tar -xjf server-x.xx.tar.bz2

arma2arrowhead$ ./install

Watch the messages - they will inform you whether your installation

is successful.

4. Dedicated server can be started in foreground:

arma2arrowhead$ ./server

Or in background:

o$ nohup ./server > out.txt 2> err.txt &

[1] <pid>

5. Running server can be stopped by executing:

$ kill -s SIGINT <pid>

Where <pid> is process-id of mother server thread (printed out in

"nohup" command).

6. ArmA2 ArrowHead server has a feature: command-line parameter

"-pid=<pid_file>". It causes creation of <pid_file> with

PID of root ArmA2 process. If IP port specified in "-port=<nn>"

parameter is busy (in usage), ArmA2 will terminate immediately

and <pid_file> won't be written..

7. The "arma2server" script is provided for automatic server

start/restart/status query/etc. Please be sure to edit


After this is done, install (hard-link?) the script into

"/etc/rc.d/init.d/arma2server" file. After that it can be managed

by "chkconfig" (see info/man).

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Question about server data:

The server data, must be include:

BAF lite

PMC lite

OR (i have buyed both at sprocket)

BAF Full

PMC Full

to work perfect?

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For servers and DLC data You must use only Lite variant !!

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to be honest, I am really tired of this.

BI releases an update, I have to install ArmaII, ArmaOA and the latest patch to get a clean version....the version I use for play which includes the full patches does not work (always the yellow question mark in the server list)

Is it so complicated to release a server version (the Linux one) with everything included?

This game lives from the community support but I am really get pissed off about the BI update /upgrade policy.

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The issue is the Update Patchs are for windows, and they patch the .pbo files with updates, but there is no equivalent patch for linux!

So to update linux I have to first update on windows, which is quick and only requires downloads the size of the patch ~300MB But then I have to upload to my server, every file which has changed in it's entirety, which last time equated to over 4000MB of uploading and since my upload rate is much lower than my download rate it took me almost 20 hours to get my server updated!

Can't a similar .pbo updater be released for linux so I can just execute it from ssh?

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to be honest, I am really tired of this.

BI releases an update, I have to install ArmaII, ArmaOA and the latest patch to get a clean version....the version I use for play which includes the full patches does not work (always the yellow question mark in the server list)

Is it so complicated to release a server version (the Linux one) with everything included?

This game lives from the community support but I am really get pissed off about the BI update /upgrade policy.


I uploaded 1 week the gameserver data to linux box via 786kbits DSL.

Every time the files (with filezilla) are on box one or more files are corrupted (don't know why).

Now i make a packing the 14 GB to a tar bzip2 file, half uploading and a patch is here :mad:

I buyed sprocket Arma 2 combined version, but only a setup.exe for windows... no wget :(

But sun is coming up, i work to put the linux dedicated Server fast as possible here for free download nexttime: http://cgl.clanmeets.de

Edited by scale

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Same problem with out remote server... we're damn tired of updating all files and uploading for hours or days, when we play 3-5 hours per week (training) :)

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Ok I have to fire up md5sum et let see what has changed... A 3 to 4 hours process, hum well hope this is worth it.

Can we have a changelog, just to help us monitor improvements towards 1.55? Anything new about multithreading ? We rent a CoreI5 750 (4 physical cores) with 8G RAM, but server's FPS oscillate between 10 and 20...

Typical load while playing (1.54 & 1.55) :


Hope this point will be improved!

So I'll make tests as soon as everyone in my team has updated their game, and give you a report : 1.54-5 vs 1.56.

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I uploaded 1 week the gameserver data to linux box via 786kbits DSL.

Every time the files (with filezilla) are on box one or more files are corrupted (don't know why).

Now i make a packing the 14 GB to a tar bzip2 file, half uploading and a patch is here :mad:

I buyed sprocket Arma 2 combined version, but only a setup.exe for windows... no wget :(

But sun is coming up, i work to put the linux dedicated Server fast as possible here for free download nexttime: http://cgl.clanmeets.de

the upload is solvable with rsync --fuzzy, in fact you have only 116 MB for the last update which are really new.

rsync -avzyh –delete /home/arma/arma2server/* [email protected]:/home/arma/arma2server/

My concern is more the different patches etc. I can not use my current ARMA version with BAF and PMC. the server crashed immediately. you have to remove folders but you need the light patches ... so all the time, BI comes with a new update, I have to do a clean re-installation without anything in it...and my question is, why does the server not come with these 116 MB files (maybe from a p2p source) and that’s it? why is this process so complicated?

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rsync -avzyh –delete /home/arma/arma2server/* [email protected]:/home/arma/arma2server/

Is rsync able to work with lowered case filenames on the server ? The manpage of rsync that "fuzzy" option makes it work with similar filenames if it doesn't find the same. That would be really nice, no need to manually determine which files has changed...

why does the server not come with these 116 MB files (maybe from a p2p source) and that’s it? why is this process so complicated?

Very good question - plus this file could be used for both Windows and Linux dedicated. Clearly we only own personnal xDSL or cable lines, with a very limited upload. Download is ok, but upload....

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=NicO;1801672']Is rsync able to work with lowered case filenames on the server ? The manpage of rsync that "fuzzy" option makes it work with similar filenames if it doesn't find the same. That would be really nice' date=' no need to manually determine which files has changed...


Yes, I use it all the time...give it a try and you will be surprised.

