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Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

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hi mate, good news

I find the way to reproduce and fix the MHQ wreack bug

is related on the way you integrate mando score system, the vehicle killed by mando missiles enter in the garbage routine and wreck are removed linked to this timer: UNITREMOVEDLAY = 300; in init common constants if you want to reproduce you can lower the timer to 20 second and kill mhq with mando stuff

I fixed with Alef and Benny help

adding this code in Common_UnitKilled.sqf line 18 to 22


//--- Benny's Garbage Collector.

_objects = (WF_Logic getVariable "trash") + [_killed];

WF_Logic setVariable ["trash",_objects,true];


There is also another bug with mando score integration, if you kill friendly vehicle you will get a reward..

we starts try to investigate: line 4 same file

_sideVictim = _this select 2;

// debug dialog because also when same side killed give the bounty reward

// diag_log format["side _killer = %1 _sideVictim = %2", side _killer, _sideVictim];

// mando problem

you can see the rpt output:

"side _killer = CIV _sideVictim = EAST"

"side _killer = CIV _sideVictim = EAST"

"side _killer = CIV _sideVictim = WEST"

"side _killer = CIV _sideVictim = WEST"

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_over.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_over.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_over.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_ok.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_over.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_over.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ui\ui_ok.wss'

"side _killer = UNKNOWN _sideVictim = EAST"

"side _killer = UNKNOWN _sideVictim = EAST"

"side _killer = EAST _sideVictim = LOGIC"

I only killed friend units and this report strange value

if you want try to find a solution, because I've no time now to work in that I will notice mando about that if he

complete Common_UnitKilled.sqf

Private ["_bounty","_group","_index","_killed","_killer","_killerID","_killerTeam","_objects","_objectType","_side","_sideVictim"];

_killed = _this select 0;

_killer = _this select 1;

_sideVictim = _this select 2;

// debug dialog because also when same side killed give the bounty reward

// diag_log format["side _killer = %1 _sideVictim = %2", side _killer, _sideVictim];

// mando problem

_group = group _killed;

_killerTeam = group _killer;

_objectType = typeOf _killed;

//--- Ghost Fix (Invincible soldiers wanking around, not fighting back and not moving).

if (!(_killed isKindOf "Man")) then {

_crew = crew _killed;

if (count _crew > 0) then {{_x setPos [(getpos _killed select 0)-random(2)+random(4),(getpos _killed select 1)-random(2)+random(4),getpos _killed select 2]} forEach _crew};



//--- Benny's Garbage Collector.

_objects = (WF_Logic getVariable "trash") + [_killed];

WF_Logic setVariable ["trash",_objects,true];


//sleep random(2)+random(4);

sleep 1;

_killerID = Leader _killerTeam Call GetClientID;

_index = unitBountyNames Find _objectType;

if (!isNull _killerTeam && _index != -1 && (side _killer != Civilian) && (side _killer != _sideVictim)) then {

if (_killerID > 0 && isPlayer(leader _killerTeam)) then {[side _killer,_killerID,CMDAWARDBOUNTY,_index] Exec "Server\Server_CommandToClient.sqs"};

if (AI && _killerID > 0) then {

if (isServer) then {

_bounty = (unitBounties Select _index) * BOUNTYMODIFIER;

_bounty = _bounty - (_bounty % 1);

[_bounty,side _killer,_killerID] Call ChangeClientFunds;




I've also to report some line if you can change on stringtable, due to bad HUD fitting:

<Key ID="STR_WF_PlayerStatus">

<English>Player Status:</English>

<German>Spieler Status</German>


and this one:

%1 is the name of destroyed object and %2 the name of player

so also english should be inverted like german

<Key ID="STR_WF_Teamkill_Building">

<English>%1 has teamkilled a %2!</English>

<German>%1 hat %2 des eigenen Teams zerstört! </German>

<Italian>%2 ha distrutto %1 (Teamkill)</Italian>

hope to help you in your works


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You welcome, I use your works as base for mine so the minimum that I can do is send you fixes to show grateful ;)

mando solved the problem of friendly kill in 20 minutes

overwrite this folder in script suite if you want to fix also this problem


thank you a lot to mando that addressed this problem and solved almost in real time ;)

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I'm not too sure what you mean about the friendly kill problem. Please explain.

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I'm not too sure what you mean about the friendly kill problem. Please explain.

if you manual lock friendly target, you will get reward like if you kill enemy

getting a reward when you kill friendly units is not so good hehe

with mandoble mod on folder this doesn't happen anymore

but he told me to use also another file, mando hud key handler for apache hud kills

but it's working on 097 so you can wait and add all the new stuff without waste time with the one that is in Wip state, as you prefer if you want I send you also the file for the apache.


---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ----------

I've also a question for you why you use different flares classes ?

