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A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - 1.2 Stable (TS3 pre) - Release Thread

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Current Version:

Latest Release Date: 05.13.2011

Current TS3 Support: 3.0.0-rc1


This is the next stable version of the A.C.R.E. addon. This new version has already been in use by the community at large for months, and has been deemed the most stable version to date. Some new features have been added; but frankly this entire release was a stability and performance release.

Our continuing goal is to exceed any and all expectations in regards to game communications; allowing for the most realistic and immersive communications engine within ANY current simulation or video game on the market today.

The ACRE team would like to thank the entire ArmA2 community for its support, and is proud to announce the latest stable version of the addon for everyones enjoyment.

- IDI Systems / ACRE Team -


United Operations is the OFFICIAL ACRE COMMUNITY! Come play with us at http://unitedoperations.net!


Read the next post!


Package: http://acre.unitedoperations.net/

32-Bit Installer: http://acre.unitedoperations.net/

64-Bit Installer: http://acre.unitedoperations.net/


* CBA - Community Base Addons (not included)

. http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cca

* JayArmA2Lib (Included)

. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/jayarma2lib/wiki


Wiki - http://tracker.idi-systems.com/projects/acre/wiki

FAQ - hhttp://tracker.idi-systems.com/projects/acre/wiki/Troubleshooting_FAQ_Bug_Reporting

Tracker - http://tracker.idi-systems.com/projects/acre/issues


-- 1.2.10 --
* Added: Lower/Raise headset now avialable via self interact
* Added: Owner of a shared pack radio can now stop a person from using their radio via self interact (or running away)
* Added: Remote radio usage now works with AI again via interact menu
* Added: Current radios are now listed in the self interact menu under "Radio List". Radio dialog's are accessible via this menu
* Added: Beginnings of a "dead" interaction menu. This menu does not work right now.
* Added: a joinChannel API function
* Added: The beginning of server side tvt auto-channel switching
* Added: The beginning of enforced channel muting for out of game players
* Changed: New distortion engine re-written from scratch. It should not be so ear bleeding now.
* Changed: Carriers will, yet again, have direct issues. Sorry guys.
* Changed: Distortion engine got a re-vamp, sounds digital now.
* Fixed: Devide by zero error when inside vehicle with other players
* Fixed: Sometimes you just couldnt talk to people or hear them in flight
* Fixed: Script error spam while in vehicles
* Fixed: TS3 crashes
* Fixed: You would go global when going directly into game as a spectator
* Fixed: isSpectator is now respected correctly
* Fixed: Spatialization Delay for MPPT pushes is now gone
* Fixed: isRadio now checks properly against crappy equipment and returns correctly.
* Fixed: Sometimes radios would stop working until you dropped/picked them back up
* Fixed: Starting a mission with a radio on ACE back would make the radio not register correctly.

Whats new in 1.2?

* Complete re-write of the entire TS3 engine utilizing the new TS3 sound engine. We have worked closely with the TS3 team on this new engine, and it is not only faster and more stable, but specially tailored to the needs of ACRE.

* ACRE is now 99.9% crash free

* A new radio, the handheld AN/PRC-152

* New distortion engine

* New API features

* Read the changelog for full details :)


* 100% ArmA2, OA and OA Combined Arms Compatible

* Four ACRE-Specific Radios

. AN/PRC-117F man pack radio

. AN/PRC-119 man pack radio

. AN/PRC-148 handheld radio

. AN/PRC-152 handheld radio

. AN/PRC-343 personal role radio

* 100% ACE2 Compatible

. Integration with all ACE2 man pack radios, using default AN/PRC-119 statistics.

* PRC-343 now replaces the default ArmA2 'ItemRadio'

* Realistic GUI interfaces for radios, they are the real thing

* Directional speaking for non-radio, normal communications

. Real-time 3d positional information

* Realistic terrain affects for radios

. Signal lose & distortion from buildings, hills, trees, and other objects

. Realistic power output and antenna length considerations for all radios that effect signal

. Realistic frequency wavelength falloff; higher frequencies do not travel as far

. Real-time positional calculation for fast-moving objects

* Separate Push-To-Talk key (non-toggle) for using your radio

. If a person speaks on their radio and you aren't on that frequency, you can hear them 'directly'

* Multiple hotkeys and quick-displays for fast information about your radios

* Players can carry multiple radios on different frequencies

. Hot-swap radio hotkey

. Current radios selection menu

. Pop-up display on broadcast to know current radio in use

* Radios are now considered unique objects within the ArmA2 world

. Radios are droppable and maintain ALL settings for anyone who picks them up

. Program a radio and trade it with a player!

