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make copilots to can fly

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copilot can in game make nothing. maby BIS you can make copilots to pilots when pilot is dead.

pilot dead copilot finish the mission (waypoint )

or bring the copter/jet save on ground or a base.

for human copilots - he can fly the aircraft when pilot is dead

and fix the merlin he has no aviable co pilotslot.


we have a tiket vote for the creat idea ;)

aviable flying copilot

Edited by JgBtl292

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I fully support this. Helicopter flying would be much more immersive, not to mention realistic, if pilot and copilot could hand eachother the controls of the chopper. Of course, this would be most handy on an organised multiplayer game where one person would not hog the controls all the time.

It could be made that at any time, copilot could request the controls (pilot would have to agree) or pilot could give the controls (copilot would have to agree) through the action menu. It would happen automatically when one of them died.

With a trained, communicating human helicopter crew, this could mean, control switches in under a second for seamless flying where the higher-ranking pilot lets the peter pilot fly the main course as the officer coordinates/communicates, and then takes over for the main maneuvre (ie insertion or some such). This could serve to train new pilots as well, when the instructor can take over controls when things are starting to go wrong.


It could be made optional at the mission making stage, possibly by means of a module or adding a certain line in the chopper's init field? This way, this rather fragile option (I'm not lying, it could be abused in larger, disorganised multiplayer scenarios) could be left out where redundant or unnecessary but included where it would enrich gameplay. :)

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+1. Definitely would be a lifesaver in many situations.

Even if it would just be faked using the "Switch to pilot seat" function when the pilot is dead. (although this should only be available to the people sitting on the front seats of the helicopter)

Actually, I'm not sure but I think something like this was already available in one of the ArmA games (can't remember if a mod disabled/enabled it).

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It could be made that at any time, copilot could request the controls (pilot would have to agree) or pilot could give the controls (copilot would have to agree) through the action menu. It would happen automatically when one of them died.

With a trained, communicating human helicopter crew, this could mean, control switches in under a second for seamless flying where the higher-ranking pilot lets the peter pilot fly the main course as the officer coordinates/communicates, and then takes over for the main maneuvre (ie insertion or some such). This could serve to train new pilots as well, when the instructor can take over controls when things are starting to go wrong.

Buddy-box for Arma 2!! :D

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Co-pilot seat would help so much if it was usable. Plus it looks nice, I hate seeing choppers flying around with only one person wearing a flight suit in the cockpit. Even when they're not flying, they can observe and pick out targets, like the co-pilot in the Wildcat does for BAF. And if the situation arises where the pilot goes down, the co-pilot can take over the controls and continue flying, or at least maneuver his way to the ground without the helicopter magically turning off and then slowly drifting to the ground only to explode a minute later.

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I don't know... The soloist pilot/gunner needs to be prevented somehow... The middleway we have now is the ability to eject from any vehicle.

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This would be a realistic option. there is nothing else to say!

& carl I think you will find that everyone else is talking about UH60's & MH6j's etc.

not gun ships ....although in real life this is an option for AH64 gunners but impossible to do both at the same time (fly Gun) & be effective that is.

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I don't know... The soloist pilot/gunner needs to be prevented somehow... The middleway we have now is the ability to eject from any vehicle.

I don't see how having a co-pilot would affect that though

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Ability to take controls of plane/chopper from 2nd seat would make possible to have very useful planes in game - various training aircrafts (both jet and turboprop).

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This is possible with modding but it would be nice to see it in vanilla Arma! It would be awesome to give the co-pilot the controls while you checked the map or set up a waypoint marker.

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This would be good. But an additional mouse wheel menu option should be available only for the current player in control, with pilot seat being default.



"transfer control"

"Manual Fire"

to stop griefers

Or some similar system so that the player in control has to give control and cant have it taken. If the pilot died then control switch could be automatic.

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I think the best way would be this:

Pilot - action menu: "release controls"

Then copilot gets prompted with a message and has to either accept or reject,so:

"accept controls? -yes -no"

Same the other way around:

Copilot action menu: "request controls"

And the pilot can accept or deny as well. As Seany says, controls transfer would be executed automatically upon current pilot's death.

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I was thinking more of an auto request sent when current pilot so remaining pilot still has to take the controls.

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So when the current pilot dies, the other would still have to choose between 'yes' and 'no'? I don't think there will be many, if ANY people would would refuse that, so why not make it automatic? :)

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in low level flight is a yes / no option not the best - i think automatic is good.

and a yes / no option is good when pilot live.

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remaining pilot would have no warning he is taking control....maybe he is scanning the ground for the AA & also uses his mouse to fly & so 5 seconds later is upside hown in a ditch :(

to have to switch controls ads both a commonsense safety element and a realism one.

this isnt BF2 we dont need quick scoping either just make sure it defaults to yes option for 1 simple click to accept... easy!

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Sooo let me try explaining another way.

lets say your the copilot & your scaning to try and see where enemy fire comes from.... mean while unbeknown to you you pilot if killed & so u auto get control (this doesnt happen in real life u have to take it ie HOTAS) so now your mouse is sending input to flight controls & you have no idea this is SUPPOSED to be a good thing???:j::bye:

now lets try it my way.

same scenario only when pilot is killed you get the take control? yes/no WITH yes highlighted by default u simply click and take control with full awareness of whats happened. :cool:

Even if it was still auto with a msg there would still be that moment of control input without awareness this would in many situations be worse than a second of neutral control's.:crazy_o:

those are my thoughts .... what do you think?:dd:

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You actually make a very good point there made. You convinced me ;) I didn't think of that at all and it would indeed be quite emberassing that upon pilot death the helicopter would make a double salto and dip into the ground nose-first.

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Maybe throw it into auto hover then? Would be less realistic but would keep the helicopter from dive bombing to the ground. Or give a warning on the screen, "TAKING CONTROLS" or something

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This would be a realistic option. there is nothing else to say!

& carl I think you will find that everyone else is talking about UH60's & MH6j's etc.

not gun ships ....although in real life this is an option for AH64 gunners but impossible to do both at the same time (fly Gun) & be effective that is.


There are 2 seaters because it's more effective that way. In current ArmA where the pilot is pilot, gunner, engineer, navigator etc. there is actually no need for that if he is flying with ai because he can override the weapons control, not so with a player/player combo. It would be useful if the copilot could save the helo/plane in case the pilot dies. I always use that to my favor because most players are flying alone anyway and if they are stupid enough to enter my rifles effective range after me getting their attention... :p

Perhaps like this: pilot = not alive > add action "take over control" to copilot

Something like that, i'm not a scripter but that could even be possible by normal script?

In any case, where is the petition? I'm in.

Edited by Enforcer1975

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