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The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release

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I just downloaded this mod and all I can say is WOW.

Couple of questions.

I love the booby traps but is there some way to disarm them once you find them. Also, if you do find one and run over it with a vehicle it will not go off. Maybe have an engineer or any SF could disarm.

I cannot use grenades. I can get them in my inventory but cannot equip them to throw. This may be because I keep getting some errors of things not loading. Going to reinstall the mod and see if that fixes it.

Is there a reason why the weapons and ammo are separate? Not a big deal, but you have to get a weapon and then go to the ammo crate to get correct ammo for it. Just seems like a lot of extra steps. Granted it is probably more realistic but guess I am use to just use to grabbing a weapon and going.

Other than a few texture problems with the vehicles everything looks great and seems to run very smoothly.

This is a great mod, looks like me and my friends will be playing with this for quite some time.


...Thumbs up to the creators

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I have a suggestion about rotor blades on the Huey's, maybe adding white stripes that were on some, or maybe the single white blade, I think it was so they could be seen from above, possibly.

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After instalation of this mod I have missing shooter in Lav and BTR-90. Does anyone have a bug wich is removing ai-shooter teamate in lav-25 and btr-90?

It looks like units provided in this mod make problems in some orginal units.

Does anyone have this problem too?

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I get a few errors also. Mostly says I am missing "uns_traps" and "uns_army", sometimes "uns_weap". It is strange I completely removed everthing and reinstalled it (main and patch). Still get the errors and sometimes I get the "uns_traps" on maps that I have not used unsung on.

I also checked my .rpt and something is spamming it to death about smoke shells. I will do some more tests but pretty certain it is unsung.

I never could get grenades to work in unsung. So, I just made a custom ammo crate with most of the unsung weapons/ammo and vanilla grenades. The vanilla grenades work fine.

In a night mission which i have been making/playing muzzle flash is pretty insane. Using iron sights looking down the barrel you are blind after each shot.


// Called from an ammocrate's init field via:

// null = this execVM "ammo_nam.sqf";


while {alive _this} do


clearweaponcargo _this;

clearmagazinecargo _this;




// Rifles

//_this addWeaponCargo ["", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_l1a1", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m14", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m14a", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mas4956", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mosin", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mas36", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_ak47", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_ak47bayo", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_car15e1_20", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_car15e2_20", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_car15e2_30", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m16a1_20 ", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m16a1_30", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m203_20", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m203_30", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m79", 10];

//sniper rifles

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mas4956s", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_svd", 10];

//submachine guns

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m45", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mac10", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mac10sd", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_thompson", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m3a1", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m3sd", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_mat49", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_l34a1", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_thompsonvc", 10];

// Light Machineguns (LMG);

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m60", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m60shorty", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m63a", 10];

// shot guns

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_ithaca37", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m870", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m1897riot", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m1897", 10];

// Sidearm

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m1911", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_coltcmdr", 10];

// AT & AA

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_m72", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_sa7", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_rpg2", 10];

_this addWeaponCargo ["uns_rpg7", 10];




// Rifle ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_l1a1mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m14mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_mas4956mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_svdmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_ak47mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_car15mag_20", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_car15mag_30", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m16mag_20", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m16mag_30", 100];

//sub machine gun ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_mac10mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_mac10sdmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_k50mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_ppshmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_thompsonmag_20", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m3a1mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m3sdmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_mat49mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_ppshmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_l34a1mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["", 100];

// LMG ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m60mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m63amag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_rpdmag", 100];

//shot guns

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_ithaca37mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m870mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m1897mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m1897mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_12gaugemag_4", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_12gaugemag_6", 100];

// Sniper Rifle ammo

//_this addMagazineCargo ["", 100];

//_this addMagazineCargo ["", 100];

// Sidearm ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m1911mag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_coltcmdrmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_makarovmag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_tokarevmag", 100];

// M203 ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m406vest", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m576vest ", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m406gren", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m576gren", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_40mm_white", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_40mm_green", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_40mm_red", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_40mm_yellow", 100];

// AT & AA ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_m72", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_rpg2", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_rpg7", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["uns_sa7", 100];

// Items

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 10];

// Grenades & Satchels

_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Mine", 100];


// WEAPONS east


sleep 1800;


Credit to Monty this is his ammo re filler script. I just used Unsungs class names.


Edited by Nomadd

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Problem with the grenades is the good olde bug with custom throw weapons.

You need to remove both the vanilla 'throw' and the custom 'throw' weapon and re-add both and the grenades will work fine again.

Something like this:

_unit = _this select 0;

_unit removeWeapon "Throw";

_unit removeWeapon "custom_Throw";

sleep 0.1;

_unit addweapon "Throw";

_unit addweapon "custom_Throw";

and call it via execVM and the unit as parameter.



Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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Hi guys, Just wondering whether there are future plans to add-in more female civvies models and the airplanes like F4, bronco etc.

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Hi guys, Just wondering whether there are future plans to add-in more female civvies models and the airplanes like F4, bronco etc.

Yes,Yes and maybe :)

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After instalation of this mod I have missing shooter in Lav and BTR-90. Does anyone have a bug wich is removing ai-shooter teamate in lav-25 and btr-90?

It looks like units provided in this mod make problems in some orginal units.

Does anyone have this problem too?

I have the same problem, but not only on the LAV and BTR. The hole UAZ with with weapons on it have no gunner.:mad:

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Yes,Yes and maybe :)

Great! Can't wait for it. This mod is really mind blowing... especially the low land terrain, really great to see such detailed jungle map yet sustaining so high FPS.

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From the Unsung Team we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.

