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Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

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We're working on a new release for Combined Operations (Operation Arrowhead is standalone which we won't directly support, Combined Operations = ArmA2 + OA) that won't be a patch but a completely new version (possibly a new modfolder name to prevent old files getting mixed in). Hopefully it won't be too long in the works but we can't really give an estimate as our work times our so sporadic.

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In addition to making I44 ArmA2:CO-compliant, we're also trying to add some new things and fix some of the bugs y'all have reported on devHeaven.

I'm real pleased to see the feedback and reactions we've had here. Unfortunately, I don't have time to flip through and see if any bugs made it here but not to devHeaven, so if any of you have noticed something that's not up there, please add it, as that's my "todo-list" resource.

Good news for a lot of the chief complaints: I rewrote some of my small arms damage code, tuned the recoils down a bit, and increased the AI rate of fire on all weapons. Should make for some better battles. :)

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Just to let everyone know so far v1.08 has been working fine with Invasion 1944 so I would say you're probably safe to update if you haven't already! If anyone does experience any issues after updating let us know!

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We're working on a new release for Combined Operations (Operation Arrowhead is standalone which we won't directly support, Combined Operations = ArmA2 + OA) that won't be a patch but a completely new version (possibly a new modfolder name to prevent old files getting mixed in). Hopefully it won't be too long in the works but we can't really give an estimate as our work times our so sporadic.

Things aren't changing too much are they? Will the missions I'm designing now work seamlessly with the CO release?

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No it should be pretty smooth we're just adding support for CO's features so any missions should work fine.

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We're working on a new release for Combined Operations (Operation Arrowhead is standalone which we won't directly support, Combined Operations = ArmA2 + OA) that won't be a patch but a completely new version (possibly a new modfolder name to prevent old files getting mixed in). Hopefully it won't be too long in the works but we can't really give an estimate as our work times our so sporadic.

Yeh sorry thats what i meant.. :) CO ofcourse. My bad!

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Good news for a lot of the chief complaints: I rewrote some of my small arms damage code, tuned the recoils down a bit, and increased the AI rate of fire on all weapons. Should make for some better battles. :)

If this were released in the meantime as a "2.3 Patch" I would be a very, very happy boy. :o

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Good news for a lot of the chief complaints: I rewrote some of my small arms damage code, tuned the recoils down a bit, and increased the AI rate of fire on all weapons. Should make for some better battles. :)

Your hard work is appreciated.

Its seems to be coming along well, a really good WWII mod guys!

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If this were released in the meantime as a "2.3 Patch" I would be a very, very happy boy. :o

Sorry but its very doubtful you'll get a patch for the ArmA2 only version, developing 2 versions of the mod is practically impossible, and would cause much longer delays producing both versions. Its quicker and easier for us to just work on the CO release. Its not ideal but we have a larger number of people demanding a CO compliant version than we do people wanting the ArmA 2 version patched.

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Excellent work guys, you really put some love into it and it shows. I'm sure this has been asked but any ETA on when the ordnance and explosives will work? Also is there any way to rest a weapon? The keybindings doesn't offer any hints. I am almost scared to say lol that I run this with ACE sometimes purely for the weapon resting feature, would highly recommend incorporating something similiar if it already isnt included.

One more thing, did you adjust the AI behaviour? They seem somewhat dumbed down in that I don't die anywhere near as much! Gotta say I love the way the armour has been implemented, great models, sounds and the slow turrets and driving really make them feel like steel hulks. I'm sure I had some bugs to mention but now I forget...

Ah yes, I am aware of the engine limitation but is there a way to make it so that all aircraft weapons can be fired at the same time? As would be realistic on the BF109 when you need a certain kill - all cannnons should be able to fire together, is it possible to add an extra weapon/muzzle that acts as all the others combined or just force-fires the others?

P.S. Are there any plans to improve/add to the aircraft range? Namely something British beyond a placeholder? A spitfire XIV or something would no doubt please a lot of people. Also I think a german transport is needed and the Stuka would certainly add to the mission making posibilities.

Edited by 7-75 Callaghan

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any ETA on when the ordnance and explosives will work?

I'm guessing you're a CO user, in which case when we release the CO compatible version :)

Also is there any way to rest a weapon?