. Pick up your dead enemies radio and discover his platoon's frequency

* Man pack Radios have the ability to use 'PA' mode in a vehicle, broadcast at 40,000mW!

* Custom Squawk sounds for all radio transmissions (credits to Krause)

* Realistic distortion effects

. Normal broadcasting distortion

. Signal lose distortion and noise

* 100% BattlEye compatible

* Performance and desync considerations

. All time critical radio information is communicated via TeamSpeak3, server desync doesn't break ACRE

. Crash/Desync fallback functionality. Sound "anomalies" are no longer possible with lag/desync.

. Optimized distance, terrain, positional and signal calculations

. Use of JayArmA2Lib for Named pipes communication; 0-latency inter-process communication between TS3-ArmA2

. Server side garbage collection of radios to prevent object clutter/long mission lag

. Many fixes for ts3/arma2 crashes, server/mission disconnects

* Global 15 second reset for any of these scenarios

* Dead player and respawn handling for both radio and direct chat




* All the official ACRE testers

* UnitedOperations.Net Community for dealing with me pushing broken updates all the time

* Havoc Company (www.havoc-company.com) for all the 1-on-1 and beta time :)

* rexehuk for killing so many animals on our behalf

* Shack Tactical (www.shacktac.com) for multiple thorough testing sessions

* SSG Clan (www.ssg-clan.se) for so much thorough testing and dealing with crashes

* BI Forums community for the support

Edited by jaynus

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-- 1.2.7 stable --

* changed: Updated api version for next ts3 beta (pre12)

* fixed: Base radios would error on respawn. Respawn now with gear scripts should not be broken. Fixes the 'beta bug'

* fixed: Compound attenuation between vehicles would make you not able to scream between hmmvs

* fixed: Atv's inherited cars attenuation. They now do not attenuate

-- 1.2.6 stable --

* added: Game disruption features implemented. Read http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11318#note-10 for usage

* added: Jayarma2lib and dsound.dll verbose error reporting (and annoying beeps when your install of them is bad)

* added: Acre now fades in and out in sync with ace wounds; people also cant hear you when you fade out.

* change: Ace combatdeaf now makes ts3 volume fade just like in game volume

* fixed: Ace on-back now works and doesn't cause ctds. It works 100% now

* fixed: Certain scenarios where when you died values didnt get reset correctly

* fixed: Radio's disappearing or not working with certain respawn scripts

* fixed: Performance internal fixes related to death and respawn

* fixed: Xeh postinit timely fashion error

* fixed: Whoever made the bmd/bmp models did not properly name their turned out animations. This is now compensated for by acre.

* fixed: Issue where randomly radio's would stop working until you dropped it and picked it up.

* fixed: Crash/hang issue for windows xp users

* fixed: Ace uncon/deaf would allow you to hear everyone

-- 1.2.5 rc3 --

* changed: Direct volume tweaked slightly for close distances

* fixed: Memory leak concerning ts3 plugin messages

* fixed: Issue where you would stop transmitting on radio with vad if you took a breath

* fixed: Ace earplugs in/out a bunch of times decreased ts3 volume permenently (how the fuck would ssg(hi pelle) even find this bug!??!!?)

* fixed: Apparently ace combat deaf did not make you deaf with acre and no one bothered to tell me. This is not true anymore.

