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Operation Flashpoint DR Island War campaign: Know any simillar mission?

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I was wondering if anyone else has played the Island War campaign (a mod) for operation flashpoint DR and would know of a simmillar mission for ARMA 2. I think it would be great to play a mission like that on ARMA 2. I know some of the ARMA 2 multiplayer missions (like WAR WELCOME and WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS) already offer dynamic warefare, but their issue is that the AI seems to prefere using APCs and tanks rather than infantry, and in the later stages of the game, it becomes an armor-only battle (AI just uses armor), although there is a bit of infantry usage at the start.

If you don't know of anything like Island war, maybe you could tell me how to edit the ARMA 2 multiplayer missions I mentioned to fix the lack of infantry usage issue (sorry, I have no scripting skills).


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just so you know, you should never say "OFPDR" around here. EVER (especially with the recent news)

plus use search. the user mission section is fully stocked with much better missions than "island war" or what ever

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Hi and welcome to the forum

Check Armaholic for campaigns and read the campaign descriptions. I don't know if there are already user made dynamic campaigns available. Since I never bought DR, I have no idea what's the campaign like. Most of the user made campaigns are pretty good though, just check 'em out. taste is a very personal thing so I wouldn't know what you prefer.

kind regards

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Mentioning "that other game" and its missions isnt the best idea on the forums.

Use the mission editor and place down a ACM......

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thats true! ACM (ambient combat manager) module does pretty much everything that island war does.

all you need to to is go to editor, place the ACM and SECOP modules, and bang, you have hours of dynamic amusement

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Use the mission editor and place down a ACM......


If you want something of a bit more substance I highly recommend Cipher.

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Nothing wrong with the name Operation Flashpoint. It was one of the best games made. Whats bad is this so call game that ripped off the name :p

Let give thoes people over there a new name.... CM Co#% Munchers :yay:

ACM module is very inactive for me even with that line [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; Or did I set something wrong?

Edited by R71

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Thankyou all for your kind help. Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to mission editing and I have just started learning (actually, maybe more than a bit). Anyway, so what you are saying is to use a module called ACM to creat a dynamic battle (I'm reading Mr-Murrie's guide on modules right now). Say if I did want to allow the AI to buy and use armor, but want to reduce how often it does so (so that the AI uses infantry as well), how can I do it?

Oh, and for those of you who don't know, Island War is a mod made by a very skilled modder for a game "whose name must never be mentioned and is often used as a swear word :p". It basically creates a very dynamic battle over a certain island in which both sides try to capture it (kind of like ARMA 2 multiplaye missions in which there are squad leaders who respawn and follow the orders of a chosen commander, buy units and etc., althoug there is no buying units with that mod). As I mentioned before the only differense is that with Island war the AI doesn't spam armor.

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Thanks TeliX. I've checked out the mods you suggested and I must say that they are great. I especially like guerilla warfare, it is really cool. Both frontline and domination sound very good, though I don't seem to be able to install frontline (where am I supposed to put all of the extracted files in?).

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Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA2\Missions or Mpmissions folder.

some missions require

- FDF Podagorsk (for this island version)

- Celle (for this island version)

- Bundeswehr Mod (Optional)

- HEXAgon French Characters & Weapons pack (Optional)

http://odenhouse.servegame.com/(odenwebsite 3rd August 2010 last update/armaholic version : v07-11-2010)co51 Frontline Mission Pack for mp &

Singelplayer Frontline Mission Pack:)

Edited by TeilX

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http://odenhouse.servegame.com/(odenwebsite 3rd August 2010 last update/armaholic version : v07-11-2010)co51 Frontline Mission Pack for mp &

Singelplayer Frontline Mission Pack:)

Oh... I see. I was trying use that method where you create a mod folder and name it @[mod name] and it wouldn't work. Thanks alot :).

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