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Editing, Expanding and Modifying Domination

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Is it possible to put a code or something else to the vehicle rewards from sidemmissions in Domination when som1 for exp. take a tank and leave it somewhere and after like 800 seconds marker will show up on the map, marking tank position ?

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The only option left to you is to remove the scud mission from the sm roster then.

I hate what I call addon bloat too. I shake my head when I see a mission that requires dozens of addons. My version of Domi requires just 2, this one and another (gives the Taki AI an MI-8).

Hi all,

I had the same problem with scud mission on v2.28. I fixed it without using an addon, the mission (x_m7.sqf) did not have a positive outcome result coded.

In other words there was NO way to win the mission. Fixed that by adding the lines in bold type.

// by Xeno

private ["_vehicle", "_poss", "_ogroup", "_unit", "_officer", "_endtime"];

#include "x_setup.sqf"

x_sm_pos = [[771.44336,10502.903,0]]; // destroy scud

x_sm_type = "normal"; // "convoy"


if (true) exitWith {};


if (X_Client) then {

d_current_mission_text = "The enemy is preparing a Scud launch near Nur to attack a neighbour country. Find and destroy the Scud before they can fire the missile, hurry...";

d_current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. You have destroyed the Scud!";


if (isServer) then {


_vehicle = "MAZ_543_SCUD_TK_EP1" createvehicle (_poss);

_vehicle setDir 65;

_vehicle setFuel 0;


_unit = _ogroup createUnit ["TK_Soldier_EP1", _poss, [], 0, "FORM"];

_unit setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];


_unit moveInDriver _vehicle;



#ifndef __TT__

[_vehicle] execFSM "fsms\XCheckSMHardTarget.fsm";


[_vehicle] execFSM "fsms\XCheckSMHardTargetTT.fsm";


sleep 2.123;

["specops", 2, "basic", 2, _poss,100,true] spawn XCreateInf;

sleep 2.321;

["shilka", 1, "bmp", 1, "tank", 0, _poss,1,150,true] spawn XCreateArmor;

_endtime = time + 900 + random 100;

waitUntil {sleep 0.321;!alive _vehicle || time > _endtime};

if (alive _vehicle) then {

["d_smsg"] call XNetCallEvent;

_vehicle action ["ScudLaunch",_vehicle];


sleep 30;

if (alive _vehicle) then {

_vehicle action ["ScudStart",_vehicle];

d_side_mission_winner = -879;

d_side_mission_resolved = true;



Also the Launcher would ALWAYS find it's way into the water no matter how much I moved the spawn co-ords in the default location, so I moved the site to another WATERLESS valley :p.

All good now.

Edited by muzashi1963

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// can call in air drop

#ifndef __TT__

GVAR(can_call_drop_ar) = ["alpha_1","charlie_1","echo_1"];


GVAR(can_call_drop_ar) = [];


These players can call in air drops. ( the team leaders of each squad except bravo_1)

and the engineers leader. but you can always add them to the list and edit what they drop also. Example instead of dropping arty gun I have them drop a mortar tube or you can drop whatever you want and add whoever you want to have that ability.

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I'm modifying Domi 2.57z and everything has been work up until I tried to activate the only pilots can fly string.

// if the array is empty, anybody can fly,
// just add the string name of the playable units that can fly, for example:
// for example: ["pilot_1","pilot_2"];, case sensitiv
// this includes bonus aircrafts too
GVAR(only_pilots_can_fly) = ["pilot_1","pilot_2","pilot_3","pilot_4"];

Regardless of what I put in the variable place to kicks anyone out of the aircraft. Any help would be appreciated.

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instead of pilot_1, pilot_2, pilot_3... try to put pilot classname (US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1). I had that problem like u and fixed it that way.

Edited by matosinec

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Yup, Eliteness work fine...

BTW, looks like Xeno added few Domi4 features, finally no coord editing - almost everything is marker based :D

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Two small typos in 2.57 and 2.60 what makes the rebuild of support buildings impossible!


Change line 19 from:

#ifndef __TT__


#ifndef __TT__



Change line 286 from:

_facid = player addAction ["Rebuild Support Building" call [color="Red"]XRedText[/color],"x_client\x_rebuildsupport.sqf",_num];


_facid = player addAction ["Rebuild Support Building" call [color="Red"]FUNC(RedText)[/color],"x_client\x_rebuildsupport.sqf",_num];

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I downloaded ver 260c and the fix from post #888 is now in it..thanks for the info about it.

I depbo and the Mission.sqm is some new format .

I load it in the editor and nothing shows just blank map.

what am I doing wrong?


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Same here :/

EDIT: It seems the mission is binarized, I run it through unRap.exe and looks like it's fine now...

EDIT2: Also, I can't switch Domi to ACE version, though I added "#define __ACE__" in x_setup and of course run the bat... Can someone with uber coding skills check if anything have changed?

Edited by Max255[PL]

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;1967887']Same here :/

EDIT: It seems the mission is binarized' date=' I run it through unRap.exe and looks like it's fine now...

EDIT2: Also, I can't switch Domi to ACE version, though I added "#define __ACE__" in x_setup and of course run the bat... Can someone with uber coding skills check if anything have changed?[/quote']

Thank you...... unrap worked...

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U can just double click make_dom in dom maker and it will create ace version, i didnt have to add nothing it just created it.

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If you open up the mission.sqf in Eliteness after dePbo-ing it shows up fine. I just copied that text and replaced the binarized mission.sqf with it. Opens fine, works fine. I'll start converting my custom version tomorrow and get digging into this new one. Thanks for the release Xeno!

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What is the best way to show errors that are generated?

I am trying to delete a vehicle that I put into a Chernarus map. I delete it from in game, and it still thinks it is there. I go to the mission folder and find that they are labeled item 370 - item 375. If I delete them from there, Dom won't load at all. After deleting them, I try to save as a MP so it PBO's the changes.

Anyone come across this ever?

Edited by fasterthanlight

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-showScriptErrors in the shortcut works for script errors, but I'm not sure I understand what you did. What do you mean by "It still thinks it is there"? A vehicle is either there or it isn't, but sometimes it will leave the addon requirement in there even after you remove it. You can fix that by deleting the correct addon under addOns[] and addOnsAuto[] at the top of the mission.sqm.

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It turns out that I had the NZX humvees in my mod pack when the map was made. They were removed and it errored out. I tried to remove them from the dePBO'd mission and they would not delete from the mission file. I had to enter a new classname and then delete those to get the error to go away.

Thank you Strikor for the -showscripterrors

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Dunno if it's me, but it seems dom_maker doesn't create fsms folder in Dom pbo... o_0

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It's not just you, it's been like that for ages.

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i have little problem, when i open map there is one big, dark grey quadrant. Any ideas how to remove it ?


---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

oh cra* i got it done have to dig little bit more before posting.

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