* fixed: Ace wounds overhaul system now supported. Acre now fades with unconciousness fading

-- 1.2.5 rc2 --

* changed: Direct volume attenuation finalized

* fixed: Squawk volumes finalized

* fixed: Error code now reports for duplicate pipe error. Please provide error code in popup

-- 1.2.5 rc1 --

* added: Api function to change what the default replacement for itemradio is

* added: Isspeaking api now works on the local player, you can check if he is speaking and/or on radio

* added: Acre_api_fnc_setradiovolume and acre_api_fnc_getradiovolume for manipulating radio volumes

* changed: Increased timeout times to compensate for low fps disconnects

* changed: Squawks are now spatialized and volume attenuated correctly for your receiving radio

* changed: Picking up a new radio will no longer set it as active if you already have a radio

* fixed: Squawks would sometimes not hit for squawk on or off of a remote transmission

* fixed: You could not hear other players talk on radio or direct while you were talking (when on same freq)

* fixed: Robot voices / static when you are dead and waiting to respawn and players are far away from you

* fixed: Api spectator flag wasnt being respected.

* fixed: Picking up a radio would not set your active radio correctly

--- 1.2.4 ---

* fixed: Issue where radio transmissions would not be recieved

* fixed: Mppt spatialization now does not lag

--- 1.2.3 ---

* added: Multi-ptt system re-enabled and fixed

- still uses the userconfig pttalternative configurations. Defaulted to shift+ctrl+1/2/3

- known issue: When receiving a mppt transmission, spatialization currently lags ~20ms

* added: Ptt key modifers are now respected in ts3 (you can now use shift/ctrt/alt combinations in userconfig)

* changed: Direct volume re-worked to a scaled down inverse-square

* fixed: Spatializing radio is now 100% to your left or right ear.

* fixed: Misc. Hang fixes

* fixed: Prc-343 ch8 & ch9 were the same frequency

* fixed: Load/unload acre & mission-end bug's hopefully fixed

* fixed: The "beta-man bug" is officially destroyed. Beta can now play with us. Rejoice!

* fixed: Mitigated "cut out" mid-sentance bug

* fixed: Issue where sometimes you couldn't use/hear radio transmissions after respawns

* fixed: Hang at the end of a mission or on disconnect fixed

* fixed: Lower/raise headset now appears in *all* vehicles

* fixed: Fixed a memory leak causing ts3 to peak at ~150mb memory usage

-- 1.2.2 --

* fixed: Fuckup release fix

* fixed: Ts3 now resets correctly at end of a map

* fixed: Random muting is now gone again. Woops. Sorry guys. I suck :(

* fixed: Hanging at mission reset fixed

* fixed: Load/unload plugin wasnt working

-- 1.2.1 --

* changed: 3d attenuation was too quiet. Its now been turned up

* changed: Radio volume was too quiet. Its now been turned up

* fixed: Squawks on's should now only happen for channels your actually listening to

* fixed: Dead channel caused global voices and robot voices

* fixed: (asthetic) sometimes you would be muting yourself in teamspeak.

* fixed: Sometimes at the end of game random muting would occur. This should be fixed

* fixed: You could not hear a person on direct talking on a different radio frequency.

* fixed: Version mismatch popup should now not happen

* fixed: Ts3 would hang if you had internet connectivity issues

-- 1.2 --

* added: New hand-held radio, the an/prc-152 (by steffen frandsen, thanks!)

* added: Debug version of acre with a debug dialog. May/may not be released public

* changed and wtf: Full and complete plugin overhaul in expectancy of new ts3

- new ts3 is probably going to suck ass, so we expanded support with b36

- approximately a 70% code re-write for stability and design

- new distortion engine (complete overhaul)

- new, flexible internals allows for faster and stable feature dev in future

- this code is epic. Should be much, much, much more stable

* changed: Left/right ear radios should now be louder

* removed: Multi-ptt has been disabled again until it can be re-worked

* fixed: Due to plugin re-write, death muting and jip muting should be much more stable

* fixed: No more 15-second reset timer

* fixed: If your radio volume is 0, you just hear a person on direct

* fixed: You can now raise/lower your headset in a vehicle

* fixed: Wheeled apc's had incorrect attenuation class

* fixed: Clientside cba post-init warning

* fixed: Dropping radios would not actually make the radio go away 100%

* fixed: Switching the 117f to 'off' would cause wierd results

* finally! Actually fixed the ts3 permission issue. No longer have to run as admin. Swear to god.

* fixed: Inconsistenty in prc-117f volume display

* added: Integrated prc-343 volume knob images, thanks gmt2001!

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One mighty changelog to rule them all, one might fix to bind them.

I've had fun playing with your knobs for many many months. On your radios that is.


