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ASR AI Rearming

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Hey Robalo,

This is great as an addon. Is it possible to make it as a script version?

The reason I ask is that I'm trying to make an 'addon free' version of VTS including really important scripts likes yours.



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Hey Robalo,

This is great as an addon. Is it possible to make it as a script version?

The reason I ask is that I'm trying to make an 'addon free' version of VTS including really important scripts likes yours.



It's possible, but then it would still require CBA, as I have no plans on reinventing the wheel.

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When I use your mod, I find it report bug that AA2 doesn't know what is "getWeaponCargo".

I wonder whether Arma2 have the code "getWeaponCargo". It seems that this is a code in OA and biki give the same explanation.

I don't know whether other players with AA2 only have the same problem.

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When I use your mod, I find it report bug that AA2 doesn't know what is "getWeaponCargo".

I wonder whether Arma2 have the code "getWeaponCargo". It seems that this is a code in OA and biki give the same explanation.

I don't know whether other players with AA2 only have the same problem.

I'm afraid this mod requires OA. Without those scripting commands like getweaponcargo or getmagazinecargo, this mod would not be what it is. Those commands made possible rearming from boxes, vehicles, piles of stuff on ground etc.

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I'm afraid this mod requires OA

Sorry if this sounds dumb but does this means it doesnt work at all with a2? Or is it just degraded?

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It means it will spit errors and can't really say if anything is going to work.

Haven't played A2 only since the day I installed OA. Everyone who enjoys either one of them should get both.

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Can anyone confirm whether the units are rearming in combat when they are out of ammo? Because it seems to me that they do not. It works really good in safe mode. Anyway great must have Addon. TU ;)

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Can anyone confirm whether the units are rearming in combat when they are out of ammo? Because it seems to me that they do not. It works really good in safe mode. Anyway great must have Addon. TU ;)

it says so in the 1st post. but it'd be great to be able to set that as an option because the time my units run out of ammo is in combat and i'd like them to rearm then and become combat effective again.

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There is a special condition already where they rearm even in combat but only if they completely run out of things to fight with (using the someAmmo check). Under combat, they should fight or cover instead of scavenging (although I've seen players often do that mistake :)

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It means it will spit errors and can't really say if anything is going to work.

Haven't played A2 only since the day I installed OA. Everyone who enjoys either one of them should get both.

OK fine but it might help others to know this.

Perhaps add a mention in the first post and/or the next readme?

e.g. "Requirements: OA (A2 might work but test at your own risk)"

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Robalo, it looks like you haven't been working on this for a while, though I don't know if that is true.

I was wondering if you could program the A.I. to abandon their own weapons in favor of better weapons, when they find them, or at least upgrade their optics (do better optics on the same weapon even increase the accuracy of A.I.? I don't know the answer) and accessories (like grenade launchers). At the very least maybe they could steal them as war souvenirs and stick them in their backpack? (Not sure how that works, as I don't even know how to dig into a backpack, yet.) Would be interesting to have to kill and search OPFOR just to retrieve a downed sniper's prized rifle.

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I've been maintaining this, although there are not many changes and no obvious public release. My AI is disciplined :) they won't look for cool weapons, just stick with what they're trained with, try to rearm with compatible mags and pick any other weapon but only as last resort if they're completely dry,

Joking aside, just think about how many AI can be in a mission and the amount of complexity/performance loss this would add.

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Okay, Robalo, I'll console myself with the logic that they haven't zeroed anything but their service rifle. :)

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Thanks for this addon! As a noob I have a question about the installation. I've looked at the FAQ and I'm getting more familiar with adding these addons, though your zip has a different structure. I've looked through the thread and I don't see this questioned or answered, or see a reference in the readme, so sorry for the noobness.


Normally, the zip files just have the @folder and I place that in the main ArmA2 directory, relaunch the Arma2launcher and check the mod to on.

Though yours seems to have the pbo_source and more interestingly a userconfig\asr\config_airearming.hpp file. If this userconfig file is somehow referencing my preferences, I would assume it needs to be in the @asr directory?

I am running ACE and CBA and Arma2Launcher btw.

Thanks for any clarification and help. I love the game and this addon sounds like it's going to make it even better.

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

Uh sorry.. Stupid question. Their is a C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\ directory. I see that is where it needs to go.

It seemed to load up fine now. Looking forward to using it.

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@neven: pbo_source is not needed for playing with this and the rest, you got it :)

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Now maybe a dumb question, but when im creating a mission in the editor and starts it, the AI doesen't rearm? Is it anything needed to be placed in the editor on my mission to use it or something? *Using SIX updater*

I got in my menu that i can disable AI rearming, so i think its on but don't working? They just ran around as usual, and everytime i need to send them to a box with ammo myself when its empty.

Edited by FortuN

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Now maybe a dumb question, but when im creating a mission in the editor and starts it, the AI doesen't rearm? Is it anything needed to be placed in the editor on my mission to use it or something? *Using SIX updater*

I got in my menu that i can disable AI rearming, so i think its on but don't working? They just ran around as usual, and everytime i need to send them to a box with ammo myself when its empty.

How long did you wait ? The initialization can be delayed a couple minutes, shorter for AI led by a player.

Oh and new thread for this is now: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107526

Edited by Robalo_AS

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