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ACE 1.5 (Advanced Combat Environment) for OA/CO

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Kellys ACE2-OA YAS Repo Updated to b423 ACE2 1.6 RC3

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

Combined Ops & OA-Only. ACE 1.6 Betas


**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

ArmA2-Only. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore.


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos

Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.


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I keep on getting that ACE and CBA require XEH version 2.03 when I start the game up.
Lovely, the detection works well :-)

Make sure you have the latest CBA version installed from SIX Updater or Yoma AddonSync.

Run through all modfolders and delete all versions of (CBA_)Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo, except the one in the @CBA\Addons folder.

Additionally you could move @CBA to the end of the -mod= startup parameter instead of elsewhere.

Edited by Sickboy

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How to solve a problem with an error "BIN/config.bin.CfgSkeletons" ? v1.6RC3 beta 74858

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@Galet; Please attach your rpt file and include the details of the experienced problem, in the ticket Animal linked. Thanks!

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Nevermind this post.

I just located the trigger with viewdistance=4000. Stealthy little trigger...


Edited by SCAJolly

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God, I'm so sick now, is there anything I should do? Like take pictures or a video?

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God, I'm so sick now, is there anything I should do? Like take pictures or a video?

Did you open a ticket at DH like Sickboy said?

And you still haven't given any info about your game setup? i.e. Which mods are you running, if any. Did you try just vanilla A2OA and the ACE2 stuff. Did you make sure your virtual store is clear? What about make sure all .pbos in the main AddOns directory only has the A2OA files.

What we need is more info about your set-up. Open a ticket at DH about it and they will help you from there.

Edited by Manzilla

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Did you open a ticket at DH like Sickboy said?

And you still haven't given any info about your game setup? i.e. Which mods are you running, if any. Did you try just vanilla A2OA and the ACE2 stuff. Did you make sure your virtual store is clear? What about make sure all .pbos in the main AddOns directory only has the A2OA files.

What we need is more info about your set-up. Open a ticket at DH about it and they will help you from there.

I'm currently using CO, and I merged Arma 2's AddOns with OA's. As for mods:










Afghan mod



bb_desert usmc





















GLT addons


GLT missilebox


glt_opa_ah64_flir(and other planes)




MI26 halo








Mando missiles


mgb caterpillar











RH m4,m40,mk18,aks,hk416,pdw,smg




RKSL lynx,merlin,typhoon

RKT f4, f15,su33













I have alot more, but I'll update tomorrow.

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Hi all

Playing with 224 mortar and finally figured out how to deploy it from the crate. Now where do I get ammo from. In the previous version wasnt there a crate that had mortar rounds in it. What it the load and aim procedure.

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Manzilla is right, please try running with only @ACE and @CBA. Also we really need this info w/ RPT on our issue tracker if it's ever going to get solved.


Repeating yourself here is only going to frustrate all involved ;)

It already is. He is running that many AddOns and expects us to be able to answer the question? This problem is on him and a conflict. Some of this content is much older than CO and ACE2.

He asks the question over and over again yet will not answer requests for info(until now) and will not take my recommendation for disabling all other content and just try running ACE2 and CBA. How can he really expect us to be able to help?


Are these all in the main AddOns directory? If yes, remove everyone from it except the A2 files. Then disable every other mod that's in a mod folder and try ACE2/CBA by itself. Please, I'm trying to help out here but I'm about to say f*&k it.


Don't use SLX. Or take out the extended_eventhandlers.pbo that's in there. It's way out dated and that's causing the conflict with CBA I bet. CBA has the newest XEH.pbo.

And please don't add anymore to the list of content you use. You need to disable everything except CBA and ACE2 and see if that works. Again, disable every mod folder and remove any .pbo from the main AddOns directory that doesn't belong to vanilla A2OA. Plain and simple. Honestly, we can not help you unless you do this.

Edited by Manzilla

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Great optimization with the last ACE mod 1.6, the textures are back to work, the game is now faster and graphical detail has improved a lot.

Congratulations to its creators!

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x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp still appears when launching ace and acex. I will make a ticket soon. reinstalled everything except ACEX.

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Sounds like you're not running CBA. Perhaps -mod= line broken? @CAB or so ?

@Gunterlund; there's the transport boxes for Mortars like http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_vehicles/config/ACE_Tbox_Mortar_60mmHE

However the HE round has some issues; http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14915

Designations and availability in the editor is improved for next update.

