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Vehicle moveInCargo Position Indexes

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I was wanting to place units in the rear of a Chinook for a mission intro and thought I'd play around with the moveInCargo position numbers to help find the cargo index of the seats. Turns out they are a little funky and one is entirely broken.

The Chinooks hold 28 units total. A crew of 4 (Pilot, Crew Chief, Door Gunner and Rear Gunner) and 24 in cargo. Here are the commands to use to place units in any particular spot within the CH-47 assuming the Chinook is named ch:

CH-47 Chinook (4 Crew 24 Cargo Seats):

		Rear Gunner	
		this moveInGunner ch		
		this moveInTurret [ch ,[2]]		

this moveInCargo [ch, 12]		this moveInCargo [ch, 20]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 11]		this moveInCargo [ch, 13]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 10]		this moveInCargo [ch, 14]	

this moveInCargo [ch, 9]		this moveInCargo [ch, 15]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 8]		this moveInCargo [ch, 16]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 7]		this moveInCargo [ch, 17]	

this moveInCargo [ch, 6]		this moveInCargo [ch, 18]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 5]		this moveInCargo [ch, 19]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 4]		this moveInCargo [ch, 21]	

this moveInCargo [ch, 3]		this moveInCargo [ch, 22]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 2]		this moveInCargo [ch, 23]	
this moveInCargo [ch, 1]		Unusable Seat :(	

Door Gunner				Crew Chief
this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]]		this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]]	

Pilot					Co-Pilot/Cargo
this moveInDriver ch			this moveInCargo [ch, 0]	

UH-60M [uS] (3 Crew 13 Cargo Seats):

Numbers are used as: 
 this moveInCargo [ch, 1]

3  2   1  0

4  5   6  7
11 10  9  8

Door Gunner			Crew Chief
this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]]	this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]] 
			this moveInGunner ch	

Pilot				Co-Pilot/Cargo
this moveInDriver ch		this moveInCargo [ch, 12]	

MH-60S [uSMC] (3 Crew 13 Cargo Seats):

Numbers are used as: 
 this moveInCargo [ch, 1]

4  3   2  1

5  6   7  8
12 11 10  9

Door Gunner			Crew Chief
this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]]	this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]] 
			this moveInGunner ch	

Pilot				Co-Pilot/Cargo
this moveInDriver ch		this moveInCargo [ch, 0]	

Merlin HC3 (1 Crew 17 Cargo Seats):

Pilot |  11  1  9  door  3  7  12  5 
Empty |  door  10  16    0  14  15  8  13  2  6 

* - kinda hanging in mid air...

Wildcat AH11 (2 Crew 8 Cargo Seats):

Pilot  |  <0 4> 
   <7 3>
Gunner |  <1 6>

Gunner = turret 0, < and > indicate facing.

C-130J (1 Crew 25 Cargo Seats):

0    | 16     8 14 22  6
  1  |  5 12 20  3 10 18
     |  9 15 24  7 23 13
Pilot | 17 21  4 11 19  2

One empty seat.

MTVR (1 Crew 12 cargo slots):

    0 | 3 5 7 9 11
Driver | 2 4 6 8 10

Most are sitting back and occasionally lean forward, but 4 and 7 generally lean forward. 5 has his arm up on the seat like he just don't care.

Edited by kylania
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Thanks for the info, I was playing around with it before and it was confusing the funk out of me

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Sure. Wish I was artistic and could come up with a seating chart for these. :)

Edited by kylania

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Nice job, Hercules, Trucks and New BAF Wildcat and Merlin would be nice too :)

Added. :)

Edited by kylania

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thanks, but co-pilot is *this moveInCargo [ch, 12]*

just tested it, *this moveInCargo [ch, 0]* is the very first cargo seat, e.g. in the uh60 it is the first seat in the very back to the left. :)

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Nice job, Hercules, Trucks and New BAF Wildcat and Merlin would be nice too :)

it should be the same, dependent on how much cargo seats there is,

EDIT: well this moveInCargo [ch, 0] seams to be the co-pilot for the CH-47, but for the uh-60s for me it seams to be this moveInCargo [ch, 12]

Edited by SIXTWO

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Yup, seems the OA Blackhawk is different. Updated my post, thanks!