The team looks forward to returning in 2011 to bring you the 3rd unsung candidate release for the arma series.While we haven't been so active in the community of late, behind the scenes the group has been busy making new content as we start the push for our next release. We have new islands, foliage,air units,ground units and config tweaks whilst, reworking some of our old content to make the Nam scene more enjoyable and playable.

So again from all of us in the team "keep your powder dry and your pecker hard, and the world will turn...."

see you in the jungle soon.

The Unsung Team

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And missions or campaigns :pray:

Thank you for working on.

Happy new year :party:

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And missions or campaigns :pray:

Thank you for working on.

Happy new year :party:

yes mate, but content first then missions :)

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Excellent I look forward to it. I play Unsung nearly everyday with my own custom missions. I am eager for additional content.

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If I may... perhaps we can start collecting community missions for Unsung?

I have NO problem loading them up on armanam.com for all to try/play... The more, the merrier...

Think about it guys... If you want to publish your own missions or request feedback from the community, let us know and I will get them up for download.

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I have a few missions I have made using Unsung mod. I have been playing them with friends , just hosting a server. I decided to set up a dedi server to further test the missions for bugs.

However, I have run into problems. When I try and play them on a dedi server I get a message that I am am missing uns_traps and/or csj_quad50.

The mission that gives the uns_traps error I don't have any traps on the map. I checked the editor and also searched the mission.sqm for traps. I have another mission with traps and I don't get this error, so I tried to add a trap to the map in question to see if that would fix it, still doesn't work. I am not sure what to do to fix this. I am sure it is an easy solution but at the moment I am lost.

The error with csj_quad50 is on another mission. I am not sure what to look for.

I would like to test these mission on a dedi before I release them, but atm I can't even get them to run on a dedi.


Edited by Nomadd

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@ Nomadd

Hi, not sure if this will work. If you are sure there is no traps in the mission you made try the following. Open up the mission.sqm file and look in the addons listing needed for the mission. If there is a mentioning of "uns_traps" in the listing then remove that from the listing. Also make sure that you look in the intro/outro section of the mission.sqm file as well. Then save the mission.sqm file, go back into the editor, load the mission again and right away save it as a pbo. Then try the mission again as a pbo. May work. Sometimes addons sneak in the listing while not even needed for that mission. Let us know if that works.



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@warrior x

Thanks, I tried what you said and I have one mission working ,but the other mission is still not working. It is still looking for csj_quad50. I keep working on it , if any success I will post.

EDIT: I have all my missions working now, thanks Warrior x


Edited by Nomadd

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Hi guys incredible mod, and hats off to everyone of you! I'm thoroughly enjoying playing with this, but I'm getting some .rpt errors r/t 'smokeshell', and a lot of them. Is this a mission maker error, or have I installed something wrong when I installed UNSUNG? Thanks again guys!

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They have been there since day 1, Khugan, nothing wrong with your insatll.

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Fantastic mod. Well done to all those involved.

Busy playing lowlands I have identified a few bugs. One is when calling in the Huey to hold over an area it sometimes just flies over and lands in the middle of nowhere. It then takes forever to get the option to call it back. Another is rearming the M113. I can only rearm one clip. A hundred bullets that's all.

Also the VC have an uncanny ability to spot me in the dense jungle from afar and take me out. They seem a little too accurate. There isn't much no bullets whizzing about confusion because with in half a minute I'm usually dead :D

Edited by ARMAfansa

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Fantastic mod. Well done to all those involved.

Busy playing lowlands I have identified a few bugs. One is when calling in the Huey to hold over an area it sometimes just flies over and lands in the middle of nowhere. It then takes forever to get the option to call it back. Another is rearming the M113. I can only rearm one clip. A hundred bullets that's all.

Also the VC have an uncanny ability to spot me in the dense jungle from afar and take me out. They seem a little too accurate. There isn't much no bullets whizzing about confusion because with in half a minute I'm usually dead :D

I will look into the M-113 ammo issue... That is new, I will see if I can recreate it.

Yes, Lowlands was our initial attempt at an island. If it pretty good, but does have a few issues with it.

We have about four islands in the works now that have gone in a different direction as far as construction. We believe this new way is a better approach for preventing AI to see each other a mile away.

The problem we are having at the moment is with BIS and their "update patches". 3 of the 4 islands have 3.5-4.5 million objects on them. Large and/or dense jungles.

What we are finding is that with OA v1.52-1.54, our islands load (in game or editor) in about 20-30 seconds.

Updating OA or A2 to the latest patch, now causes A2 to load these islands in 2 minutes and OA (I heard) takes much longer... Very frustrating. Not sure what BIS did, but the loading times are significantly more with later patches.

So when we release our next version of the MOD, people need to keep this in mind until BIS corrects this...

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I was having the same problem with AI in the jungle shooting me from far away and I never could see them and usually it only took one or two shots to kill me.

So, what I did was make a sqf and run it over all opfor on the map. It really helped with the one shot kill through thick jungle. Now when my friends and I play we have pretty intense firefights with the AI. You can easily burn 2-3 mags and only get 1-2 kills. The AI will usually spray the area you are in , you can be hit ,but it seems alot more random unless you are just standing in the open.

I also set all AI to stand. I know it is not realistic. AI always go prone, and in the jungle you will not see them until you step on them, but the AI have no problems "seeing" standing or laying.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};


if (side _x == east) then {

_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.25];

_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.25];

_x setskill ["spotTime",0.65];

_x setskill ["courage",0.95];

_x setskill ["commanding",0.95];

_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.25];

_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.65];

_x setunitpos "up";


} foreach allunits;

You are welcome to try this, change the settings to your liking. I just named it skills.sqf and ran it from Init.sqf


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