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Editing, Expanding and Modifying Domination

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How I can get the coordinates of sidemissions, to adapt the mission to another island?

For example x_m0.sqf

// by Xeno

private ["_vehicle", "_poss"];

#include "x_setup.sqf"

x_sm_pos = [[8036.37,6174.79,0]]; // radar tower on Gur Dur

//////////////// These coordinates

x_sm_type = "normal"; // "convoy"


if (true) exitWith {};


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Not following. Those are the coordinates. If you want to create you own coordinates to paste into (a copy of) the side mission files, you have to create a small script that diag_log your position to the rpt file (or copy to clipboard). Make a onMapSingleClick {player setPos _pos}; command as well so you can easily teleport around the map looking for places. It takes a while.

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I did as I have said, but it does not work, I get all the side missions on the bottom.

I see that all the coordinates of the side missions, ends with the number 0. Do you have something to do this?

I copied this. Example:







player="PLAY CDG";




init="this setGroupid [""Delta""];";

description="Team Delta Engineer";

change coordinates position:

// by Xeno

private ["_vehicle", "_poss"];

#include "x_setup.sqf"

// x_sm_pos = [[8036.37,6174.79,0]]; // radar tower

x_sm_pos = [[8261.8965,296.04001,2147.1467]]; // radar tower

x_sm_type = "normal"; // "convoy"


if (true) exitWith {};


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You could use:

_s = [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, 0];

and export that in whatever way you want it. Note that I'm tired and didn't check that line, so... :p The 0 is just the altitude of the position, 0 means that it exist on the ground (0m AGL).

I'm assuming you're just editing the main directory (moa)? I'm also assuming you're forcing this side mission by forcing the index in x_missions\x_getsidemission.sqf? If so, I don't understand why it shouldn't work. Is it the units or the marker or both that doesn't appear correct?

Edit: Ahh, no wait... Try to swap the two last entries. I see you copy from the mission file. Those coordinates have y and z swapped.

Your position should be:

x_sm_pos = [[8261.8965,2147.1467,0]]; // radar tower

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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I`ve recently ported Dom 2.29 to Sahrani. I`ve replaced all playable and recruitable AI soldiers to BAF Woodland units.

Alas, the BAF DLC doesn`t come with a silenced weapon or a soldier class that implements existing ones. I`d like to be able to recruit a saboteur class. (silenced main weapon, couple of satchels.)

So I`m wondering; can I specify what weapons an AI recruit will spawn with? I`d just like to give them any one of the silenced primary weapons available.

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Naturally. Locate the script that createUnit the AI, and do whatever you like with him. I don't recall the name of the script, and I'm in the middle of cleaning up all which I don't need in my version (incl. AI support), so I can't check either.

Speaking of cleaning up, does anyone know if automatic flare dispenser is still being used? Ref scripts\flares.sqf and fsms\AirIncoming.fsm called from x_client\x_setupplayer.sqf. Or is this system completely safe to remove?

Never mind, I found that it checks against OA and is not used if OA is there. So I'm just going to remove it.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Excellent! Thanks for the info. :)

Although if anyone can give me a few pointers please do. :) I think I`ve found the script, just not sure how to achieve what I'm after.

Edited by Mjr.Hassle

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Is it possible to implement a SAS group to the BAF domination mission thats been done by Flightster?

Keep all the groups and add a SAS group of 4 wich has the option of HALO jump while the rest dosent and recruits SAS AI units?

Iam using the SJBSAS addon.

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You can add the units in the mission editor, that's the easy bit.

Giving just a selected few units access to HALO is rather more difficult. You'd have to name your SAS guys and change the HALO script so that it ends unless player = SASname

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What is the MAGNITUDE of switching the "MAIN" Base from South Base to North Base? Can it be done (within a reasonable effort) or is it too much?

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It can be done, it's not TRIVIAL though.