Very good question - plus this file could be used for both Windows and Linux dedicated. Clearly we only own personnal xDSL or cable lines, with a very limited upload. Download is ok, but upload....

I think BI sees the Linux version as a needed evil, that’s why we get only betas and servers who crashing with segmentation faults instead of error handling...

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Yes, I use it all the time...give it a try and you will be surprised.

I'll try this tonight to update our server, thanks for the piece of advice ^^

I think BI sees the Linux version as a needed evil, that’s why we get only betas and servers who crashing with segmentation faults instead of error handling...

That's what I understood, but really there are only advantages of running a Linux box vs Windows. Cheap, reliable, easy to administer, fine grain for config, many tools for different needs, bash scripts etc... (no troll inside)

I just can't imagine running Windows on our server. But a lot of dedicated server games today won't run or badly on Linux, that's really sad.

PS : we do not encounter so many crashes (it mainly happens when a guy joins the server with a bad modset or outdated mods), but the overall performance are way behind the Windows ones

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Thanks for Linux Files.

I know, upload of (updated) game files is a pain but using rsync helps you really out.

I think we all can be glad having Linux Binaries at all and even at (or lets say around) patchday.

There've been other times allready.

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All repositorys uptodate at cgl and working.

It's one mouseclick to install a Arma2 Server and hold it uptodate.

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For servers and DLC data You must use only Lite variant !!
Wait! So if we want to run BAF/PMC on a Linux (or windows) server, we have to upload the Lite version of BAF/PMC?

Where do we get the Lite versions from once we installed Full BAF/PMC on our normal gaming computers?

And how does that relate to bisign files for clients running full resp. lite version?

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Wait! So if we want to run BAF/PMC on a Linux (or windows) server, we have to upload the Lite version of BAF/PMC?

Where do we get the Lite versions from once we installed Full BAF/PMC on our normal gaming computers?

And how does that relate to bisign files for clients running full resp. lite version?

You need to delete the BAF and PMC folder before upload to the server.

But to be sure I recommend to make a clean install of ARMA+ARMAOA and the latest patch...and upload this.

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

All repositorys uptodate at cgl and working.

It's one mouseclick to install a Arma2 Server and hold it uptodate.

On managed server, but we talk about root servers, which is less expensive and you have your own hardware....so do not compare this.

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So BAF/PMC Lite is included in pbo's in "Common" folder?

Still don't understand how the signed files will work with players using BAF full.

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So BAF/PMC Lite is included in pbo's in "Common" folder?

Still don't understand how the signed files will work with players using BAF full.

Yes they are included and all BI pbos use the bi.bikey so client side files auth regardless of what the server side ones are.

Edited by bravo1romeo
got cwrsync working

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Loaded up 1.56 to my modest Linux server and so far, its looking real good.

AI movement is very smooth (no warping), and performance is generally much better -- and my FPS remains stable.

I dont have PMC yet, but am contemplating...

In any case, nice job BIS.

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Yes they are included and all BI pbos use the bi.bikey so client side files auth regardless of what the server side ones are.
Alrighty, sounds good - thanks!

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I am currently testing in a local virtual machine (makes moving files easier ;) )

now i am confronted with the following message when starting the server:

:/home/arma/arma2ca# ./server
Item str_disp_server_control listed twice
18:34:05 Dedizierter Host erstellt.
Error context b÷Håb÷ÈÞ´ÈÞ´
File , line 0: '.H': 'Ã¥' encountered instead of '='
Critical:Destroying running thread!

every needed packages are installed, as the 1.55 server ran gracefully.


somehow the problem occures only when started without startscript. when started with the script everything is fine.

strange but who understands the ArmA2 Linux files ^^

i "uploaded" the whole patched directory and use the binary provided in the first post of this thread.

Edited by Schuldi

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I am currently testing in a local virtual machine (makes moving files easier ;) )

now i am confronted with the following message when starting the server:

:/home/arma/arma2ca# ./server
Item str_disp_server_control listed twice
18:34:05 Dedizierter Host erstellt.
Error context b÷Håb÷ÈÞ´ÈÞ´
File , line 0: '.H': 'Ã¥' encountered instead of '='
Critical:Destroying running thread!

every needed packages are installed, as the 1.55 server ran gracefully.


somehow the problem occures only when started without startscript. when started with the script everything is fine.

strange but who understands the ArmA2 Linux files ^^

i "uploaded" the whole patched directory and use the binary provided in the first post of this thread.

if you start the server just with ./server you will run into this trouble, you need to overhand always the parameters. But why you start it without the startscript?

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if you start the server just with ./server you will run into this trouble, you need to overhand always the parameters. But why you start it without the startscript?

Running directly from the binary can be interesting if you experience a startup crash / nostart, but you have to state basic parameters (check the startup script - they are defined there).

IE (just an example, do not remember everything) :

./server -server -config=server.cfg -profile=xxxx -port=2302

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ok i get this

strange thing is that it always worked with previous versions, the way i posted it so i was confused... but well there's no real problem ;)

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Server segfault:

[584012.414021] server[17344]: segfault at c ip 8f666cd sp f73eb3a0 error 4 in server[8048000+100b000]

[675611.300426] server[18398]: segfault at c ip 8f666cd sp f73703a0 error 4 in server[8048000+100b000]<6>server[18399]: segfault at c71eb7d0 ip c71eb7d0 sp f736035c error 15


[770021.009155] server[21706]: segfault at 8 ip 8 sp f772f20c error 14 in server[8048000+100b000]

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