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I use different flares because I've designed them more myself.

The helicopters throw two flares out of the tail area on angles. Then the planes drop 3 (I think) chaff/flares in a downwards direction. Then the C-130 has the angel flares system.

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I use different flares because I've designed them more myself.

The helicopters throw two flares out of the tail area on angles. Then the planes drop 3 (I think) chaff/flares in a downwards direction. Then the C-130 has the angel flares system.

nice, I don't see because I never fly C130 but it's only estetical differences or also in method that you use less more effective or the same?


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and this one:

%1 is the name of destroyed object and %2 the name of player

so also english should be inverted like german

<Key ID="STR_WF_Teamkill_Building">

<English>%1 has teamkilled a %2!</English>

<German>%1 hat %2 des eigenen Teams zerstört! </German>

<Italian>%2 ha distrutto %1 (Teamkill)</Italian>

I'm fixing this right now :)

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3.02.b2 has been released on the new version of Gossamer's Projects Updater and via direct FTP (link below).

The GUI of the projects updater has been changed around (see screenshot below) and the functionality has changed as well. The actual application can recieve an update for itself on launch of the application now. This means if I add any more projects to it or fix a bug, you can easily update within 5 seconds of launching the application. I suggest using the application to aquire my projects as it has the latest content before any website will.


Changelog (Includes changes from 3.02.b1)

* Bug #16010: USMC Team Leaders Paratroop US Army and not USMC troops

* Bug #16011: Commander Paradrops are All Desert vehicles

* Bug #16027: "NO PLAYER" slots left on map

* Bug #16062: [Zargabad] Mission only has 23 player slots

* Bug #16069: Su-34 had ECM

* Bug #16087: When an Enemy captures a Camp, it says "Camp Captured"

* Bug #16094: Mass Conscription Lvl 2 cost 1 Supply

* Bug #16444: MHQ being collected by the Garbage Collector

* Bug #16514: Camp Captured/Camp Lost sound sometimes doesn't play

* Bug #16527: Building Destroyed messages only broadcasted to "enemy" team

* Feature #16196: Late Joiners will have the Respawn Menu on Join

* Feature #16334: Unflip AI units via Unit Camera

* Support #15463: Update German Stringtables

* Support #15558: Italian Stringtable

* Support #16193: German Voice acting for Camp Captured, Camp Lost and City Under Attack

* Task #15657: Replace Bluefor "Heavy Armor" Upgrade Icon

* Task #16006: Remove PMC Upgrade and Units

* Task #16026: Decrease Delay between Warning Smoke and Payload arrival

* Task #16028: Further prevent the "Respawn" Bug

* Task #16029: Raise Launch Position of TOR and Rapier missiles

* Task #16084: Decrease Delay of MHQ Repair

* Task #16232: Remove Gear from MHQ

* Task #16312: Optimization: Decreate Resistance/Occupational Inactivity Timer

* Task #16313: Decrease Spawn Radius of Resistance/Occupational forces

* Task #16515: [Zargabad] Increase Communication Tower range

* Task #16516: Varying camp respawn distances per Island

* Task #16522: Reduce File Size of Missions

Direct FTP Download: Here

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Just did a test match of 3.02.b2 <--- Do not use it. Stick to 3.02.b1 please.

I guess that's why these are called betas :)

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Is there someplace I can get a list of the rules for this mission? I need something that explains what all the upgrades do and how to do certain things. For example, I saw someone paradrop a squad into a town without a chopper or plane so I assumed it must be under one of the menus but I have yet to find it.

Also, it'd be cool to get the equipment menu equivalent to the BE Warfare version. So far, I like this version better than the BE versions, mainly because it doesn't have all the AI commander stuff. When I made RTS IV for Arma 1, I found it necessary to keep that stuff out just to keep the servers from tanking. OTOH, I hate going into a Gossamer WF game where one team has been taking towns, etc. w/o any opposition and they don't want to restart even though they have a 2-hr headstart. Not much to be done about it, I know, but annoying.

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What exactly is conscription? I've tried searching for some sort of comprehensive "read-me/user manual" on a few of these research upgrades and all I can say is I'm more confused than ever.

When I was building a few units for some backup, a bunch of random non-needed AI just spawned in my command bar. It seems like the most counter productive thing in the world - but if that was "conscription" related or not I wouldn't know.

There are other upgrades and features as well that I still do not understand. Would appreciate a link to a comprehensive user manual if it exists.

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Is there someplace I can get a list of the rules for this mission? I need something that explains what all the upgrades do and how to do certain things. For example, I saw someone paradrop a squad into a town without a chopper or plane so I assumed it must be under one of the menus but I have yet to find it.

