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Australians At War - Combined Ops

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Looking solid there Kanga. Eagerly awaiting update.

Any news on ACE compatibility or new base for Inf/SOTG?

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Awesome, ramp animations! Nice job Kanga, good to see your still chippin' away at them. Looking forward to the update.

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AAW Updated to Version: 011

Change log



=========== AUSTRALIANS AT WAR - COMBINED OPS ===========



Changes V011

Modline changes to fix ace errors with weapons

-If using ACE change to use mod folders @aaw_core;@aaw_ace

-If using vanilla change to use mod folders @aaw_core;@aaw_vanilla


-Added ASLAV varients


-Updated materials for some weapons

-Added seperate configs for certain things with ace and vanilla config mod folders.

-Fixed helicopter unload bug (fingers crossed)

-Added variable scopes on launchers and GLs (To switch off, New global var: AAW_noAdjScope) and backblast to launchers

-Flashlight option on weapons (To switch off, new global var: AAW_noFL) - f88 models updated - "Y" key laser/flashlight toggle _ "L" key toggle flash light on/off

-Added correct weapon icons for onscreen display for infantry AAW vehicles

Known Issues - V011

-Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions

-Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing

-Shadow errors with the bushmasters

-When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind.

-Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals

-Weapons & vehicles dont have flir texture maps

-few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod.


To download @aaw_oa now you need yoma addon sync. http://www.yomatools.be/ For instructions on how to use yoma and the AAW repository go to help/clientside usage/adding a new server

The @aaw_oa auto config url is


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Oh, oh, oh! Bloody fantastic! Download! Download! Download!

Damn - need to wait for mirror - in my rush didn't see the bit about Yoma!

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A nice release for ANZAC day. I was thinking what AAW would be telling us today. Some news or screenshots (Not a release)

Awesome sauce indeed. Downloading now.

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Ok. Just had a bit of a play around with these (great fun tearing around Zargabad with them)

A dreaded bug report :p. The M2 machine gun disappears on all the ASLAV's when running blastcore with the mod. The gun still fires, but is invisible.

Now back to playing with these for me.

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Loving the back door animation and it's sound on the ASLAV. This afternoon I have been door up, door down, door up, door down...

Still really enjoy the Bushmaster too - I would definitely take the kids to school in one of them beauties!

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yes!!! thanks. I hate to use yankees in arma so I need this. Grat job

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First off, nice work, perfect time to release the update too, the ASLAV's look awesome and the new Bushmasters with M2 Brownings are a welcome supprise.

Second, i've found a visual error with the "Door gunner" seat on the S-70 MG, from the eye point everything is fine and from the exterior its fine just when looking over the M240:


Still functions perfectly though.

Edited by Scarecrow398

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Nice work on the update gents.

I'm assuming my update through Yoma's worked.

All files appeared in the list as not needing to be updated, as in not green and saying New. I hit Download addons anyway and it seemed to DL some of the existing files again. I also now have the additional @ folders.

Again, great work! A truly quality mod.

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Something fishy is going on with the Bushmasters and ASLAV (ACE and Vanilla).

If, immediately after loading the game I ;

1. Start a SP editor session (I used Takistan).

2. Place a playable Bushmaster or ASLAV on the map.

3. Hit Preview

I get a "No entry 'bin\config.bin.CfgSkeletons'" message and thrown back to the editor. I can then hit preview again, and the session then starts.

Unfortunately in game, all the units have now lost their legs and their animations. No matter what units I choose (AAW or otherwise) they are always without legs and animations.

If I do this;

1. Start a SP editor session (I used Takistan).

2. Place a playable unit (man) on the map.

3. Hit Preview

No problem, game starts and the unit runs around to his hearts content with both legs and those crazy BI animations. I can even go back to the editor and replace the man with a bushmaster or an ASLAV and get no error messages and no units with amptations.

Checking the report when I run the first scenario, I get this;

Obsolete CfgSkeletons for OFP2_ManSkeleton, move to model.cfg
Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.CfgSkeletons'.
Warning Message: No entry '.OFP2_ManSkeleton'.
Warning Message: No entry '.skeletonInherit'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.skeletonBones'.
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: No entry '.isDiscrete'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Error: Bone weapon doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone launcher doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone rightarm doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone righthand doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone lefthand doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone head doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone rightleg doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone rightlegroll doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone rightfoot doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone righttoebase doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone leftforearmroll doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone rightforearmroll doesn't exist in some skeleton 
Error: Bone leftleg doesn't exist in some skeleton

...snipped thousands of similar lines...

Looks like in in certain scenarios (i.e when they are first to load), the BMs and ASLAVs screw with cfgSkeleton somehow?

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Ah, also, just found with ACE theres no recoil for the F89 with a folded bipod. with all optics

Edited by Scarecrow398

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Kanga;2141196']Jedra can you please post your modline

Sure it's;

"I:\mods\Arma\expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -skipintro -nofilepatching -showscripterrors "-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi" "-world=empty" "-name=Jedra" "-mod=e:\games\steamapps\common\arma 2;expansion;i:\mods\arma\expansion\beta;i:\mods\arma\expansion\beta\expansion;i:\mods\arma\@CBA_A2;i:\mods\arma\@CBA_OA;i:\mods\arma\@CBA;i:\mods\arma\@aaw_core;i:\mods\arma\@aaw_vanilla"

I launch with Six Updater.

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Thanks [XDF]Kanga, Norrin etc etc, a great mod just keeps getting better.

Really love having working flashlight attachments on the Steyrs. It there a way to script turning the flashlight on/off (I don't mean globally disabling it via AAW_noFL), so that other AI squad members can use it?


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@scarecrow - OK we've fixed both of those errors and a few others to boot including adding the V2 sig files as per Sickboy's post - just got to wait until Kanga stops playing with his new toys and updates Yoma.

@Jedra - its very strange mate, I don't know whats causing it, all I can say is I haven't heard that anyone else is having the same problem which makes me think it might be one of these 3 things:

1. the beta exe you're running;

2. launching with Six Updater; or

3. most likely - try making sure that @aaw_vanilla or @aaw_ace is loaded before the @aaw_core folder in your start-up parameters.

@TPW - no its not possible at the moment without some scripting involved but I'll try to build in a function that allows for AI flashlight toggling in a future update. Something else I'll do in the morning is post the f88 flashlight classes then you can give the AI the flashlight weapons at mission start.

AAW ASLAV user's guide: http://www.norrin.org/downloads/AAW/ASLAV_readMe.pdf

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Cheers Norrin - if no-one else has reported then at least I know it's me - will concentrate on the areas you pointed out! Will get back to you if I find what was causing it - may be useful to someone else.

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