In the mission editor, move all the units physically, then move the bonus spawn points by entering new locations in i_common. The base CENTRE has a marker, plus a few others. Look through i_common and i_client, you will see what you NEED to change.

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You should also probably move the side missions going on at that airport :p More than before, you will also find yourself fighting into the sun.

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So, I'm trying to update to the latest version of Norrin's Revive. I've updated, r_init_west.sqf, r_init.sqf and description.ext (including the sound file calls) and I know I need to keep a close eye on revive_sqf\respawn_at_base.sqf to ensure that people can't respawn at moving MHQs, but what other files was 2.22 / 2.54 hooked into?

At the moment the only bug I have found is that when I die I get oddly titled buttons (like "mobile_respawn_2" instead of "MHQ 2") and when I click on an invalid option (e.g. MHQ when not deployed), the neatly titled ones show up. However, I've not tested extensively so there might be others.

I hope I'm not imposing too much, I am working slowly through the code but thought someone might already be familiar with the process and have experiences to share.

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hi guyz :)

hi look pages but i dont find what im looking for... maybe i miss it i dont know...

my question is about _welcome_message of land vehicle. i want put a welcome message in 2 trucks. they are "MTVR_DES_EP1" and i call them xvec11 and xvec12, they are in 40-49 = Transport trucks

, so in init.sqf i put them like this: [xvec11,40], [xvec12,41]

in x_client\x_vec_hud we can read:

_welcome_message = {

private ["_vec"];

_vec = _this select 0;

_vtype = _this select 1;

_welcome_str = format ["Welcome on board, %1", name player];

_vec_msg1 = "";

if (_vtype == "MHQ") then {

_vec_msg1 = "This is a mobile respawn vehicle. You can load or drop an ammocrate, and if deployed you can use it to respawn, teleport, create a vehicle or satellite view.";

} else {

if (_vtype == "Engineer") then {

_vec_msg1 = "This is an engineer salvage truck. You can load static weapons and unload them.";



_struct_text = composeText[parseText("<t color='#f0a7ff31' size='1'>" + _welcome_str + "</t>"), lineBreak,lineBreak,_vec_msg1];

_endtime = time + 8;

hintSilent _struct_text;

while {vehicle player != player && alive player && time < _endtime} do {

sleep 0.321;

hintSilent _struct_text;


hintSilent "";


so my question is this: i can put a welcome message only for that 2 trucks? i can use some of scripts of domi or i have to create a new one?

thank you anyway! :yay:

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@Rogue Null:

Sorry, I don't use revive, so I don't know.


I changed it so that all vehicles easily can have a welcome message in my version. It's probably more than you need, but you should be able to see how it works (basically a switch do). Goes like this:

_welcome_message = {
private ["_vec"];
_vec = _this select 0;
_vtype = _this select 1;
_welcome_str = format ["Welcome on board, %1", name player];
_vec_msg1 = "";
_vec_msg1 = switch (_vtype) do {
	case "ReAmmo" : {"This is the platoons Reammo Truck. It can rearm vehicles quite fast, and comes preequipped with some emergency weapons and ammunition."};
	case "ReFuel" : {"This is the platoons Refuel Truck. It can refuel vehicles but doesn't have any weapons or ammunition on board, and it has limited space for those items too."};
	case "Repair" : {"This is the platoons Repair Truck. Useful to bring along if no engineers are in play, but doesn't have any weapons or ammunition on board, and it has limited space for those items too."};
	case "SquadTruck" : {format ["This is one of two Transport Trucks, assigned to (but not reserved to) Alpha and Bravo squads. Has room for some ammo, and comes preequipped with some emergency weapons and ammunition. %1", time]};
	case "CharlieLandrover" : {"This is Charlie Squads (reserved) Landrover. It was the only suitable land vehicle that wasn't a truck or a overpowered vehicle. Can carry the whole squad."};
	case "DeltaATV" : {"This is Delta Sniper Teams only designated means of land travel. Use it when the AH-6X is not a suitable transport option."};
	case "EchoStryker" : {"Echo CSW/SF Teams Mortar Carrier Vehicle. It is the only way to get indirect fires into no fire zones. It can carry all three of the team, but keep in mind you're vulnerable as a vehicle."};
	case "Ambulance" : {"Platoons backup ambulance. This one is slightly armored, but unfortunately it can't take any personell other than the driver. This is NOT the MHQ!!!"};
	case "Engineer" : {"This is an engineer salvage truck. You can load static weapons and unload them, as well as deploy FARP which lets other vehicles reammo, refuel, and repair at. It comes preequipped with some special engineer weapons."};
	case "MHQ" : {"This is one of two HQ vehicles. The mobile respawn can load or drop an ammocrate, and if deployed you can use it to respawn. The terminal vehicle can be used to launch UAVs (Only by RESCUE2 though, our FAC) and connect to satellites."};
	case "Bike" : {"This is a bicycle that was stored in the Mobile Respawn Vehicle. You can only get one per respawn, and there is a delay between each time you can obtain a new one."};
	case "Motorcycle" : {"This is a motorcycle that can only be obtained from the deployed MHQ in the base. You can only get one per respawn, and there is a delay between each time you can obtain a new one."};
	case "Unspecified" : {"This is an awarded vehicle for solving various missions. If it is destroyed it will not respawn, but you have to use the wreck helicopter (UH-60 MEV) and lift the wrecked vehicle to the wreck repair point in the base to get it fixed."};
	default "This should now be shown.";
_struct_text = composeText[parseText("<t color='#f0a7ff31' size='1'>" + _welcome_str + "</t>"), lineBreak,lineBreak,_vec_msg1];
_endtime = time + 15;
hintSilent _struct_text;
while {vehicle player != player && alive player && time < _endtime} do {
	sleep 0.321;
	hintSilent _struct_text;
hintSilent "";
while {true} do {
waitUntil {sleep (0.2 + random 0.2);vehicle player != player};
_vec = vehicle player;
if (_vec isKindOf "LandVehicle" && !(_vec isKindOf "StaticWeapon")) then {
	if (d_show_vehicle_welcome == 0) then {
		_vtype = _vec getVariable "d_vec_type";
		if (isNil "_vtype") then {
			switch (true) do {
				case (typeOf _vec == "MtvrReammo_DES_EP1") : {_vtype = "ReAmmo"};
				case (typeOf _vec == "MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1") : {_vtype = "ReFuel"};
				case (typeOf _vec == "MtvrRepair_DES_EP1") : {_vtype = "Repair"};
				case (typeOf _vec == "MTVR_DES_EP1") : {_vtype = "SquadTruck"};
				case (typeOf _vec == "LandRover_CZ_EP1") : {_vtype = "CharlieLandrover"}; //Charlies Landrover
				case (typeOf _vec == "ATV_US_EP1") : {_vtype = "DeltaATV"}; //Delta ATV
				case (typeOf _vec == "M1129_MC_EP1") : {_vtype = "EchoStryker"}; //Echos Stryker MC
				case (typeOf _vec == "M1133_MEV_EP1") : {_vtype = "Ambulance"}; //Stryker Ambulance
				case (typeOf _vec == "Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1") : {_vtype = "Bike"}; //Bike
				case (typeOf _vec == "MMT_USMC") : {_vtype = "Bike"}; //Bike
				case (typeOf _vec == "M1030_US_DES_EP1") : {_vtype = "Motorcycle"}; //Motorcycle
				default {_vtype = "Unspecified"};
		[_vec, _vtype] spawn _welcome_message;

Could be optimized and made look better, but seems to work ok for me.

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ok thk you very much now i modify what i need!

thank you!

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

only one question...

why pop up with welcome message dont go away?

Edited by uait

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Don't know. Works for me. I'm suspecting though that hintSilent ""; is not kicking in due engine spots an error and halts the script. Turn on -showScriptErrors if you haven't already (there are cases errors arn't reported though).

