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ACE 1.5 (Advanced Combat Environment) for OA/CO

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Use SpiritedMachine's game launcher, it will make dealing with lots of mods much easier on you.

Used it before, didn't know how to really use it. The previous launcher, the alpinestar one was better, but keep giving me errors.

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I have a question about the grenade throwing modes.

Apparently this option has been removed from ace? What was the reason?

Now that the shacktack movement addon (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109628) was released I wanted to make some CQB missions. Since throwing grenades in arma2/oa is such a mess (never goes where you want, you can't roll a grenade, grenades bounce back in your face when you throw inside a building, ...), I was hoping these ace throwing modes would come in handy...

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Sorry, I forget to tell you, ACE only works when I launch with six updater, and not modfolders. I get the same error launching with modfolders, and I only did it with CBA and ACE.

What do you mean by this? Did you try to use the A2CO shortcut? What does the target line of the shortcut you used look like?

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What do you mean by this? Did you try to use the A2CO shortcut? What does the target line of the shortcut you used look like?

I couldn't find a CO shortcut, so I made a shortcut of OA and placed the mods inside. Also:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -nosplash;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNAVY;@CBA

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@ray243: your problem appears to lie at the end of your shortcut. Rather it should read:

..\ArmA2OA.exe" -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNAVY -nosplash

Hope that works for you

Edited by domokun

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ACE 1.6 RC3 Hotfix1 Released!


Changelogs; http://updater.dev-heaven.net/mods/index (Also available in the modfolders).

Activity overview; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/activity

Includes fixes for ACE Settings, Crew Served Weapons and CfgSkeletons, and more.

Can you smell the Stable coming up?? I can! :cool:


Edited by Sickboy

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I couldn't find a CO shortcut, so I made a shortcut of OA and placed the mods inside. Also:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -nosplash;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNAVY;@CBA

It's a Steam set-up? That may have been useful info to know.

Is -nosplash supposed to have a ";" after it? Remove the ";" and replace it with a space. and you are missing "-mod=" before @ACE.

Like this:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -nosplash -mod=@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNAVY;@CBA

Try that. (And no space in @CBA, not sure why it does that)

Edited by Manzilla

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[uGAF] ACE_Dev YAS Repo:

Mod _____________Version






Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


If wish to use the 1.5 stable release you can still download from our ACE stable YAS repo, all ACE folders have _1.5 at the end including CBA and CBA_OA. You can find the links in the spoiler:

Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

UGAF is actively using the ACE updates on its game servers.

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Is there somewhere an option to disable the "fast weapon" switch 1,2,3,4 option? Its now a bit awkward to handle AI, no need to make it worse. Or perhaps is there an option to swap those "fast weapon" key's to numpad only?

The SU-25 still has a bad aiming/targeting for the Kh-29 - at least it would make sense to put some information in the HUD at what the laser is actually targeting eg "tank", "car", "static", "building". Maybe make/implement the Kh-29ML and Kh-29T/TE variants? :)

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Is there somewhere an option to disable the "fast weapon" switch 1,2,3,4 option? Its now a bit awkward to handle AI, no need to make it worse. Or perhaps is there an option to swap those "fast weapon" key's to numpad only?


Beside that, those keys do not influence AI handling at all and can be easily changed ingame.


Please try also the Quick Magazine Check (available in todays release), SHIFT-G is the default key combo.


Edited by Xeno

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Must be something else because commanding AIs with number keys 1-4 switched players weapons only. It was only possible to give orders with this left menu via scroll down/up. :confused:

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@Sickboy, @Xeno

Thank you for introducing the Medikit! Since I play all missions with ACE wounds it comes really handy!

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NP, IFAKK bag's tcp's work.

@NoRail; Perhaps overwrite userconfig\ACE\settings.ace with the original empty one in store\userconfig.tar, then start the game again and retry.

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Is there somewhere an option to disable the "fast weapon" switch 1,2,3,4 option? Its now a bit awkward to handle AI, no need to make it worse. Or perhaps is there an option to swap those "fast weapon" key's to numpad only?

The SU-25 still has a bad aiming/targeting for the Kh-29 - at least it would make sense to put some information in the HUD at what the laser is actually targeting eg "tank", "car", "static", "building". Maybe make/implement the Kh-29ML and Kh-29T/TE variants? :)

Don't you use shift + 1,2,3,4 for fast switch?

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@ ACE Devs. I've got a problem with updating.

I've recently formatted my PC, and put in a SSD, but I kept all my ACE etc. Even though it's the old A2 one, I've still got it all. Now, when I reinstalled ArmA I put it on my SSD, but my mods are run externally from a sata drive. When I go into six updater it says I have no ACE at all on my PC. I've also gone into 'Mods' in six updater, changed the 'path' of each mod to F:\ArmA Mods, but still no dice. What do you think I can do? I really don't want to download them all over again haha.

Thanks in advance,


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Remove the paths from the mods again and check http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater_Suite+FAQ#Custom%20ArmA%20installation%20folder

Lol. Honestly that makes no sense...

For example,

• On the main page, select a preset with the mods you wish to convert

• Then set action to "Convert" then hit "Execute"

Where is this?

Thanks for any help.

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It's a Steam set-up? That may have been useful info to know.

Is -nosplash supposed to have a ";" after it? Remove the ";" and replace it with a space. and you are missing "-mod=" before @ACE.

Like this:

Try that. (And no space in @CBA, not sure why it does that)

Woah, thanks! It works! 1 problem here, I have CSM2 installed, but it doesn't replace the ACE 2 m4 full auto sound. How can I replace it?

Edited by ray243

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Lol. Honestly that makes no sense...

For example,

• On the main page, select a preset with the mods you wish to convert

• Then set action to "Convert" then hit "Execute"

Where is this?

Thanks for any help.

It's the FAQ item that says: Custom ArmA installation folder

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It's the FAQ item that says: Custom ArmA installation folder

Ah Roger. Seen. Although; I've changed 'Modpath' on all settings to F:\ArmA Mods. Still nothing detected... Any ideas?

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