Also, it'd be cool to get the equipment menu equivalent to the BE Warfare version. So far, I like this version better than the BE versions, mainly because it doesn't have all the AI commander stuff. When I made RTS IV for Arma 1, I found it necessary to keep that stuff out just to keep the servers from tanking. OTOH, I hate going into a Gossamer WF game where one team has been taking towns, etc. w/o any opposition and they don't want to restart even though they have a 2-hr headstart. Not much to be done about it, I know, but annoying.

The rules of the mission are in the notes section. Open your map, click on Notes and then look for "RULES OF WARFARE". These are rules that were thought up by the dev team, but of course each server is entitled to run the mission how they see fit.

A list of upgrades and their descriptions will be added onto a website very soon. I'm just a little busy right now trying to fix some bugs.

Team Leaders have the paradrop infantry ability. As they rank up, they can call in larger squads.

I'm re-designing a new gear/equipment menu for 3.02 release version. I'll post screenshots in this thread when I'm close to finishing it.

I'm glad you like the lack of AI commander/squad leaders. Our server already has a hard enough time handling a bunch of town AI at the same time :) I'd hate to see squad AI/commander AI causing lower performance. Plus we believe that commanding and the squad leaders should solely be played by a Human. The AI commanders kinda make me think of an RTS where you just sit there and watch and AI do everything for you, it's boring.

Players who stack on one team (usually Bluefor) and are afraid to PvP each other are probably really terrible at the game. That's why they do it. It's annoying when they do that, but it's also fun to join late on Opfor and win hahahah!

What exactly is conscription? I've tried searching for some sort of comprehensive "read-me/user manual" on a few of these research upgrades and all I can say is I'm more confused than ever.

When I was building a few units for some backup, a bunch of random non-needed AI just spawned in my command bar. It seems like the most counter productive thing in the world - but if that was "conscription" related or not I wouldn't know.

There are other upgrades and features as well that I still do not understand. Would appreciate a link to a comprehensive user manual if it exists.

A list of upgrades and their descriptions will be added onto a website very soon. I'm just a little busy right now trying to fix some bugs. There will be a full manual available at that time. I'll make a news post about it in this thread when I'm finished it.

Mass Conscription makes unit build times lower by 25% and 50%, respective to their upgrade levels. Mass Conscription level 2 also unlocks the ability to research the Militia Strike ability for commanders (very effective way to take towns for a moderate cost of supplies).

I'm not sure where those random spawned units came from. If you find out how to replicate it, do not hesitate to tell me and I'll try to fix it :)

Until I get a website/manual up, feel free to add me to Xfire -> GossamerSolid or come on my ventrilo server (you can find the connection information here -> http://thegamewardens.net/index.php/page,vent.html)

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Quick screenshot of the WIP website:


I would have used WikiMedia to easily allow players to contribute information, but my PHP Server is the one version that WikiMedia does not work on. Attempts to update the PHP Server have been fruitless, so I decided to take the ole' HTML route.

This site will be the holy grail of all Gossamer's Warfare information.

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Any interest in a version of this mission for Fallujah? I've started work on one but want to know if anyone cares. :o

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Gossamer et. al:

To begin, I want to thank you and your project team for developing such a great MP mode for ARMA 2. My small group now exclusively runs your missions on our public server (Ground Pounders - Gossamer's Warfare - Takistan Combined Operations; By far, the Takistan map is the most immersive and enjoyable to play.

After a couple of weeks of really getting to know your mode and the wonderful Mando Missile modification, I have a couple of requests for consideration in future updates.

1) Any plans to integrate support for ACRE? (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103472)

2) Is it possible to edit and or change the town threshold for aircraft construction? It currently takes 8 towns before the Helipad may be built on the Takistan map (despite the 10 directed by the online FAQ). At this point, all aircraft may be built, provided the CO has unlocked the appropriate upgrades. In our experience, fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft become available too soon in the game, thus limiting the utility and effectiveness of many of the helos. I think the flow of the game would be improved by tweaking the requirements to unlock the various types of aircraft, so that transport and attack helos become available noticeably sooner (i.e. only 6 towns for helos, perhaps 10 for fixed wing, etc.).

Alternatively, the town threshold for aircraft construction could be lowered to 4 or 6, for example, but balanced by the caveat that the supply cost for the CO to unlock more powerful aviation upgrades would be raised. Thus, transport and support helos would be available earlier in the match, adding a wonderful dynamic to the early struggle for supplies and map control. With attack helos and fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft effectively unavailable at this point, due to much higher supply upgrade costs for the CO, the match would not de-volve into an aviation free-for-all until much later in the game.

3) Could we have a version of the Takistan map (and others) that start at a different time (i.e. not noon)? It would be great to use NVGs without having to run the server for 8 hours running continuously.

Again, your maps/mode are great. We look forward to future updates and appreciate all your hard work.