Do you include the rest of the script, that stuff below


? Without it you'd get unmatching curly bracers. Check that all your brackets are getting closed and in the right fashion. It was an example, not very suitable for copy & paste :)

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i send you a pm... i dont know exactly...

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Not following. Those are the coordinates. If you want to create you own coordinates to paste into (a copy of) the side mission files, you have to create a small script that diag_log your position to the rpt file (or copy to clipboard). Make a onMapSingleClick {player setPos _pos}; command as well so you can easily teleport around the map looking for places. It takes a while.

Please share :p

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 AM ----------

I figured it out. I made a trigger with condition being TRUE and


handle = [] spawn {while {true} do {player sideChat format ["pos: %1, dir: %2", position player, direction player];sleep 1.012}}

That was taken from Domination readme. :D

init.sqf I just put

onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos";

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I have some questions for the Domination gods.

1. How do I enter debug mode?

2. I am attempting to make a domi map on a new island. I can only get 15 AOs on my island. So far I have this

if (__OAVer) then {
	[[5535.37,2855.52,0],"Shuhada",300], // 1
	[[5288.07,3282.44,0],"Sinai",300], // 2
	[[3966.50,4106.39,0],"Resafa",300], // 3
	[[4858.35,4450.68,0],"Nazal Old City",300], // 4
	[[5950.51,4648.73,0],"Industrial Park",300], // 5
	[[6798.14,5995.01,0],"Askari",300], // 6
	[[4576.68,5503.22,0],"Muhandisin",300], // 7
	[[3310.23,5681.23,0],"Jolan",300], // 8
	[[4509.15,6305.39,0],"Mualimeen",300], // 9
	[[5395.60,6386.85,0],"Shurta",300], // 10
	[[6152.15,6432.17,0],"Jeghaifi",300], // 11
	[[3603.82,5358.63,0],"Park",300], // 12
	[[3103.93,4333.39,0],"Old Bridge",300], // 13
	[[2837.49,4832.00,0],"New Bridge",300], // 14
	[[3779.26,387.87,0],"Fallujah Barrage",300] // 15

I am not sure what else I need to change? Im sure something here maybe?

#ifdef __DEFAULT__
	values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,21};
	default = 8;
	texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12","Random 14","Random 16","Random 18","Random 21"};

to this?

#ifdef __DEFAULT__
	values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12,15};
	default = 8;
	texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12","Random 15"};

3. Can someone explain this part to me. I was wondering about the 500,200,-210

// position base, a,b, for the enemy at base trigger and marker
GVAR(base_array) =
#ifdef __DEFAULT__
if (isNil QUOTE(GVAR(with_carrier))) then {
if (__OAVer) then {
	[[8006.81,1864.2,0], 500, 200, -210.238]

Thats all for now until I get to the side missions :D

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Not sure what you want me to share. Look up diag_log and format, combine it into the onMapSingleClick command, and you should easily be able to get positions logged into your .rpt.

Long time since I did island conversions, but yes, there are a few things more. I think best place to look is in the "Domination to new islands" thread (something like that). One thing, your new locations might not be "said" by the kbTell system, so you might want to use the override and make it say "position" (or "location"). Search for the locations on Takistan that have two names, and you should be able to find out how to solve it.

The base_array is just the data the base trigger need: [[posx,posy],sizex,sizey,angle].

Side missions are the most time consuming, because there are so much data to enter.

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Thanks Carl!

So far all of my AOs and sidemissions are working I think. I am not sure how I can test them without running the mission and completing AOs. I do know if I select "complete ordered" under parameters only 2 AOs show up. Where would I look to troubleshoot that?

Edited by mia389

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hello all,

I worry a little question I seek to modify the Ai recruitment on the base.

I see the script addsoldiers but after long time I was looking crashes (I'm beginner).

A little help would be welcome please.

how to change the unit please?

thank you

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