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Found 4 results

  1. ETHICS is a full solution script for ARMA 3 that provides wide creation and management over statics kill zones like minefields, UXO zones, and trap zones. Built for single-player and multiplayer, ETHICS include kill zone doctrines such as land anti-personnel, land anti-materiel, naval anti-materiel, unexploded ordnance, and booby-trap. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script/blob/main/_ETH_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from ETHICS script:   Drag and drop a marker on Eden to create a full and unique kill zone such as minefields; Also easy to build naval minefields, Unexploded ordnance zones (UXO), and Trap zones; Ethics control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting explosive devices through civilian areas; Topography control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting over rock clusters and mountains; UXO doesn't respect Ethics or topography rules, and can be dropped under the water; Boobs-trap doesn't respect topography rules and they are always hidden, never in the open; Anti-personnel (AP) landmines avoid roads and streets; Anti-materiel (AM) landmines can be planted (ON/OFF) only on roads and streets; Classic minefields can also be hybrid, bringing AP and AM mines features; Customize each doctrine's explosive with devices from RHS, CUP, or any mod; Set (or not) for each kill zone has a faction owner; Set (or not) for each kill zone a percentage of presence, controlling the kill zone spawn probability; Easy explosive devices amount management through the global intensity presets: lowest, low, mid, high, or extreme; Easy way to hide all markers on the map (ON/OFF), even to kill zone owners; Debugging: friendly error handling; Debugging: a hint monitor, and systemChat feedbacks for the mission editor; Debugging: full documentation available. Video demo: Soon. Script config: Dependencies: None 😉 Download: On GitHub: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script On Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926204522 Missions using it: Escape from Kherson: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Sharia in Raqqa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849325560 Adsumus: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1838939661 Tank hunting: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2468255648 - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 16th 2024 | v1.9: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: UXO cosmetic smokes are not working properly on Dedicated Server (WIP); Dynamic Simulation looks not work properly with mines; Mines is not editable by the Zeus module yet;
  2. After you've configured your mission correctly, you're ready to follow this tutorial. If not, you might face basic issues. That said, let's do it: Desired: Create random minefields, a solution to prevent players from memorizing the minefield positions when playing several times the same mission; Minefield Structure: In real life: Mine ................... explosive device itself. Minefield ........... a cluster of mines. Translation to World Editor: Area .................... the entire region where one or more minefields will be placed. An Area has one or more minefields. It doesn't matter where the Area will be placed; Layer .................. it is the minefield itself. A Layer has one or more mines; It doesn't matter where the Layer will be placed; Slot .................... it is the mine itself. A Slot has just one mine; It's the exact position where that specific mine must spawn; Building up random minefields: Visit your Resource Browser in ArmaReforger > Prefabs > ScenarioFramework > Components and: AREA-SETUP: Drag and drop an Area (Area.et) somewhere on the map; LAYER-SETUP: Drag and drop a Layer (Layer.et) inside the Area previously created and listed in your Hierarchy tree; Drag and drop how many Slots (Slot.et) you want to convert for landmines for that specific minefield (Layer); Again, in Hierarchy area, don't forget to drag and drop the new slots into the recently created Layer; Select all Slots of the current Layer and: In the Object Properties area, select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotBase; In the Asset area, click on the "..." button, and search for one of these options, for example: US landmine = E_Mine_M15AT.et; USSR landmine = E_Mine_TM62M.et; Crucial: don't use the options without "E_" as a prefix because those options will not work properly in-game. All "E_" options are in ArmaReforger > PrefabsEditable > Mines; [OPTIONAL] In the Debug area, check the option Show Debug Shapes During Runtime to find easily where non-spawned mines would be during your mission creation; Now, repeat the "Layer-Setup" to create more minefields for the same area; Back to "Area-Setup", select your Area in the Hierarchy tree, go to Object Properties, and click on SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea; In the Children's area: In the Spawn Children field, select Random_Multiple; In the Random Percent, set 50 to say to the engine that only 50 percent of all minefields belonging to this specific area should be spawned when some player is around; Now, repeat the "Area-Setup" for each area you want to set more minefields. The result: (Image below) The result must be similar to this: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Performance Care: With no documentation, I'm not sure what is the limit of landmine planting until the server's FPS starts to be affected. In my own tests, 400 mines didn't even scratch the match performance. Current landmine planting limitations: If you try to set a mine into the ground, leaving just a small portion of it on the surface, unfortunately the mine will disappear when the mission is running; Only AT mines are available; Question? Something more? Share your thoughts! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My Arma 3 Script for automatic minefield creation: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/241257-release-ethics-minefields/