Edited by (GP)Echo

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Gossamer et. al:

To begin, I want to thank you and your project team for developing such a great MP mode for ARMA 2. My small group now exclusively runs your missions on our public server (Ground Pounders - Gossamer's Warfare - Takistan Combined Operations; By far, the Takistan map is the most immersive and enjoyable to play.

Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying it.

1) Any plans to integrate support for ACRE? (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103472)

I probably will not integrate ACRE, but of course servers are welcome to run it and edit the mission to their wants/needs.

2) Is it possible to edit and or change the town threshold for aircraft construction? It currently takes 8 towns before the Helipad may be built on the Takistan map (despite the 10 directed by the online FAQ). At this point, all aircraft may be built, provided the CO has unlocked the appropriate upgrades. In our experience, fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft become available too soon in the game, thus limiting the utility and effectiveness of many of the helos. I think the flow of the game would be improved by tweaking the requirements to unlock the various types of aircraft, so that transport and attack helos become available noticeably sooner (i.e. only 6 towns for helos, perhaps 10 for fixed wing, etc.).

Alternatively, the town threshold for aircraft construction could be lowered to 4 or 6, for example, but balanced by the caveat that the supply cost for the CO to unlock more powerful aviation upgrades would be raised. Thus, transport and support helos would be available earlier in the match, adding a wonderful dynamic to the early struggle for supplies and map control. With attack helos and fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft effectively unavailable at this point, due to much higher supply upgrade costs for the CO, the match would not de-volve into an aviation free-for-all until much later in the game.

Interesting idea, but we're pretty happy with where the town requirement for aircraft factories are right now. Updated the front-page faq with up-to-date information too.

3) Could we have a version of the Takistan map (and others) that start at a different time (i.e. not noon)? It would be great to use NVGs without having to run the server for 8 hours running continuously.

Log into admin on your server, and click parameters at the bottom of the screen. You can change the starting time in there.

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Any interest in a version of this mission for Fallujah? I've started work on one but want to know if anyone cares. :o

I'm very interested in playing this mission on fallujah :). Call me if you need any help for it.

(Had the same idea some days ago. At this point, I wasn't sure if the current price-values for towns/vehicles/... fit with this island like on chernarus, etc. if you think about the late-game.)

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Alternatively, the town threshold for aircraft construction could be lowered to 4 or 6, for example, but balanced by the caveat that the supply cost for the CO to unlock more powerful aviation upgrades would be raised. Thus, transport and support helos would be available earlier in the match, adding a wonderful dynamic to the early struggle for supplies and map control. With attack helos and fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft effectively unavailable at this point, due to much higher supply upgrade costs for the CO, the match would not de-volve into an aviation free-for-all until much later in the game.

Counterpoint: one of the major reasons we implemented a town limit is to prevent early scouting for enemy bases and activities. In capable hands even the most inexpensive, unarmed helicopter can end a game. Thus, with a town limit it's almost like a timer: after about 1 hour of play you had better have at least 2 bases set up because the opponent will be in helicopters looking for them.

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Thanks for the quick feedback guys!

Counterpoint: one of the major reasons we implemented a town limit is to prevent early scouting for enemy bases and activities. In capable hands even the most inexpensive, unarmed helicopter can end a game. Thus, with a town limit it's almost like a timer: after about 1 hour of play you had better have at least 2 bases set up because the opponent will be in helicopters looking for them.

It's a valid point, but I didn't mean to imply that I supported eliminating the town requirement all together. Rather, I'm suggesting a change that would allow helos to take a more prominent role in the mid-game. IMHO, fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft become available too soon; many of our games feel like they leap-frog over the helos.

Perhaps it would be possible to leave the town threshold the same (or a very slight reduction to, say, 6 towns for basic helos), but simply increase the supplies need for the CO to unlock the more powerful aircraft?

On a separate note, I can't wait for your new web site to go live. We've had to learn many things by simple trial and error; a full online guide would be tremendously helpful. If you ever need assistance with testing, technical writing, or just an outside perspective for constructive feedback, just let me know.

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Perhaps it would be possible to leave the town threshold the same (or a very slight reduction to, say, 6 towns for basic helos), but simply increase the supplies need for the CO to unlock the more powerful aircraft?

I don't like to shoot down ideas very much, but we really like the way it has been set up currently. It's taken a lot of play testing to get it to a point where we think it is balanced. We cannot afford, at this time, to change something already so delicate.

On a separate note, I can't wait for your new web site to go live. We've had to learn many things by simple trial and error; a full online guide would be tremendously helpful. If you ever need assistance with testing, technical writing, or just an outside perspective for constructive feedback, just let me know.

I'm looking forward to the site being up as well. I feel like it will be a nice database of information for Gossamer's Warfare players. I will probably call upon you to help write some of the documents on the website.

I will PM you when the website is closer to release.

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