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Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

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Whats your ingame controls configuration?

I like to fire with my index finger, so as a lefty I always fire with mouse 2. But ArmaII/OA dont let me change the mouse buttons properly.

And my movement keys are the numlock arrows.

How do you, LEFTIES, play? :j:

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Huh? You should be able to change EVERY key to WHATEVER you want!


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Huh? You should be able to change EVERY key to WHATEVER you want!



But the game wont let me assing my mouse1 button to zoom/lock targets, or my mouse2 button to fire automatic weapons.

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Neither... Besides, righty stuff has never bothered me, I play golf like a righty! XD

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Mouse in the right hand, WASD, normal layout like everyone else. Even though I'm left-handed, I've held the mouse in the right hand since I was 4. Everyone else used it that way so it came natural to me. I guess if I found it awkward I would have switched. Since I didn't I guess I found it comfortable to use in my right :) Trying to use a mouse in my left hand now would be like walking upside down.

However, I absolutely cannot fly a joystick in the right hand. Or draw/write (use a tablet, in extension) with my right hand. Had to return a Saitek joystick because I thought I could use it in my right hand, was impossible. (Now that's a sucky part, finding a good lefthand joystick. Only the T.16000M from Thrustmaster out now)

Needless to say I do all the other stuff like a normal lefty does, eat, write, punch, kick a ball, etc. with my lefts ;)

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I play with default controls, I don't find it annoying or bothersome being left handed.


But I'd like to fire my weapon in A2/OA with my index finger just like in real life, and not with my middle one.

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I'm left handed and fire with the left mouse button :)

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I'm left handed and I use a right handed mouse , default config.

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Left handed besides writing, I do most things with my right hand - even sports.

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i wonder how left handed people use the keyboard to play fps games, you people are like from another world :p

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We use the keyboard with our right hands I use arrow keys for movement with insert-pageDown (6 keys) as additional keys and numpad as further if I need it, Enter is always jump for me then a couple above and below Enter as further keys if needed :)

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I'm Left handed for some things right for other but use my left hand for the mouse but with right hand mouse 'setting'(left mouse click as primary). WASD with right hand which actually is more coordinated for that role than my left, just tried left cant do it properly :P.

Pinky goes to some auxilary functions, F or T. Index for SHIFT TAB Ctrl, Z and X, ring for C and takes over W sometimes if needed. Thumb for alt, etc etc. Its Simples :)

Edited by SAbre4809

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How do you, LEFTIES, play? :j:

First thing i learned in PC usage (on a 386) was handling the mouse with my right hand :D

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I'm left handed and I use a right handed mouse ' date=' default config.[/quote']

This ...

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Hm, seems to follow the trend I observed among the lefties I know myself - all use their right hand to control the mouse :)

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Uh. I write with my left hand, and do a lot of other things with my left hand. But for other things I use my right (inc mouse). :D

I'm speshul.

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We use the keyboard with our right hands I use arrow keys for movement with insert-pageDown (6 keys) as additional keys and numpad as further if I need it, Enter is always jump for me then a couple above and below Enter as further keys if needed :)

Same here. I hate it though . . . I'm actually right handed in everything else (except I can shoot with both hehe). My dad is left handed, so I was used to using the computer mouse on the left hand side. Plus, when I was younger, using the arrow keys made more sense than WASD, so I just went with it.

I absolutely hate it now because I'm constantly having to change ALL of the controls . . . and with games like Arma 2 it becomes quite a chore.

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im a lefty and usde mouse in right hand, and operate like a RH player., i also have an x-45 joystick / throttle that leaves a lot to be desired by left handers. ie its a right handed HOTAS setup, i have learned to suck it up.

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I absolutely hate it now because I'm constantly having to change ALL of the controls . . . and with games like Arma 2 it becomes quite a chore.


It's a real pain!

I think Ill start practicing with my right hand, lets see if it works. :eek:

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I'm left handed too!

I use default KB & mouse layout though - no changes apart from a few reassigns because my KB doesnt have a numpad... strangely, I also have no problem with joystick in right hand either... and - like someone else mentioned, I play golf right handed... but I can't even hold a pen with my right hand, or kick or throw a ball right-sided...

... I hold a rifle left-handed too! ;)

Hey Placebo! I notice you're one of us Happy Few... (what is the statistical average anyway? 1 in 10 or something??) - maybe it would be interesting if you could change this thread to a poll - simple question - left or right handed? - it might be interesting to see if Arma players follow the statistics or if, as I suspect, theres more lefties around than you'd expect.....

... just an idea...


Edited by Bushlurker

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maybe it would be interesting if you could change this thread to a poll - simple question - left or right handed?

& both!

You see, I can switch my knife and fork around, feel comfortable picking up a glass with either hand, Write with my left, Paint with my right and left, Operate a drill with either etc.. Although, I really can't throw with my left. If I'm drawing with the mouse, it's always better when using my left hand and moving it smoothly, weirdly, but feels more comfortable in my right, where I can point and click on things 10x faster than in my left.


Edited by Dead3yez

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Well I am right handed but I use my mouse in my left hand but set up as per RH mouse settings,

I don’t and never have used the stupid WASD fad key settings, I use the arrow keys and the 6 keys above + scroll lock, this way I can use my mouse + joystick at the same time and have my keyboard in front of me

arrow keys are obvious in there use.

right shift is walk/run (inc x2 toggle).

right ctrl is climb over.

enter is use.

Kpad ins (0) is optics/sights

Delete/page down is left/right lean (inc x2 toggle).

Home/end are kneel/prone (toggle).

Insert is reload.

Page up is toggle weapon up/down.

scroll lock is change ammo type or weapon mode.

I do miss the right mouse button “target†then left mouse button “command fire†of OFP rather than having to also press left ctrl in addition to the latter.

don’t feel much need to move most other things

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All of you so-called Lefties using Right Handed keyboard controls are Heritics!!! Here's what I've been using for directional control since I started aiming in FPS games with my mouse (WHICH I PROUDLY USE WITH MY LEFT HAND BTW) - O for forward, L for backwards, K for strafe left, ; for strafe right. I and P for leaning, ' for jumping.

Feel free to use these if you wish to call yourself "Left-Handed", otherwise y'all just being lefties pretending to be right-handed people. You wannabes make me sick! :D

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