I did not kill any animals, I breeded them to help ACRE live on. Jaynus decided to slaughter them in anger at the bugs we were testing... so many sheep, cows and goats DIED to make ACRE more stable for the future.

***ACRE guides to follow on Saturday***

Edited by rexehuk

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Installation guides are coming - although most of the ACRE community has already been using these versions.

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Did this version fix the ACRE bug in which altitude-based distance (Z coordinate) did not affect directional/proximity speech?

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I hope you fixed the distortion engine, coz it sucks! not trolling :p

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Hey there, I'm trying to assess the pros and cons of making the update now:

-Do you have any premonition as to when the next ts3 stable will be released? This release would suggest otherwise

-on the same note, if the next ts3 stable was to be released soon would a new version of acre require the ts update?

-what's the plan on updates from here on in, going for larger stable releases and smaller dev updates alà ace, or choosing one path and sticking with it?


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  DaveP said:
Hey there, I'm trying to assess the pros and cons of making the update now:

-Do you have any premonition as to when the next ts3 stable will be released? This release would suggest otherwise

-on the same note, if the next ts3 stable was to be released soon would a new version of acre require the ts update?

-what's the plan on updates from here on in, going for larger stable releases and smaller dev updates alà ace, or choosing one path and sticking with it?


I suggest you move from 1.1.1, assuming that is what you're on... the new build is MUCH more stable that 1.1.1. Not had a crash for a few weeks myself, and ACRE worked flawlessly in our last join op.

It's not too much hassle moving over to the new platform, took me a few minutes.

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Still i'm getting error "JayArma2Lib: Incompatible version of Arma2 or unable to check versions"

Arma2: OA 1.59.78955; CBA; ACE; Win7 x64 ultimate.

What am I doing wrong?

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  rexehuk said:
I suggest you move from 1.1.1, assuming that is what you're on... the new build is MUCH more stable that 1.1.1. Not had a crash for a few weeks myself, and ACRE worked flawlessly in our last join op.

It's not too much hassle moving over to the new platform, took me a few minutes.

Have to agree - We've been using v1.2.6 and for the most part it's been good to us (alot less issues than prior versions).

Most of the issues we've encountered since the release is down to the end user doing something wrong or forgetting to do something during the install/update.

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Myself, a fairly adept pc user, is no problem

~30 people with various states of game, ts3, acre installs and varying technical proficiency, more of an issue

My question was not so much intended as 'is it worth the switch', rather 'when is it worth the switch': how long would you guesstimate it will be before more frequent/forthcoming patches and updates to ts3, acre will subside (to the effect of compatibility foxes, hotfoxes), given that I'd be looking from a standpoint of 'as few updates as possible'

As easy as me, you and some others may find it, other people have a trickier time of working out the setup of what is quite a complex system. I'm just trying to work out when is the smoothest time to catch the wave

(although thanks for the comments anyway.. I'm already sold!)

Edited by DaveP

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hi guys,

I downloaded the last version and placed the files and folders from the @ACRE folder into @NF_Core (a mod pack my clan uses) but now I get a error "Include file x\acre\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found" if my arma is about to show the main menu, I press ok (only option available) and then I return to my desktop.

any thought of what I might have done wrong?

dsound.dll is there, plug in is on, jayarma2lib is on in target line (so does the @NF_Core).

Edited by rikjuuh

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ok, I'm taking the risk, too to get some :rolleyes: now or some "oh no not again these questions" ;) but I still dont get it:

1) this recent version of acre is supposed to run with ts3 beta 36, isnt it ?

2) why do I get API-version-error in ts3 beta 36 after having copied the correct .dll (in my case the 32-bit-version) into ts3's plugin-folder ?

thx for clarification without yelling :cool:

Edited by langgis08

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  langgis08 said:
ok, I'm taking the risk, too to get some :rolleyes: now or some "oh no not again these questions" ;) but I still dont get it:

1) this recent version of acre is supposed to run with ts3 beta 36, isnt it ?

2) why do I get API-version-error in ts3 beta 36 after having copied the correct .dll (in my case the 32-bit-version) into ts3's plugin-folder ?

thx for clarification without yelling :cool:

No, this version is NOT meant to run with beta 36. It is meant to run with 3.0.0-rcX versions, which is the new TS3, that includes a brand new audio engine.