The operation is basically identical to M252 atm. No news yet on the M224 simulation system.

@Ray; Try to move @CBA to the end of your -mod= line. The root of the problem is that you have duplicate (CBA_) Extended_EventHandlers.pbo somewhere.

On a side note, you also seem to run OAC, make sure you have the hotfix for that, you can find it here;


BTW, you can also drop the following addons when you run ACE, as they or the same functionality, are included already:

inko_disposable, RHS BTR70, BMD, BMD2, RUG_DSAI, tf86seals.

As to 'merging' A2/OA addons; the correct CO setup should be:

Addons - Contains the original A2 addons

Common - Contains OA's mini-set of original A2 addons

Expansion\Addons & dta - Contains the OA addons.

Edited by Sickboy

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i'm sorry for not searching, i feel so stupid because i mock people for the same mistake i just made :(

anyway thanks sickboy


yep, works now.

Edited by Fox '09

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Hi all!

I noticed today that I don't have any optics for the stationary TOW-Launcher and the one mounted on the Humvee. Haven't used ACE in a while and updated today to the newest version. I could swear in previous versions I didn't have this problem. So is this a new feature I don't understand or is it a bug?

I'm running Combined Operations with no other mods except VopSound. ACE + CBA are both fully updated.

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Has anyone had an issue with key settings? running 1.54 OA CO and load game with no settings saved. I enter the setting for ACE and set what I want and then I use the clipboard method of pasting into "settings.ace" file.

I then tab back and all is well. But with this new version I find that menu option "4" does nothing ... menu option 3 flips my gear to grenade and 2 clears this to nothing again!?

I cant then use 2/3/4 menu options for AI controls they are not accessible. If I wipe out settings.ace .. and reload ... its all back to normal. I dont change any key settings I only ever change the options from the first set on the left.

Heres what the clipboard paste looks like (warning if you dont want to go blind with text overload, dont press the spoiler button):


Is this ticketed already? Any pointers? I thought it was "firemodes" bugged but that is set to =0 even set to 1 its the same.

ACE 160.423 ... CBA: nothing else loaded (no other mods 1.54 vanilla, just -mod=BAF;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACE_PLA) used Kellys heroes YAS updater yesterday to update, checked and nothing new since.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Didn't work at first, but after I did a control-reset it worked. Guess I had another function mapped to that key before.


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NoEntry Config.bin\CfgSkeletons - FIXED!

Thanks to Extel.sk community for testing and supplying repro!


(Included is fixed and signed pbo)

ACE 1.6 RC3 Hotfix 1 is scheduled for Monday, probably shortly after followed by sign-off for 1.6 Stable!

Re ACE Settings issues; Please wait till the hotfix, they are known issues; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/issues

In any case, can't stress enough; -> http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

(It really works! See CfgSkeletons issue ;-)

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In any case, can't stress enough; -> http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

Yes please! It makes things so much easier?


Did you try just A2CO, ACE2 stuff and CBA yet? Please tell me you have. Many of the AddOns/Mods you listed where released well before the most recent ACE2 releases. You need to stop using all that stuff in order for us to help make sure ACE2 is working as it should for you.

Edited by Manzilla

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I was on the receiving end of an RPG-7 today and noticed something interesting. There are actually two warheads launched! Sometimes I catch a glimpse of an incredibly fast-moving red tracer round that streaks towards me with a very flat trajectory. Then the main rocket follows somewhat more slowly.

Is this some sort of scripted bullet that handles the ACE rocket ballistics system? It would be invisible if you didn't make it a tracer.

Also, I noticed an odd bug in the armor system. I found it playing 1.3 stable, but it is such a sneaky problem it may still be alive in 1.6. I was sitting in a vehicle that was hit by a rocket. When vehicles are damaged, the crew sometimes turn out. I watched my driver stick his head out of the hatch, then I suddenly died. Having the crew turned out can make all occupants vulnerable to bullets. This has happened with a BTR and a T-72.

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Yes please! It makes things so much easier?


Did you try just A2CO, ACE2 stuff and CBA yet? Please tell me you have. Many of the AddOns/Mods you listed where released well before the most recent ACE2 releases. You need to stop using all that stuff in order for us to help make sure ACE2 is working as it should for you.

I did. It works with all the ACE stuff and mods I downloaded from six updater, but how can I put my other addons/maps into the sixupdater and play it?

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