Edited by kylania

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How would you assign a name to the third member of a US UH-60M?

I would like to name the driver p1, the gunner p2 and the third crewmember p3 in an AI helicopter. I need to assign the entire three man crew individual names so I can script them actions like eject and deleteVehicle name to make them dissapear etc.

p1=(Driver heli1); p2=(Gunner heli1); p3=(???? heli1);

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Just use crew heli1


	unassignVehicle (_x);
	(_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];
	sleep 0.4;
} forEach crew heli1;


{deletevehicle _x} forEach (crew heli1 + [heli1]);

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I was wanting to place units in the rear of a Chinook for a mission intro and thought I'd play around with the moveInCargo position numbers to help find the cargo index of the seats. Turns out they are a little funky and one is entirely broken..

Thanks man, bookmarked!

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Thanks for the work, kylania.

I had the positions for everything, but never thought of posting. I know so little, I guess I figured, pretty much, that everyone knew them. I had them as a mission, that I could load up and refer to. And actually, I just looked, I do not have it. I must have deleted it, or something.

But, going from memory, some of your positions are mixed up. Like on the UH-60M...

"Numbers are used as:

this moveInCargo [ch, 1]

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

11 10 9 8

Door Gunner Crew Chief

this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]] this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]]

this moveInGunner ch

Pilot Co-Pilot/Cargo

this moveInDriver ch this moveInCargo [ch, 12]"

It's suppose to be:

Numbers are used as:

this moveInCargo [ch, 1]

3 2 1 0

4 5 6 7

11 10 9 8

Door Gunner Crew Chief

this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]] this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]]

this moveInGunner ch

Pilot Co-Pilot/Cargo

this moveInDriver ch this moveInCargo [ch, 12]

Man, I am peturbed, to say the least! I had every seating arrangement for, I believe, everything (air transport plus some). All that time I spent seating those troops and I do not have the mission. Man, wow. Painful! I am too aggravated right now to go back and do it again. Heck, I'll let you finish what you started. :)

EDIT: YUK, copy and paste, no good, here...

It's suppose to be:

Numbers are used as: 
 this moveInCargo [ch, 1]

3  2   1  0

4  5   6  7
11 10  9  8

Door Gunner			Crew Chief
this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]]	this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]] 
			this moveInGunner ch	

Pilot				Co-Pilot/Cargo
this moveInDriver ch		this moveInCargo [ch, 12]


Well, I did not want to go mess with it, but I knew the MH-60S was messed up, too, so, at least the first line is suppose to be


4 3 2 1

Edited by CyOp

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Do we have position names for the Huey H & Y?

This is what I have down for the UH-1Y Venom:

UH-1Y Venom [uSMC] (4 Crew 7 Cargo Seats):	UH1Y
Driver:	1	this moveInDriver ch			right side
Gunner:	0	this moveInGunner ch			left side
Cargo Seats:	7
Turrets:	3
Turretname 1:	crew chief	this moveInTurret [ch ,[0]]			left side
Turretname 2:	door gunner	this moveInTurret [ch ,[1]]			right side
Turretname 3:	Observer	this moveInTurret [ch ,[2]]			co pilot
Total Seats:	11

ch in the above example is your helicopter reference of course. If I remember correctly, 0 after gunner meant moveInGunner did not work, had to use moveInTurret. Edit - moveInGunner worked, this info for Venom was from ACE being loaded.

UH-1Y has 1 gunner listed. Sorry for the confusion.

I didn't map the cargo slots, as when I made my spreadsheet, only wanted pilot, co-pilot, and gunners...

Here's a link to spreadsheet I had made with Aduke's helo's, STI helo's and some others:

Helicopter position indexes

Edited by panther42

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Does anybody have positions for new Apex vehicles ? Specially for BlackFish

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Not if they're working solely in A2 unfortunately. :)

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