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About Schuldi

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  1. ok i get this strange thing is that it always worked with previous versions, the way i posted it so i was confused... but well there's no real problem ;)
  2. I am currently testing in a local virtual machine (makes moving files easier ;) ) now i am confronted with the following message when starting the server: :/home/arma/arma2ca# ./server Item str_disp_server_control listed twice 18:34:05 Dedizierter Host erstellt. Error context b÷Håb÷ÈÞ´ÈÞ´ File , line 0: '.H': 'å' encountered instead of '=' Critical:Destroying running thread! every needed packages are installed, as the 1.55 server ran gracefully. EDIT: somehow the problem occures only when started without startscript. when started with the script everything is fine. strange but who understands the ArmA2 Linux files ^^ i "uploaded" the whole patched directory and use the binary provided in the first post of this thread.
  3. so that's it now from my side. the hint to delete the BAF-folder did it for me too, after i had redownloaded the serverfiles. thank you for your fast help! @scale: how do you start the server? when you use the script provided by BIS there should be no output at all (it writes a log instead)
  4. okay update. of course my server has all files which are needed. i made a VM (virtual machine) with a virgin debian x64 and installed the arma 2 server from scratch (with ia32-libs and so on). the problem now is the same jirkaelda experiences. when starting with ./server i get the same error messages on the same file. reuploading from my own and from other pcs makes no difference.
  5. oh i'm sorry i didn't mention that i have patched the files... i controlled the 1.55/1.08 files with md5 they're the same on client and server.
  6. Hello guys, I'm having currentliy some problems starting the linux server: at first the log messages i get: I don't really get what the server wants from me ;) the previous version (1.54) with the latest beta-patch worked fine for me. a checksum comparison of the folders "addons", "common" and "expansion" dind't reveal any broken files... on windows i can open up a server with these files without an error and linux makes the above difficulties. appreciate you help Schuldi
  7. i have the ia32-libs installed as the alpha version is running fine i got no idea where the problem is. the user rights are also correct / the same way they where with the alpha...
  8. i am experiencing the same probs atm. did you try to start the server just with ./server ? i've got the following error: Debian-50-lenny-64-minimal:/home/arma/arma2# ./server Segmentation fault Debian-50-lenny-64-minimal:/home/arma/arma2# I've got no Idea how to fix this as it is a problem with adressing the memory. my system: Intel Core i7 @ 2,67 GHz | 8GB Ram | Debian 5.0 64-bit The Alpha Version ran good on this machine
  9. i'm pretty sure... at all i've got this file on my server: arma2_linux_server-1.04.59962.tar.bz2 (loaded yesterday evening and utilizing -cpucount=4) Edit: the CPU-Load is around 150% so Arma-Server uses more than one core, but one is at 100% what lowers the FPS dramatically
  10. is there an option now that the linux server uses more than one CPU-core? i run a core i7 server with 8gb ram here and one core is at 100% and the others are around 0-10%. With Warfare BE edition the Server runs around 12 frames.