Not at the moment but it is something we are looking into implementing in some future version of the mod!

One more thing, did you adjust the AI behaviour?

This is being looked at by our coder Canukausiuka so should improve with the next release.

Are there any plans to improve/add to the aircraft range?

Yes we are, Vex_man is currently working on a Ju 52 so the german paratroopers have something to jump out of. If we're lucky we might have a few more to add in soon... B@Co is also still working on our P51's cockpit interior which was a last minute addition to the current release. The C47 and BF109 might get some love too if someone can find some time ;)

Edited by PacUK

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Sorry but its very doubtful you'll get a patch for the ArmA2 only version, developing 2 versions of the mod is practically impossible, and would cause much longer delays producing both versions. Its quicker and easier for us to just work on the CO release. Its not ideal but we have a larger number of people demanding a CO compliant version than we do people wanting the ArmA 2 version patched.

I understand, and am really looking forward to the CO version.

Just had a few buddies play this mod on our server and say "This would be a really great mod except for the weapons recoil" and leave it at that. :(

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The colors and sturation of my screen seen oddly pale and washed out in I44, compared to vanilla ArmA 2. If I launch "boot camp" from within the I44 mod, everything is nice and colorful. But in I44 it looks washed out. Was this a deliberate design decision to make it look "older" in time period? Or is something funny happening with my video? In the opening menu screen (the one withe various animations going on behind it), I sometimes see everything colorful for just an instant before the pale effect kicks in. Readjusting my gamma and brightness have no effect on this -- they just make the video lighter or darker or more/less contrasty but it's always still pale. Suggestions?

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The colors and sturation of my screen seen oddly pale and washed out in I44, compared to vanilla ArmA 2. If I launch "boot camp" from within the I44 mod, everything is nice and colorful. But in I44 it looks washed out. Was this a deliberate design decision to make it look "older" in time period? Or is something funny happening with my video? In the opening menu screen (the one withe various animations going on behind it), I sometimes see everything colorful for just an instant before the pale effect kicks in. Readjusting my gamma and brightness have no effect on this -- they just make the video lighter or darker or more/less contrasty but it's always still pale. Suggestions?

If you look into the editor, I44 adds a few modules which change colours and saturation. They are probably used in the missions which come with the mod.

If you don't want them, I'd suggest using the dePBO tool to unpack the missions and delete the modules manually.

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Yeah its the commands:

"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 0.628942], [0.791589, 0.638219, 1, 0.0]];

"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;

"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;

In the mission init.sqf and other init files that gives that effect, we put a few variants into module form to save people scripting them by hand.

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That's beyond my skills at this point, but thanks.

Other question: I bought ArmA 2 to play the I44 mod, and it's so great that now I want CO so I'm ready for the next mod version. I guess I should have gotten CO to start with (cheaper that way). But if I buy and download/install CO now, will it wreck my I44 installation in some way? Or does it install without messing up the existing files?

---------- Post added at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 PM ----------

The paler color scheme for I44 is growing on me -- reminds me of the look of the good old "Brothers In Arms" series, which I loved. With apologies to Robert E. Lee, "War mustn't look too pretty, else we should grow too fond of it."

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Personally, I think it provides a nice thing to use when its raining or stormy, as it adds quite a bit to the atmosphere by doing that. Its a real nice effect, thanks for adding it to a VERY easily accessible location.

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But if I buy and download/install CO now, will it wreck my I44 installation in some way? Or does it install without messing up the existing files?

Nope, not at all. I've got CO for "modern" sim and running good ol' vanilla Arma2 for I44. In a way "CO" is just Arma2OA.exe with all the old Arma2 content thrown in.

But yeah - you coulda saved yourself some cash. :rolleyes:

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reminds me of the look of the good old "Brothers In Arms" series, which I loved.

Spot on ;) I thinks its really nice, you can almost smell the moss :D

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So I got this error for the first time at the start of a mission.


And when I placed both Hawker Hurricanes it spawned with theses textures.


I also noticed this during a user made SP mission


I guiltily haven't waded through the list at dev-heaven so apologies if you guys are all over things.

Mod rocks, you've done a great job, totally nailed it.

edit: Does everyone get a long load time when firing up a mission or just the map in the editor for the first time?

Edited by Grub

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