  3. SURROUNDED, COMBATANTS, AREAS-OF-OPERATION, and REINFORCEMENTS by Richard Von Quest VERSION: v0.6.7 beta UPDATED: 23 DEC 2020 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: Enemy Spawner, Ambient Real-Time Combat, and Map Occupation System! WORKS WITH ANY and ALL ADDONs & FACTIONS. This is the Stand-Alone Module system of my DARK Project from SpookWarCom. Fully customizable, with numerous User Option Settings for intensely dynamic game-play for any and ALL ArmA Maps. Even NEW Maps!! Create anything from quiet stealthy "Behind-Enemy-Lines" Black-Op Missions, or Defending a NATO Base. Maybe some Terrorists and War Lord controlled 3rd-World territory, or perhaps an epic full-blown chaotic War-Zone where you are fighting for the freedom of an occupied sovereign country that lasts for months. The choice is yours... The heart of the System is the Areas-of-Operation. You can select 'Known' Intel, or probable 'Unknown' Intel. Select the EXACT number of AOs or select RANDOM for each group. Mix-n-Match the Modules and Options as you wish for a gazillion of variations. Very Easy to use. Very very noob friendly! Just enter Config Paths, and/or Classnames for a fully customized scenario. Control your Maps with precision! Spawn 1 Terrorist, 100 Civilians, or thousands of Enemy Squads. I give all the power to the player. "Behind Enemy Lines" // FEATURES: Ease of Use! Noob & FPS Friendly! Spawn ANY Unit from ANY ADDON!!! ALL Maps, Mods, Factions Supported Supports all styles of Gameplay Supports User Custom .sqf Files Create 1 AO or an entire WarZone Spawns BLUFOR, OPFOR, INDEP, CIVs Hyper-Flexible with complete freedom! De-spawns Units over 3km away Enemy can Radio nearby Helis for CAS "Bad Guys", MERCs, etc (non-military) Reinforcements: ParaTroops, Arty, etc Great ALiVE alternitive for ease-of-use Flies Buzzing on Dead Bodies Random "Items" for looting/immersion Areas-of-Operation for Hot/Cold spots Intel for AOs with Static/Probable % Custom Marker Details for EACH AO Too much to list here - check it out! // NOTES: Module #1 -- SURROUNDED This Module Spawns Units all around the Player, at all times, at all locations in a user-set (continuing or limited) loop. You will be surrounded by these Units anywhere. They spawn around you at all times. Use for BLUFOR and/or OPFOR. Control any and all details. Set to have the units patrol at random or use the Player has the focus/center point. Module #2 -- COMBATANTS & CIVs This Module Spawns Units both normal Civilians and Units that are "Armed Civillian" Units. These are the Non-Military Units (Terrorists, Freedom Fighters, Civilians, War Lords, Rebels, Resistance Fighters, Gangs, Black-Ops, Locals, MERCs, etc). They Spawn all around the Player, at all times, at all locations. They spawn as single units, or as loose groups that have a higher probability to seek out Buildings and interior locations. Often disorganized, unarmored, little discipline, etc. Module #3 -- AREAS-OF-OPERATION This Module sets "AOs" randomly around Map. These Units ONLY Spawn when you are near these Areas. This will create Hot & Cold areas scattered around the entire Map for a more organic and realistic experience. Set as STATIC Intel (100%) or DYNAMIC (Unknown 0%-100%) Intel. Player has complete control for all settings. Set from the Config Level, and/or Classnames. Set Marker type, color, etc. NOTES / INFO: Module #4 -- REINFORCEMENTS This Module adds Enemy Reinforcements to the Map. When the enemy feels threatened, or overun, they can call for help. You can set the probability of how likely they will make that radio call. Reinforcements can be in the form of QRF Heli Teams, Paratroops, Artillery, and Mortars. Make sure you always set this to the ENEMY. // REQUIRED: 1. n/a // DONATE: ENEMY SPAWN SYSTEM Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // USAGE: Place ANY Module. Set your settings as needed. More info is right INSIDE the Modules - just hover over the option for the popup tool-tip. // CREDIT & THANKS: *TPW (w/ Larrow) for the Ambient Aircraft Script
  4. FICTIONAL UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE, SYSTEMS, and E.O.D EQUIPMENT by Richard Von Quest VERSION: beta v0.5.7 UPDATED: 13 June 2019 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: Work-In-Progress. This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Explosives & EOD Addon from my SpookWarCom Project. As most EOD stuff is just a BIP (Blow In Place); I wanted to do something a little closer to the fictional side, and have a system where you have to know what you are doing and solve a step-by-step procedure to disarm the explosive. I will be including my IMS "BombBuddy" Ion-Mobility-Spectrometer to detect both in-game mines & explosives, and all the IEDs included in this amazing mod. I do not like the "I see a mine!" in the game. So what? If you see it, where? When you have all the nonsensical "helpers" turned off, he still shouts out he spots something. This is silly. So I'm building my own detector that will 'sniff' the molecules in the air to detect various chemicals and the additives in explosive materials. It will only display a readout of various indicators and a vague 'strength' signal (parts-per-million). I also have in production several, ok numerous, oh wait... no, over 100+ IEDs coming to put into your missions that all will have unique ways of disarming! I have 10 prototyes each with 10+ levels of disarming procedures with numerous types having a complex muti-step process to disarm. Total of 100-200 Bombs! Memorizing how to disarm will be virtually impossible do to with the sheer vast number of randomly generated IEDs. If you do not go through the training process and do not understand what you are doing, kaboom! No more just clicking the X to disarm. You will need the right tools, and click exactly on the part required. Several types will even have anti-handling devices. Motion sensors, light sensors, etc. complete with random timers and other surprises that I won't reveal here. Explosives will be C4, Mines, Chemical, Radioactive, etc. "Initial Success or Total Failure" // FEATURES: I.M.S BombBuddy detects ALL EXPLOSIVES Numerous Tools and Equipment Both Fictional and Realistic Explosives Disarm "Movie-Style" Bombs Disarm In-Game Bombs & Explosives Minefields: APERS Landmines Minefields: Mk6 Watermines Minefields: PDM-1 Amphibious Suicide Bomber Terrorists and Extremists Random Spawns and Variables ...And many more coming SOON!!! // NOTES: More Info coming soon. This was just an upgrade into a Stand-alone Project. Many more cool options are right around the corner! *kaboom* // KEYBINDING: Shift + E // REQUIRED: 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 // DONATE: Explosives & EOD Project Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: -Attach Explosives -- Stealthstick/Zooloo