---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

  rikjuuh said:
hi guys,

I downloaded the last version and placed the files and folders from the @ACRE folder into @NF_Core (a mod pack my clan uses) but now I get a error "Include file x\acre\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found" if my arma is about to show the main menu, I press ok (only option available) and then I return to my desktop.

any thought of what I might have done wrong?

dsound.dll is there, plug in is on, jayarma2lib is on in target line (so does the @NF_Core).

Completely remove @ACRE and all its components and then reinstall. We moved our internal file pathing and removed some PBOs in the process, so any left overs are looking for old files that don't exist in the same spot anymore. :)

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  DaveP said:

Dave, I come from a large group too and handled the migration, things were pretty smooth.

Simple instructions I gave were as follows:

Step 1:

Download the following for either 32bit or 64bit - This will update your desktop install for the new TS3 with the new DLLs etc

32 Bit - http://acre.unitedoperations.net/

64 Bit - http://acre.unitedoperations.net/

Step 2:

Install the @ACRE folder from the following .ZIP file. Make sure you delete your old @ACRE folder, DO NOT merge the folders.


Step 3:

TEST your ACRE ingame before the Sunday Op!!!

The install DOES install @ACRE for some people to their Arma 2 directory, but I find it installs to 32bit Program Files on my machine, thus I just gave the step 2 to stop making the instructions long and complicated.

We only had about 10% problem rate with our group (2-3 clients).

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  DaveP said:
Myself, a fairly adept pc user, is no problem

~30 people with various states of game, ts3, acre installs and varying technical proficiency, more of an issue

My question was not so much intended as 'is it worth the switch', rather 'when is it worth the switch': how long would you guesstimate it will be before more frequent/forthcoming patches and updates to ts3, acre will subside (to the effect of compatibility foxes, hotfoxes), given that I'd be looking from a standpoint of 'as few updates as possible'

As easy as me, you and some others may find it, other people have a trickier time of working out the setup of what is quite a complex system. I'm just trying to work out when is the smoothest time to catch the wave

(although thanks for the comments anyway.. I'm already sold!)

Teamspeak said they would be out with the new TS3 at the end of the 1st quarter, It is now half way through the first month of the second quarter and no release, so it could be any time or it could be delayed.

As far as ACRE updates go, a lot of the changes we are doing right now are rather major, and are actually more likely to see the light of day further down the road. We are not in a release cycle right now because we feel that the stability of the system is very good. The only upcoming release I can see is if there is a major issue with the current one, or when we fix retrans (which has broken itself somehow in the last few updates).

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When is the new TS going to even be available for use?

Edited by Cytreen

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  NouberNou said:
Teamspeak said they would be out with the new TS3 at the end of the 1st quarter, It is now half way through the first month of the second quarter and no release, so it could be any time or it could be delayed.

As far as ACRE updates go, a lot of the changes we are doing right now are rather major, and are actually more likely to see the light of day further down the road. We are not in a release cycle right now because we feel that the stability of the system is very good. The only upcoming release I can see is if there is a major issue with the current one, or when we fix retrans (which has broken itself somehow in the last few updates).

Cool, thanks for the info Nou! Looking forward to using it

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I got the error solved but now I get the ACRE is not connected to TS error ingame.

EDIT: reinstalled TS and ACRE, I just don't hear the beep anymore

Edited by rikjuuh

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Im having some problems here, i've done the installation both automatic and manually and before doing so, i removed anything that had anything with acre to do but still get the error message in-game "not connected to TS" the plugins are there, i've tried running and installing everything as administraitor, the 1.1 version was working fine but had to run TS as administraitor.

Im also running W7 64-bit ultimate if knowing that will help in some way.

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  medziku said:
Still i'm getting error "JayArma2Lib: Incompatible version of Arma2 or unable to check versions"

Arma2: OA 1.59.78955; CBA; ACE; Win7 x64 ultimate.

What am I doing wrong?

i got the same problem im useing Arma2 RFT

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If i press the button to use the radio just in the moment i got killed, then the teamspeak crashes. Mission was a Domination with revive.

I have Windows7 64-bit.

This is the error message:

Failed to convert string & to float

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